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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Vicky View Post
    ITA with you.
    Especially during that lab scene. They could have at least given us a hint or something that there was something more going on between them.
    The Shroud:
    I loved that scene. I think it fit perfectly with the subtleness that has been the Sam/Jack ship from the beginning. I realized today that what I REALLY love about that scene is that, for the first time ever that I can recall, not only is there NO part of Sam's lab desk strategically positioned to separate Sam and Jack (and lets face it, they've passed a lot of paper across that lab desk.. they didn't have to view it together under a desk lamp), but Jack admits to understanding her plan and the science behind it ON THE FIRST EXPLANATION. In fact, he makes a slight joke about the fact that he gets it instead of the typical former joke about not getting it and needing more explaining. He doesn't need to pretend stupidity to try to get more of her attention. In fact, she smiles at his admission of intelligence... like, that's right, you don't have to pretend you're not worthy NOW... The whole scene is played amazingly straight for Jack as well, and I think we may see there the truest "Jack" we've ever seen -- no masks. As has been said, you can just see how intimate and comfortable they are together.

    We may not have seen the actual physical resolution itself, but it is SO clear to me that their relationship has had a positive resolution... Only one thing gets rid of sexual tension like that: just as in Divide and Conquer we didn't see Sam admit her part of the confession, but we know what she must have communicated. I know some people want and are still demanding more drama, and while I wouldn't MIND a BHK ... I'm finding myself oddly happy with the subtleness we are getting and part of me doesn't want huge drama. Except for 5 minutes of Divide and Conquer, this ship has NEVER had that. I also don't mind the anti-shippers still having wiggle room. But that's because I KNOW I AM RIGHT AND THEY ARE WRONG. Period.

    One more thing, and this speaks to one of the primary complaints I believe anti-shippers have with the ship. tS is a great example. There were, practically speaking, 6 major and 3 minor characters in this episode, and all of them had either nice character interactions or little amusing scenes or SOMETHING. I don't think anyone was wallpapered completely, and it was nice to see everyone working together and CARING about each other. Any time spent on Sam and Jack's personal life, while it would have warmed my shippy heart, really WOULD have taken away from the plot or one of the other characters without really contributing to the story... TPTB have a VERY difficult job, and I think they really did manage to pull off a minor miracle with this one.
    Sorry.. but that's just the way I feel about it.

    And as for TPTB 'owing' resolution. Let's face it, their job is to make a TV show people will watch. While they seemed to have some problems after RDA and team left, I think they've gotten back on track. I'm still amazed we've gotten as much resolution as we have, and that they haven't backtracked from what they accomplished in S8 and have allowed Sam/Jack's relationship to continue, albeit offscreen, in what I feel to be a natural and realistic manner.
    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    I don't know, sometimes it can be interesting to read other people's interpretations.

    One thing I've been curious about is whether any Sam/Jack shippy ending could, if not satisfy then at least not upset those who don't like the pairing too much.

    Is there an ending that would keep the majority of the shippers happy but that, at the same time, wouldn't ruin the ending for most of those who dislike the pairing?
    I honestly think what they've done is the closest they can come. Most viewers I know in RL just assume Sam/Jack are together offscreen, and leave it at that.


      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
      Thanks.Most Shows have Ship now.It's time to face reality or again you should stick to watching kids shows.Not that there is anything wrong with kids shows.Most Fans do not like Sam/Jack Ship because they are afraid the Ship will overshadow there character.They do not want to admit it so they say things like Sam/Jack have no chemistry or Jack is too old for Sam.
      Most shows have ship, yes, and even most sci fi shows have ship....

      ...But how long did they last?

      Not as long as SG-1, for a start... its only been beaten by Doctor Who, which has had... no ship at all, in the original runs anyway. And that lasted for 26 (I think) years (I know the X-files lasted nearly as long but they had a huge will-they won't-they as well).

      SG-1's success was a lot to do with the lack of overdramatic, angsty ship imho. Yes, we have ship. Hey, we even have canon ship. But its not overdramatic, and it never takes centre stage over the actual show.

      And personally I think if the "new" SG-1 had started off as good as S10's been, and sciffy didn't mess around with their scheduling, then it would have been renewed for an eleventh season. It was the transition period that killed us. Yes, RDA was missed. But he wasn't the be-all and end-all, even to me - and there were some episodes in S8 I watched to just catch sight of him *lol*.

      Personally, if I thought that tptb would handle the Ship so badly that it overshadowed the characters, overshadowed the rest of the team OR overshadowed the core of the show, which is essentially a slightly humourous sci fi show that tells GOOD STORIES, then I'd be anti-ship. Because I wouldn't want them to do that to a show that I've loved for so long. My shippy tendencies only go so far before my inner kid that wants to hear about a good yarn takes over.

      And frankly, as far as I'm concerned... if someone's anti ship then fine. As long as they have the same attitude about me. I'm not against someone having a different viewpoint to me - everyone agreeing would just be... boring. It makes life interesting.
      Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
      Vince: “Yeah.”
      Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


        Great posts guys, I love reading your views

        Avatar Signature by eLouai,
        TekTek, & Gaia Online


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          One more thing, and this speaks to one of the primary complaints I believe anti-shippers have with the ship. tS is a great example. There were, practically speaking, 6 major and 3 minor characters in this episode, and all of them had either nice character interactions or little amusing scenes or SOMETHING. I don't think anyone was wallpapered completely, and it was nice to see everyone working together and CARING about each other. Any time spent on Sam and Jack's personal life, while it would have warmed my shippy heart, really WOULD have taken away from the plot or one of the other characters without really contributing to the story... TPTB have a VERY difficult job, and I think they really did manage to pull off a minor miracle with this one.
          Sorry.. but that's just the way I feel about it.
          The Shroud spoilers
          I can just see that... their best friend may or may not be one of the greatest threats in the galaxy... so they make out in a supply closet... That's really in character for two Air Force officers that care for their entire team and never leave anyone behind.

          Or, ya know, not
          Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
          Vince: “Yeah.”
          Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            I think Divide and Conquer is supposed to have shown that Jack cares more than he should about all of his teammates, but that he has no special feelings for Sam.

            I'm still having a bit of trouble figuring out why he would have had trouble admitting it if that was the case though.
            Huh? And they say we are in denial.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Ok more!

              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                Originally posted by G8er4Life View Post
                Hello, everyone! I'm a newbie here and I figured the first thread I stopped in on should be this one. So, here I am!

                I haven't kept up with season 10 as well as I'd like. I know Jack's been in a few episodes though... I did see "200". Did I miss anything good?

                Ok so I had lots I wanted to say but by the time I got caught up I didn't remember what I wanted to say to every one of the quotes I picked...sad I know. Anyways the WP a few pages back were wonderful and thanks for sharing. As for Sam and Jack
                They are so married...

                Alright my brain is going to stop there.
                GO NEWMAN! 31!


                  Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                  Huh? And they say we are in denial.
                  I thought we were deluded.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
                    WoO wallpaper it's mainly a Jack but the kiss is on it:
                    Hmm Jack THUNK

                    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                    Great wp, love loverslips

                    Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
                    In theory the last:

                    *Because I have to right a book report*
                    Thanks for your wondefull credits!

                    Originally posted by G8er4Life View Post
                    Hello, everyone! I'm a newbie here and I figured the first thread I stopped in on should be this one. So, here I am!

                    I haven't kept up with season 10 as well as I'd like. I know Jack's been in a few episodes though... I did see "200". Did I miss anything good?
                    Welcome to the crazy ship Family
                    Spoiler for size

                    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                    (((Dipsofjazz)))) I couldn't agree more

                    Ok, my manips and some transcript bits from Desperate Measures. Thanks go to Moon-catchin for the transcripts, and the Yahoo Transcript Group that does all the hard work

                    Transcript bits

                    HOMELESS: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
                    O'NEILL: Why not?
                    HOMELESS GUY: Well I'm just a crazy old guy with a shopping cart full of cans.
                    O'NEILL: I'm just a cynical Air Force guy with a closet full of National Geographics.

                    MAYBOURNE: Hi Jack. Don't turn around.
                    O'NEILL: Harry. How've you been? You never write, you don't call.
                    MAYBOURNE: I've got a gun.
                    O'NEILL: So do I.
                    MAYBOURNE: I'm just trying to protect you. I'm a wanted criminal. It's your duty to arrest and all.
                    O'NEILL: Always thinking of the other guy. How d'you find me?
                    MAYBOURNE: Played a lot of hide and seek as a kid. Funny, I could always find anyone, anywhere but they could never find me.
                    O'NEILL: Because they didn't want to. (LOL!)
                    MAYBOURNE: What do you need, Jack?
                    O'NEILL: Carter's missing.
                    MAYBOURNE: Really?
                    O'NEILL: Bunch of guys in a van took her out of this lot about four days ago. Figured it might be some of your old friends.
                    MAYBOURNE: Not the word I'd use for `em.
                    O'NEILL: What do you know?
                    MAYBOURNE: Sorry.
                    O'NEILL: You didn't come back into this country and risk execution just to see me.
                    MAYBOURNE: God knows I could think of a hundred reasons why the NID might want Major Carter, but I swear to you I don't know where she is or why she was taken. Why don't you ask the NID?
                    O'NEILL: Gee thanks. Hadn't thought of that.
                    MAYBOURNE: Try User 4574.
                    O'NEILL: What does that mean?
                    MAYBOURNE: Wish I could stay and chat.
                    O'NEILL: Harry? We're talking about Carter here.
                    MAYBOURNE: I know. I'm sorry Jack. I really am. You know how this game is played and the kind of people that play it. You gotta prepare yourself for the possibility that she might not be coming back. (Am I wrong in thinking Maybourne has an inkling on how important Sam is to Jack, and not just in a friendship way/as a member of SG1?)

                    DELORES: Colonel O'Neill is still waiting, Sir.
                    SIMMONS: I know.
                    DELORES: Look, I'm sorry to bother you again, it's just he's getting a little….

                    Jack has walked in behind her.

                    O'NEILL: Pissed is the word. It happens when you keep someone waiting two hours.
                    SIMMONS: Well welcome to the Pentagon, Colonel. Thank you Delores.

                    SIMMONS: You have to forgive me, I have a lot on my plate at the moment.

                    O'NEILL: Yeah, it's just someone's life at stake here. Sorry to take you away from your turkey sandwich.
                    SIMMONS: It's a ham and cheese actually. And I'm the one whose sorry because you obviously wasted a trip to Washington.
                    O'NEILL: I don't think so.
                    SIMMONS: You know, I was just recently reading about Major Carter's disappearance. I couldn't help but wonder if glowing aliens had something to do with it?
                    O'NEILL: Look Simmons. I don't expect you to just tell me what's going on but I guarantee you this trip will not be a waste. If I have to, I'll spend the rest of my life in this building getting to the bottom of all this and how it ties to you. (squeeeee!)

                    MAYBOURNE: Jesus, Jack. You're stealing my routine.
                    O'NEILL: Consider it an homage.

                    MAYBOURNE: Well, in the right hands a symbiote could lead to all kinds of medical breakthroughs.
                    O'NEILL: What, you're a humanitarian now?
                    MAYBOURNE: Gonna turn me in?
                    O'NEILL: Actually that overwhelming desire to shoot you has come back.

                    MAYBOURNE: You know, we make a pretty good team, Jack.
                    O'NEILL: Shut up.
                    MAYBOURNE: I'm just saying, if you ever get tired of the SGC, we could make more money than you ever dreamed of.
                    O'NEILL: Hey, G Gordon. Don't give me another reason to shoot you all right.

                    DANIEL: Arrgh.
                    MAN: Can I help you?
                    DANIEL: Yeah, I need to see a Doctor. I think I just electrocuted myself.
                    MAN: You're going to have to go somewhere else.
                    DANIEL: I have insurance.
                    MAN: This hospital is closed.
                    DANIEL: I said I think I've electrocuted myself, do you have any idea what that feels like?
                    MAN: No.
                    DANIEL: (uses zat on the man) Something like that.

                    O'NEILL: Hold it! Drop it! Drop it! Right now! Don't even fool around!
                    MAYBOURNE: Come over here.
                    O'NEILL: (to Carter) You all right?
                    CARTER: Yeah. Very dramatic, thank you. (LMAO I love how Sam makes a joke, even in such dire situations, wonder who’s rubbing off on her? And no, not THAT you gutter minded lot Ok, maybe that was my gutter mind that thought that )
                    O'NEILL: You bet.

                    I was also laughing at grumpy Jack in the infirmary


                    Disclaimer: I am not advocating going out and whacking a traffic warden if he gives you a ticket LOLOL.

                    *watches as Mich kills the thread LOL*
                    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                    There are a couple of manips where it's a AU, where they're not married In most of them, they're married though

                    Shesmetet, you make me lol


                      Still more

                      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                      TekTek, & Gaia Online


                        LMAO that is great...oh man that is awesome
                        GO NEWMAN! 31!


                          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                          I thought we were deluded.
                          We're the deluded fans floating on the River Denial.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            love it mich


                              Aaand more LOL

                              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                                Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                                We're the deluded fans floating on the River Denial.
                                If it means we get lots of lovely Sam/Jack ship, then the River Denial is a great place to be.

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

