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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    I'm sorry, but I keep staring at that pic. Love the hands. Calls for a repost.

    I agree. But I like Amanda's dark hair to pieces, too.

    Oh, poor Kitten. Take care. *hugs*

    I do too. I think I even like it better than the blond. IDk... I think it makes her look younger somehow...

    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    Yeah, but wouldn't a :sarc Jack: smilie just be wicked fun?

    Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
    You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


      I think all of us have our own 'when they fell in love' moments - for some it's the briefing room scene in COTG, for others Sam falls in Solitudes, Jack sometime between 100 Days and Upgrades. I think one of the great things abut the ship is that because so much of it is left to interpretation everyone can determine their own love story to a degree.

      My version (spoilers for length only)


      For me, the attraction starts in COTG with that briefing scene; there's lots of sparkage but Sam clearly wants to impress Jack on a professional level and he's clearly assessing her on a professional level. Further, Jack's grieving for the loss of his son and his marriage so his early relationship with Sam is professional but edged with that attraction and their deepening bond with other as team-mates. I think Solitudes provides them with a unique shared experience that bonds them further just the two of them; they relied on each other for company, for support and were going to die together. And for me it's probably in the aftermatch of that experience when both suddenly get a glimmer that they could fall for each other.

      I always think their reactions to Daniel's news they were engaged in the AU interesting; Jack says 'but it's against the regs' as though he has thought about it before, and she's clearly irked that in saying that it's though he's stating he doesn't find her attractive. Both reactions to me give away that they've both considered it, turned over the possibility in their heads at least.

      But for me Jack works out he loves her - or rather cares more than he should about her in ITLOD. From the very opening, Jack is focused on Sam - he goes to rescue her on the planet, through the gate room scene his entire focus is on her and ensuring noone shoots or harms her, and he can barely bring himself to interrogate her. Obviously, there's the angst of him walking out on her when she begs him to stay (and yes, my vote will always go to it being Sam and not Jolinar). But the revelation is when he thinks she's dead; the Ashrak tells him that the assassin must have got away and Sam is dead but Jack runs to check anyway; he is frantic; he wipes away a tear as they fight to save her; he sends Teal'c to deal with the Ashrak and stays with Sam.

      But. At this point once Sam is saved, there is no way that Jack would ever openly reveal that he loves her. One, she's just gone through a major trauma and he won't add to it by confessing feelings that would simply mean her or his removal from SG1, and two, while I think Jack suspects Sam is attracted to him - may even have a crush/case of hero worship, I don't think Jack believes Sam would ever love him back so there's no point. So I think he buries it under a layer of professionalism, continues their banter and flirting and tries not to think about it but it can't help creeping out such as in Out of Mind/Into the Fire.

      Meanwhile, I think Sam is trying to deal with Jolinar, gets a little confused with Martouf and finally by the time of Out of Mind, is truly falling in love with Jack without even realising it. She effectively risks the mission and disobeys her orders to rescue him.

      With the events of POV though, both get a very real wake up call with the other Sam. Sam gets jealous of herself; Jack begins to realise that maybe she could love him back. I think they're both prompted to think about it but both react by becoming more professional with each other. Still, they gravitate back to each other (they're very close in Urgo) so by the time, 100 Days comes along, I think Jack knows he loves Sam, thinks maybe she could fall in love with him but doesn't think she has while Sam doesn't know she loves Jack and considers her inappropriate feelings to be wishful thinking and a crush.

      Like I said, in 100 Days I think Jack truly felt he was stuck and he allowed himself the comfort of a good woman; to love someone and be loved in a difficult and isolating situation. But the instance someone gives him an option to go home, he takes it. Sam at the end suddenly realises she loves him - and here's the rub; when Jack gets back, he must realise when he hears how hard she worked to get him home what that might mean - that she does return his feelings. But then the rogue NID undercover op happens and the whole team takes a while to recover from that until of course Nemesis where Jack takes a small step and asks her fishing, so trying to pretend that it has no meaning when it clearly means everything.

      I've always thought something had to have happened between Nemesis and Small Victories because they come back so relaxed and comfortable with each other as though they know they have feelings which are shared but which they can't do anything about.

      Then Upgrades and I think its that moment at the forceshield when they both realise the depth of the others feelings; that they do truly love each other beyond doubt or need for words. But they bury it again until they're forced to speak about it in the za'tarc testing; and they bury it again until it seeps out in BTS and they bury it again until the events of Entity.

      As I've posted I believe Jack after Entity retreats back to friendly professionalism and tries to deny his feelings. And I think Sam tries to follow his lead. They both tacitly agree to move on. So, I honestly believe that Jack probably had a couple of failed attempts at dating through S5 in the same way Sam seemed willing to accept the attentions of other men. But they failed because they were always still in love with each other and with their attempts failing, I think both quietly just slip back to loving each other secretly from afar and trying to be there for the other in the only way they could be - as friends and team-mates (my S5 Aftershocks is clearly going to be heavy on the S/J angst).

      Until Sam gets concussed, misinterprets what she's trying to tell herself (that really she should just kiss Jack) and decides to try moving on again. Enter Pete. Enter Jack trying to be honourable and let her go - and in time, he accepts other female company in his life believing he has lost Sam (I always believe Kerry instigated their relationship). Thankfully, Sam comes to her senses as does Jack and we have our happily ever after...the two of them fishing together finally.

      EDIT: off to bed!
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
        I think all of us have our own 'when they fell in love' moments - for some it's the briefing room scene in COTG, for others Sam falls in Solitudes, Jack sometime between 100 Days and Upgrades. I think one of the great things abut the ship is that because so much of it is left to interpretation everyone can determine their own love story to a degree.

        My version (spoilers for length only)


        For me, the attraction starts in COTG with that briefing scene; there's lots of sparkage but Sam clearly wants to impress Jack on a professional level and he's clearly assessing her on a professional level. Further, Jack's grieving for the loss of his son and his marriage so his early relationship with Sam is professional but edged with that attraction and their deepening bond with other as team-mates. I think Solitudes provides them with a unique shared experience that bonds them further just the two of them; they relied on each other for company, for support and were going to die together. And for me it's probably in the aftermatch of that experience when both suddenly get a glimmer that they could fall for each other.

        I always think their reactions to Daniel's news they were engaged in the AU interesting; Jack says 'but it's against the regs' as though he has thought about it before, and she's clearly irked that in saying that it's though he's stating he doesn't find her attractive. Both reactions to me give away that they've both considered it, turned over the possibility in their heads at least.

        But for me Jack works out he loves her - or rather cares more than he should about her in ITLOD. From the very opening, Jack is focused on Sam - he goes to rescue her on the planet, through the gate room scene his entire focus is on her and ensuring noone shoots or harms her, and he can barely bring himself to interrogate her. Obviously, there's the angst of him walking out on her when she begs him to stay (and yes, my vote will always go to it being Sam and not Jolinar). But the revelation is when he thinks she's dead; the Ashrak tells him that the assassin must have got away and Sam is dead but Jack runs to check anyway; he is frantic; he wipes away a tear as they fight to save her; he sends Teal'c to deal with the Ashrak and stays with Sam.

        But. At this point once Sam is saved, there is no way that Jack would ever openly reveal that he loves her. One, she's just gone through a major trauma and he won't add to it by confessing feelings that would simply mean her or his removal from SG1, and two, while I think Jack suspects Sam is attracted to him - may even have a crush/case of hero worship, I don't think Jack believes Sam would ever love him back so there's no point. So I think he buries it under a layer of professionalism, continues their banter and flirting and tries not to think about it but it can't help creeping out such as in Out of Mind/Into the Fire.

        Meanwhile, I think Sam is trying to deal with Jolinar, gets a little confused with Martouf and finally by the time of Out of Mind, is truly falling in love with Jack without even realising it. She effectively risks the mission and disobeys her orders to rescue him.

        With the events of POV though, both get a very real wake up call with the other Sam. Sam gets jealous of herself; Jack begins to realise that maybe she could love him back. I think they're both prompted to think about it but both react by becoming more professional with each other. Still, they gravitate back to each other (they're very close in Urgo) so by the time, 100 Days comes along, I think Jack knows he loves Sam, thinks maybe she could fall in love with him but doesn't think she has while Sam doesn't know she loves Jack and considers her inappropriate feelings to be wishful thinking and a crush.

        Like I said, in 100 Days I think Jack truly felt he was stuck and he allowed himself the comfort of a good woman; to love someone and be loved in a difficult and isolating situation. But the instance someone gives him an option to go home, he takes it. Sam at the end suddenly realises she loves him - and here's the rub; when Jack gets back, he must realise when he hears how hard she worked to get him home what that might mean - that she does return his feelings. But then the rogue NID undercover op happens and the whole team takes a while to recover from that until of course Nemesis where Jack takes a small step and asks her fishing, so trying to pretend that it has no meaning when it clearly means everything.

        I've always thought something had to have happened between Nemesis and Small Victories because they come back so relaxed and comfortable with each other as though they know they have feelings which are shared but which they can't do anything about.

        Then Upgrades and I think its that moment at the forceshield when they both realise the depth of the others feelings; that they do truly love each other beyond doubt or need for words. But they bury it again until they're forced to speak about it in the za'tarc testing; and they bury it again until it seeps out in BTS and they bury it again until the events of Entity.

        As I've posted I believe Jack after Entity retreats back to friendly professionalism and tries to deny his feelings. And I think Sam tries to follow his lead. They both tacitly agree to move on. So, I honestly believe that Jack probably had a couple of failed attempts at dating through S5 in the same way Sam seemed willing to accept the attentions of other men. But they failed because they were always still in love with each other and with their attempts failing, I think both quietly just slip back to loving each other secretly from afar and trying to be there for the other in the only way they could be - as friends and team-mates (my S5 Aftershocks is clearly going to be heavy on the S/J angst).

        Until Sam gets concussed, misinterprets what she's trying to tell herself (that really she should just kiss Jack) and decides to try moving on again. Enter Pete. Enter Jack trying to be honourable and let her go - and in time, he accepts other female company in his life believing he has lost Sam (I always believe Kerry instigated their relationship). Thankfully, Sam comes to her senses as does Jack and we have our happily ever after...the two of them fishing together finally.

        EDIT: off to bed!
        So, this may be a bit off topic, but then again maybe not. When does anyone think Daniel and Teal'c became aware of Sam and Jack's deeper feelings for each other?


          Hiya everyone i was just watching "There but for the grace of god" recently and i noticed something....a sam and jack kissy in that ep. It's kind of hidden but you can see it if you really look. Tehe ^^



          MCSHEP FOREVER!!!!!!!!
          Sheppard <3's Rodney! YAY! LOLS!
          Happily floating in Mckay Heaven <3


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            I don't know if everybody has seen this... so I'm posting it on here.


            And it's apparently from Entertainment Weekly's 2008 Comic Con Portraits.
            At first glance, this picture looked like a manip and I thought, wow, that's great!

            That makes it even more squeeworthy knowing it's real
            Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


              Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
              At first glance, this picture looked like a manip and I thought, wow, that's great!

              That makes it even more squeeworthy knowing it's real
              Oh, it's real Cherese. I don't start doing mental summersaults over manipulations. Besides...nothing manipulated could possibly look as good as those two look. What's to manipulate? You don't mess with perfection. If it ain't broke don't fix it.

              That pic has left me confused though. I'm not sure who I'm looking at any more or who I want to get together more? Sam and Jack? Sam and Rick? Amanda and Rick? Helen and Rick? Helen and Jack? Amanda and Jack? Sam and Hel---lo.


              I'm looking at Amanda and Rick. It's Sam and Jack I want together. Clarity of vision. And at 2:25 on Saturday morning that's pretty damned impressive for me.

              THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
              K-9, CLASS and much more...


                *has near seizure from being unable to participate in today's discussion and comment on released picture*

                *curses RL timing*

                What VSS said.

                What Jenn said.

                What Teyradio said (except for the part where Sam and/or Jack had other relationships than Pete and Kerry. Uh-uh. See what Jenn said)

                OMG...that's NOT a manip.

                *brain translates picture as "Sam and Jack"*

                *big huge shippy grin*

                Hehehe...maybe August is Ship Month too.

                Back to my house guest!


                  Spoilers for Continuum
                  Well I just watched Continuuum and was
                  very disappointed. Was Jack even in the Movie? Talk about a very small part. I also did not like Sam's reaction to Jack dying.Should have been much stronger. Sam showed more worry about Daniel's leg. Their was still too much Sam/Mitchell scenes and Mitchell still played too big a part in the movie. Especially for someone who was on the show for two years and the two years were not a big success.
                  Last edited by ses110; 01 August 2008, 06:28 PM.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    and *that's* the scene that broke my heart!!!

                    at least when other shows do the bring-in-another-to-torture-the-couple stories, they eventually let the real couple get *together* scenes too.

                    the wall scene didn't offend me, it just showed me how i wanted to see sam and jack... and them dancing, and having breakfast/coffee together, and waking up in bed together... AAAH, this is bringing back all the pain!!

                    *thinks of recent shippy stuff*


                    Originally posted by VSS View Post
                    The only way I can live with that end scene is to think that he didn't yet know how she was killing herself to get his butt home.
                    hey VSS....try the "Making Amends" series.....a fanfic series that touches on this idea.....though I warn you....gets kinda guttery....involves Jello in the last fic in the series....


                    Originally posted by elbarta View Post
                    I alomost forgot...

                    CONGRATS ON 3600 JENN!!!!
                    CONGRATS ON 1000 KITTEN!!!!

                    CONGRATS ON 1200 KIM!!!!
                    CONGRATS FROM ME TOO!!!!!!!!


                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post

                      hey VSS....try the "Making Amends" series.....a fanfic series that touches on this idea.....though I warn you....gets kinda guttery....involves Jello in the last fic in the series....


                      CONGRATS FROM ME TOO!!!!!!!!
                      Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure I can handle gutter. Not. Thanks, MG!

                      Hey, look!

                      Third Movie Filming in January?

                      It's about halfway through that Chris mentions it. I had hoped for sooner- but all I can say is

                      Last edited by VSS; 02 August 2008, 08:23 PM.


                        Originally posted by vss View Post
                        oh, i don't know. i'm not sure i can handle gutter. not. thanks, mg!

                        Hey, look what i found!

                        third movie filming in january?

                        it's about halfway through that chris mentions it. I had hoped for sooner- but all i can say is


                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                        K-9, CLASS and much more...


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          I don't know if everybody has seen this... so I'm posting it on here.


                          And it's apparently from Entertainment Weekly's 2008 Comic Con Portraits.

                          *dies* lol
                          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                            Originally posted by VSS View Post
                            Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure I can handle gutter. Not. Thanks, MG!

                            Hey, look what I found!

                            Third Movie Filming in January?

                            It's about halfway through that Chris mentions it. I had hoped for sooner- but all I can say is

                            you're welcome.....

                            edit: bedtime for me


                            Last edited by mad_gater; 01 August 2008, 07:53 PM.


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Say Rick and Amanda get to play together in a non stargate related movie...
                              What kind of movie would you like it to be?

                              the movie 'the abyss'.

                              a romantic comedy, like the older 60's doris day/rock hudson or doris day/james garner movies. soooo cute and romantic and would fit amanda and rick to a tee.


                              ot for internet explorer users:
                              can anyone open up gateworld's homepage? for it, it says internet explorer can't open the internet site, then operation aborted.



                                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                                Oh, I don't know. I'm not sure I can handle gutter. Not. Thanks, MG!

                                Hey, look what I found!

                                Third Movie Filming in January?

                                It's about halfway through that Chris mentions it. I had hoped for sooner- but all I can say is

                                OMG!!!!!!! I just finish watching the interview. [Insert scream](aaaawwwwww). It's definitely a good sign to hear even CJ talking about it. if it really does start shoot in January than by this time next year we could be watching the 3rd movie. i guess this year ship month doesn't end in July. We might have to add august.

