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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    there's still room in the "Massage techniques guaranteed to put you in the gutter" class....required part of the major in gutter studies....taught by yours truly.......and still plenty of room....I have infinite space for this class....
    I'm still undecided on my major. There's just so much to choose from! Plus, do I want a major that will get me a good paying job (technobabble) or one that truly interests me but terrible real world applications (shippy classical music) or one that's more an easy A (gutter studies)?


      Originally posted by Seahen View Post

      Shepard is a Lt Colonel, which is one grade below Colonel, so she outranks him.

      I'm not as up to speed on all the Atlantis stuff. I believe it is the Daedalus that usually goes to Atlantis. Other than that, I always get confused with who has what ZPM and how many, and whether it's depleted or if they even need one anymore. *sigh*
      To catch you all up to speed...

      Sam is a "Full Bird" Colonel...the same rank Jack was through S1-8 of SG1. Shep is a Lt. Colonel, like Seahen said, one rank lower. Sam purportedly gets promoted around the time of the yet-to-be-seen Stargate SG1 movies. We're unclear as to whether we get to see that promotion or not.

      The Daedelus is the usual ship that runs to the Pegasus galaxy, but the Apollo has also been there, under command of Col. Ellis. Daedelus is commanded by Col. Stephen Caldwell. I believe Atlantis now has a ZPM as they stole it from the replicators with Elizabeth's help. That's enough to power the city and its defenses, including the cloaking device. It may not be enough to power the gate for a trip to earth...but then there is the Midway space station...the point where the Pegasus Galaxy gate system meets the Milky Way Galaxy gate system, and since that only takes the power necessary to activate a Pegasus galaxy gate, they can travel or send messages that way. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the SGC from Atlantis by that means.


        Originally posted by Seahen View Post
        I want to believe.

        Seriously though, after hearing JM's take on his blog about the soprano's ending-specifically about POV camera angles, I think you may be on to something. I wish we could get a better shot of all the pictures on Sam's desk.
        People on this thread have seen them in person. They are:

        A picture of Teal'c
        A picture of Daniel, in said tuxedo
        A picture of Jacob Carter, in his general's uniform, I believe...
        A picture of Cassie
        A picture of Sam and Jack fishing at Jack's cabin

        And of course, in Sam's personal quarters there is a picture of Jack in civvies....


          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
          Heehee....the gutter is like the tent in Book 4 of Harry Potter (Goblet of Fire) it looks so small from the outside, but on the inside it's HUGE! . I love, love Harry's line in the movie "I love magic!" ME TOO!!! SQUEE!!! Sorry about the OT squee...I just get overly excited about HP.

          Originally posted by majorshrl View Post
          Just read this fic and it was so good. It has the Aagh lovely factor.

          WELCOME BACK!!!!

          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          Yup yup Gotta love the gutter...we use gutter magic in there...

          HP Rocks!!! And the fourth movie is still my fav one


          but but but but but but but but but.....

          I *am* innocent..sometimes...when I am asleep...or being nice, or not in the gutter...wait that last thing can't be right...since I'm always there...

          And Brookey you are not in the twilight's normal...

          And B you just wrote me and innocent in one sentence they go together

          My love for S/J is also 100% innocent*straightens halo*

          I love HP too.....I haven't seen Goblet of fire.....only the first 3.....but I've read all the books....though I did find a clip of the Yule Ball scene on YT.....quite humorous when Filch, the batty caretaker, was dancing with that dumb cat of his.....LOL!!!!!

          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
          See! Jann, you're a gutter girl through and through...embrace it! SQUEE FOR THE GUTTER GIRLS. This reminds me...I need to go take a dip in The Pond!!
          We are the Gutter People.....resistance is futile!!!!

          Originally posted by zuz View Post
          Made a batch of new smilies. I esp like the first one (I intend to use it a lot)

          snurchable as usual

          Originally posted by Bex Calo View Post
          Hey guys
          ok now a while back i promised to do some more drawings, well real life took over and they ended up taking longer than i thought so i appologise for that. To make up for it i have drawn some more jack and sam scenes and will post them all now. In spoilers for size. Not happy with all of them as sams face kept on going skewif but decided i should post any way.

          these will be posted in the Shipper U. art gallery....and you should teach a class on shipper art....

          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

          Niiiiiiice My fav one is the last one of Jack(win)

          Signing in means you are in the gutter...From there we go to levels. You start at the above one...and if you do well you will end up in China just before graduation...if you are a fast student...well...then you will have more fun to be there for a longer period of time...

          But to get you in the class, this is needed:

          The sentence: "Jann is innocently playing in the gutter" Is also correct...just to say it...

          Ehm...but...well, I don't suppose it helps that I recently delurked in the Thunk thread of Shep/JF eh...

          *waves frantically with hands...but lowers them in the end*

          Okay okay...I give up...I'm not that innocent...
          thought I sensed another disturbance in the Force....

          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          erm...what...*tries to hide doll* J/K

          Well did I already told the conversation I had with my dad...when we went for a shop that my mom and brother thought it could have some SG stuff(that in the end didn't had it)

          Here is it(I had posted in the JFT thread)

          Reminds me of one thing. I am already searching a while for a real Sheppard poster. A while ago my mom and brother and seen a shop where there was a possibility that they had those...(in the end it didn't had anything but that's beside the point)
          When me and my dad where going towards it he said; 'You know, if you get a wallpaper/poster from Sheppard I have to get you off the wall, since you will be drooling over it and will try to hug it. That's why sheets (with Shep pic on them) will certainly be a no go for you, because then I can't get you out of bed anymore.'
          Oh yeah my dad...He knows my obession love for Sheppy...
          Your daddy's got ya down to a tee...

          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Hey Shippers,

          I'm late getting here today, RL kept me away from you all so just a quick post before I head off to bed, I skipped like 10-20 pages so forgive me if I missed anything important...

          *Jumps up and down* Yes please Eve if its still OK? I'm sorry I don't know how to add my name properly to the list Great idea BTW, last year was really fun

          Welcome TrueRomantic!!

          And Welcome any other newbies I might have missed!
          Congrats to anyone who reached a milestone!
          Anyone celebrating a birthday or another significant event congrats!

          Off to bed now, catch you all in the AM. Night all, take care (sorry for the sort visit)

          ((((((((((Ship Family)))))))))))




            Originally posted by Seahen View Post

            Shepard is a Lt Colonel, which is one grade below Colonel, so she outranks him.

            I'm not as up to speed on all the Atlantis stuff. I believe it is the Daedalus that usually goes to Atlantis. Other than that, I always get confused with who has what ZPM and how many, and whether it's depleted or if they even need one anymore. *sigh*
            Thanks. I guess I'll just go with what I think and be corrected if I'm wrong.
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              To catch you all up to speed...

              Sam is a "Full Bird" Colonel...the same rank Jack was through S1-8 of SG1. Shep is a Lt. Colonel, like Seahen said, one rank lower. Sam purportedly gets promoted around the time of the yet-to-be-seen Stargate SG1 movies. We're unclear as to whether we get to see that promotion or not.

              The Daedelus is the usual ship that runs to the Pegasus galaxy, but the Apollo has also been there, under command of Col. Ellis. Daedelus is commanded by Col. Stephen Caldwell. I believe Atlantis now has a ZPM as they stole it from the replicators with Elizabeth's help. That's enough to power the city and its defenses, including the cloaking device. It may not be enough to power the gate for a trip to earth...but then there is the Midway space station...the point where the Pegasus Galaxy gate system meets the Milky Way Galaxy gate system, and since that only takes the power necessary to activate a Pegasus galaxy gate, they can travel or send messages that way. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the SGC from Atlantis by that means.
              Ahh, thanks. I've been paying attention this season, but was in Kuwait for part of season 2 and never really caught up after that.

              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              People on this thread have seen them in person. They are:

              A picture of Teal'c
              A picture of Daniel, in said tuxedo
              A picture of Jacob Carter, in his general's uniform, I believe...
              A picture of Cassie
              A picture of Sam and Jack fishing at Jack's cabin

              And of course, in Sam's personal quarters there is a picture of Jack in civvies....

              *happy sigh* Fishing That explains a lot of fanfic I've read recently.


                Oh...and btw...serendipitous to our discussion of the past few days...Sciffy is airing Grace tonight at 6pm EST here in the States.

                *eerie music*

                Cosmic karma. It has to be...


                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  To catch you all up to speed...

                  Sam is a "Full Bird" Colonel...the same rank Jack was through S1-8 of SG1. Shep is a Lt. Colonel, like Seahen said, one rank lower. Sam purportedly gets promoted around the time of the yet-to-be-seen Stargate SG1 movies. We're unclear as to whether we get to see that promotion or not.

                  The Daedelus is the usual ship that runs to the Pegasus galaxy, but the Apollo has also been there, under command of Col. Ellis. Daedelus is commanded by Col. Stephen Caldwell. I believe Atlantis now has a ZPM as they stole it from the replicators with Elizabeth's help. That's enough to power the city and its defenses, including the cloaking device. It may not be enough to power the gate for a trip to earth...but then there is the Midway space station...the point where the Pegasus Galaxy gate system meets the Milky Way Galaxy gate system, and since that only takes the power necessary to activate a Pegasus galaxy gate, they can travel or send messages that way. It takes about 30 minutes to get to the SGC from Atlantis by that means.
                  Ohhh....I'll take your word for it. Thanks guys!!!
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    *nods* fluff is like...Sam's hair

                    angst is like Jack's stubble...after a few days off world...


                    Edit: Ye gads. I appear to have reached 200*thinks of something with which to celebrate*

                    perhaps I have a ficlet hiding somewhere

                    here we go...a section from a random story I'm writing about old Cassie during 1969

                    I remember the day Sam got home from Atlantis for good. She had only just been home for a visit when they sent her back through the gate. Apparently, she had been in the middle of yelling at McKay when her first bout of morning sickness hit. She was sick for almost a week before Rodney had sarcastically suggested she might be pregnant. Who knew he might actually be right for once?

                    Jack was the proudest I think I have ever saw him the day that Jess was born. He resigned his commission not long after that. The military duo I had once grown up with was now a family. It was strange to think that they had come so far in such a short space of time, when it taken them almost ten long years to take the first step.

                    (((((((ship fmaily))))))))))))
                    CONGRATS BEKKI!!!!!!!!!

                    *huggles the stuffing outta bekki*

                    Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                    You know I think I have been here all day...the gutter that is

                    very nice

                    Zuz I always love your smilies My fave is the paper work one...but thats more like me on Monday

                    Awesome drawings!

                    *Runs and tackles Wendy* and true that is the only way those two words work together in a sentence

                    Ok the sentence above works too...barely and I all of a sudden feel like I should warn the Shep Thunk thread about you but you know its a Thunk thread they are supposed to already be in the gutter

                    I'm here swimming and just finished watching the race
                    *peels the now flattened wendy off the floor*.....

                    Originally posted by ljevans View Post
                    Yeah, I haven't been here in a very long time due to some really bad personal stuff.

                    GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK!!!!!!!!

                    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                    I absolutely agree. I also thought Dixon had great potential for taking command of SG1, or, if they were going to give Sam command, they could have had Jonas or Major Davis, or any of the remaining "kids" from Proving Ground. A newbie coming in, having never been through the gate, should have started at the very bottom rung of the ladder.

                    What in the heck is wrong with the right side of Teal'c head?????!!!!!!

                    Yes, I noticed right away that almost all the pics in this are manips. Even the ones with RDA alone, especially topless. There are flaws that make it easy to tell. (I hope the vid-maker doesn't get blasted; a lot of people are very unfriendly with people who make manips by putting one of the SG people's heads on somebody else's body.)

                    As a devoted church-going Catholic, I don't think you should have to say any - at least, not as penance for this. After all, God worked very hard and created such incredible, unbelievable beauty. We would be insulting Him if we didn't appreciate it, right? Just like a tree with its leaves turning or a sunset or a rainbow . . . This is just a bit more . . . basic to our appreciations.
                    Teal'c has a shock of grey hair due to the events in "Unending"


                      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                      Ahh, thanks. I've been paying attention this season, but was in Kuwait for part of season 2 and never really caught up after that.


                      *happy sigh* Fishing That explains a lot of fanfic I've read recently.
                      I'm very bad at keeping track of when things were posted, but prior to the premiere of SGA S4 several of us provided an Atlantis Primer, to get many of the non-SGA watchers up to speed for the transfer of Sam to Atlantis. Since S4 premiered around the end of September, I'm thinking if you check back to the early part of that month you'll find a series of posts that will bring you up to speed on the past few seasons.


                        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                        I'm very bad at keeping track of when things were posted, but prior to the premiere of SGA S4 several of us provided an Atlantis Primer, to get many of the non-SGA watchers up to speed for the transfer of Sam to Atlantis. Since S4 premiered around the end of September, I'm thinking if you check back to the early part of that month you'll find a series of posts that will bring you up to speed on the past few seasons.
                        Copy that! I'll go check it out.


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          Hey, Brooke! I know where you are. Maybe the other shippers fell into that really deep part of the gutter where no light reaches. I think I hear faint splashing, yet no one is calling for help....

                          This shipper set up her bed in the gutter, and fell asleep in there

                          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                          Help? In the gutter? No one needs help in the gutter...if we go and get into trouble in the deep end...HOT SG guys are there to rescue us...give us 'mouth to mouth' and all.
                          I agree with ya!...Never calling out for help in da gutter. We are here freely! 100%

                          Hmm..Shep giving me mouth to mouth....

                          Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                          Congratulations on 200 Posts, Bekki!
                          From me too WTG Bekki!!

                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          Huh. What do ya know. This is my 5000th post in this thread. I love this place. I love y'all. *passes out blue jello* Cheers! *clinks jello glasses*
                          Congrats Jena And that's many many posts in one thread alone

                          Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                          Broca Divide:
                          Want me?
                          No. No, not like this, for crying out loud!

                          Ark of Truth promo picture:
                          Want me?
                          Do you even need to ask?
                          I like that!

                          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                          you won a game of laser tag whilst being tired? either that means you are one extremely talented lady (gutter intended...) or your friend sux at laser tag badly.......
                          I don't know. First I thought the first one...but I also had topscore of the day so...

                          Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                          I'm still undecided on my major. There's just so much to choose from! Plus, do I want a major that will get me a good paying job (technobabble) or one that truly interests me but terrible real world applications (shippy classical music) or one that's more an easy A (gutter studies)?
                          Hey! Gutter studies isn't that easy an A...You have to have talent for it...otherwise you will never succeed...believe me Some actually fail on this class....


                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            yes sam does!!

                            - 'wow, sam, you're hot!'

                            - 'yes, sweetcheeks, i know.'

                            - 'sam, don't call me that in front of ppl.'

                            - 'i will, you're my guy.'

                            - 'well...

                            - 'and you're hot.'


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                   was something like this...I have a bad memory you know. I had said I hope, I hope, I hope, etc.(14 times actually) about something Jack and Sam related. Then Brooke(JackandSamAddict) said she'd heard that if you said I hope 14 times it should come true. Or something like that. Brooke? Help? Anyway, it sorta stuck.

                            Huh. What do ya know. This is my 5000th post in this thread. I love this place. I love y'all. *passes out blue jello* Cheers! *clinks jello glasses*
                            HAPPY 5000th SHIPPY POST JENA!!!!!

                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Well, I've got to scat. Night shippers!! Have a great week...tomorrow's Monday!



                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            I'm still undecided on my major. There's just so much to choose from! Plus, do I want a major that will get me a good paying job (technobabble) or one that truly interests me but terrible real world applications (shippy classical music) or one that's more an easy A (gutter studies)?
                            massage therapy will make you good money too....I've heard of some massage therapists that charge like $80/hr.

                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            Oh...and btw...serendipitous to our discussion of the past few days...Sciffy is airing Grace tonight at 6pm EST here in the States.

                            *eerie music*

                            Cosmic karma. It has to be...

                            Phew! *wipes brow*

                            and now that I've finally caught up I'm heading off to bed




                              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                              Hey! Gutter studies isn't that easy an A...You have to have talent for it...otherwise you will never succeed...believe me Some actually fail on this class....
                              That's what she said!
                              No? Doesn't work? Maybe you're right.
                              --Can you tell I've been watching the Office?


                                So you know how SG-1 called the teams SG1, SG2, SG9, etc? What are the teams called on Atlantis?

                                And to keep this on topic, I need all this info so I can write my little tagish story for Tabula Rasa. It's just one of the dreams I've been having...
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

