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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I've read most of the ship day thread, I had such a great time I now have plenty of fanfic to read.

    2131 post and 107 pages, WOW.


      I am atm at page 4345 so a lot to catch up but had a great time with Wendy and Ambre, but I tell you from time to time sleep isn't overrated lol.

      Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
      It's awesome! Nice color and composition.
      Thank you I guess Although I must say, I did look at a screencap of WoO...

      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
      Oh yeh, if Jack retires early than Sam is more than capable of retiring with a higher rank. I mean she's brilliant. But my answer was in reference to if they were both in the military, in that case Sam could never outrank Jack because he's been in the AF for at least ten years more, so would be at least a rank ahead her, if not two, which is the case right now.
      See I always thought that Jack would retire earlier then Sam, cause I think at one point he will have enough of his deskjob and just give up on it... and then I could see Sam having a higher rank then Jack. I never saw of him of staying with the airforce for that long. I mean he already was retired and I can see him retiring again for the right reasons...

      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Well, I think the dream had something to do with food. Love the smiley and have fun with the gals!
      P.S. Can I have your poster?

      Of course food I think it was chicken...

      and what Jena? can you have my poster, you mean the one I made and who was soaking wet...Stupid Belgian rainy weather!

      Originally posted by Eliza View Post
      "A Man in Uniform" - I wrote it for all of us crazy uniform junkies...

      be forewarned... it's exceedingly smutty.

      - Eliza

      link: http://sjalways-forever.jackandsamfo...y.php?sid=1233
      Ooh smutty fic, just what I need...bookmarked and thanks
      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      No, my fingers are fine. Itching to type, actually.

      JackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSam JackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSam JackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSamJackandSam

      *feels better*

      Edit: Nikki, I haven't looked at them, but I'll give it a try now.
      where you bored Jena? but nicely going...looks nice anyway

      Originally posted by 1DanielForMe View Post
      Jack should have retired again and asked Sam to marry him! I guess he felt obligated to take the Washington position.
      I think one day Jack also will retire for Sam, but just not now yet, he loves his job to much atm and he also knows they need him...But I can see in a few years when things with the Ori and things in the pegasus galaxy are fixed he'll retire.

      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
      You read it!? And it was clearly labeled smut, too. Wow...


      Oh, I really don't mean this post to be offensive. I was surprised, that's all.
      ROFL...sometimes you just have to try something new eh

      Originally posted by Zoser View Post
      My Universe
      Thanks Mala
      ooh I love this especially love Janet in this one...Mala is amazing!!!

      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      that makes me wonder... IF sam and jack aren't already married , who should ask the other? it would be more traditional for the man to ask, but since sam's been engaged twice and i'm sure she was the one asked, i think it would be fun for sam to do the asking to jack.

      what say you, shippers?

      Honestly I might be old fashion but I think Jack would ask Sam to marry him. I also think it would be very romantic. I can see him being romantic. but not in a restaurant or somehting. Just at home or at the cabin. and I think Sam will just be blown away from it cause I don't think she expect it...

      yes I am in a romantic mood...

      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Sure! I'll pull out the post and put it up. A lot of people join on Ship Day and it's my duty to give them that final push into insanity, er, the family!
      and why oh why did I read the insanity as gutter. I thought you were saying giving them the last final push into the gutter lol. what is actually not wrong eh

      and I missed shipday yesterday but I heard it was amazing so I will certainly read it tomorrow or the day after...
      now I am going to bed... but I missed you all!!!

      *hugs shipfamily*


      Chelle: I'll be online on thursday morning...just so you know (yes I know I am to lazy to pm at the moment) but I haven't had enough sleep this week so )


        Hello I'm back, but I don't how long I'll be back for, so has there been any interesting
        news on the stagate movies or S4 of Atlantis.
        sig made by the talented RepliCartertje
        + = and many happy shippers


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

          and what Jena? can you have my poster, you mean the one I made and who was soaking wet...Stupid Belgian rainy weather!
          No, not the one you made. That Sam Carter one behind it!


            Originally posted by GraceCarter View Post
            Hello I'm back, but I don't how long I'll be back for, so has there been any interesting
            news on the stagate movies or S4 of Atlantis.
            Ummm.....I don't know what you may or may not know....
            S4, Sam is going to be commander of Atlantis and a Full Bird Colonel. She's also taken pictures of friends and family with her, particularly one of her and Jack fishing. The movies won't be out until next year and we don't know too much more about them. We're still not exactly sure what role RDA will be large or small a role, real, AU, both... I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm also sure other people will weigh in on this discussion!


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Ummm.....I don't know what you may or may not know....
              S4, Sam is going to be commander of Atlantis and a Full Bird Colonel. She's also taken pictures of friends and family with her, particularly one of her and Jack fishing. The movies won't be out until next year and we don't know too much more about them. We're still not exactly sure what role RDA will be large or small a role, real, AU, both... I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I'm also sure other people will weigh in on this discussion!

              Thank you, most of that is new to me, I hope we find more about the movies sometime soon.
              sig made by the talented RepliCartertje
              + = and many happy shippers


                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                My two cents on the Continuum release date...

                I guess it depends on how late "Late 2008" is. Too early after Ark and it's sort of like putting all you eggs in one basket. If Ark does well and is well received, it could bode well for future movies. That would, theoretically, give them time to space them out (i.e., get another one filmed before Continuum comes out: you get buzz from the movie 1 DVD, you get buzz from the filming process of movie 3, and you get buzz from the impending release of movie 2). And, like Jenn said, if for some reason they see Continuum as the end of the line, it would give them time to go back and tweak certain things (we can hope!) to wrap it up with a certain finality.

                I wonder if any of it has to do w/the fate of SGA and their hoped for S5? No one has ever answered any questions about the timelines of the movies vis a vis SGA, so we can only speculate.

                But, hey. Speculating is one of our main activities, as long as there's something to speculate on...we'll have something to keep us going!

                Well, I know for sure that the both the movies are set before Sam goes to Atlantis and joins them for their fourth season. I'm fairly confident that Atlantis will have a fifth season but if they don't I sure they'll have their own movies but not collaborate with SG1. If so Amanda will most probably star in both, as she mentioned that if she was asked to do a 5th season of Atlantis, she'd be very interested. So they probably adjust timelines accordingly. However, if Atlantis and SG1 movie schedules clashed I'm sure they'd have Amanda star in the SG1 movies as she's been an established character in the show for ten years plus two movies, but has only been in one season of Atlantis. I reckon they'd probably try and get Torri back, which would be great as well.

                And finally WOW! Ship Day was amazing!

                (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                  Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                  And finally WOW! Ship Day was amazing!
                  Indeed it was! I now feel like a Ship-Veteran!


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Ummm.....I don't know what you may or may not know....
                    S4, Sam is going to be commander of Atlantis and a Full Bird Colonel. She's also taken pictures of friends and family with her, particularly one of her and Jack fishing. snip
                    I didn't realize
                    Sam was going to be a full Colonel, but I guess she'd have to be to supervise Shephard. D'oh! Looks like we've come full circle back to Colonel O'Neill.

                    One of the pictures looks like Jack in his tux from their wedding. I hope we get a shot of Sam picking it up and taking a long, loving look at it or maybe holding it over her heart.

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                      I didn't realize
                      Sam was going to be a full Colonel, but I guess she'd have to be to supervise Shephard. D'oh! Looks like we've come full circle back to Colonel O'Neill.

                      One of the pictures looks like Jack in his tux from their wedding. I hope we get a shot of Sam picking it up and taking a long, loving look at it or maybe holding it over her heart.
                      Yep, FULL BIRD! I am so proud. As is Jack, of course.

                      The 5 pictures are Teal'c, Jacob in his dress blues, Cassie, Daniel in what looks like a tux, and Jack and Sam fishing. Now see, what we need to do is hit up Daniel for some info. 'Son, just when and where did you wear that tux? Spill it!'


                        Re: Continuum release. Shades of waiting between SW movies!! Yes, it won't be three years, but it will seem like it. (Not talking about the time between ROTJ and TPM, but it might even seem that long, too)


                          Oh, I love these sorts of questions! But, wow, does it require some brain power and serious thought.

                          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                          What was the first episode you watched where you noticed the ship and/or became a Sam/Jack shipper?
                          Well, I definitely saw some sparks and chemistry in CotG and just knewthere was potential for more. Then I saw the way he looked at her in 'Emancipation' when she wore that dress and somewhere between that and 'The Brocca Divide' I became a shipper.

                          What's your favourite Sam/Jack moment and why?
                          Wow, tough one. I'd have to say the moment(s) in 'Divide and Conquer' when Sam finds out that Jack's going through with the procedure because even if it ends up killing him at least it'll help her, at which point Jack passes and she runs to the guards and calls out to him as he's walking away and he looks back at her but keeps on going.

                          And obviously the entirety of the Za'tarc testing. The torment, the shield bashing, the 'Sir, you have to go' 'No!', the confession, the looks...they speak volumes.

                          What's your favourite Sam/Jack picture/video/fanfic?
                          I think I love all the pictures but for videos I'd have to say 'Clipship' by Melanie, 'Desire' by SNY, 'Angels from Ashes' - Runrig and 'Love Affair' but I don't know who that's by. I love loads more but they're the ones that stand out. For fanfic, I'd say anything by Kate McCaye, absolutely fantastic and most of the stuff by Jessa4865. I have loads more but they're the authors that come to mind right now. Oh and 'Blame it on the tinsel' and 'Small favours' by Eve 8. I think that’s it for now.

                          (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Yep, FULL BIRD! I am so proud. As is Jack, of course.

                            The 5 pictures are Teal'c, Jacob in his dress blues, Cassie, Daniel in what looks like a tux, and Jack and Sam fishing. Now see, what we need to do is hit up Daniel for some info. 'Son, just when and where did you wear that tux? Spill it!'

                            I just love that there are individual pictures of all of the people closest to her but the one of Jack is with her.

                            And about posting a link for Ship Day on JM's blog, I haven't had a chance to come up with a message to go with it yet (busy day; RL got in the way ) but will have something by tomorrow, which I'll post and you guys can add/change etc. Then I'll post it.
                            Last edited by Nikki; 31 July 2007, 05:03 AM.

                            (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              OK, so the next ep is

                              And you can check it here
                              I found quite a lot of ship in this episode, as in most eps in S6. Not necessarily spoken dialogue, but looks and touches. The way they look at each other when Janet says that they're going to continue to get sick. The look on Sam's face whe Janet mentions the ancient device overwriting Jack's brain in Fifth Race, and the way that it's him she calls out to when she needs the heat cranked as they realize the girl is alive. There were others closer to the controls, but it's him she calls on when she needs a job done.

                              Most especially, of course, is the snowmobile thing. As somebody mentioned, she sends he and Teal'c off, but something in the way she tells him to be careful and he tells her he will is very "soldier's girl sending him off to war" from the early 20th centuries or before. An unspoken message of "come home safe to me," is clear. <g> At least to *this* shipper.

                              And I agree that he only accepted the offer because she asked it of him. If anybody else had asked, even with the rest of the circumstances the same, I don't think he would have agreed, but he not only loves her, but he trusts her with his life. If Sam says it's what's best, then it must be so. I also liked how, prior to this, she says, "how can we do that?" to the question of having to make the decision *for* Jack. She's obviously angst-ing over his impending death, but she knows Jack and his heart and knows it had to be his and his alone.

                              I've watched this episode so many times, I can't begin to tell you. Between Samandjack and Jonas, it's wonderful.
                              - Mary
                              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                Yep, FULL BIRD! I am so proud. As is Jack, of course.

                                The 5 pictures are Teal'c, Jacob in his dress blues, Cassie, Daniel in what looks like a tux, and Jack and Sam fishing. Now see, what we need to do is hit up Daniel for some info. 'Son, just when and where did you wear that tux? Spill it!'
                                Darn! That's Daniel in the tux? The shot I saw was kind of fuzzy, and I thought it was Jack - because that's what I wanted to think! But, hmmmm...... if it's Daniel in the tux, the pic was still taken at their wedding, so what's the difference?

                                s u g a r s h a k e r

