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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    Oh. My. God. I think you're right. Just one question though...what on Earth are you doing having it on *that* loud????
    Well, after about the fiftieth time of watching, I could see he was moving his lips, so I thought he could might be saying something, so I turned it up a little, and there was definitely something, and i turned it up a lot, and i could hear the word 'Carter' but not the other word, so i turned it all the way up to 11 (so to speak) and put headphones on so every scrap of sound was directed to my ears, and finally i heard 'my love...carter' and i squeed so hard i fell off the sofa (again - i put all the cushions on the floor for a soft landing when i now i'm going to be watching a shippy episode - i had no warning for metamorphis and got bruised all over) and i ran to everyone online and spread the word, and opinion was divided between those who couldn't hear it and though i was bonkers, and those who could hear it, but were not temporarily deaf.

    I tried it again for the corridor scene in Divide and Conquer when his lips are moving, but i couldn't hear a thing
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
      we are borg!?!?!
      Resistance is futile!

      Once you join the ship family you're a shipper for life!


        Originally posted by michelleb View Post
        Entity! I love that episode - Oh, the angst! jack sitting by her bed, fiddling with the pen, just sitting there, knowing he's going to have make the decision to switch off her life support, Jack hesitating before he shoots Sam, moving to take her hand at the end as she wakes up, before he realises everyone else is there, and he just taps her bedcover by her hand - oh, it's just wonderful.

        And Into the Fire - some newbies may not know this particular moment that I sort of discovered...

        When Jack throws Hathor over into the pit, he hangs over it and murmurs something. If you have it on DVD (cos you'll need the clearer sound) and turn the sound up as loud as it'll go, you will hear Jack murmur

        'My love......Carter'

        and then he starts saying Sam's name, and then comes that breathless, relieved, love-affirming 'I'm-so-glad-you're-alive' hug.

        <sigh> happy days, the days of Into the Fire, and Upgrades and Divide and Conquer, and Entity.
        I'm going to steal my roommates DVDs right now and check this out!

        edit: She only has the first two seasons here right now. I will have to remember to check this out later.


          Originally posted by michelleb View Post
          Thank you! Now i look like this



          ahhh yes...Capt. Janeway as Queen Arachnia....I liked that episode of ST:VOY...


            Originally posted by seldear View Post
            LOL. It's not a pat. It's a swipe. He swipes his hand through her on the way past, and it just happens to be through her butt.

            Read it as you will.

            I have odd favourite moments for this pairing. Descent and the "shrinkage" comment. Desperate Measures and the scene where Jack has arrived just in time to save Sam - his hand slips over the railing (and I think he touches her ankle, just to reassure himself that she's alive and real). The commissary scene in Proving Ground: "I wore boots."

            For me, the friendship moments - combined with the moments of "just a little bit more" - are what make this relationship. I don't believe that witty banter or scenes together = true love, the way certain other people in the Stargate fandom do. The reiterated fact of friendship (in the case of Sam and Jack, constrained by their roles within a chain of command) with a few extra cues to show partiality are what makes both my favourite Stargate pairings so awesome.

            It's more than just "we're working together as part of a team." There are shown hints of a "when the camera ain't watching" friendship and affection - with the confessions of "caring about her" more than he should and more than she knows to indicate that feelings go beyond "just friendship" even if they're not willing to admit it or move on it.

            So my favourite moments tend to be ones that most shippers don't think are shippy.

            Re: The part in bold- I had to analyze that one a little bit before I came to the conclusion that one can't pat a hologram- anywhere. Any movement is going to go right through it- there's no resistance. So, I think he was trying to pat her butt- but it can't be done. Hence the swipe. Let's just put it this way- Teal'c didn't do anything at all. O'Neill was up to something.

            At first I didn't think much of Desperate Measures, but after watching it a couple of times, I've come to appreciate its subtle shippiness. Like the part where O'Neill's talking to Maybourne in the parking lot, and he says "This is Carter we're talking about." and Maybourne says, "I know, Jack..." Even Maybourne gets it.


              Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
              Well, I usually don't read spolier, I hate them, but I read yours VSS, and it was so good and shippy. And not too much spoilerish. After all, what can happen in an ep called Tabula Rasa? Everybody know what does it mean.
              I think that Tabula Rasa means
              a mind before it receives any impressions gained from experience. It's basically a clean slate.
              According to the spoilers on Gateworld, "The crew suffers from amnesia after plant samples from their new home planet unleash a virus that affects everyone except Teyla and Ronon." It seems like their minds are wiped clean, hence the name Tabula Rasa.


                Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                Re: The part in bold- I had to analyze that one a little bit before I came to the conclusion that one can't pat a hologram- anywhere. Any movement is going to go right through it- there's no resistance. So, I think he was trying to pat her butt- but it can't be done. Hence the swipe. Let's just put it this way- Teal'c didn't do anything at all. O'Neill was up to something.

                At first I didn't think much of Desperate Measures, but after watching it a couple of times, I've come to appreciate its subtle shippiness. Like the part where O'Neill's talking to Maybourne in the parking lot, and he says "This is Carter we're talking about." and Maybourne says, "I know, Jack..." Even Maybourne gets it.
                yup....SO up to something.....

                gotta get to work...ttyl



                  Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                  I think that Tabula Rasa means
                  a mind before it receives any impressions gained from experience. It's basically a clean slate.
                  According to the spoilers on Gateworld, "The crew suffers from amnesia after plant samples from their new home planet unleash a virus that affects everyone except Teyla and Ronon." It seems like their minds are wiped clean, hence the name Tabula Rasa.
                  Tabula Rasa= Clean Plate (lat.)


                    Originally posted by silkie View Post
                    Tabula Rasa= Clean Plate (lat.)
                    Indeed, which is what I said in a round-about way in my post. I translated it into english so that Jack would understand.


                      Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                      Re: The part in bold- I had to analyze that one a little bit before I came to the conclusion that one can't pat a hologram- anywhere. Any movement is going to go right through it- there's no resistance. So, I think he was trying to pat her butt- but it can't be done. Hence the swipe. Let's just put it this way- Teal'c didn't do anything at all. O'Neill was up to something.

                      At first I didn't think much of Desperate Measures, but after watching it a couple of times, I've come to appreciate its subtle shippiness. Like the part where O'Neill's talking to Maybourne in the parking lot, and he says "This is Carter we're talking about." and Maybourne says, "I know, Jack..." Even Maybourne gets it.

                      OOOh...Desperate Measures. Look at Jack's face as he unties her - carefully restrained relief, can't take his eyes off her

                      And then as he finally gets her free, he pats her knee. Tiny little touches, but so huge in a season almost devoid of ship.
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                        OOOh...Desperate Measures. Look at Jack's face as he unties her - carefully restrained relief, can't take his eyes off her

                        And then as he finally gets her free, he pats her knee. Tiny little touches, but so huge in a season almost devoid of ship.
                        Nope, Jack was having second thoughts about untying her...
                        /falls in the gutter and drowns...


                          Originally posted by silkie View Post
                          Nope, Jack was having second thoughts about untying her...
                          /falls in the gutter and drowns...
                          Dangerous, that step right by the gutter, isn't it? People seem to be always tripping over it and falling slap-bang into the middle of the gutter. Not that I've ever done that....... (something you'll only believe if you've never wandered onto the Daniel thread....)
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            Resistance is futile!

                            Once you join the ship family you're a shipper for life!
                            Well, a whole life is a little long thing, you can never know...
                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            Indeed, which is what I said in a round-about way in my post. I translated it into english so that Jack would understand.
                            But Jack understands latin. (I learned latin at high school too, but not much stayed.) But tabula rasa is a very common expression.
                            Originally posted by michelleb View Post
                            Thank you! Now i look like this


                            LOL! You look great!
                            'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                            One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                            SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                              It has occurred to me that I am still in possession of the Shipper of the Week Award. I now pass this on to michelleb, who not only has shippervision, but super-duper ultra ship hearing. Bravo, michelleb!



                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                It has occurred to me that I am still in possession of the Shipper of the Week Award. I now pass this on to michelleb, who not only has shippervision, but super-duper ultra ship hearing. Bravo, michelleb!

                                Thank you again! I tried to green you, but apparently I've done that too much lately. I shall try to live up to my new reputation with SGA!
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

