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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    I'm trying to figure out what the heck I think and I am confusing myself.

    I think in D&C it was more fear than shame. I do think they both felt shame because they had feelings that were inappropriate, but the point is, they had feelings. That has to count for something. Sam was put in the same position as Jack in having to tell how she felt, she had to feel the same way he did. If she thought he was ashamed for loving her, she had to feel the same shame, because she loved him back. She gave them a chance to keep those feelings in the room because they needed to put a stop to it before it went any further. It had to scare the crud out of them-what they had though had been harmless flirting and fun was really much deeper. That they both felt the same thing and it wasn't one sided. So they backed off.

    And I don't really think Sam felt Jack was repulsed by his feelings or thought Jack had a problem with *her*. Otherwise, I think they would have never been able to still work so well together. Jack did pull back in the feelings department(as did she), but he still showed her respect and pride. He still trusted her explicitly. He even occasionally flirted with her and still offered to take her fishing. Heck, he even told her she was a national treasure. (To say she never felt worthless except when it came to being loved(romantically) but I don't think that really started coming in to play until S7. Up until then, I think she'd been pretty content with her life(the work-a-holic)) I think she was oblivious to the little ways he showed her he still cared. I think their feelings scared them both to the point of it seeming like there wasn't anything between them at all. She really probably thought he moved on. It might not have dawned on her he was protecting her and not feeling worthy himself. It had nothing to do with her as a person-Jack thinks the world of her. And while I think shame does play in there somewhere, I guess I don't see it to as great an extent.

    Then BTS, not long after D&C...if there were any uncertainties on Sam's part about how Jack felt...they had to be answered somewhat here. They had been together on a planet. They had been close, the relationship had been easy, they'd had feelings for each other. It was an open, honest relationship. Despite no memories, Jack did remember feeling something for her. Sam, when she remembers everything, has to think for a second that his feelings are so deep that even while he couldn't remember the rest of his team or his real life, he remembered her. He remembered feeling something for her. I don't think Sam could have chalked it all up to them not being themselves. Not with all the siring and ranks being thrown around there at the end. The shame is because of their ranks and positions. It's not because he hates his feelings for her, but the rules that won't let them love. The saddness in his voice at the end, that they have to go back to that military life. He's not ashamed of his feelings or her, it's just he knows he shouldn't feel the way he does, and that he hates the rules are going to keep them apart again. I don't know if Sam really got that then either, but it had to give her food for thought.

    Do you ever read some posts and want to say something but you can't formulate what you really want to say so you just ramble? That's what I just did.

    I just love the way they look at each other there.
    I agree that Jack's afraid -- but NOT of any repercussions from the Air Force. I think he think's he's jacked up his life [no pun intended] since he totally blames himself for Charlie's death. Jack probably thought he could justify his Black Ops and the "distasteful things" he's had to do in that capacity by the fact that he was a great family man. So once he, in my opinion, in his opinion, destroyed the only good thing he had accomplished in life (because Jack being so honorable would abhor the things he's had to do to protect the rest of the United States, but hey, somebody had to do it and he was good at it). Hey, did anybody keep up with that sentence? hee hee

    At the time of D&C, he would have felt totally undeserving of Sam and since he did care for her, he would never try to burden her with what he would perceive as his demons.

    Can you imagine the nightmares that man probably has???? Black Ops and child's death???? Speaking all of the above from the time period of D&C because, of course, Sam has helped him put a big ol' scab over those wounds that is healing nicely.
    sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)



      Thanks for the link - I loved reading that

      PTB that are Deluise is, Martin Wood is, someone once told me Brad Wright is, but I'm not sure.... as for the rest, someone!!
      No probs. And thanks for the names. It's good to know that a few PTB are us hope for the movies and the end of the series.

      (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


        I've been thinking about Continuum, after reading some of the posts a couple pages back. So, this is just a wild leap of the imagination, but what if...

        SG1 travels back to earth, where they realize they are in fact in an AU. One of the major indicators of this is that Sam and Jack aren't married. Sam: We're not married in this reality, are we? Jack: Excuse me??

        Just a thought.


          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          Because i promised to post this two weeks ago and i forgot it I will post it now...
          Now you think where is she talking ''s the S/J Bday list he he

          well here it goes


          And that's the whole long list.....

          Hugs, Jann
          Wonders why she thinks of it now...

          Could it be that the family needs a reminder of a certain b-day, now that the B-day list girl can't announce it?

          *Just teasing ya Jann *

          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          I've been thinking about Continuum, after reading some of the posts a couple pages back. So, this is just a wild leap of the imagination, but what if...

          SG1 travels back to earth, where they realize they are in fact in an AU. One of the major indicators of this is that Sam and Jack aren't married. Sam: We're not married in this reality, are we? Jack: Excuse me??

          Just a thought.
          Now... THAT would work for me But I'll be happy with anything Shippy at this point...
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            For Eve's S/J-o-thon...
            Listed in her requested order "Title, Pairing, Prompt, Rating"

            Title is: Pink and Yellow
            Pairing is: Sam and Jack (I mean Eve come on now what else would it be)
            He wore an itsy bitsy tiny weenie yellow...
            Big Pink Poofy Dress. SamJack

            Rating: K+ (I hate making ratings up)
            GO NEWMAN! 31!


              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              Wonders why she thinks of it now...

              Could it be that the family needs a reminder of a certain b-day, now that the B-day list girl can't announce it?

              *Just teasing ya Jann *
              Nope she can't announce her own birthday that's why she recruited me 2 weeks ago...though am I supposed to do my time or her time because tomorrow is still a far way away here...or I could be mean and do Hawaii time I mean shes not going to be in town to announce my birthday...
              I think I will flip a coin and see what time I will list it

              Edit: Oops sorry about the double posting...I swear I went brain dead for a moment
              Edit 2:
              Yep really brain dead Eve made this using one of my prompts and I didn't star her

              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              First thing I made for the Sam/Jack-o-thon:

              Sam & Jack Sudoku, Sam/Jack, Sam/Jack, Sudoku, PG

              (clickie for bigger)
              Thank you Eve
              Last edited by cess525; 10 May 2007, 11:40 AM.
              GO NEWMAN! 31!


                Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                For Eve's S/J-o-thon...
                Listed in her requested order "Title, Pairing, Prompt, Rating"

                Title is: Pink and Yellow
                Pairing is: Sam and Jack (I mean Eve come on now what else would it be)
                He wore an itsy bitsy tiny weenie yellow...
                Big Pink Poofy Dress. SamJack

                Rating: K+ (I hate making ratings up)
                Good one! Very enjoyable!


                  Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                  Wonders why she thinks of it now...

                  Could it be that the family needs a reminder of a certain b-day, now that the B-day list girl can't announce it?

                  *Just teasing ya Jann *

                  ssshhh...and i thought i was so sneaky...

                  Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                  For Eve's S/J-o-thon...
                  Listed in her requested order "Title, Pairing, Prompt, Rating"

                  Title is: Pink and Yellow
                  Pairing is: Sam and Jack (I mean Eve come on now what else would it be)
                  He wore an itsy bitsy tiny weenie yellow...
                  Big Pink Poofy Dress. SamJack

                  Rating: K+ (I hate making ratings up)
                  Love it B...and kids SQUEEE

                  You know how i think 'bout that

                  Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                  Nope she can't announce her own birthday that's why she recruited me 2 weeks ago...though am I supposed to do my time or her time because tomorrow is still a far way away here...or I could be mean and do Hawaii time I mean shes not going to be in town to announce my birthday...
                  I think I will flip a coin and see what time I will list it
                  MY TIME!!!!
                  And is it already two weeks ago? hi hi

                  **cough**2 hours 15 min**cough**...not that i am counting...

                  And i am home to announce your Bday...i have to do it between packing out my old vacation bags...and searching for clean clothes in the other bag...
                  Hey...i only have an afternoon at home between my vacations...


                    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                    I was very surprised when I read this. I don't know if a lot of you already know this so I thought I'd post it anyway. Scroll down right to the bottom and read the last question.


                    I didn't think TPTB revealed whether they were shippers or not, but I guess they do. And I was very pleased with Joe's answer. It's looking good for season 4 of Atlantis! Do we know of any of the other PTB who are shippers or even anti?
                    What amuses me no end is how he answered the question: "I'd think from Momento Mori it should be obvious..."

                    Which supports what I've always said. If they write ship, it ain't because they hate doing it... (Do you like monkeys?)

                    Though I've heard - to add to the list - Robert Cooper is also a shipper. And remember in the Lost City commentary he was afraid he'd written the ending to be too sappy...
                    Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                    I agree that Jack's afraid -- but NOT of any repercussions from the Air Force.
                    *stands up and claps in agreement*

                    Couldn't green ya.

                    And I can't believe ya'll were discussing Threads without me

                    But I agree with everything especially the way she caresses his hand - it's hers. Because think back to Death Knell when his hand sort of hovered uncertainly because he was to unsure to place it on her.


                      *Looks at clock, close enough* I have to go play tennis with my brother *he makes me play tennis with him and then expects me to bring new balls...yeah ummm so not happening* anyways I don't know if I will be back exactly at Midnight Netherlands time so I will post this an hour ish early (its almost May 11th...and it is May 11th for Chelle and the other Aussies and time zones all they way up till Jann's) becuase I know Jann has only been waiting for her birthday now since May 12 of last year.

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANN!!!!!
                      GO NEWMAN! 31!


                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                        Oh dear... am finally getting around to watching the long versions of 'Threads' and my DivX froze on Pete saying, "Can I go through the Stargate".... it repeated at least 20times before I could get it stopped... seriously, why couldn't it have frozen on "Always".....
                        For real!
                        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                        Because i promised to post this two weeks ago and i forgot it I will post it now...
                        Now you think where is she talking ''s the S/J Bday list he he

                        well here it goes
                        Mmmmm, I wonder if Jann's birthday is tomorrow? There looks to be lots of celebrating coming up!
                        Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                        Wow... nice chat around the table with the Flowers phone call.. LOL. Sam Clearly wants no mention of the wedding when Jack is around...
                        Nope. And she's not too happy with dad either.
                        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                        I agree that Jack's afraid -- but NOT of any repercussions from the Air Force.
                        I don't think he's afraid for him, but more for her. He doesn't care what the AF does to him necessarily, but he wants to protect her. And I think he was probably somewhat afraid of his feelings, when it really first hit 'Oh crud! This is serious!' It had to be a kinda scary feeling when he realized how deep he actually was in this...that it wasn't just a crush. Then comes the fact they can't do anything cause of their jobs, he doesn't feel worthy, yadda, yadda, yadda.


                          As a birthday treat for Jann, a cap I caught while editing video:

                          Guess what episode?

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANN!

                          And look, for your birthday, all the people now trying not to fall into the gutter....


                            Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                            *Looks at clock, close enough* I have to go play tennis with my brother *he makes me play tennis with him and then expects me to bring new balls...yeah ummm so not happening* anyways I don't know if I will be back exactly at Midnight Netherlands time so I will post this an hour ish early (its almost May 11th...and it is May 11th for Chelle and the other Aussies and time zones all they way up till Jann's) becuase I know Jann has only been waiting for her birthday now since May 12 of last year.

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANN!!!!!
                            First thanx B for announcing You rock
                            And yeah i am a uhm..not patient girl But i love if anyone sees it...on me

                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            As a birthday treat for Jann, a cap I caught while editing video:

                            Guess what episode?

                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANN!

                            And look, for your birthday, all the people now trying not to fall into the gutter....

                            Thanx Jenn

                            And GRACE!!!!! ???

                            EDIT: you said gutter...and grace?? you know what is coming now

                            Last edited by starlover; 10 May 2007, 01:24 PM. Reason: grace kiss squee


                              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                              You know, the "always" scene just about breaks my heart everytime I see it.. They are just so casual with eachother after he puts his arm around her. She strokes his hand like there's never been a time when it wasn't there.... I love it....
                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              Oh that's my favorite part--the way her thumb unconsciously caresses his hand...[sigh!]. Every barrier just falls away at that moment. Their future is written right there.
                              My favourite part is where they exchange the look, then Sam lets her cheek rest against his hand for a moment...*shippy sigh* It looked for a moment like she wanted to kiss it before she managed to control the urge.

                              And yes, that's the start of their future together


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                Happy shipper sigh!!! Looks like I have a full day of searching for these wonderful moments you all have pointed out. Yay!
                                Aren't those the best days?

                                I used to hate it when the children would get up in the night when they were little. Since I got my sg1 boxsets, I enjoy those nights now

