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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    finally catched god what do you people talk much when i'm sleeping...i think i have to sleep less

    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
    Line in the Sand:


    Oh boy. I think I have a new favorite episode.


    First off, the whump! Sam really got blasted! AT did such a fabulous job of acting in this ep. It was almost painful for me to watch her be in such horrible pain.

    The angst!! When Cam was telling her she wasn't going to die on that planet... that entire scene! *sob*

    And ship!



    Oh my. That felt good.

    Fishing! And d'oh! I agree with what everyone else has been saying! It's the most positive confirmation of ship that's happened!

    All in all, fantastic ep! C'est magnifique!

    I really liked the no spoiler thing. It killed me, but I'll do it for the Shroud as well.
    ROFL...the way that your telling that...sorry is just funny...and i agree

    and no spoiler...i'm proud on ya...i can't do that!

    Originally posted by iheartjackandsam View Post
    nyone kno wats gonna happen with jackndsam cus she's gonna go off to atlantis?
    Reminds me, that would be funny if mckay put the moves on her while jack was there, o sigh.

    Welcome Iheartjackandsam

    Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
    For my 1500th, a
    new password for Sam: "cosycabin."
    Congrats on 1,500

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Congrats to all you milestoners! Picture time!

    Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
    Congrats!!!!!...*and here I am with my tinywinny did I get there?????
    Sam & Jack 4ever!!!
    Congrats to all others with milestones!!!
    Welcome to all newbies, you'll have a great time here and lots of ship...
    Nighty night, shippy dreams...

    Congrats on 600

    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
    nice fic...and the name of the author is very cool or did you wrote it Hannah??? then still very good...and lol on the name

    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
    Just noticed

    Happy Birthday Caladria!!
    Also happy birthday from me..i hope you have a wonderful day

    Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
    800 POSTS! WOOOOGH!!


    Congrats on 800

    wow much milestoners...but i hope i saw them all...

    now i have to go to the rain, with hard wind on my bike...for 15 kilometers, that's i think, 9,5 mile...i'm gonna be soo fun What i do for school
    Yeah i''m going...i also have to prepare myself mental...for seeing those teachers again



      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
      Honestly, that wouldn't bother me too bad as long as
      she punched him for it. We know there has to be at least one AU where Sam and Jack didn't live happily ever after. This one sounds screwed up enough to be that one. (Political unrest, Ori destruction)

      Welcome, and I think the ship is going to be just fine. No worries!
      Absolute disgust, rather than an outright punch... Rodney is slightly too on the amusingly pathetic side for me when it comes to Sam to want to see him maimed... And there are plenty of realities where Sam and Jack don't live happily ever after... they're dead (or at least one of them is) in at least two AUs... that counts as not happily ever after... Besides, I'm too physics bound to not think that there's a reality for every option ever imaginable....

      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post

      Yes, sooner or later she must admit she is soooooo married to General O'Neill!

      Why, Teal'c and Vala's kids!

      Oh, but we can't have nice and clear spoilers. They must be all mudding and confusing.
      I could imagine her not, actually - she's a very, very secretive person when it comes to her personal life... and Teal'c and Daniel already know, so why bother telling them again!

      I'm sorry, I'm not against Tala'c per se... its just the cross species mule-esque, infertile kids that give me the squicks... whether they'd have a pouch/need tretonin or not...

      And spoilers would be no fun if they just handed out the transcript six months before the show aired... if you know exactly what's going to happen it takes away all the fun - I'm so glad I'm in the UK so I can't really be spoilered for the rest of S10!

      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
      AT has nothing to do with the writing, thus she has no control over who Sam "pines" over.
      *lol* The writers write, and the actors act - ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, please assign blame and credit as appropriate!

      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
      [spoiler]And I also don't see the PTB set sail to the Sam/Rodney ship. As other's mentioned, it works because Sam isn't interested in him.
      The Sam/Rodney dynamic is amazing as it is, imho - she brings out the very worst in him and that's what so brilliant about it - shipping them is just unbelievable. Unless they cop out now that he's a lead... and stop him being who he is around Sam..

      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
      No, it isn't too much to ask for. Just a little 5 seconds scene to show Sam is married to Jack wouldn't hurt anyone. The anti-S/J shippers can completely wipe the scene from their minds after seeing much as I do when I watch "200" and having the episode end
      with everyone walking through the gate and not the stupid part about the X-treme cast ending their big 200 episode or whatever that part was about!
      I completely blink that ending from my mind. I'm always suprise when I accidently allow "200" to run all the way through and realized there's actually a different ending then the one I remember!
      I quite like the ending for 200 - of course, that's probably because i'm a huge huge Asimov fan... so I fast forward to the bit where he's quoted..

      Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
      Just noticed

      Happy Birthday Caladria!!
      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      *squee* Happy Birthday, girl! And just for you...

      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
      But is it really just for Cal? I'm pretty sure you wanted to see it too!

      Happy Birthday, Caladria!

      And Congrats on 800 posts, Bee!
      Thank you! I feel old now.. although that's possibly just lack of sleep... *lol*
      Last edited by Caladria; 18 January 2007, 01:57 AM.
      Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
      Vince: “Yeah.”
      Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


        Hi Everyone,

        Sorry for not catching up with the latest news. Been busy with work & life. Anyways, I read some of the recent news and I wanted to get the opinion of my fellow shippers.

        Is anyone disappointed about Jack not appearing in the finale of the show? I think he should have as he was the main cast for almost 8 years (he played very little in Season 8). So it seems a bit unfair for us shippers not to have him for the grand finale. Furthermore, they said the team will get stuck in a time dilation for 50 years. And they said they will show how the relationship will evolve between the team members. Does that mean Sam will be linked with someone else in the team? I think it will piss me off if they do that. After dragging us for 8 long years, they end her up with someone else just would seem so unfair. If Jack showed up, then atleast they could live together for 50 years without any regulations. But without him, it seems pointless.

        So what is your opinion in that? Please share it with me. (hope to find comfort that I'm not the only one whining about it).


          Just dropping by to say hi.

          Welcome newbies!

          Congrats to everyone who made a milestone!

          I'm pleased everyone seems to be in a positive squeeing frame of mind after LTS

          Catch you all later.
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Having just finished watching LiS.. all I have to say (right now ) is:

            Until this afternoon, I honestly thought 'squeeee' was a word you said, or a euphamism for a state of mind or emotions.

            Did you know that squee is ACTUALLY a sound one can ACTUALLY spontanously make without even realizing you were squeeing until afterwards? And who'd have thought I'd make it for the first time in a scene that didn't even have Jack in it... Oh...
            the WAY she says d'oh, all quite and intimate and mostly to herself as though thinking it were just a PART of her... <sigh> Yeah, I squeeed... and then was shocked. Ask Eve. And Jann. And MegYn... <sigh> Pathetic shipper. I honestly still, and especially after seeing it, think that was more squee-worthy than any of the kisses... because it implies they are now, whatever we've seen on screen, spending MORE time together than they did when they working together ALL the time, 'cause she's picking up on his expressions and not even seeming to think it's significant!!

            Can I say.. I mean actually do it: SQUEEEEE...
            So you too, were also heard on a frequency that only dogs can hear

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            My gosh! It's our penguin army!!!

            To Bridge! To Bridge!
            If only I could have done it with Zats LoL.


              Originally posted by GateSeeker2 View Post
              That's so funny.....what's step 3?
              The gutter?



                Originally posted by plague View Post
                Hi Everyone,

                Sorry for not catching up with the latest news. Been busy with work & life. Anyways, I read some of the recent news and I wanted to get the opinion of my fellow shippers.

                Is anyone disappointed about Jack not appearing in the finale of the show? I think he should have as he was the main cast for almost 8 years (he played very little in Season 8). So it seems a bit unfair for us shippers not to have him for the grand finale. Furthermore, they said the team will get stuck in a time dilation for 50 years. And they said they will show how the relationship will evolve between the team members. Does that mean Sam will be linked with someone else in the team? I think it will piss me off if they do that. After dragging us for 8 long years, they end her up with someone else just would seem so unfair. If Jack showed up, then atleast they could live together for 50 years without any regulations. But without him, it seems pointless.

                So what is your opinion in that? Please share it with me. (hope to find comfort that I'm not the only one whining about it).

                Hello Happy new year to all!!! RL has been in the way for so long now I nearly forgot my sign on and password.
                I would love Jack to be in the last Ep but as it is looking that he is not going to make an appearence. But that still doesnt mean he wont be there.
                Think about it!!! They have been together for 10 years which means that there talking 40 years into the future, will Jack be still alive. Sam and Jack could be Married and had kids.
                Ok Jack is around 55 now in forty years he would be 95. They dont need to have RDA there to make him apart of the show. All they need to do is mention him. Make a coment about Sam always going to DC or racing home cause she has to pick Jack up from the airport. Or get really good and have Thor give a wedding present and mention Sam always disappearing via Beam LOL ok a little to crazy there but you get the idea. We are shippers we can come up with all different ideas. U dont like the ending please change it and make a Fan fic, for the rest of us to enjoy.

                But as I believe they are married but they dont need to tell the world. They are both very private people. I would still like a little mention of the together though.

                Doesnt matter how it ends I still will be watching.

                I love my shippy moments and would love more but if they dont I will still love the show.

                PS Ther is no way in hell they are matching Sam and Cam together he has it for Caroline Lam. Sam and Cam is just way too arg!!!!!!!
                I hope to be on more now in the new year.

                Great reading the past couple of pages but man can you guys talk.
                Oh to every one who has done Banners and Vids (I havent seen all) great work ladies and Gents (if there are any gents here????) The ones I have seen are great. So wish I had you talent cause you guys rock!!!!!!
                Life....Far more inportant than what you do for a living!


                  Also just wanted to say...

                  Congratulations on the Milestones!!!

                  (600, 800, and 1500 oh my!)


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Cute, Hannah! That ep inspired me in a couple ways too.
                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                    Thanks, Jena! I know it's not that good, but I'm very slowly getting better....
                    I thought it was good. Keep it up . Which reminds me, I finished my tag for The Return/Quest for those who don't read until it's all done. Thanks to my stalker, Jann, for the kick-in-the-backside.


                      SAM and CAM:
                      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                      **nods** I shudder everytime I see anything that has to no with Sam/Cam. It's just not right! I can stand a little Sam/Dan and Sam/Teal'c but something about Sam/Cam that gets me. Dunno why.
                      Me too, and its the same reaction I have to Sam/Daniel. I love the Sam/Daniel relationship, and am starting to really enjoy Sam/Cam, but I can't help think of the line from Back to the Future: "When I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing my brother." everytime someone mentions *ship* between those characters. Because I totally agree with this assessment and think it's fun:
                      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                      Yeah, it's more of the annoying-younger-brother-that-has-to-be-dragged-along type of relationship.


                        Hiya, I'm back! After a few months, I'm finally back on GW and on this thread!

                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        Which reminds me, I finished my tag for The Return/Quest for those who don't read until it's all done.
                        That was short but great!


                          Originally posted by plague View Post
                          Hi Everyone,

                          Sorry for not catching up with the latest news. Been busy with work & life. Anyways, I read some of the recent news and I wanted to get the opinion of my fellow shippers.

                          Is anyone disappointed about Jack not appearing in the finale of the show? I think he should have as he was the main cast for almost 8 years (he played very little in Season 8). So it seems a bit unfair for us shippers not to have him for the grand finale. Furthermore, they said the team will get stuck in a time dilation for 50 years. And they said they will show how the relationship will evolve between the team members. Does that mean Sam will be linked with someone else in the team? I think it will piss me off if they do that. After dragging us for 8 long years, they end her up with someone else just would seem so unfair. If Jack showed up, then atleast they could live together for 50 years without any regulations. But without him, it seems pointless.

                          So what is your opinion in that? Please share it with me. (hope to find comfort that I'm not the only one whining about it).
                          Being the huge Jack fan that I am, I can relate totally. But:
                          There's always a "but" with you isn't there?
                          Lesleyp: Who the heck do you think I learned it from?
                          Don't look at me.
                          Lesleyp: Ima lookin big guy


                          RDA already signed for the eps he did. It comes down to budget budget budget. And the budgets for the remaining eps are a done deal. I'm not worried too much as he is currently in negotiations for at least one, if not both straight to DVD movies.
                          I hinge on news from this and follow his site daily on potential news (he tends to spill the beans on things to his webmaster there least hints at stuff...often before the news hits was the case with signing for 5 on the two series).

                          So, Lesleyp reassures you that Jack will be seen again. No worries. And for me, it ain't over till Jack says it's over

                          It ain't over
                          Lesleyp: See...what he said.
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALADRIA!!!


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Having just finished watching LiS.. all I have to say (right now ) is:

                              Until this afternoon, I honestly thought 'squeeee' was a word you said, or a euphamism for a state of mind or emotions.

                              Did you know that squee is ACTUALLY a sound one can ACTUALLY spontanously make without even realizing you were squeeing until afterwards? And who'd have thought I'd make it for the first time in a scene that didn't even have Jack in it... Oh...
                              the WAY she says d'oh, all quite and intimate and mostly to herself as though thinking it were just a PART of her... <sigh> Yeah, I squeeed... and then was shocked. Ask Eve. And Jann. And MegYn... <sigh> Pathetic shipper. I honestly still, and especially after seeing it, think that was more squee-worthy than any of the kisses... because it implies they are now, whatever we've seen on screen, spending MORE time together than they did when they working together ALL the time, 'cause she's picking up on his expressions and not even seeming to think it's significant!!

                              Can I say.. I mean actually do it: SQUEEEEE...

                              You mean to tell me you just squee'd for the first time? Holy Hannah. I've only been squeeing for most of the past 10 years. My poor vocal cords :->

                              Well then, officially let me welcome you to the SQUEEEEE club for S/J shippers only. Not to be confused of course with the glee club for
                              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                                I agree Jennifer.IMO Sam and Daniel are like Brother and Sister and Sam and Cam are friends.I'm not worried about Sam/Cam Ship because it would be devastating to the Sam character.Sam cannot be with anyone except Jack without looking horrible.I'm also not worried because BB turned down the role of Pete and I feel BB understands about the Sam/Jack Ship.

