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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi Shippers!!!

    Well I can't be bothered catching up...too many what's up in the shipper house??
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      AU? No way! I saw it, I swear!!!
      All that means is you stepped through the mirror, too.

      Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
      Hi Shippers!!!

      Well I can't be bothered catching up...too many what's up in the shipper house??
      You don't want to know.


        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
        Hi Everyone,

        Sorry...change of plan. Forgot I was leaving town early tomorrow morning, so I won't be able to recap SGA Midway tonight.

        Have a good weekend everyone.
        Thats ok APA i'm greateful for your recaps!

        Have a Good weekend!
        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Joe posted some pretty photos of photos. Heeeee!

          Such nice pics and so crisp and clear. The girly frame is great.


            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
            Hi Shippers!!!

            Well I can't be bothered catching up...too many what's up in the shipper house??
            Well, it depends...Do you like the gutter, or not? If you want the gutter, go back to around page 5928 and read that page and the next couple. I warn you, it's rather guttery!
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by Bekki View Post

              Have fun wherever you're going, APA!!!

              Ok - Bekki will recap midway instead. Here's what happened...

              The title of Midway has two meanings. This episode was not about the base Midway, but rather M.I.D.Way (Men in Dresses Way)

              Instead of going to Midway, as was their plan, the Atlantis team found themselves in M.I.D.Way. Within seconds, Rodney and Sheppard were attacked by Dress-wearing bikers and were not seen again for most of the episode. Sam, Teyla and Keller had to search the premises for their missing companions, who, it turned out, were being dressed as women in the next room. Desperate, Sam called in a favour from Teal'c, who, with his new wormhole inducing jet packs, zoomed to Atlantis in a flash. (but not a flash gordon type of flash). He found Sam in M.I.D.Way and kicked some Skirty Dude butt! Rodney and John were finally freed, but kept their dresses as a token of the ordeal. John burnt his once they got back to Atlantis, but Rodney still occasionally wears his on dates

              All in all, a good episode.

              Yeah I know...I'm looking forward to APA's summary too
              - ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                Here's an interesting perspective on Trio that i found in my ramblings:
                by jdjunkie Egads! I log on to the anti Sam/Jack thread and find it full of disgruntled shippers.

                Seriously. Having watched the forums since the deleted scene was posted, and watching this and the shipper thread in particular, it proves one thing if nothing else .... TPTB have dealt with the whole Sam/Jack fiasco appallingly for years, doing themselves, the characters and the fans a huge disservice.

                And the overriding thing to bear in mind is that JM is the showrunner. If he wanted that scene in, it would have been in. It would have been canon. It isn't and they continue to screw with that part of their fanbase. Oh, and I don't buy the whole "it was cut for time" explanation either. Having seen the ep (and what dull dreck it was) and speaking as a professional editor, there were plenty of points where dialogue could have been cut to accommodate that scene without losing meaning, pace or direction.

                I'm not surprised there are disgruntled shippers.
                TPTB have been flogging this dead horse for years, to a degree that satisfies no-one.

                So that pretty much sums it up for me.
                I see there is some tension in the family lately...well that will happen in families I guess.

                I wasn't gonna say anything but...well you know me...

                First of all VSS, I respect any and all opinions regarding our ship as long as in the end they are about the love of Sam and Jack and wanting them to be together. Please don't feel you can't speak your mind here...personally I'm optomistic that we'll have out canonical confirmation in Continuum but that doesn't mean I don't understand why you would like we won't get anything ever!

                That means that as long as you're a Sam/Jack shipper ie. you see the ship and you want Sam and Jack to be together, than your opinions, whether disgruntled or optomistic, positive or negative are welcome here.

                IMHO the only provision is that if you're negative you respect that others are not. An vice-versa.

                I don't understand how you can take it to an anti-JAck/Sam thread. Your problem is that you want Sam and JAck to be was my inderstanding that anti-shippers did NOT. Also raising the anti-ship post count is not exactly gonna do the ship any good.

                The other thing I might say is that frankly IMHO for 8 years the SG-1 PTB have delivered the greatest love story I have have ever known on a TV show, or even a film. I LOVED the handling of the ship for 8 glorious years. Sure I may have liked a few more BHKs but in the end the way the actors and TPTB created Sam and Jack and their love has been supurb.

                I mean they must have done something right over the years...after all look how many of us love the ship, are obsessed with the ship, and emotionally invested in the ship and 2 fictional characters. At least I am So much so in fact that we DO get quite upset when we feel TPTB are screwing the ship over.

                Thus I cannot agree that TPTB have dealt appalling with the ship for years - I LOVE how the ship played out over the full 8 years.

                I do however think that the ship was dealt with VERY badly since the the beginning of SG-1 S9.

                But IMHO that wasn't the only aspect of my beloved show that was dealt with appalling in these final seasons, but only one of many. IMHO the entire S9 was a huge debacle not just our ship. And S10, though better was still crap!

                If Sg-1 had've finished with the conclusion of S8 as it was meant to I would have been entirely satisfied with all aspects of the show inc the ship. Okay, so again, a BHK would've been nice, but it wasn't needed. The fishing, the closeness and the looks said it all and as the scene faded to black we, or I, just KNEW these 4 people would always be toghether and Sam and Jack would live happily ever after.

                Only after this did they screw it up somewhat.

                As for Trio
                I am still squeeeeeeing over the missing scene.

                It doesn't mean however that I'm not royally pi**ed at the fact that it was cut. I am! And I agree it was cut for no good reason...stupid Rodney

                Still the fact that it was written and filmed resonates with me despite the fact that it was cut. For me it serves as a reminder that Contimuum was filmed before SGA S4. You see I really do believe that we'll get something in Cotinuum and I guess that's why I can't be too mad that we didn't here in Trio.

                So I can certainly understanding how upset you would be if you didn't have this belief to fall back on, and I don't have a problem with you venting that frustration.

                However as we vent, rant, rave, this IS the pro Sam and Jack thread and so we shouldn't lose sight of why we're share our love of these 2 characters and this ship. And we shouldn't critiscise those who have a positive view as though they are being the irrational ones either.

                We can all express our opinions and just because I for examlpe may hold a differing opinion to someone else it doesn't mead I don't respect that persons opinion to...I just don't share it...and I should be as free to disagree as anyone is to share their opinion in the first place.

                This is basically my very long winded way of saying, all opinions are valid, feel free to express them as long as you respect others opinions too and as long as the love of Sam and Jack and wanting them to be together is still your prevailing attitude.

                Sorry...that's all I'm sayin'
                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                Thanks Bekki


                  Phew...well now I need some serious Sam/Jack lovin'

                  You realise it's been a week since I was home

                  Thus I shall start with this...

                  thunks Mala
                  Last edited by mara-anni; 15 February 2008, 06:35 PM.
                  Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                  Thanks Bekki


                    so we're talking about the pics joe posted on his blog; the up-close pics.

                    LOVE the frame on the s/j fishing one too!

                    notice the daniel one, from the ep '200'... the pretend s/j wedding one... hmmm, i say hmmm...




                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      so we're talking about the pics joe posted on his blog; the up-close pics.

                      LOVE the frame on the s/j fishing one too!

                      notice the daniel one, from the ep '200'... the pretend s/j wedding one... hmmm, i say hmmm...

                      Yeah, about that...Can someone explain to me how Sam managed to get a picture of an IMAGINARY wedding? I don't get that. Now, I don't know if I think it's Sam and Jack's REAL wedding, but I think it has to be something. Maybe an engagement party, but they didn't get married yet? I don't know what I think, lol. Any thoughts?
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                        Yeah, about that...Can someone explain to me how Sam managed to get a picture of an IMAGINARY wedding? I don't get that. Now, I don't know if I think it's Sam and Jack's REAL wedding, but I think it has to be something. Maybe an engagement party, but they didn't get married yet? I don't know what I think, lol. Any thoughts?
                        LOL! Well I for one think it IS from their real wedding...which was NOT that god awful one from 200.

                        Sam and Jack don't do tacky

                        Nope, it's their real one that was a small intimate affair with only their closest friends in attendance.

                        Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                        Thanks Bekki


                          Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                          Yeah, about that...Can someone explain to me how Sam managed to get a picture of an IMAGINARY wedding? I don't get that. Now, I don't know if I think it's Sam and Jack's REAL wedding, but I think it has to be something. Maybe an engagement party, but they didn't get married yet? I don't know what I think, lol. Any thoughts?
                          i don't know what to think. like, the one pic of daniel-cassie, and it's the only one of the three you can't enlarge. and in the sam/jack fishing one, you can see a side of daniel... the side without the flowers that give away he's in the '200' wedding scene...

                          did anyone catch -in joe's blog a day or so ago- when joe said about setting a record for the most views? joe joked it was because of carl's comeback piccies (one of the atlantis writers). joe knew it was because of posting the shippy dialog. *lots* of ppl were interested in it. cool.

                          Last edited by majorsal; 15 February 2008, 07:07 PM. Reason: took the 'ing' and put in 'ed'



                            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                            Thanks Bekki


                              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                              LOL! Well I for one think it IS from their real wedding...which was NOT that god awful one from 200.

                              Sam and Jack don't do tacky

                              Nope, it's their real one that was a small intimate affair with only their closest friends in attendance.

                              That's what my shippy side says too. But then I've got that little devil of reality and logic that says they were dressed up for some other happy thing. I tend to agree with the shippy side more, lol.

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i don't know what to think. like, the one pic of daniel-cassie, and it's the only one of the three you can't enlarge. and in the sam/jack fishing one, you can see a side of daniel... the side without the flowers that give away he's in the '200' wedding scene...

                              did anyone catch -in joe's blog a day or so ago- when joe said about setting a record for the most views? joe joked it was because of carl's comeback piccies (one of the atlantis writers). joe knew it was because of posting the shippy dialog. *lots* of ppl were interesting in it. cool.

                              Yeah, I noticed that too. It kind of seems like they're trying to hide something by showing either pieces of pics that don't say much or pics that can be seen as many different things. I can't decide if I should take it in a good way or a bad one...

                              And I didn't catch that in the blog, but it's funny!

                              AWWWWW!!!!! I love that picture!!!!!
                              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                                Mara- it's highly ironic that you would even have to remind me to respect other people's opinions and beliefs (though I have NEVER done anything but that, unless you count debating a point, which some people might count as rudeness, even though this is a forum), considering the lovely week I spent here after Trio and the release of the script! I guess you weren't around for that, though.

                                I just got tired of the comments and left. I could go over to the anti-shipper thread and say
                                We've been screwed again and the whole deal with the script and the DVD release is a pathetic bone for the shippers.
                                And no one says I'm rude, or hurt someone's feelings because I disagreed with their position (FCOL!), or don't appreciate TPTB for the wonderful people that they are.

                                As for the post I had under spoilers, nowhere in there did the author say the entire 8 years of S/J ship was bad. He said "For years." I took that to mean "The last two and a half years." I agree with you about how great the S/J ship is. But this is a perfect example of why I went to the anti-ship thread. I can be negative there without people jumping to conclusions. Here, not so much. Here, "for years" turns into 8 years. I never said the whole first 8 years were bad, and neither did the author. But because it came from an anti-shipper, it was interpreted in the worst possible light.

                                But that happened to me last week, too. It's called "shooting the messenger." Well, I got tired of being shot.

                                The anti-shippers actually have very good points to make about how TPTB have dragged this out and toyed with the fans. Actually, some of them are very sympathetic, even if they don't "get" it. I don't think there's something wrong with me for going there. I think there's something wrong with this thread when at least four shippers are over there all at the same time because we feel like we can't talk about it here.

