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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    *pops in...waves Hi*

    spoilered for length.
    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    *looks innocent* Huh? What?

    Oh good heavens no! *falls in a faint* Carpool. Oh yeah. And just got the estimate to fix the minivan. Bye bye a grand!

    He did. And neither can I!

    From me too!

    (There, chelle, I successfully snurched your entire post...! But it covered so many topics!!!)

    As for resolution/cheesy weddings/spoilers... (in reverse order)

    Spoilers: I truly think it depends on the individual's preferences. Of course way back when, if you were lucky and there was a show you liked you might get a "Next time on...." with a few tantilizing clips thrown in. And 9 times out of 10 the clips would be completely out of context and lead you to believe that thing A was going to happen when it really turned out to be thing B. Can we say frustration? Now, by means of this wonderful means of communication that we all enjoy so much, it's pretty hard to keep things secret before they air, and once word of something leaks out, it goes everywhere almost instantaneously. My personal preference is to learn as much as possible before hand. I am not a patient person (had ultrasounds on my kids at the earliest possible date...could. not. wait.). If there's going to be something, I want to know. I can appreciate, on the other hand, the desire to come across something completely out of the blue and be blown away by the surprise of it all. Like a surprise party. But for me, personally, tell me now, ASAP!

    Cheesy weddings. I guess my thoughts on this is that, given that every S/J fan out here has their own vision of Sam and Jack's wedding, anything that TPTB would present us would be a disappointment to many. Big wedding. Intimate wedding. Eloping. Cassie as bridesmaid. Vala as bridesmaid. Hammond giving Sam away. Sam giving herself away. Jack in a suit. Jack in dress blues. Sam in a dress. Sam in dress blues. The variations are as endless as the people who envision them. So, imho, anything that might be done in that area would fall far short of expectations and therefore, I think it highly unlikely that we will ever see anything remotely in that vein in any SG vehicle, Atlantis, Continuum or anything else.

    Resolution. I'm going to channel Jenn here and point out that most of TPTB who are in charge of these things are avowed S/J shippers. To wit, they're not going to sink a ship they've so carefully and lovingly crafted all these years. It would be the Bobby Ewing in the shower and frankly I think they care too much about their work and about their audience to do that. So I honestly don't think we have to fear
    that they're going to tell us that Sam and Jack aren't together in Trio (especially given JM's comments as to who was going to get bent out of shape by his statement).
    And while it may be no more than a passing comment, we've lived on "Always", "Not Exactly", "D'oh" and "Fishing" for quite some time now. Anything more than that will be a banquet.

    And I still strongly believe that, depending on where SGA goes after S4 and how Ark of Truth does commercially, TPTB are keeping their options open for Continuum and what we'll see there. It's always possible to re-cut a movie at the last minute and put in a few extra scenes, if you know what I mean.

    Now...let's see...I think I've taken up my alotted space for the day! Sorry, but I'll be late tonight if at all...more kid running...and WWII as well. Hopefully catch you all later, if not...well, mara, you'll just have to do your best to keep the page count up...can't have chelle getting bored!!!

    Oh...and congrats on your post count hbt123 and anyone else I may have missed!
    Ack...the pressure!

    Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
    LOL.... It's...*what*...we do....

    Anyone else think he's thinking this:
    Jack: God I wish I could kiss you....
    Heheh...I do


    *pops out...waves bye*

    EDIT: Thanks for the congrats...catch you later shippers!!
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      Congratulations, luvnjack, on 1,200 posts!!!

      Congratulations, ~Sarah~, on 400 posts!!!


        Okay guys...I've been gone since the 22nd...and now I have 20+ pages to catch up on...something I don't want to do. And now I'm watching Bones...heehee. Great start to a new season! She so loves Booth...anywho! Back to what this thread is all about. Sam and Jack off to more Bones and working on fic...
        Last edited by JackandSamAddict; 25 September 2007, 06:59 PM.


          Stef let me snurch one of her gorgeous sigs. Check it out.


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Congratulations, luvnjack, on 1,200 posts!!!

            Congratulations, ~Sarah~, on 400 posts!!!
            From me too!


              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
              Hmm, good points. I know i wouldn't bother with it.

              But I still have hope...high hopes. I tried not to but I couldn't help it...the hopes rose despite myself and my own cynicism.

              Sam and Keller are gonna have a heart to heart about their personal (love ) lives!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I can't help it
              I know if Sam/Jack ever got resolved I'd be dancin' a jig..


                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post

                From me too!!
                and I as well....HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLAMOM!!!!!!!!!


                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                  I edited my post just for you sweetpea!!!!

                  Night all!!
                  Hey...if anyone hears if David Hewlett or Rachel Luttrell have had their will post it won't you??? Coz I'd have no idea...just asking is all...thankies all!!
                  DH is having a'd he manage that?!?!?!?!....isn't that anatomically impossible?!!??!?!?!..........

                  I know what you mean....I think....


                    Help! I'm having probs getting my rotating sig to work! What am I missing???


                      I'm watching last weeks Eureka and Teryl created something like a stargate which will bring her to the other side to Daniel--LOL! Tongue and Check!


                        Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                        Yup, uh, yeah, that sounds exactly right....
                        Okay it's lightning outside... gotta bounce for now...
                        *hovers al'kesh over sarah's house so he can block any lightning strikes with his shields*....


                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          So, I finally got a photobucket account and thought I'd celebrate with this. Hope you all enjoy.


                          Col. O'Neill: Off anywhere interesting Ronson?

                          Lt Col. Ronson: Don't know, Sir. I got reports of two unidentified personnel behaving...unprofessionally in storage room 34B a couple of hours ago.

                          Col. O'Neill: Oh, really?

                          Lt Col. Ronson: Yeh, do either of you know anything about it Sir, Ma'am? Heard or seen anything out of the ordinary?

                          Maj. Carter:, nothing out of the about you, Sir?

                          Col. O'Neill: No, nothing...sorry, we couldn't be of more help, Col.

                          Lt Col. Ronson: Not a problem, Sir...we have video footage of the room we should find out soon enough.

                          I like how both of their faces are like "Oh s-----!!!!!!!!" at the end.....


                            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                            And as for me, the less spoiler leaks, the better! I don't want to know every little plot detail, and I don't want the impact of an unexpected bonus shippy moment completely ruined because I knew it was going to happen. They never have the same impact because they'll never live up to expectation because nothing ever could live up to the hype. Honestly, I wish I didn't know about Trio. Because how absolutely amazing would it be if I was watching, and didn't know, then out of the blue came this thing? And now, nothing's going to live up to anyone's expectations. Kinda sad, really.
                            I love spoilers. I love em. Nothing would ever live up to my wild imagination anyway. I'm gonna be excited every week for SGA, for Sam, for the hope there might be another little bread crumb. I know what you mean, but whether I know about it or not, it's gonna be different than what I thought and I'm still gonna love it and squee my heart out. It'd be nice for it to be a complete surprise, but I've gotten so used to spoilers, it almost doesn't phase me. I think I'll spoil myself rotten until Continuum comes out, then leave this place until I watch it. I won't let anything spoil that for me. You know. THAT.
                            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                            They've lured you over with Sam and the vague promise that there might be one reference (that's... one reference that may be a whole ten seconds long in 800 minutes - 48,000seconds give or take - of telly) and their hope - as far as you're concerned - is that you'll come for Sam, stay for the Wraith.
                            I'm a shipper. I love and adore every tidbit we get. I over analyse everything. It takes me 20 minutes to watch a 2 minute shippy bit. Am I gonna watch a whole season for that one reference? You betcha. Not that I wouldn't watch anyway, this is just icing!
                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            5???...they aren't all yours are they??? 5???? Holy hannah!! And hubby thought it was exhausting taking two 11 year old boys and one 15 year old boy to the show on Monday...dang...5!!!!

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLAMOM!!
                            5...I wish for only 5. That'd be easy peasy!

                            HAPPY B-DAY NOLA!!!
                            Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
                            Bingo, mara-anni! My feelings exactly. As for Continuum,
                            if we get any ship, it'll be another AU/AT S/J encounter, not the "real thing," IMHO. Because it looks like the AT Jack will be a colonel- so no fraternization regs to worry about, there... Of course- they could all stay there.... like Moebius.. it'd be better because it'd be "our" team but worse because they'd be gone- and that wouldn't fit with the whole Atlantis storyline.

                            Also, thanks for all the greens I've gotten in my very first week posting! Most were from the shipper family. I didn't know about greens until just yesterday. (Gratefully, I don't know anything about reds)
                            Oh, I have hope for Continuum. And green is good.


                              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                              look at the bright side of life right?
                              I try.
                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Hey...if anyone hears if David Hewlett or Rachel Luttrell have had their will post it won't you??? Coz I'd have no idea...just asking is all...thankies all!!
                              David, that's gonna hurt... Nope, I haven't heard anything yet. I didn't even know about David till a few weeks ago.
                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                              What's with this mind-set that brands romantic declarations and/or weddings as "cheesy?" I saw this word three (3) times this morning while catching up. I don't expect or necessarily want a Sam/Jack wedding to be aired but if it were, why would it be cheesy, unless TPTB deliberately made it so? Sure, some weddings are, esp. those huge, huge ones (IMHO), but Sam and Jack's--no.

                              None of this diatribe is due to having minor cheesy surgery yesterday, I'm just tired of "cheese." (can't cut it) Sorry, minor gutter there.
                              I love cheese...but not the cliched, over the top, 'cheesy' stuff. I do think they could do a S/J moment very nicely. Something like Threads and not like 200(though that's nice in its own way).
                              Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                              And I loved the way that after they came back from that clip of them standing there, the looks on their faces were like, well there you go, we gave it to you, now we're not denying it's something we both thought of...
                              They've SO thought of it!
                              Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                              The Wraith sucking life force - give me a break, a vampire makes more sense.
                              Which makes me wonder, , why doesn't the Wraith just suck the guy's life out instead of trying to chop his head off?
                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              *still practicing w/ Melissa*
                              It's...WHAT we do
                              IT'S what we
                              It's what? We do?
                              You girls are too funny!
                              Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                              So, I finally got a photobucket account and thought I'd celebrate with this. Hope you all enjoy.

                              Those are perfect expressions!
                              Originally posted by dreamer one View Post
                              As I threatened to do yesterday, I wrote a short ficlet about how I'd like to see Trio go. It's called Mystery Man.
                              You can find it here
                              People do talk! Hehe!

                              Oh, hey Brooke, congrats on milestones, and feel better if you're sick!!


                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                Uhu on both

                                And Woohoo For us reaching 4800 pages

                                *stops thinking*
                                Me bad with that kind of stuff...


                                From me too!!! WTG

                                She wrote it, she wrote it*does happy dance*

                                *goes off reading*

                                (and after that to my lovely bed...had today another Bday..only 1 left this month! )
                                I'm not much for thinking me a headache....

