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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Diny View Post
    Ahh thank you!! Didn't know that...

    And I don't know why my sig is not showing I think I'm too tired, should go to bed...

    EDIT: lol....know it is...
    It's a beautiful sig. My heart bleeds that it's not Sam and Jack. Well, basically. Yet. Nvm.

    I need some sleep. It's way past my bed time.



      Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
      It's a beautiful sig. My heart bleeds that it's not Sam and Jack. Well, basically. Yet. Nvm.

      I need some sleep. It's way past my bed time.
      Thanks. And well, I can imagine that this is just the way Sam and Jack are together..



        Great pic, but I'm sad it's not a Sam and Jack pic, as Luvnjack said shipping actors is just wrong. But you all make a good point - it's a bit like the Out of Mind promo shot, they knew what they wanted the shot to say...
        sigpicMy Fanfic


          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
          Me feeling shippy shippy shippy SQUEE! Don't worry I can function all started when I joined this thread. Hmm.

          Here's something else I found on my pc, an episode review of Solitudes. I do have to watch it again 'cause I wrote this...well a long time ago but it still keeps me smiling.


          1) Awakening: When Jack awakens. She hurries over to him, very worried and she touches him regularly on his leg and arm. Nice interacting conversations.

          2) Splint: Every time he screams out of pain, you can see she’s feeling the pain with him. She is really listening to him when he is telling his story. When he mentions his ex-wife Sara, she stops and looks at him.

          It's always been a reaction that I couldn't place. I mean if I would be in the same situation with a colleague of mine and he would mention his girlfriend...I don't know I think I wouldn't snap my neck looking at him. Is that wishful thinking on her part - what would I feel if I was his wife? I don't know. By Solitudes she already knows about Sara and Charlie, she even met Sara. I don't know. Any ideas?

          Throughout this scene she has tears in her eyes, she knows she hurting him, but it has to be done. She is also very tender with him. When he’s nagging about his frozen butt, she pulls him up with her hands, he than puts his arm around her. He jokes, she laughs, it’s just like old times.

          3) DHD: Jack finds out he has a cracked rib, she’s worried again. Nice exchanges and some funny lines.

          4) Soup: He’s cooking for her . Well okay it’s melted ice but he says that his melted ice is to die for. When she’s babbling, he isn’t listening, when she notices he’s not listening, she’s not mad, but gives him a more understandable ‘human’ theory.

          5) Dialing: She really is worried when he throws up blood, she feels guilty because she couldn’t get them out. She doesn’t want to stop working on the DHD and Jack’s says that the DHD will still be there tomorrow. Sam immediately responds with a question if he’ll (Jack) be still there tomorrow. You can see it’s tearing her apart. But our Sam is a strong woman, with tears in her eyes, she keeps fighting for them.

          6) Sidearm: She’s laying with her head and upper body on his chest, while the rest of her body and her legs are pinned to the length of his. He says he finds it nice. She tells him that they are sleeping like this to get more warmth, he replies with an ‘Oh, is it that we’re doing?’ But then says it’s hard to sleep when someone’s laying on your broken ribs. She apologies and gets off him, snuggling her head and body against him. Than after a small silence with little cuddling.
          S: Oh, Colonel.
          J: It’s my sidearm, I swear. (Sam laughs at his quip and because they're so close together, his ribs jar.) No giggling, please.

          7) Plan B: He calls her, she jumps down, afraid that something’s wrong with him. She tilts his head very tenderly and gives him water. She says that she should have got him out of there, and he answers with, ‘you will’, he trusts her with his life. She doesn’t want to leave him…yet. And there she goes touching him again.

          8) Escaping:
          J: Plan B go!
          S: No Sir.
          J: Please, Sam...
          ‘Sam’…he isn’t talking or asking an officer, nor a teammate but his friend…a very good one. She doesn’t want to go. You can see it hurts her to leave him behind.

          9) Sara: She snuggles against him. Moving or rubbing her arm over his upper body.
          J: Sara
          S: I’m here, Jack.
          J: Cold, so cold.
          S: I know… It was an honor serving with you to Colonel
          After this scene she puts her head very close to his ear and neck, trying to almost crawl into him!

          10) The Rescue: The first thing she says when awakening is a question concerning the health of her Colonel.
          Good observations.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Jumble, could you be a dear and pop over to the Art Thread and tell me what you think??


              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              She didn't look a lot shorter then Sam. Maybe it's just me.

              And I was talking about... *aham* a different kind of ride. Unless Jack asks Sam to wear the helmet...
              OK I'm gonna stop now
              I knew that.
              That's what I used for, but wouldn't it be great to have a Jack sarc tag!

              In fact, I use for sarcastic comments in general, but in other forums where smilies are not used, I put a </sarc> at the end of the statement if people don't know about my sweet and fluffy personality.



                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                Great pic, but I'm sad it's not a Sam and Jack pic, as Luvnjack said shipping actors is just wrong. But you all make a good point - it's a bit like the Out of Mind promo shot, they knew what they wanted the shot to say...
                Oh yeah, shipping the actors themselves is major-league squicky. Especially if one or both of them is married. These folks have little enough privacy in their lives once they become celebs without fans shippin' them. At least in promotional shots like this one they're in character even if they're 'out of uniform'.

                Well, I came home from work and popped in Lost City. Couldn't help myself. I guess I was just feeling cruvus and fronnic. There's just no cure for cruvus and fronnic than watching the gang sittin' around Jack's living room, drinking beer and talking about the Simpsons and how deep Teal'c is.

                I love that when Sam tells him that Hammond authorized her to take command he tells her to do it now, and says that he trusts her. What a long LONG way they've come since CotG when he had a problem with her, not because she's a woman but because she's a scientist.


                  Originally posted by VSS View Post
                  I knew that.
                  That's what I used for, but wouldn't it be great to have a Jack sarc tag!

                  In fact, I use for sarcastic comments in general, but in other forums where smilies are not used, I put a </sarc> at the end of the statement if people don't know about my sweet and fluffy personality.

                  Yeah, but wouldn't a :sarc Jack: smilie just be wicked fun?


                    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                    Great pic, but I'm sad it's not a Sam and Jack pic, as Luvnjack said shipping actors is just wrong. But you all make a good point - it's a bit like the Out of Mind promo shot, they knew what they wanted the shot to say...
                    .......and they knew what we wanted it to say
                    Originally posted by VSS View Post
                    I knew that.
                    That's what I used for, but wouldn't it be great to have a Jack sarc tag!

                    In fact, I use for sarcastic comments in general, but in other forums where smilies are not used, I put a </sarc> at the end of the statement if people don't know about my sweet and fluffy personality.

                    I'm thinking I would wear that Jack smillie out in no time

                    Aw, how could they not know how sweet and flufy you are? I mean, I figured that out just from lurking


                      Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
                      Just to show how much Stargate has an influence in our lives;

                      Today I got to meet a friend of a colleague of mine whom was an American AND he was in the military. No Air Force but still. So he walks up to me and his nametag reads 'Oneil'. So I started laughing and the guy was like: Ma'am?

                      I shook my head and told the poor man: It's nothing. I know an O'Neill but it's written with 2 LL's and he's got a great sence of humour.

                      And get this, the guy rolled his eyes and laughed and said: "So you watch Stargate too huh?! Boy I get that A LOT!"

                      Thats GOLD! I had something like that happen to me the other day. I work at a spermarket, and they had the "Employee of the Month" list up for June, and for the Manly store, it was Jack O'Neill. Spelt the same way. I couldnt help but giggle and SQUEEEEEEEE.

                      Thankyou to Jann who made my signature


                        Originally posted by k8tyds View Post
                        Thats GOLD! I had something like that happen to me the other day. I work at a spermarket, and they had the "Employee of the Month" list up for June, and for the Manly store, it was Jack O'Neill. Spelt the same way. I couldnt help but giggle and SQUEEEEEEEE.
                        That's really cool

                        I am off to bed, night family .)


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          .......and they knew what we wanted it to say
                          I'm thinking I would wear that Jack smillie out in no time

                          Aw, how could they not know how sweet and flufy you are? I mean, I figured that out just from lurking
                          Gosh, and you were brave enough to delurk?


                            Originally posted by k8tyds View Post
                            Thats GOLD! I had something like that happen to me the other day. I work at a spermarket, and they had the "Employee of the Month" list up for June, and for the Manly store, it was Jack O'Neill. Spelt the same way. I couldnt help but giggle and SQUEEEEEEEE.
                            Gee, I often wondered how RDA spent his time these days. But you would have thought he could have thought of a less obvious alias


                              Originally posted by VSS View Post
                              Gosh, and you were brave enough to delurk?


                                So, a couple of topics I thought I would comment on (and apologies because for those who've been on the thread awhile you've probably heard this before). I may do two posts as these could get long...

                                100 Days:
                                I come down somewhere in between on the Laira discussion...For me, Laira is Jack's 'Pete' (wow does that sound odd!). There's no doubt she loved him and cared for him; that she was good for him and to him in a time when he was isolated and alone, grieving for his loss (just as Pete was good for Sam in many ways allowing her to experience being loved by someone fully and openly, and there's no doubt Pete loved Sam). But Laira, like Pete, is also someone who is just too desperate to keep the other person with them and pushing them towards something they're not quite ready to do.

                                In fact just like Pete I think Laira starts out OK but then turns into a rather desperate, clingy woman with the whole 'give me a baby-throws out Jack's clothes-doesn't inform Jack straight away about what she heard' set of character beats. And it's that latter set of beats that leaves me with no real like for the character.

                                In many ways I don't think Jack did give up. He'd accepted he was stuck; that it could be a long time before he went home - if he went home at all, but he warns her that a part of him was never going to let go of his past. Indeed, I don't think Jack and Laira were physically together until *that* scene until then it looks like they had been growing closer - dating or perhaps courting. But once Jack commits, he's loyal to Laira and wants to honour his commitment. So when she pushes and wants to throw his old clothes out, he agrees.

                                I also think Laira understands enough of the radio chatter to realise it means she potentially will lose Jack and I do believe this plays into her delay in telling him beyond thinking it would reopen old wounds. She might have no idea of the criticality in doing so (Teal'c running out of air) but then if she knew she could lose Jack then conversely she knew it could have meant that the rest of the stranded Edorans on Earth could come home so delaying telling Jack seems incredibly selfish.

                                However, you have to feel sorry for her really. Jack's reaction when she tells him of the radio chatter gives away the truth of his feelings - as someone else pointed out, he just gets up and runs. And she understands what it means immediately; he might love her in some way but he doesn't love her and it does break her heart. At least, she has enough pride and self-worth to let him go though and doesn't take him up on his offer to follow him to Earth.

                                In terms of Jack's reaction to Sam...he is rude to her but for me he's caught up enjoying Sam technobabble at him again and then looks up, sees Laira watching him and gets hit by a ton of guilt. I think he walks away not even thinking at all about the fact that Sam is still talking to him; he's very emotionally conflicted and he feels incredibly guilty for hurting Laira - hence the offer for her to come with him and the lie that he isn't pleased to be going home (his actions speak otherwise). He's just not focused on Sam (or on Laira really) but on himself, on making himself feel better about leaving. And obviously he's also completely oblivious to what Sam has done to get him home.

                                Of course, I agree that seeing Jack with Laira, and overhearing him, actually makes Sam realise that she doesn't just like Jack or has a crush on him that she doesn't just miss him because he's a friend/team-mate but actually she's head over heels in love with him. It's an important moment.
                                Last edited by Rachel500; 01 August 2008, 03:45 PM.
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

