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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Ok folks...I'm signing out for now...will try to come on again later...I'm hoping that hubby and I can take our son out for dinner tonight as Nik is at dance camp...Tom got an award at assembly on Friday for his participation in the After School Care program...and he did really well in his third term report and with his poetry competition and production...I think he deserves a treat...though I'm sure he'll want to just go to Macca's...ewwww...I really don't like McDonald's food much at all!!!
    Anyhoo...nighty night all, take care, have fun, be safe and hug your loved ones!!

    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      That sounds yummy! I will try and relax this weekend...and congrats on 5000.
      Oh man...I don't even know where I made it...I think it was!! And thanks!! Woohoo...D'oH!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by chelle db View Post
        Oh man...I don't even know where I made it...I think it was!! And thanks!! Woohoo...D'oH!!
        Almost missed it, eh? Well, for once I was paying attention! Okay, I think I'll just give up and go to bed now. Later shippers. *waves*


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
          Oh, I'm wearing a SG shirt! It's one for when I went to the convention. It's not shippy. It's SGA. I'm preparing myself for this time next week!
          Heehee, thats cool! I'm gonna have to go have a shower and then gdressed in a minute.... won't be able to wear Staragte shirt either, its a blue and white bacll type thingy... i'm gonna wear my work pants and Flashback shirt.. good enough says i!! ... the shirt has blue on it :d

          So i'm gonna say goodnight for now! I'll probably back in the morning!... when i get home! My parents have just left for tomorrow so i can pull an allnighter tonight... woohoo... i mean tomorrow morning

          Bye, cya.. tootles!

          PS: I just made this:


            Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
            Next month...I will be able to join you guys...most eps I have seen only once, but I will own the complete set! I have to!
            Oh yeah you will And then you will probably have a nicer Dvd collection then me(fits together)

            Originally posted by Zoser View Post
            Sight Unseen is not in my top ten but - don't Jack and Sam look good!

            Hey Carter, that cure you worked out is working for everyone but me.

            Well sir, those of us who had contact with the device on the planet either have to touch the device now that it has been recalibrated or some more intimate contact with someone who did. Shall I send out Jonas or Teal'c?

            Very funny, I'll meet you at the motel by the airport in 15 minutes. How will we know if it works?

            We'll just have to keep at it until we're sure of the cure!
            Love it...and i go in the gutter again but thats me cure eh...

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            And BTW, I've been waiting for you to post too. I just got back late!!!

            Congratulations, AstraPerAspera, on 1,300 posts!!!

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

            Sorry...but I got distracted watching End Game and Sacrifices...and felt compelled to make a piccie. Hope you like it.

            And now, I am falling I shall see you tomorrow.
            Squeeee Lovely has pink*eyes shine up

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            Yes...I rallied a little. Haven't gone to bed yet. I specifically wanted to say:

            Congratulations, mara-anni, on 1,700 posts!!!
            Congratulations, antoa315, on 1,400 posts!!!


              Computer had a coniption and I've only now been able to get back on

              Goodnight Jena. Hope you're feeling better tomorrow.

              Goodnight Melissa

              Goodnight Sarah

              Great sig Smiley

              Originally posted by chelle db View Post

              So what do you suppose Sam's winking at???
              I'm thinking she got a little wink in before anyone could notice...but I wonder if Jack said anything leading up to that wink????
              Oh I love this pic!!!!! I love this scene!!

              Look how cute they are....and um Jack. He's smiling. Cheeks dimpling. *swoons*
              Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

              Thanks Bekki


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                Congratulations, antoa315, on 1,400 posts!!!
                From me too

                EDIT: CONGRATS ON 5000 CHELLE!
                Last edited by mara-anni; 22 September 2007, 02:26 AM.
                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                Thanks Bekki


                  Good morning, all. Just getting up for a busy Saturday. Big party, responsible for music etc. Spent altogether too much time worrying about it most of the night!

                  Anyway, catching up (or trying) on the thread this morning, I realized next week on Saturday, we'll get to review the first episode of SGA Season 4! Hope we'll like it.


                    Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                    Jack is a good judge of character and he has a sixth sense about things.

                    Jack didn't dislike the russians per se, he just didn't trust them enough to work with them out in the field. Like he says to Hamond when Hammond threatens to put a russian on SG-1 at the beginnning of S6 - give them their own team. He's fine with that, he just doesn't want them watching his back.
                    though that one female escapes me at the moment....came to respect Jack prety quick.....gave him a little nod at the end.....this was after that whole thing at the ziggurat


                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      Okay...maybe it's getting late and I'm a little tired-silly, but at the mention of multiplying fluff I got this image of lots of little fluffy bunnies hopping around. They're kinda like plot bunnies, only cuter.

                      I think maybe I need to go to bed...
                      ROFL!!!!!! Like those little balls of fur in the one episode of the old Danger Mouse cartoons......brings back memories.....

                      or like the tribbles in ST's Trouble with Tribbles episode....


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Mine are white...
                        mine cluck like those Cadbury egg bunnies...


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          Oh Joy!!! And don't we all love doing the house bed is covered with washing th be folded...and there's still a load in the dryer and another load in the machine ready to be dried...I might do it later...if I feel like it...maybe!!!

                          OMG!!!! That is brilliant!! Brings back memories of when Carmen guzzled down a bottle of water when he ate the vegemite at the con back in April!!!
                          That is soooo funny!! Thank you Zoser!!!!

                          Oh yeah...I hadn't noticed that!!!!

                          My first car was a Mazda was born in 1973...when I was just 3 years old!! My second car was a 1984 Ford XD...then I had a 1989 Ford EA...biggest hunk of junk ever created...and now I have my 1991 Saab...goes like a rocket but costs a lot to maintain...but until she stops, she'll be my little buzz box...of course I really enjoy driving the Cruiser whenever I can...and hubby's gonna teach me to drive the truck one of these days...I'd like to learn how to drive my brothers rig...he's got one of those huge honkin semi's...yeehaa!!!!!

                          I loved Memento Mori and the Pegasus Project!!
                          As for the Quest...GO SAM!!!!!

                          I got used to Jack not being around much earlier than that...sad as it is...he was weened off quite well IMHO...not that I'm happy he's gone...just saying they didn't yank him off and leave us hanging if you know what I mean!!
                          I quite enjoyed season 9 too...but season 10 was great!!!

                          Hey!! Look at the position of their close!!! I mean Jack's sitting on the end of the table and Sam's chair is practically on the corner right up close to Jack...subtle hint perhaps???
                          I so love the way they are positioned very close to one know what...I'm thinking that when they finally get around to revealing something about Sam's relationship status in's gonna be a good thing for us shippers!!!!
                          Maybe I can have a custom car built for me that's in the shape of a Wraith Dart...or a Puddle Jumper


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                            Oh yes Chelle, I agree. There is no real reason for her to be sitting that close to him (other than the obvious that is ). Her chair is pulled up as close as it can get into the corner without actually sharing the head of the table with Jack. Directly opposite where Bra'tac is sitting is where her chair should be. And is it just me or is Jack's chair a little off centre and leaning more toward Sam too?

                            And it is interesting to note Bra'tac and Teal'c in this pic too. Bra'tac is looking at Sam, Teal'c is looking at Jack. I know T's happy face is mostly coz of the fact that they're thinking Daniel's not dead, but I think it might be a little more than that. It's a very knowing expression he's wearing IMHO
                            not to mention Bra'tac looks like he just wants to crack their skulls together and tell them to kiss already...


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              Um...3am? Don't really feel like bed yet, but I can't quite figure out what to do. Not to mention I'm hacking up a lung.

                              Oh, I'm wearing a SG shirt! It's one for when I went to the convention. It's not shippy. It's SGA. I'm preparing myself for this time next week!
                              *makes cross with index fingers of hands*

                              Stay away! Stay WELL away! I don't even think Kel'dor can handle whatever it is you've got.....


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                That sounds yummy! I will try and relax this weekend...and congrats on 5000.
                                or I can make ya some of my rotgut chili.....with 10 jalapeno peppers (I really did make a pot of chili like this once)

                                If that don't cure what ails ya nothin' will....

