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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    1) The First Commandment (2)
    2) Cold Lazarus (0)
    3) Brief Candle (1)


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      I think Cassie was 12 when they found her in Singularity. That would make her about 18 in Heroes. Now...assuming she perhaps had a bit of catching up to do in Earth school, she might have been about a Junior or Senior in High School by that time. While kids that age can drive, I'm guessing she probably didn't, so I always assumed Sam was picking her up at school.

      As for the memorial service...that seemed to be an SGC-only event. I always figured Janet had an actual funeral at some point that we didn't get to see. I recall someone thinking that they weren't able to retreive Janet's body from P3X-666, but I always figured if they were able to get Airman Wells back to safety--and Daniel too--they would have brought Janet back. *sniff*

      By the's probably obvious, but did anyone else ever notice that it was P3X-666...and SG13 that was involved in Heroes? Anyone could have told them it was a bad combination....
      So true APA
      666 bad sign, but SG13 were cool! but you're right the number is unlucky

      I firmly believe they brought Janet back, they were able to bring Jack and Wells back, I don't think they would have been able to leave her there with all the jaffa that could have captured her and revived then tortured her. their motto is leave no man behind, i don't see them doing that even if she's dead, I mean look at how they honoured her, they couldn't really do that after abandoning her.
      I have to say it always bugged me that Cass wasn't there for the memorial, it's not like she doesn't have clearance....

      opps sorry for the rant that went a bit off topic...

      sp for size
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
        yeah she's about 23 atm I think, there was a scene cut from ripple effect that said she'd moved in with Sam then gone to UCLA to do medicine... hope that helps
        Are you kidding? Wow. That's a little weird to think Cassie is the same age as me. She always seemed so little....
        These people grow up too fast.

        OT: You wouldn't believe how busy airports are at 12 o'clock at night....


          Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
          Are you kidding? Wow. That's a little weird to think Cassie is the same age as me. She always seemed so little....
          These people grow up too fast.

          OT: You wouldn't believe how busy airports are at 12 o'clock at night....
          I know! it's even weirder to think that the little girl we saw in singularity is like 4 years older than me!
          sigpicMy Fanfic


            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            You're welcome

            And OK, the mirroring theory:

            Well I was thinking over the course of the series in general, and I realised that Sam and Jack go through a lot of very similar experiences. I know that lots of people have picked up on their physical mirroring, the looks and stances, and I guess this made me wonder about the metatextual mirroring in terms of their storylines. For example:

            1. Stranded on an alien moon/the Prometheus, suffers from hallucinations. While gone, the other is particularly cranky and is confronted about their feelings by Teal'c in the locker room.
            Paradise Lost (Jack) and Grace (Sam)
            (This is the most obvious one and the one that got me thinking)

            2. Taken over by an alien entity, sentient but not human, which invades the SGC much like a virus. They can't get rid of the virus from within the SGC until they communicate with it and persuade it to leave. Sam/Jack has to 'kill' Jack/Sam.
            Message in a Bottle (Jack) and Entity (Sam)

            3. Taken over by a Tok'ra symbiote, against her will/grudgingly. No true blending occurs because they're unwilling, but the symbiote does take control. The symbiote subsequently gives up their life to save them.Frozen/Abyss (Jack) and In the Line of Duty (Sam)

            4. Captured and tortured by Baal/Fifth, as a consequence of something the other did (Sam persuading Jack to take a Tok'ra symbiote, Jack ordering Sam to betray Fifth's trust and trap him in the time dilation field).Abyss (Jack) and New Order (Sam)

            5. Cloned!
            Fragile Balance (Jack) and Gemini (Sam)

            There may be more but those are the ones I can think of for the moment!

            I wonder if the effect of all this is an increased subconscious association between Sam and Jack in terms of their life stories, thus setting them up as worthy of each other almost, due to both having experienced similar things. Combined with the physical mirroring and the obvious ship stuff, it could be another way of associating them.

            Not sure if I've explained that so well, but it struck me Would be interesting to hear what you all think about this too!
            Oh I love this theory. Let me add some of mine I have been thinking about.
            The series has gone full circle when Sam started she was a Captain and Jack was a Colonel. Now she is a Colonel as well. Sam has maintained her enthusiasm for all things science and Jack has kept his sense of humor.
            They always had the military in common but I think they both have a better understand of who they are. When the series started, Jack was still in a dark place dealing with the death of his son and Sam who had been estranged from her father and brother was lacking a family as well. Now SG-1 has become their new family and they have developed close ties with each other. Sam underwent several losses with the death of Janet and most recently her father which helps her identify with Jack's losses. She has become a strong confident leader in her own right and Jack's leadership has grown as well.

            They both kept each other distant in order to function and do their jobs but at the same time both knew how the other felt even if it was hard to acknowledge and admit to themselves. Both of them tried to move on and failed. Neither of them would take the easy way out even if it meant they could be together.

            Congrats on all the posting milestones.

            *Yeah AT is a shipper * I always thought she wasn't against ship she just didn't want it to overshadow Carter or make her into just Jack's girlfriend.
            Now that she is free to be with him she is in favor of it which is great plus we wouldn't have had so many great moments in the show if neither RDA or AT didn't play into the chemistry and make those for us to look at and squee over!!! All the subtle eye contact and close but not too close touching and little moments that weren't scripted help create the ship along with the more obvious AU and Timeloop moments. I like the fact that they both waited and didn't screw the regs earlier not that wouldn't have been fun to watch as well but by waiting and growing in their feelings for each other they are more likely to survive long term and the romantic in me hopes they grow old together as well.
            Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              Yeah, I always wondered if they put those numbers on purpose or if it was a coincidence.

              And I really hope they had a real funeral for Janet, she deserved at least that.

              EDIT: and my Janet sig just came up. *sobs*
              I hope so too, poor Janet.

              I doubt the numbers were coincidence, I often suspect the writers of putting stuff like that in just to see if we are paying enough attention to notice (well done APA!) which I obviously wasn't


                Originally posted by atfan
                ...I like the fact that they both waited and didn't screw the regs earlier not that wouldn't have been fun to watch as well but by waiting and growing in their feelings for each other they are more likely to survive long term and the romantic in me hopes they grow old together as well.
                I really hope the idea is that by the time of Atlantis S4 that photo was not accidentally in Sam`s suitcase. Let`s do a bit of math - if Jack is born 1952 (remember the ID card in Fragile Balance) by now he should be 56 years old, Sam should be in the beginning of her 40-ies. Waiting longer may build up their feelings but what about their biological clock? It is clicking. Somewhere there were speculations about Grace being a child of them. Well, if tptb wait a little longer I should have to presume Grace was a AU phenomenon.
                "It is the quiet ones that change the Universe." Londo Molari, "Babylon 5"


                  Great post atfan!
                  yeah you're right I would have hated it if they'd ended up as Jack and Jack's girlfriend. but the way they've played it over the years has kept both characters really strong
                  *now* that they're free to be together we want to see Jack and Sam!
                  sigpicMy Fanfic


                    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                    Yeah, I always wondered if they put those numbers on purpose or if it was a coincidence.

                    And I really hope they had a real funeral for Janet, she deserved at least that.

                    EDIT: and my Janet sig just came up. *sobs*
                    I'm pretty sure the writers don't do anything w/o a purpose...


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      Okay, I started a site for our MOP. Here:

                      I hope it has enough room to compile everything!
                      Maybe this has been asked but it won't hurt to post the website address again .... anyway luvnjack, is there any way to put stuff on the MOP blog without having a blog with freewebs?

                      BTW this is a great idea and thank you very much!


                        1) The First Commandment (1)
                        2) Cold Lazarus (1)
                        3) Brief Candle (1)


                          Corect me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the votes look like this?

                          1) The First Commandment (2)
                          2) Cold Lazarus (1)
                          3) Brief Candle (2)


                            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                            Corect me if I'm wrong but shouldn't the votes look like this?

                            1) The First Commandment (2)
                            2) Cold Lazarus (1)
                            3) Brief Candle (2)
                            That's what I make it too


                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              Nite Jann. You can have Shep, but Jack? A.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y not!
                              okay then...

                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              Aw (((((Luvnjack))))) I'm sorry, you still didn't find one And I'll help with the pumps and mops
                              And the Meridian one still flips my tummy *sigh*...........I've just done a quick count, and I have 2000 pics of Jack, so you're fighting an uphill battle
                              I found one at first try

                              Secondly...I have approximately 7000 pictures of S/J (episode capping helps(and I only cap Sam&Jack)
                              But Jack is way easier to get pictures from then Sam...Sam talks too much.

                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              Way back when...back in the day...last year...
                    's the idea that it;s long ago!

                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                              * PS: Is no one speaking to me...or do I keep arriving at the wrong time to catch anyone? I'm starting to get a complex...
                              *huggles* I think wrong time...the time you were here was 4 am for obviously I was sleeping...but but...I do like you here, a lot

                              Originally posted by Ellendil View Post
                              Hi there, I`m new around, spent several hours reading the thread, but, ouch, 6500 pages are quite a reading. So, please, forgive me if I step on a ground already walked.

                              No matter how much I should be glad to see a break through in this relationship in the oncoming Continuum, the storyline from what I get does not leave much space for development. What I believe is that we shall be left sighing over and over again with the existing episodes. Although I must admit some of them are worth more than a sigh :-)

                              Welcome Ellendil

                              Have a good time in alot! oh and reading all nuttie...
                              Originally posted by Ellendil View Post
                              Thanks for the warm welcome. I really appreciate it. Um, as long as English is not my native language, somebody care to define "gutter"?

                              *stutters* she doesn't know gutter.... (and hey I'm also not a native English speaker)


                              Hot, open mouth kiss, where you get hot flashes...feelings from...and you want them to do more...and go further...and...*waves from hotness*

                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              I've noticed a lot of people saying the same about the jello shortage, especially over the last week whilst GW was having tech problems. I don't know if that had anything to do with it? I might go and ask the Mods. *trots off to Mod thread*
                              Add me into it...I do have green, but aren't allowed to give it to y'all...but that's probably because they want you not to green the same persons the whole need to green lots of different persons I think.

                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              Aw, you went and got me all excited They are lovely, but that was really cheating!!
                              But I found that cheating funny...

                              Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                              One day I will go to an event! I just have to finish college and find some money... Maybe if I didn't go to as many concerts during the year...

                              But yes, I think it would soo be worth the money if RDA and AT were on stage together!!!

                              EDIT: I passed 800 without even realizing it!! YAY ME!!!
                              Add me into big issue in here...and mommy and daddy are so not gonna pay that for me...they would earlier declare me crazy(wait they already did that) then do that...

                              So one let's say....10 years...then I will go to a con if they still exist!

                              Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                              I could be wrong, but I thought that was her 16th, which would make her 23 now I think ?
                              Yup I think so!

                              And for the voting:

                              1) The First Commandment (2)
                              2) Cold Lazarus (1)
                              3) Brief Candle (3)


                                For those having trouble greening this is the reply I got from Skydiver
                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                as to the greening problem, i wonder, there are certain controls in place to prevent abuse (i'm not saying that anyone is abusing)

                                first, let's say you green Mary. (and i don't know the precise numbers here, darren keeps those a secret), you have to green 20 other people before you are allowed to green Mary again. And it has to be 20 DIFFERENT people.

                                If your group is made of 15 people and you're all greening each other, eventually you will all run into being 'trapped' by the 20 green limit and end up unable to to green.

                                Have you tried to green others outside of the thread? Strangers that you've never greened before? If you have, does it work with them while it doesn't your friends?

                                You also have a limit to the number of greens you can hand out in a given period. Again, i'll use 20. You can only hand out 20 green reps per 24 hours and you can get 'locked out of the green jello fridge' for that

                                Perhaps if you can post in here the system messages you're getting, that'll help us find any problem

                                So if anyone's still having problems, perhaps they would like to let the Mods know.

