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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Continuing my semi-lurking status:

    Happy Birthday Oma-1!!!

    Hope it's been a good one!

    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    *peeks inside*
    Ummmm... Hi?
    I'm a huge sam/Jack shipper... Been so for years...
    Welcome to the thread!!!

    Come back, post lots and be happy!

    (How come you never said you were a Shipper? )
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

      Welcome to the thread!!!

      Come back, post lots and be happy!

      (How come you never said you were a Shipper? )
      Thank you!
      I dont know. I guess I was a bit too preoccupied by the Ronon thunking.
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


        Originally posted by Nikki View Post
        The second round of voting is open for the best episode of SG1. 'Divide and Conquer' didn't get through. At least 'Threads' and 'Solitudes' did.

        You know... Lost City 2 vs Threads, WoO vs Solitudes
        I think the Sci-fi poll makers are trying to reduse the chance of too much Shippy eps creeping into the 'finales'... Which I consider to be a good thing, for they obviously see Shippers as a powerfull, groupvorming and massively voting part of the SG fanbase

        ...Do we scare people? Is this wy we have so many Anti's following us?
        Could it be the PTB are afraid to give us a nice, positive resolution, because they have gotten a code red from several gouvernments, about Shippers not going to work all at once because they are partying after the airing of The BHK? Is The Longlasting Ship actually a consperacy? Are we more powerfull than we all realize?

        ...We shall never know...

        I'm a crazy person I tell ya! Crazy! And I do so Suck

        Originally posted by zuz View Post
        Just a few AT/RDA behind the scenes piccies.

        spoilers for season 10

        These are cute...

        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        Thank you!
        I dont know. I guess I was a bit too preoccupied by the Ronon thunking.
        Mmm... Yeah... I guess I've done a little too much OT thunking on GW myself lately, so I forgive you for not telling You're here now
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          BTW--I stand corrected on Sam's age being in the 40s (guess I was basing it more on AT's), but I did go check Entity, and after much pausing and zooming it reads: DOB:29/12/68...which makes her pretty much a genius by my estimation cuz that means she was 27 when she joined SG1, had already worked on the SG program before the trip to Abydos, which was a year earlier, making her 26, at which time she already had her PhD, which means she must have zoomed through her Masters and Doctoral programs pretty darn fast and whipped up her dissertation in no time at all. (No small me, I know!) And let's not forget her AF training time as well. I tell you the woman is an absolute work-a-holic, which factors into the whole discussion earlier about why, when she realized (or thought she realized) that she couldn't have Jack she settled for Pete....
          A poster in the Sam's a Great Character thread (ForeverSG1) has written up a time-line for Sam.
          You can find the post here.


            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            Wow! A special banner--an official special banner just for Sam and Jack at the North Pole...dare we hope? Dare we dream? Could this mean there will be (drumroll.....) validation!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

            BTW--I stand corrected on Sam's age being in the 40s (guess I was basing it more on AT's), but I did go check Entity, and after much pausing and zooming it reads: DOB:29/12/68...which makes her pretty much a genius by my estimation cuz that means she was 27 when she joined SG1, had already worked on the SG program before the trip to Abydos, which was a year earlier, making her 26, at which time she already had her PhD, which means she must have zoomed through her Masters and Doctoral programs pretty darn fast and whipped up her dissertation in no time at all. (No small me, I know!) And let's not forget her AF training time as well. I tell you the woman is an absolute work-a-holic, which factors into the whole discussion earlier about why, when she realized (or thought she realized) that she couldn't have Jack she settled for Pete....
            Ok common misconception is that you have to have a Mastors before you get a Doctorate...nope. Infact they told us when we were in college that if our end goal was to get a masters then do the masters if your end goal is a PHD and you know what you want to do it on then by all means skip the Masters portion. It is possible to do it all in the time frame they gave...most PHD programs are reasearch especially for science. And on your own time some people take a year or few years some people take waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy more. It all depends on the person and what you are doing.

            Born Dec 1969
            Grad Highschool June (ish) 1986, 17 (thats if she started kindergarden at 4...I am assuming her parents saw she was smart and didnt wait till she was a whole year older since she would only be 4 for a few months. Though it really is up to the parent, all my december and 1 of my January friends were started at 4...basically I was the stupid one in the group)
            Grad Academy May (ish) 1990, 20 (You can go into the Academy at 17 I checked, and you know I can see Sam graduating in 3 years if she wanted to (math is based off of 4 though) but if she majored in multiple things then I see the 4 year I could have done 3 I just chose not to...for lots of reasons so I ended up taking a lot of BS classes my last semester to kill time...serves me right for being a nerd the first 2 years at college!)
            Persian Gulf 1991, 21 (What was it Jan-Feb? I just remember video clips of Bagdad I was little in the news not when it happened).
            Work on Stargate 1992-1994 (She said two years really it could be at any time after the Gulf War and the movie in 1994) Her PHD could have also been recieved during this time or before the show started in 1997 (there is the rest of 94, and all of 95-96 to play with and part of 97), since as I said its really an on your own time. Some of the research at work might have even over laped with her Doctorates Thesis. Just a thought.
            This also signifys I have no life as I have a piece of paper with this all mapped out...part of it I had mapped out before for my story as I said...this just added nerdy to it

            Edit: I see someone else was just as nerdy as me from link in above post...and she spend way more time actually digging out the research and typing it...but I am on limited time RACE TIME...GO NEWMAN GO!!!
            GO NEWMAN! 31!


              Originally posted by Caladria View Post
              Although curiously enough, I was just watching Urgo and the way that she sits in the infirmary in one scene struck me as very... girly. And no, I can't think of a better word for it. Much more relaxed (although, obviously irritated by a DeLuise. They really have infested the franchise...).
              I don't think Sam and Jack have ever been as loose and comfortable around each other as they were in Urgo. Or rather, we''ve seen them as loose and comfortable... I know exactly what bit your talking about. This is right before 100 Days, Shades of Grey, then shortly afterwards Nemesis/Small Victories/Upgrades/D&C.

              In Urgo, they had feelings, IMHO, and probably living on base together for so long made them closer, but they weren't aware of the depths or the full impact of what those feelings meant yet. So we see 'em just being cute and comfortable. I think how girlie Sam is acting reflects that - she's just being *Sam*.

              Spoilers for tShroud:
              Even in tS when they're together we don't see this level of relaxation because, IMHO, they're now pretty good and maintaining their professionalism around each other so, which there is a huge amount of comfort and closeness, there still isn't that sense of relaxation.


                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                Honestly does she really look like she's enjoying it? Look at the expression on her face She might need the release but is she really happy? Sad! People always go into relationships with others because they can't get the person they really want and that's what Sam is doing and it's tragic for her and Jack.
                I don't think she looked like she wasn't enjoying it.... and while I was at work today, I was thinking further about this whole situation. I'm sure that TPTB didn't do it for this reason, but I'm finding that i can find logic in funny places these days...

                Sam and Pete were rough and against the wall. I think we all know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jack and Sam's first time would be TOTALLY the opposite.... There would be no roughness and definitely no wall involved LOL. To me, they were two situations at totally different ends of the spetrum....

                Okay.. off for a cold shower now....and not for the reasons y'all are thinking, I got a bad sunburn today.. even with sunscreen on LOL!!

                Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                *peeks inside*
                Ummmm... Hi?
                I'm a huge sam/Jack shipper... Been so for years...
                Hi and welcome!!! Congrats on the 700posts!!

                Made by Me!


                  Flying visit to drop off the latest Aftershock...

                  Mad World

                  It's a TAG to Legacy. Hopefully, I can stay for a bit longer tomorrow and comment on some of the great discussions that have taken place! Bye for now!
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    I don't think Sam and Jack have ever been as loose and comfortable around each other as they were in Urgo. Or rather, we''ve seen them as loose and comfortable... I know exactly what bit your talking about. This is right before 100 Days, Shades of Grey, then shortly afterwards Nemesis/Small Victories/Upgrades/D&C.

                    In Urgo, they had feelings, IMHO, and probably living on base together for so long made them closer, but they weren't aware of the depths or the full impact of what those feelings meant yet. So we see 'em just being cute and comfortable. I think how girlie Sam is acting reflects that - she's just being *Sam*.

                    Spoilers for tShroud:
                    Even in tS when they're together we don't see this level of relaxation because, IMHO, they're now pretty good and maintaining their professionalism around each other so, which there is a huge amount of comfort and closeness, there still isn't that sense of relaxation.
                    Actually, I'm thinking of the scene when she's sat in the infirmary next to Daniel, so I'd attribute the girlyness to a level of comfortableness (its a word) to how she feels about everyone in the room - SG-1, Hammond and Janet. I don't think that her level of comfort was really affected by the ship at all in that scene (or that episode, except for its absence as something she's aware of) and is much more to do with Sam-the-person, not Sam-the-one-who-loves-Jack.

                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    I don't think she looked like she wasn't enjoying it.... and while I was at work today, I was thinking further about this whole situation. I'm sure that TPTB didn't do it for this reason, but I'm finding that i can find logic in funny places these days...

                    Sam and Pete were rough and against the wall. I think we all know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jack and Sam's first time would be TOTALLY the opposite.... There would be no roughness and definitely no wall involved LOL. To me, they were two situations at totally different ends of the spetrum....

                    Okay.. off for a cold shower now....and not for the reasons y'all are thinking, I got a bad sunburn today.. even with sunscreen on LOL!!

                    Hi and welcome!!! Congrats on the 700posts!!

                    And, Anne has just realised why she has no memory of this particular scene. I watched on a Sunday afternoon at 4pm in the middle of the kids/teenagers programmes on C4. Methinks the UK terrestrial service had been doing a bit of editing of its own (so, Jenn - that means its not canon for me, right? if its been edited out? ).

                    And here I thought my little shippy brain had blocked it from my memory.

                    EDIT: And, for the Sam timeline thing... has anyone mentioned that she spent some time (I think I remember a year) working on nanotechnology at the Pentagon? Mentioned in Brief Candle

                    And she took some Psychology undergrad courses (Fire and Water)

                    And apparently has enough knowledge to be useful in a pathology examination of an alien species..
                    (look do you know how much time it takes to do pathology???? Even merely as a doctor? Without extra species being thrown in? /rant)
                    Last edited by Caladria; 19 May 2007, 02:43 PM.
                    Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
                    Vince: “Yeah.”
                    Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


                      And one more quick post to say...

                      Happy Birthday Oma-1!


                      Belated Happy Birthday majorsal!


                      Belated Happy Birthday everyone else I've missed!

                      So sorry!
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Happy Birthday Oma-1
                        Welcome to the crazy ship family Salamas


                          Just seen the first (well first I've seen) sam and sheppard fic, *gag*

                          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                            I don't think she looked like she wasn't enjoying it.... and while I was at work today, I was thinking further about this whole situation. I'm sure that TPTB didn't do it for this reason, but I'm finding that i can find logic in funny places these days...

                            Sam and Pete were rough and against the wall. I think we all know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jack and Sam's first time would be TOTALLY the opposite.... There would be no roughness and definitely no wall involved LOL. To me, they were two situations at totally different ends of the spetrum....
                            I'm not so sure it wasn't done for a reason. And it's not just the first time with Jack - though I'm sure that was different. The entire situation spoke of physical desire and need more than the intimacy and bonding and sharing I'd expect from two people in love. I do tend to think that was intentional, as the name 'Chimera' speaks to an illusion of love as well as to the idea of the dangerous female, as mentioned in the commentary. I think Sam's relationship with Pete was designed by TPTB to be a compromise and was doomed to failure, and the way that scene was played supports that, IMHO.

                            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                            Actually, I'm thinking of the scene when she's sat in the infirmary next to Daniel, so I'd attribute the girlyness to a level of comfortableness (its a word) to how she feels about everyone in the room - SG-1, Hammond and Janet. I don't think that her level of comfort was really affected by the ship at all in that scene (or that episode, except for its absence as something she's aware of) and is much more to do with Sam-the-person, not Sam-the-one-who-loves-Jack.
                            Except I think Jack was sparking things in Sam that she hadn't felt before. I don't think you can separate out the two, and the fact that we haven't really seen that 'Sam', except maybe briefly during Chimera and then glimpses of a new, though more mature, girly Sam in S9 and S10, IMHO, speak to the fact that it was because of Jack, even if she wasn't right near him.
                            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                            And, Anne has just realised why she has no memory of this particular scene. I watched on a Sunday afternoon at 4pm in the middle of the kids/teenagers programmes on C4. Methinks the UK terrestrial service had been doing a bit of editing of its own (so, Jenn - that means its not canon for me, right? if its been edited out? ).
                            ROFL. No, cause remember I said if we get those missing Threads scenes between Jacob and Jack in some kind of director's cut, then they become canon. Same thing with that scene


                              Originally posted by zuz;6687883
                              Oh come on [B
                              gals[/B] THAT'S A MANIP. I made it about a month ago.
                              I feel so stupid...


                                Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                                Just seen the first (well first I've seen) sam and sheppard fic, *gag*
                                *sigh* Inevitable. Some people enjoy frustration, don't they?

                                I'm sure Anne could explain the fascination with odd ships. Or maybe Eve. Me, I don't get it. But I am certain they're doomed to endless frustration, based on stuff JM has said (I mean the non-snarky 'I'll be kind to S/J shippers because I'm one of them' stuff not the 'be quite odd SGA shippers or else...) stuff). I suspect Sam/John shippers know that, just like Jack/Daniel slashers. Again, I dont get it, but them imagining it has NO bearing on what may or may not happen on the show. Entire thing beats me, but *shrugs* Each his own.

                                Is LOLing atm....

                                (though having just watched The Ark I am impressed again by TPTBs ability to play the fandom...)

