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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
    But the two scenes I don't like is the scene at his house and then the scene on the ship in Lost City I & II. The woman wanted to tell him how she felt and he kinda shunned her. If I was Sam, I would get the impression he doesn't really care for me.
    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    Remember that Jack thought that there was a very good chance that he wasn't going to survive. I'd say that he wanted Sam to be able to move on with her life without him instead of leaving her with regrets about what could have been.
    I see it that way too, Regan. I don't think he was shunning her, but protecting her. Jack probably felt it was best not to take it that next step because he really might not have made it that time. So they admit everything and then he dies...that might be more painful that keeping the status quo.

    It makes me think of all the other times they've danced with death. I think this time, Sam just had enough time to gather up the courage to go make a move. Think of all the other times they could have died and never known the truth.

    I have no idea if any of my posts tonight make sense. Just a general disclaimer


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      I see it that way too, Regan. I don't think he was shunning her, but protecting her. Jack probably felt it was best not to take it that next step because he really might not have made it that time. So they admit everything and then he dies...that might be more painful that keeping the status quo.

      It makes me think of all the other times they've danced with death. I think this time, Sam just had enough time to gather up the courage to go make a move. Think of all the other times they could have died and never known the truth.

      I have no idea if any of my posts tonight make sense. Just a general disclaimer
      No, that makes sense. I agree with you!


        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        S9 Ex Deus Machina Spoiler / Shippy Commentary

        Remember when Sam said "Not exactly" and were all wondering what that was supposed to mean? Especially when we found out that RC had added the line without any particular purpose....Well the commentary for that ep (with BW and Joe) they discuss rather in depth what they think that line means Joe voted for it meaning Sam and Jack were together but not really dating yet....BW said he thinks they're sleeping together, but not dating
        did i comment on this already?

        if not -


        Plus there's a really cool bit in the commentary for Arthur's Mantle where LOL4JACK's truffles become a byword in Stargate History


        what does that mean???




          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
          Actually, even some kid shows have ship....

          Hey! I have two younger sisters, and sometimes, I might just watch the Disney Channel.
          Hmmm... I watched 'Hannah Montana' once with four other college age students.

          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
          I think Divide and Conquer is supposed to have shown that Jack cares more than he should about all of his teammates, but that he has no special feelings for Sam.
          I think he cares about all his teammates more than he is supposed to, but with Sam, definitely different. The looks that pass btw those two in that ep...*shivers* Oh, yeah. Much different.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          The Shroud:
          I loved that scene. I think it fit perfectly with the subtleness that has been the Sam/Jack ship from the beginning. I realized today that what I REALLY love about that scene is that, for the first time ever that I can recall, not only is there NO part of Sam's lab desk strategically positioned to separate Sam and Jack (and lets face it, they've passed a lot of paper across that lab desk.. they didn't have to view it together under a desk lamp), but Jack admits to understanding her plan and the science behind it ON THE FIRST EXPLANATION. In fact, he makes a slight joke about the fact that he gets it instead of the typical former joke about not getting it and needing more explaining. He doesn't need to pretend stupidity to try to get more of her attention. In fact, she smiles at his admission of intelligence... like, that's right, you don't have to pretend you're not worthy NOW... The whole scene is played amazingly straight for Jack as well, and I think we may see there the truest "Jack" we've ever seen -- no masks. As has been said, you can just see how intimate and comfortable they are together.
          Oh, I like this.

          Originally posted by Caladria View Post
          The Shroud spoilers
          I can just see that... their best friend may or may not be one of the greatest threats in the galaxy... so they make out in a supply closet... That's really in character for two Air Force officers that care for their entire team and never leave anyone behind.

          Or, ya know, not
          No, never that! I know you're just kidding, but there could have been something more. I'm thinking in that lab would have been so simple for Jack to reach over and squeeze her hand... It's friendshippy, but can be seen as shippy, too. And it wouldn't take away from the would only add to it by showing their deep bonds with each other and their care for Daniel.


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Hmmm... I watched 'Hannah Montana' once with four other college age students.

            I've seen that. What a disgrace to my name!

            *enters little kid zone* I didn't mind it that much!

            FCOL, it has ship!
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Hmmm... I watched 'Hannah Montana' once with four other college age students.

              I think he cares about all his teammates more than he is supposed to, but with Sam, definitely different. The looks that pass btw those two in that ep...*shivers* Oh, yeah. Much different.

              Oh, I like this.

              No, never that! I know you're just kidding, but there could have been something more. I'm thinking in that lab would have been so simple for Jack to reach over and squeeze her hand... It's friendshippy, but can be seen as shippy, too. And it wouldn't take away from the would only add to it by showing their deep bonds with each other and their care for Daniel.
              I would love to have seen him squeeze her hand, or even have him wrap his arms around her shoulders in a slight hug for a few seconds.


                So... the one night I'm able to stay up is the night I have to be up at 6!

                Night, shippers! Shippy dreams!

                Remember, they are
                soooo married!
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Night Hannah! Shippy dreams to you!


                    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                    Another thought on The Shroud...

                    After SG1 head off on the mission, Landry and Jack walk up the stairs to the briefing room. Jack notes that he is used to being the one who caused the worry, not the worrier. Landry comforts him and tells him the mission is the right course of action. Jack immediately responds with 'That's what I'm saying: action, good; sitting around, bad.' And Landry jokes that he sometimes still worries about Jack to which Jack quips 'why, thank you, sir.'
                    There are two things...
                    (1) I know the conversation could be taken as two senior officers discussing how difficult it is to send people off on missions and not to worry about them, but is it just me or does the beginning of that conversation sound more personal
                    'I'm used to being the one who caused the worry, not being the worrier.'

                    Doesn't this sound more like 'I'm used to being the one who caused the worry [for my wife (ex)], not being the worrier [about my wife (Sam)]'.

                    (2) The fact that Jack calls Hank 'sir'.... has prompted me to think that it much more likely that there is no formal chain of command anymore between the SGC and HWS as in Landry reporting to Jack in the way Jack reported to Hammond...hence Jack effectively sits outside the chain of command within the SGC now...and outside of Sam's chain of command.

                    Maybe I think about these things too much...
           can't possibly think too much around here...great post Rachel!
                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    Ok to be totally on topic...cause well I need to be a bid...And cause I am in the mood for some of my totaly wrong and strange questions...

                    What would Sam do if Jack would become evil cause of the ori? How would see make him back to his old self..and try to keep it a PG...and enjoy it
           gonna you kidding me want us to keep it pg???...ok...lets see...I honestly can't think of anything!!
                    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                    With all the
                    Jackism, passwords and being comfortable with each other, I would say they are probably together. I just wished TPTB would stop playing both sides between shippers and antis. If they had come out and said they were seeing each other in a previous ep, then showed them working together as professionals in the Shroud, maybe most of the antis would accept the situation and move on. They are together, but its not in our face, it didn't take over the ep.
                    Yep I agree!!
                    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                    i think they might still be having "issues" over season 4 when their relationship-such as it is/was-was quite evident-after that it was hints and inuendos and oh geez-will you look at that.
                    i for one am tired of the "not exactly"s, and the "fishing" and the "always".
                    I think they've
                    pretty much confirmed the ship in LitS
                    ...but that's just MHSO!!
                    Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
                    This is the lack of sleep talking and creating scenarios in my head here......

                    Gategirl [Grabs hold of Sam_Carter's legs] Come on!!!
                    Sam_Carter [Holding onto a lamppost for dear life] Nooo! You won't drag me down into the gutter!
                    Gategirl Yes i will... the gutter... is the only... place... to be...
                    Sam_Carter [fingers turning white from holding the lamppost so tightly] Noooooo!!!!
                    Gategirl hmmm, i know what will work
                    Sam_Carter What??? No! Don't you dare... i warn you... i'm not listening... la la la la la
                    Gategirl ahem!!! shirtless sweaty Jack O'Neill!
                    Sam_Carter ahhhhh [lets go of lamp post and falls dreamily into the gutter]

                    tee hee.... ohhh dear... serious lack of sleep and too much caffiene has made me crazy(er)
                    Excellent post Sarah!!
                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                    Hmmm..... I like this story idea....
                    Hannah: JENNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
                    Jena: What, my stalker?
                    Hannah: I need some fic!!!!!!!!
                    Jena: Ok.
                    Hannah: It's going to need a lot of things...
                    Jena: UHhh, ok...
                    Hannah: Sam-whump!
                    Jena: Check.
                    Hannah: Angst?
                    Jena: Check.
                    Hannah: Ship?
                    Jena: CHECK!!!
                    And, that is a summarized version of how I got Blue Eyes.
                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    Ow, I accidently clicked on the anti-thread too...
                    (It's true, when you see the words Sam/Jack, you start pushing buttons like crazy! )
                    I'm sorry, I will never do it again Just gonna stay here to play with my now...
                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                    I keep doing that.
                    Ok...with all the newbies and this thread going along soooo fast I think it's time we need a little reminder...

                    ...Honestly folks...they don't call em ANTI for nuthin...never been to one and never will...I don't need other peoples negativity to bring me there...all said..I feel better...but you've all been no excuses!!
                    (((shipper family))) ...stay away from the anti threads's really no fun at all!!
                    Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                    Welcome here G8er4life
                    Ditto from me...welcome to the family!
                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                    Good question.
                    Personally, I don't see them doing anything that would be against the regs, especially Sam.
                    I do think that they would discuss it, and decide to wait until the time was right for one of them to transfer/retire/whatever.
                    Yep...I agree...I think...sounds good but how long do they have to wait...I mean...are they still in that chain of command thingy coz I truly believe that that no longers applies to them...well IMHSM anyway!!
                    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                    Thank you!!
                    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                    I thought we were deluded.
          's all relative...hehe!!
                    Still excellent...thanks again Mich!!
                    Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                    LMAO that is great...oh man that is awesome
                    Yeah...she is cool huh!!
                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    it's easy, do the math.
                    seasons 7 + 8 = high ratings.
                    season 8 = highest ratings ever.
                    season 9 + 10 + no S/J ship = lower ratings.
                    over 30% drop off of viewers = lower ratings = canceled show.

                    according to my calculations, bringing back the high ratings grabbing material will return the high ratings to the franchise. hence, S/J ship is popular and the MAJORITY of fans like it.
                    my work is done.
                    Wow...and a mighty fine job you've done too sally!
                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    Congratulations, minigeek, for 2,800 posts!
                    Congratulations, ses110, for 2,200 posts!
                    Congratulations, Gate gal, for 2,200 posts!
                    Congratulations, Oma-1, for 1,900 posts!
                    Congratulations, Terrah for 1,000 posts!
                    Thank you always...keeping all of us up to date...ditto from me too girls...congrats on your milestones!!
                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    Zoe is beautiful chelle.
                    With many thanks to everyone for the lovely comments on my niece Zoe...yes she is gorgeous and oh so cute...and I love her to I do with all my nephews and nieces...I just wanted to show her off...but thanks for the lovely comments...I'll be sure to share them with Zoe's mum and dad!
                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    I cannot beleive I got to two negative reps from Shippers because I will not support AT new Show until the Sam/Jack Ship is resolved.The argument being AT cannot do anything about resolving the Ship.I guess AT asking for a BoyFriend for Sam means nothing.If some so called Shippers want to live in fantasy land be my guest.
                    I cannot believe you got 2 neg reps from shippers either...that's kinda sad really...from this ship family??...I hope not...not to say that I agree with you...coz I'm supporting Amanda all the way...but really it's such a frivolous argument...I'm never gonna bad rep anyone's not worth it..I'd feel better if I just turned away and ignored whatever was being posted...I'm not losing sleep over a difference of opinion.
                    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                    I think most PTB's have realized what we all have known all our lives: love makes the world go 'round. And since it does in real life, it darn right well better on television.

                    See, I fully understood his cutting her off in these cases. For heaven's sake, he was *dying*, and not letting her get any deeper into this thing is the most selfless thing he could do for her. The Sam addicts won't like this, but I actually felt it was rather self-obsessed that she decided to finally take it out of the room at this point. I mean, he just sacrificed his life to save the planet - how did it suddenly become all about *her* feelings?


                    They've stood astoundingly close right from the very beginning, as you can see from the one pic from the pilot.
                    See...when I see how close they work together I firmly believe there's more than just a friendship happening here...I think they have a unique and special bond giving their jobs...and who could blame them...everything they do is unlike normal working conditions for on world military personnel...I truly believe that TPTB have already hinted at a confirmation of our ship...LitS...I just think they are treading very carefully so as to not offend other fans...which is kinda contradictive coz by not being direct with our ship resolution they are in a lot ways offending us...ok...did I just confuse myself or what???'s kinda warm here today and I only managed 4 hours sleep last night...but had a great morning chatting on YIM with some awesome gaters...and you know who you are!!!
                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    Thank You to everyone who gave me green after I was dinged.
                    Sorry...couldn't green you...I think the fridge must be empty...but I'm greening you in spirit anyways!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                      I'll get mine to you guys shortly! Just need to finish writing the ending!

                      **sighs** It's always the ending, isn't it, that doesn't want to be written.
                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                      Or the beginning...
                      For me it's the begining, middle and ending...I'm just gonna see how I go with the Samanda stream before I retire and take up writing as a career...hehe!!...I used to be able to write good stories and poems but I'm absolutely hopeless now...I have to finish this course first before I give my brain more to think when is the next ficathon???
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        it's easy, do the math.

                        seasons 7 + 8 = high ratings.

                        season 8 = highest ratings ever.

                        season 9 + 10 + no S/J ship = lower ratings.

                        over 30% drop off of viewers = lower ratings = canceled show.

                        according to my calculations, bringing back the high ratings grabbing material will return the high ratings to the franchise. hence, S/J ship is popular and the MAJORITY of fans like it.

                        my work is done.

                        Oh, see! The math PROVES it. Jack + Sam = higher ratings? I like math now.

                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                        I posted on the thread last night or the night before that most everyone wanted Sunday, February 11th for Valenship. So that's when it's going to be. I will put an official invite together and start posting it Friday night.

                        In the meantime, Shippers, what are you going to do to make Valenship special? You can be very creative, and...
                        write a fic...make a vid...make a manip...write a poem...use screencaps to create a photo story...

                        Or, if you don't feel that's your thing, there's still plenty you can do. Just be thoughtful and...
                        assemble links to some favorite ship fics and post them for your friends....share links to some of your favorite authors' home pages...PM some people who don't hang out here as much any more and invite them back for the some of the great art that has been posted by others in the past (with credit, of course)...or contact a favorite S/J ship author and invite that person to stop by to visit with us...invite people from Intel or the Yahoo boards to join with us to celebrate...

                        Everyone can do something to add to the celebration!

                        More about
                        Valenship tomorrow!!!
                        I can't wait! I have no idea what to do. My ficathon fic will hopefully be ready by then. I hope.

                        Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                        See, I fully understood his cutting her off in these cases. For heaven's sake, he was *dying*, and not letting her get any deeper into this thing is the most selfless thing he could do for her. The Sam addicts won't like this, but I actually felt it was rather self-obsessed that she decided to finally take it out of the room at this point. I mean, he just sacrificed his life to save the planet - how did it suddenly become all about *her* feelings?
                        Well, I'm thinking she thinks he's about to die. She has to get a few things off her chest. I know if someone I cared about were ill and I had a chance to tell them things, I would take it. I mean, even Daniel and Teal'c showed up at Jack's house. No doubt they had something to say as well. Granted, Sam's words would have been different, because that's just how she and Jack's relationship is. There's way more beneath the surface than what had ever been said and Sam felt she had to do it before she never got the chance again. It's really about them, about their relationship. Someone's got to take the first step sometime. JMHO.

                        All that said, I can see why he stopped her. I talked about it somewhere up another post...


                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post

                          Jena and I are now posting responses to the ficathon! If you're an author, please send your completed story to [email protected]

                          Meanwhile, some writers have already finished their fics, and as they are given to us, will be posted on our livejournal site:


                          THANK YOU!!
                          Oh....I have to finish mine...

                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          while i applaud you, jenn, i just can't let go of wanting UNAMBIGUOUS proof that sam and jack are together. while i enjoy the subtleness too, i *really* enjoy in-your-face scenes too (like kissing).

                          i don't want the ptb for one single minute to think that wiggle room resolution is acceptable. we aren't getting ambiguous daniel/vala ship, so why should the s/j shippers accept anything less?

                          what i want is: a hot kissing scene, a proof they're married/together scene, all of the above.

                          what i'll accept is: proof that they're together.

                          it's not that i won't let the ptb off the hook with a subtle ship resolution (like we've got now), it's why should we accept it? NOTHING else is subtle in this show, so why are we the only fans that get 'gifted' with it?

                          i won't give up, i won't accept subtle, and i won't lower my acceptance level because i think it's all we'll ever get. we *deserve* more. this storyline deserves more!)

                          ~writes postcard~

                          I like what we have, but I want more, too. I don't want TPTB to think we're all satisfied. We might be happy with hints here and there, but I doubt there's a shipper here who wouldn't want onscreen proof. If it were done well and resolved properly...I think we'd all want it. I just don't want them to think they're off the hook either, Sally. I can't help but want more and want more for these characters.


                            Night everyone...even though it's only 5.40pm here I have to do some serious studying...I have to work this weekend so I'm gonna be flat out trying to get this homework done and keep RL happy as well...I watched The Shroud today...(((Hannah)))...and loved it to pieces...hopefully I will be able to pop in over the next few days...until then...take care everyone, be safe and stay happy...and hug you loved ones...all of you!!
                            Welcome to all newbies and congrats on all the milestones...WTG!!!

                            (((ship family)))

                            Oh yeah...I have some pics from the convention I went to last year with Tony Amendola, Rachel Luttrell and David Nykl...I'll only post a few coz this is after all the Sam/Jack ship thread...I did post the RL and DN ones in thier respective threads.

                            And now for something to put you all back into shippy mode.....
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by G8er4Life View Post
                              Hello, everyone! I'm a newbie here and I figured the first thread I stopped in on should be this one. So, here I am!

                              I haven't kept up with season 10 as well as I'd like. I know Jack's been in a few episodes though... I did see "200". Did I miss anything good?
                              Welcome G8er4Life!!!!!!!!




                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                so you are good in math...i'm bad at it...i thought...until i had on my list the second highest mark of my class and it's now the best mark on my list
                                But my calculator helps me alot...couldn't live without it...or i would got very bad marks for it...and all those different things of math...dunno what you are talking about...
                                but then again here in the netherlands we can choose out of 4 different kinds of math...from easy to very hard i have the second easiest one...that is more about real life thingies and such...not the things that look like Chemistry or something like that...

                                but back on topic:
                                Thanks, but even though I get A's, It is also based on behavior and effort... I dunno... it sort of has somethin to do with it, but it sort of doesnt...

                                Any way...

                                HI EVERYBODY!!
                                And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!

