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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    Thanks Sally.TPTB and the Actors though Sam and Jack were the problem when it's been Sam/other that has been the problem all along.Sam/other has caused more problems than Sam/Jack ever could.It does not matter if Sam shows no interest or it's just a Dream.TPTB are still using the Sam character as a Sex object for the Male guest Star of the Week and the Sam character should never be used in that way.There's enough trashy characters on TV without dragging Sam down to that level.TPTB should known there characters and Show better than that.
    'claps' Well said!!
    I'm not going to add to this whole debate but I just had to applaude that!

    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


      sam and jack
      sittin on a pier f-i-s-h-i-n-g
      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


        Originally posted by ses110
        Thanks Sally.TPTB and the Actors though Sam and Jack were the problem when it's been Sam/other that has been the problem all along.Sam/other has caused more problems than Sam/Jack ever could.It does not matter if Sam shows no interest or it's just a Dream.TPTB are still using the Sam character as a Sex object for the Male guest Star of the Week and the Sam character should never be used in that way.There's enough trashy characters on TV without dragging Sam down to that level.TPTB should known there characters and Show better than that.
        Yep and they are rewriting what happen in previous eps to sex up the show. I hated it when they hinted that
        Sam and Orlin had sex. Thats not what happend, but it makes me wonder if there was something else to the relationship.
        Its bad enough not having any J/S ship, but when they throw past relationships in our face, thats just mean.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Good Morning! I just love their eye contact and smiles!!!

          Cap thanks to Mala50


            Originally posted by nell
            Good Morning! I just love their eye contact and smiles!!!

            Cap thanks to Mala50
            I love that pic! In one of the DVD commentaries Peter D. makes a statement that it was a shame that AT was married because she and RDA are so good together and I think it was Brad who agreed with him. Does anyone remember the DVD set it was on and for what episode?
            Last edited by trupi; 20 September 2005, 06:05 AM.


              Hi everybody!

              Nell - Give LOL4JACK a big hug from me and tell her that we're all thinking about her.

              Cathain - more info will be up tonight as I have a new website just about ready to go online

              I think there is 'something' going on...AT's attitude has shifted WAY too suddenly...she talks about not wanting Sam to be weak...I think casual sex is a sign of a weak offense to anyone here who is okay with casual sex, but everyone I know who has done that has had a lot of problems influencing their judgement.

              She talks about S/J ship weakening her character...what about S/P ship? Pete did more damage to her character in four or so episodes than Jack could EVER do...Her love for Jack and her resolve not to compromise her career, while aknowledging her feelings for him HUMANISED her character and made her SYMPATHETIC and BELIEVEABLE and ALL THE MORE REAL for it. Sam isn't perfect, and for a television character...that is possibly the biggest strength she could have.

              AT seems to forget that...

              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Rogue
                Yep and they are rewriting what happen in previous eps to sex up the show. I hated it when they hinted that
                Sam and Orlin had sex. Thats not what happend, but it makes me wonder if there was something else to the relationship.
                Its bad enough not having any J/S ship, but when they throw past relationships in our face, thats just mean.
                You know-I did rant to several people about the making of Sam into the Scifi Bimbo-she appears to be in competition with the gal from Tripping the Rift. They are doing it again this season-no wonder AT appears irritated with the whole Sam/Jack thing-she wants Sam to be the good soldier/scientist and they are making her the female Captain Kirk-Narim, Orlin, Martouf, Pete, that Tok'ra guy that helped her make that generator thingee.
                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Speaking for myself, if we hadn't been told that the relationship between Jack and Sam is so "soap operaish", and we had a passionate resolution between Jack and Sam, I may have felt different about the Barrett and McKay infatuation relationships. But as ses has said why is it that the Jack and Sam relationship is so "off-limits" and any other relationship between Sam and whomever seems to flow freely? Amanda is afraid of being "Jacks girl" but she doesn't seem to take any offence to being any other guys girl. I have heard her say that she doesn't want to be the typical stereotype "girl" on the show run by emotions, stunningly beautiful, and having a relationship with every guy she meets....oh boy too late... No, truthfully there is nothing wrong with McKay fantisizing about Carter, although I really never enjoyed the McKay character that much, but when you add this yet another "Sam infatuation" to the big picture it gets a little silly. I am honesly coming to the realization that TPTB don't really know what to do with the Sam character other than the technobabble talk. She barely ever gets to take command and make her own difficult decisions, she hasn't had but one big fight scene, almost never gets injured except for the Grace, Death Knell era, never has to be reprimanded because she doesn't do anything wrong...and she is afraid of being stereotyped?????????


                    The only problem I have pittsburghgirl is why does she only speak against the Sam and Jack ship and always seems so excited and supportive of the Sam and whomever ship????? If she was totally for a strong Sam and against all emotional relationships to keep her character from being stereotyped, I could understand but that doesn't seem to be the case.


                      A thought did cross my mind and I keep on trying to push it away but what if RDA finally decided he is not coming back and by using AT against the Jack and Sam ship, TPTB feel that they might get themselves out of a jam they got themselves into.... Does that make sense??? I hope not!!!!!!!!!!! Trupi, I hope Don gave you correct advice or there might be a scream you hear at the end of season 9 heard around the world.


                        Hi All!

                        I've never understood AT's somewhat on again/off again distaste for the Sam/Jack ship. You would think that she would have enjoyed the popularity that it caused her character. I'm all for Sam being a military officer first, but she can have a love life too. It's almost as if AT is going with the writers in wanting Sam to have various love interests (but not if it's Jack). The heart of Sam is that she hasn't had a good history of love (either from a family standpoint to an adult relationship). She has made bad choices that in my opinion hurt her character far more than her relationship with Jack ever could. Let's not even talk about . I also couldn't believe TPTB
                        led everyone to believe that Orlin and Sam had been involved sexually.

                        I found that to be very disappointing. At the least Sam could have said something in defense of the truth.

                        Side note here: It's strange though how some people see things differently. I was talking with a friend of mine about Atlantis and possible relationships that are forming there. He said "I think it would be better if they never paired up into couples." I couldn't believe it. SciFi isn't just about inter-galactic space travel and aliens. It's about what could happen when people are thrown into different situations other than what we know. When you put people into different environments, there is still the possibility of LOVE! Why not incorporate that into the storyline??


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          A thought did cross my mind and I keep on trying to push it away but what if RDA finally decided he is not coming back and by using AT against the Jack and Sam ship, TPTB feel that they might get themselves out of a jam they got themselves into.... Does that make sense??? I hope not!!!!!!!!!!! Trupi, I hope Don gave you correct advice or there might be a scream you hear at the end of season 9 heard around the world.
                          Okay, I had to delurk for that one. Nickatell, I was wondering the same thing.
                          Why has AT gone from saying things like Sam and Jack would go fishing together and then probably open a deli when they retire. Then to saying well they got together and got the tension out of their systems so they are done with all that. (This was all paraphrased and not verbatum)

                          Perhaps TBTB may be gearing us up for a decision that RDA will stay away. Heaven help us because I am sorely missing his presence and humor on this show formerly known as Stargate.

                          I really hope that this is not the case.

                          Back to lurkdom,


                            Originally posted by nickatell
                            A thought did cross my mind and I keep on trying to push it away but what if RDA finally decided he is not coming back and by using AT against the Jack and Sam ship, TPTB feel that they might get themselves out of a jam they got themselves into.... Does that make sense??? I hope not!!!!!!!!!!! Trupi, I hope Don gave you correct advice or there might be a scream you hear at the end of season 9 heard around the world.
                            Don don't lie! He talks to RDA alot and if he said he is coming back, he's coming back. Like someone quoted yesterday from Hamlet "I think the lady protest to much"(something like that). Have my thoughts on AT opinions but not for the open thread! (get a drift from my previous post).


                              Originally posted by trupi
                              Don don't lie! He talks to RDA alot and if he said he is coming back, he's coming back. Like someone quoted yesterday from Hamlet "I think the lady protest to much"(something like that). Have my thoughts on AT opinions but not for the open thread! (get a drift from my previous post).
                              Hiya Trupi,
                              I hope this is true. Once again tptb have opened their rollercoaster. This is reminiscent of the whole "Insanity" episode spoilers. "Fasten your seat belts kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride"



                                Originally posted by zabbugh
                                Hiya Trupi,
                                I hope this is true. Once again tptb have opened their rollercoaster. This is reminiscent of the whole "Insanity" episode spoilers. "Fasten your seat belts kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride"

                                Once again-Amen to that!

