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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    Thanks Brooke! i'm back from i.. i get a call on tuesday if i made the cut to do a night trail eeek!

    Originally posted by mara-anni View Post

    <snipped for lenght>


    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

    <snipped for length>

    Congratulations, atlantis_babe34, on 3,600 posts!!!

    Thankies! i didn't even realise!

    EDIT: 3,600?.. my count says 3,107?

    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    I dislike Sam as weepy any time...because she's not the kind of woman who cries often. But I don't see her being hormonally angry either.

    I think Sam Carter O'Neill would handle pregnancy the way she handles everything else--with dignity, grace and forethought. She would probably have an almost perfect pregnancy (a little morning sickness--then a clear sail), because she would read every book that tells her how to have a good pregnancy.

    She might get a little teary every once in awhile, but I doubt she would lose it...or take it out on Jack.

    Sigh...that's just the way I see it.

    Then again, I've never been what do I know?
    me either....

    i'd Imainge that she would have a prettty smooth sailing pregnancy.

    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    Aww...I've never been pregnant either...I want a baby! But anywho... I think you hit the nail on the head, Melissa. I think she would have a great pregnancy...without the crying mess. I on the other hand am an emotion person (X 14). I would be a crying mess.

    She'd cry a few times, I'm sure, because you can't really control your yeah.
    mee either.... i work with kids its not something that i would like to do full time but i would loove kids.. not atm i wayyyyy to young

    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    Eww, thanks! I still want one...or four. *sigh*
    i want 3.. but that would depend on what my partner would want i would listen but i already have names

    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
    Any woman having a baby when she is older or very young is in a high risk pregnancy. And plus...she's been through a lot! I think it would be hard on her, and I think she would be put on bed rest pretty quickly. BUT if her age were the only factor...she could have a baby right now...ahh...hey, look! My sig!

    I'm Looking!
    Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 15 February 2008, 09:11 PM.
    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      Well, what else is she supposed to do when he's being a bad boy? No- don't answer that- it's all downhill from here.
      Ok...since you asked me not too, I won't.

      But I could go all the way down the gutter and into China with that one!


        Originally posted by VSS View Post
        No, Mala, this does not make up for
        That cut scene from Trio.
        But I am glad I found your website!
        Well, that may be your interpretation of my comment about JM, but I don't think I was saying that at all. If you want to know what I think about TRIO, I've made my opinion known on Mala's World as have many others.

        Of course, you and any S/J Shipper are welcome to visit (I honestly can't say that for anti-shippers, though). Many of us are veteran shippers/curmudgeons (same thing, imo). Many have been through all 10 years in real time (ok, a lot of us stopped at S8 ). We have no problem speaking our minds there.

        Anyway, I'm glad you found my thread and my web site.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Ok...since you asked me not too, I won't.

          But I could go all the way down the gutter and into China with that one!
          Let's just say that when Jack is good, he's very good... but when he's bad, he's better.


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            Everyone has a right to their opinion, but that goes both ways. It doesn't need to become the happy fan vs disgruntled fan thing that some people are making it out to be.

            Someone might jokingly complain that you're trying to drag them out of their happy place, but that doesn't mean they don't respect your opinion. This thread is for all J/S shippers.
            Since I've been away lately and not keeping up with the thread as I usually do, I was going to stay out of this. But I agree with Eileen. We need to be able to share our joy, our sorrow and our disgruntled feelings right here on this one thread.

            When I first came here three years ago, there was a lot more give and take in the discussion on this thread. I've said before that I've been sorry to see that go. I don't mind that some people are disgruntled. Sometimes, I'm disgruntled.

            But somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that if we weren't happy all the time, it was wrong. I disagree with that.

            That being said, I remember a certain poster with multiple identities who ran in here constantly all worked up over the least little spoiler...and who regularly proceeded to incite others and disrupt the discussion on the thread. Now, THAT got on my last nerve. I think everyone knows who I mean. But I've never minded when other shippers respectfully expressed their discontent. Some of those people have stopped posting here (although I often see them lurking). I hate that.

            As for Trio:
            The Sam/Jenn convo scene didn't have to be cut. The second visit back with the kids could have been cut. Rodney suggesting that Sam bare her chest to get the kids to cooperate SHOULD have been cut. Not only was it disrespectful to Sam, it was also so inappropriate that it was out of character even for Rodney! For me, it took an otherwise finely crafted episode down a notch. It was cheap humor. Stargate is better than that.

            There was room for the Sam/Jenn convo scene. I firmly believe there is another agenda in place. Perhaps the idea was to placate us by filming it...but placate the antis by not making it canon.

            That being said, I am trying to maintain a fairly positive outlook until the fat lady sings.

            But no matter what, there are places on GW where I can't imagine venting my frustration...because the purpose of those threads is so against my view of the show.

            I don't fault those who do vent elsewhere. If that makes you feel better, so be it. I just don't have the patience to deal with the rest of it.

            IMHO. Anyone need a soapbox? I'm through with this one.


              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              I'm not sure what to make of it nell. I do wish
              JM was as good with the on camera Ship scenes as he is with the behind the scenes Ship. JM is the showrunner so I would think he could have made sure that scene with Sam/Keller was not cut.
              Joe's blog pics
              I asked hubby to give me his objective viewpoint of these two pics.

              Pic 1: This is, I presumed, an outtake of the 200 Wedding episode. Maybe this is a rehearsal of the scene because Daniel and Jack are not yet wearing buttonieres. More importantly, look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.

              Pic 2: This is Joe's pic of Daniel's framed pic in Sam's office as enlarged by Mala on her thread tonight. Look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.

              Hubby thinks these are the same bald-headed fella in both pics.

              I'm wondering if the 200 wedding was not a fantasy but Sam's and Jack's memory of their wedding? Remember Sam's and Jack's wistful gaze at each other following the scene?. But, then I can't account for her long hair.
              OK, I'm sleepy. Maybe reaching for straws but that's what we Shippers have to do sometimes with TPTBs kind of, sort of clues, right?


                Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
                Well, that may be your interpretation of my comment about JM, but I don't think I was saying that at all. If you want to know what I think about TRIO, I've made my opinion known on Mala's World as have many others.

                Of course, you and any S/J Shipper are welcome to visit (I honestly can't say that for anti-shippers, though). Many of us are veteran shippers/curmudgeons (same thing, imo). Many have been through all 10 years in real time (ok, a lot of us stopped at S8 ). We have no problem speaking our minds there.

                Anyway, I'm glad you found my thread and my web site.
                I'm confused- you wrote "Maybe he feels guilty about cutting that convo from Trio." Sorry if I misinterpreted that!

                But I think there's a little more to this post than that- I'm not an anti-shipper. There have been times i've felt unwelcome here. Like now. I don't even know what I did wrong!


                  Originally posted by nell View Post
                  Hi Shippers!

                  I'm very curious about Joe's blog pics today, too.
                  Dare I hope that Joe's cryptic non-spoiler hint be a Ship surprise?

                  Please visit Mala's World thread. She just posted
                  Daniel's pic and you can see what's behind him.
                  Ah, he's so at a wedding. The real one, ya know. Notice how JM posted those pics. You can't click the Daniel/Cassie pic to make it bigger(why?), and you can only see some of the Daniel pic in the fishing one. There's no real way to see what's behind Daniel or get a clear look at the pic, unless someone 'fixes' it. Yeah. He's in a tux with people seated behind him. Wedding, IMHO.

                  And you don't have a pic of you fishing with your ex-boss in a girly frame unless there's something more going on. I'm sure they're together, Trio scene or not.

                  And babies? I think Sam would be okay pregnant. But I've not had any kids myself, so what do I know? And Brooke doesn't want me to talk about it, but after that video my teacher showed in one of my child development classes, I don't wanna know!


                    Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
                    Let's just say that when Jack is good, he's very good... but when he's bad, he's better.

                    * Smilies by Mala


                      I don't know how it's for you guys, but it's a beautiful morning here.

                      You probably all have seen it by now, but I'd like to post it anyway;

                      Spoilers for Carter's desk in Atlantis.

                      I knew it was there, just... I like it.

                      I see all this pregnancy talk. Well, it's really... New topic for me in S/J ship. I'll just have to read all your opinions. Really feel the fluff.


                        Originally posted by nell View Post
                        Joe's blog pics
                        I asked hubby to give me his objective viewpoint of these two pics.

                        Pic 1: This is, I presumed, an outtake of the 200 Wedding episode. Maybe this is a rehearsal of the scene because Daniel and Jack are not yet wearing buttonieres. More importantly, look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.

                        Pic 2: This is Joe's pic of Daniel's framed pic in Sam's office as enlarged by Mala on her thread tonight. Look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.

                        Hubby thinks these are the same bald-headed fella in both pics.

                        I'm wondering if the 200 wedding was not a fantasy but Sam's and Jack's memory of their wedding? Remember Sam's and Jack's wistful gaze at each other following the scene?. But, then I can't account for her long hair.
                        OK, I'm sleepy. Maybe reaching for straws but that's what we Shippers have to do sometimes with TPTBs kind of, sort of clues, right?
                        I think you and your hubby have sharp eyes. As for the hair- that's easy. Extensions! Or, maybe they were dreaming how it might happen, and then it did, after season 10 when Sam's hair grew out.


                          Originally posted by VSS View Post
                          I think you and your hubby have sharp eyes. As for the hair- that's easy. Extensions! Or, maybe they were dreaming how it might happen, and then it did, after season 10 when Sam's hair grew out.
                          Joe's pics
                          Thanks, the dreaming idea has possibilities for me!


                            Originally posted by nell View Post
                            Joe's blog pics
                            I asked hubby to give me his objective viewpoint of these two pics.

                            Pic 1: This is, I presumed, an outtake of the 200 Wedding episode. Maybe this is a rehearsal of the scene because Daniel and Jack are not yet wearing buttonieres. More importantly, look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.


                            Pic 2: This is Joe's pic of Daniel's framed pic in Sam's office as enlarged by Mala on her thread tonight. Look at the bald-headed man behind Daniel.


                            Hubby thinks these are the same bald-headed fella in both pics.

                            I'm wondering if the 200 wedding was not a fantasy but Sam's and Jack's memory of their wedding? Remember Sam's and Jack's wistful gaze at each other following the scene?. But, then I can't account for her long hair.
                            OK, I'm sleepy. Maybe reaching for straws but that's what we Shippers have to do sometimes with TPTBs kind of, sort of clues, right?
                            I think it's the same guy, too. I don't think 200 was the real wedding...I mean really...Thor officiating? But a wedding could have taken place much like it, just not so...fanciful. Does that make any sense?


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              I think it's the same guy, too. I don't think 200 was the real wedding...I mean really...Thor officiating? But a wedding could have taken place much like it, just not so...fanciful. Does that make any sense?
                              Pics again
                              Um, that's right. Thor so would not be officiating. LOL But, yes, a wedding could have taken place under other circumstances! *gasp* A wedding could have taken place after all?!


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                so we're talking about the pics joe posted on his blog; the up-close pics.

                                LOVE the frame on the s/j fishing one too!

                                notice the daniel one, from the ep '200'... the pretend s/j wedding one... hmmm, i say hmmm...

                                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                                Yeah, about that...Can someone explain to me how Sam managed to get a picture of an IMAGINARY wedding? I don't get that. Now, I don't know if I think it's Sam and Jack's REAL wedding, but I think it has to be something. Maybe an engagement party, but they didn't get married yet? I don't know what I think, lol. Any thoughts?
                                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                                LOL! Well I for one think it IS from their real wedding...which was NOT that god awful one from 200.

                                Sam and Jack don't do tacky

                                Nope, it's their real one that was a small intimate affair with only their closest friends in attendance.

                       make compelling points. How would she get a photo from a pretend wedding? She couldn't, could she? And it's clear that it's a wedding pic...and let's all save it to our hard drives that if someone comes back later and says it's not a wedding photo, we'll have proof.

                                A subtle hint? Maybe...but I'd prefer they just come out and say it.

