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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Yeah, it's easier to read now.
    I REALLY want to cheer you up but I'm also missing my ex. He has just been here (in my home) and well we used to be best friends before anything happens. *sigh* But you're right anyway, there's a reason why they're ex.

    Arg, my MSN should REALLY be working today *


      *hugs you* It's ok . i'm cheering you up instead. I keep wanting/needing to text my ex. I've got an au scene from itlod right next to me and it's already written....
      sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
      My GW fanfiction- c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
      Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


        Tell me about it

        EDIT: i'm eating tons of chocolat.


          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          Yeah Jenn. I agree. It doesn't bother me that much. They're going to do a big marketing thing, so that's a good thing for potential more movies. As for the ship in the movies, they are shot already right? So it doesn't matter when they air. We just have to wait a lot longer to find out.

          And what's with your location?
          When I read the news this morning, I did have a moment of sighing. But as the day's worn on I've sort of steeled myself for it. I can't control it, although Fall '08 does sound incredibly far away. I'm hoping we all have the stamina to wait it out


            Frozen, eh?

            This is going to have to be another one of those cases when someone else will have to lead me to the shippiness of this episode. I know Jack makes various joking Jack-isms which Sam tolerates with a smile, but that's about it...

            I don't think she even is the one next to him as he's sick at the base.

            Granted, there is that whole last scene, which is of course shippy. But as for the rest - it's Season 6 and almost all the ship is so subtle as to be hardly there


              So, I'm working my way through season 7 now (Threads here I come ) and just watched Fragile Balance. Can I just say I don't like that ep? Especially the end, "Jack" going off to highschool ogling some 15 year old girls? Ewwww.

              How's the rest of S7? I really enjoyed season 6, cause I really liked how S/J were around each other, but so far I am not liking S7 that much. And what was with Jack's hair in the first eps anyway?

              Yeah, and Frozen doesn't do it for me either. That last scene is a little shippy, but the for the rest I also missed it. And well, we know what it leads to *cries for Jack* so that's something more to not really like the ep. But, I did like the ep from a non-ship perspective, just the story about the woman defrosting, people going of in the snow, people getting sick, getting cured, the woman dying (sp??). Not making sense eh? I did like the ep.


                Well.. you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas outta your butt. Head. Out of your head. When we need them.

                *is not watching Redemption instead of Frozen*


                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                  Yeah. And to think, we'll have had another ship day by then.
                  Wow, yeah. It might be even a bigger bash than yesterday, seeing as how 'Continuum' will be closer, and hopefully a few shippy spoilers will have leaked. I refuse to believe there won't be ship in that movie!
                  Originally posted by nell View Post
                  Thanks Vikitty for the photo!!! Shippers, what shippy episodes did DK direct???
                  DK is a writer I believe, and I think he wrote Grace!
                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                  Well.. you do have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas outta your butt. Head. Out of your head. When we need them.

                  *is not watching Redemption instead of Frozen*
                  Oh, I voted for 'Redemption' myself.


                    I'll have to rewatch Frozen for further insights, but I think it is rather scant on shippiness. I believe there is a scene when Jack and Teal'c go off on the snowmobiles in search of the Lone Gunmen (oops. sorry. wrong show.) and Sam comes out to see them off...there is a certain level of concern in her voice/words/actions that suggests a more than companionable concern for Jack's well-being. Then of course, as mentioned, the last scene, where Sam pleads w/Jack to accept the Tok'ra symbiote. His first response is "over my dead body"...but when she pleads with him...turns on that look he can't refuse...wills him to live by doing the very thing he has always, always loathed...he has to give in and agree to it. I think he did it more for her than to save his own life.


                      I snagged this link from Samanda. It's got some great pictures from Comic Con. Check out the...oh...third one, I believe, and look who's smack dab in the middle, then who's next to said person, and who this second person is look towards. Just makes me kinda happy in a silly way.


                        *happy dance* Middle. Middle. Middle.


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          So, I'm working my way through season 7 now (Threads here I come ) and just watched Fragile Balance. Can I just say I don't like that ep? Especially the end, "Jack" going off to highschool ogling some 15 year old girls? Ewwww.

                          How's the rest of S7? I really enjoyed season 6, cause I really liked how S/J were around each other, but so far I am not liking S7 that much. And what was with Jack's hair in the first eps anyway?

                          Yeah, and Frozen doesn't do it for me either. That last scene is a little shippy, but the for the rest I also missed it. And well, we know what it leads to *cries for Jack* so that's something more to not really like the ep. But, I did like the ep from a non-ship perspective, just the story about the woman defrosting, people going of in the snow, people getting sick, getting cured, the woman dying (sp??). Not making sense eh? I did like the ep.

                          I recently discovered how much I liked S7 when I was trying to find pix for the shipday vid I made. There is truly a great deal of wonderful Sam/Jack moments in it, building up to Heroes and Lost City.

                          Personally, I loved Fragile Balance. I thought the actor who played young Jack had him down just right and I found the difficulty they all had at first accepting Jack's consciouness in a kid's body was quite funny ("I'll go set up a PlayStation" LOL! The thing is...Jack didn't seem to have any problems playing it!). Then there's the whole part when Janet discovers he's dying...and they still haven't figured out he's a clone...and you can tell Sam's struggling with this, because how do you try to resolve certain feelings for someone who has been transferred into the body of a 15 year old? (She had to do the same thing w/Orlin in S9...). The High School thing might have been a little bit off, but it was a convenient way of getting him out of the picture. And I suspect Jack didn't have a lot of fun in HS the first time through....

                          Just my thoughts, anyway.


                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            *happy dance* Middle. Middle. Middle.
                            *joins happy dance*
                            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                            I recently discovered how much I liked S7 when I was trying to find pix for the shipday vid I made. There is truly a great deal of wonderful Sam/Jack moments in it, building up to Heroes and Lost City.

                            Personally, I loved Fragile Balance. I thought the actor who played young Jack had him down just right and I found the difficulty they all had at first accepting Jack's consciouness in a kid's body was quite funny ("I'll go set up a PlayStation" LOL! The thing is...Jack didn't seem to have any problems playing it!). Then there's the whole part when Janet discovers he's dying...and they still haven't figured out he's a clone...and you can tell Sam's struggling with this, because how do you try to resolve certain feelings for someone who has been transferred into the body of a 15 year old? (She had to do the same thing w/Orlin in S9...). The High School thing might have been a little bit off, but it was a convenient way of getting him out of the picture. And I suspect Jack didn't have a lot of fun in HS the first time through....

                            Just my thoughts, anyway.
                            I love S7. It probably comes third for me after S4 and S3. And Jack had NO problem with the game, did he? I also bet Sam was VERY relieved to have Jack back in his adult body. That had to have been...weird.


                              Having been properly motivated yesterday, I made a sig for Frozen:

                              This sig is part of a set.... I'll be rotating the set this week


                                Hubby walks in, spots my fingers on the keyboard, mutters something like "I thought you swore off the internet yesterday?" and leaves.

                                I swear. He's going to have me committed. I keep watching for the men in the white suits to come up the driveway....

