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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
    wouldnt it just be great if they were married. although its only a small bit of ship info with the password it was still good and its gives me some hope. hope they are married

    just realised i've passed 2,000 posts. yay.

    Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
    Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
    Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


      [QUOTE=scifi_girl;6212027just realised i've passed 2,000 posts. yay.[/QUOTE]

      Congratulations on 2000 posts scifi-girl!!!


        Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
        From what i determined,
        its not actually the password to her computer... its the password to her personal files... the ones with the letters in. I'm guessing the goodbye letters she wrote.

        The thing thats most private to her (i.e. her personal goodbye letters) are protected by a password concerning Jack...

        The part in red makes me wanna...wanna...*joins in super sonic squee*


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
          The part in red makes me wanna...wanna...*joins in super sonic squee*
          then join away! tee hee!

          SQUEE-ING is the most fun a shipper can have!
          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
            But coming here is constructive There are so many many smiley' quote or not to spoil or not to spoil. Much construction going on!

            Okay, I know I really should delurk on Samanda
            *shuffles foot shyly* and post this there, but I just finished my second vid, which is "All Amanda". It's a big deal for me, 'cause I'm not a fanfic writer or image creator LoL, and this is something I can actually do without something blowing up! So without further ado:


            and hope you like it
            liked the vids...certain clips were very good timed like the **spoilers for S10**
            punching baal clip

            not to be rude or something i really really like the vid...but there are spoilers for some people in it

            Again thanx for sharing the vid Great vid for your second one

            Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
            wouldnt it just be great if they were married. although its only a small bit of ship info with the password it was still good and its gives me some hope. hope they are married

            just realised i've passed 2,000 posts. yay.

            Congrats on 2,000 posts scifi_girl

            and i'm almost there too

            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
            I know I'm a happy camper and 'squeeing' left, right, and centre here, but I found these and just couldn't resist posting them. Spoilers for size.




            ROFL..that was funny

            so i was supposed to make homework...but then again i had that uhm ya episode on my pc...and i just couldn't resist i still haven't made my homework but i have seen the new episode

            and the
            moment when sam said fishing...i had a big grin on my face SQUEEEEE

            and the sam whumping YAY YAY YAY....

            Loved the episode...were is my brother...i wanna rewatch with a good reason

            ***off making homework...bleh***


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              The part in red makes me wanna...wanna...*joins in super sonic squee*
              so should i help

              i will



                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                That makes sense, and I LOVE the cap and quote! Priceless!

                This episode is such an insight into our characters, I think. I mean, you always read fics or whatever where others find notes left behind after someone dies, or you wonder what these characters have set in place if the situation gets dire-like Sam's living will in 'Entity'.

                I don't think I'm making it to work today with the icy weather outside, yet I'm up early. I will have to do something constructive with my time today, or not! Heck, I could hardly walk out there without slipping! And I've never driven in the ice and don't want to find out what it's like.
                "And I've never driven in the ice and don't want to find out what it's like"
                It's sort of like the Whip at a carnival - you twirl doing 360's and then veer off in a tangent till you stop short. I hate ice!!
                Oh to be on topic

                They are SOOOO married. I would love Daniel to say to Sam "You know you're not fooling anyone Mrs. O'Neill"
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Gee, I would LOVE to see this episode. I usually a place but, it's not there yet.*grumbles*
                  It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                    I started out with multi-quote because you've all said some great stuff over the last couple of days but it was looking like a repost of the last ten pages so I abandoned it! I'll just green as many of you as I can my thoughts and opinions on topics that have crept up over the last 24-48 hours...

                    On what I'm expecting in The Shroud, Unending and the movies...


                    The Shroud - What I want in a best case scenario would be getting a BHK between Sam/Jack and a confirmation of their relationship while they are on screen together. Methinks this lives in the land of wishful thinking.

                    What I'm expecting is no overt ship in The Shroud. I'm keeping my feet firmly fixed to the ground and expecting that the episode will follow along the lines of Abyss with great Jack/Daniel friendship stuff. In addition, there's likely to be Daniel/Vala implied ship and some good team stuff; that's about it. No BHK. No acknowledgement of a relationship between Sam/Jack. Just the inevitable Jack/Sam chemistry with RDA and AT being on screen together.

                    What I might get surprised with is a Sam/Jack moment; a hug or a conversation that has shippy overtures. Methinks this might just happen but I'm not hopeful.

                    Unending - What I want is a great team episode where they kick Ori butt, sav Earth and act like the heroes we know and love (something along the lines of The Quest II but with a happy if loose ending), an appearance by Jack, and an umambiguous positive resolution to the ship for Sam/Jack. Again, methinks this lives in the land of wishful thinking.

                    What I'm expecting...frankly, the spoilers are not encouraging, not just from a ship perspective (as in I don't think we'll get to see Sam and Jack in the future or any reference to it given Jack isn't in Unending) but simply from a story perspective; team stuck on a ship in a time dilation field and living 50 years of their lives before the inevitable reset button is pressed.

                    Hmmm. At this point, I'm simply hoping the episode is a lot better than it sounds.

                    Movie No 1 - What I want is a great team story where they kick Ori butt, save Earth and act like the heroes we know and love, an appearance by Jack, and an umambiguous positive resolution to the ship for Sam/Jack. Again, from the spoilers, methinks this lives in the land of wishful thinking for the ship but I might get what I want in terms of the team story...

                    Movie No 2 - What I want is a great team story where they kick Ba'al's butt, save Earth, restore the timeline and act like the heroes we know and love, Jack to be a major part of the story and an umambiguous positive resolution to the ship for Sam/Jack. *thinks this may becoming repetitive but still at least I'm consistent* Again, from the spoilers, methinks this lives in the land of wishful thinking for the ship but I might get what I want in terms of the story...especially if BW and RDA can make the business side of it work in terms of getting him actually contracted.


                    This may all have sounded very pessimistic in terms of shipping but after ten years I've learnt not to get my hopes up at all. That way if they do give us something, I'll be a very surprised and happy bunny. As opposed to a Terminator Penguin

                    Will I buy the DVDs without positive ship resolution? At this point in time, I honestly don't know.

                    On the spoilers from the MGM interviews/JM blog/AT and TH news...slightly rantish and you may want to skip it...


                    The forum seems to have gone nuts in the last 48 hours with the news of AT's 14 episodes on SGA S4 and TH scaled back to recurring.

                    On AT/Sam: I admit I was surprised it was so many episodes and as much as I love Sam as a character and admire AT as an actress, I still believe both would have been better served only doing a few episodes in SGA S4, (a) because there is the small concern TPTB might rock the boat with the ship (excuse the pun) even unintentionally; (b) because I didn't see that crossing over any SG1 character to Atlantis was particularly necessary given the SGA cast dynamic seems to have settled in S3 pretty well and (c) because of the inevitable SGA core fan backlash that we're already seeing - which has been exacerbated by the news of TH breaking the same day.

                    Having said that; I do love Sam and it will be interesting to see what they have in mind for her in SGA; whether Sam in command will be an angled that gets explored; whether we'll get any S/J ship on's certainly made SGA S4 a more interesting prospect for me and I know people who only watch SGA when they know Sam is on so it seems to me TPTB made a good decision, (especially if they back it up by doing a good job on her integration into SGA to lessen the core SGA fan outrage of a crossover). However, the second piece of news seems to have blown this decision out of all proportion...

                    On TH/Weir: I'm sad to hear the news Weir is going to be recurring and then disappearing in the early part of S4 with only a maybe to her returning at some point in the future. I like the character; I think TH has done a superb job. I have sympathy with those who are upset because I know how I would have felt if at the end of S3 it had been announced Sam was going to be reduced to recurring.

                    Having said that there seems to me to be an incredible amount of assumptions being made and conclusions being leapt to without any real facts or information being available on why the shift to recurring happened, who made the decision, what recurring actually means for the character and role.

                    I think its incredibly unfortunate that the news of AT and TH were included in the same set of interviews and broke relatively close together because it has meant the main conclusions a lot of people seem to have jumped to is that; (a) it was purely a TPTB decision and (b) that the decisions were linked in a way that meant more AT=less TH.

                    I know a lot of people are up in arms about JM commenting obliquely in his blog that the online reaction is ill-informed and there is a certain amount of lemming behaviour...but, you know what, while I have sympathy with those who are upset, I agree with him.

                    Quite honestly, as fans we have no idea what happened in contractual negotiations between the studios and TH, what budgetary pressures or creative directions drove the decision making or who ultimately made the final decision. Neither do I think as a fan I have a 'right' to know. And, frankly, for those fans completely irate about it, any statement giving all the facts is only likely to be interpreted negatively rather than calming troubled waters so I'm not sure its worthwhile TPTB even bothering.

                    So what we're left with is simply speculation. Here's some more...

                    Maybe the budgetary pressures, contract negotiations were a lot tougher this year with SG1's cancellation and SGA not making significant improvements in ratings; maybe creatively Weir along with many others in the regular cast of characters wasn't considered to be critical for S4; maybe the studios and TH failed to reach an agreement on a regular cast position that would satisfy them both; maybe they managed to reach an agreement that at least allowed them to be able to write the character out properly with TH/Weir returning as a recurring for the beginning of SGA S4 (hence why BW acts as though it is good news that she is back recurring); and maybe, just maybe, less TH ended up prompting more AT. Just a thought.

                    Whatever has happened, I don't necessarily think it's a good thing from a stability perspective. Given the known cast change with Keller/JS replacing Beckett/PM, while I think the cast could have withstood the addition of Sam/AT as a recurring, I think the last thing the line-up needed was another major change that seems to be occurred with TH.

                    Still, I'm withholding judgement until I see how TPTB cope creatively within the story with the changes. Although I hope for their sake they have learnt from the mess of mistakes they made at the beginning of SG1's S9.

                    Anyway, rant over....

                    Hmmm. Just read back through this and I think I'm in need of a hug or chocolate or both....

                    Sam and Jack forever.
                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    On Recent Cast News:

                    Having read and considered over the last day or so, I've become convinced it's mostly likely not even TPTB.. at least not RCC. I blame it on the evil monkeys. And we've discussed the hygiene habits of monkeys elsewhere.

                    This, IMHO, is the heart of the problem. There is NO evidence that either these points is true. At All. I suspect, as you’ve hinted at later, TPTB might be trying their hardest to make the best of a bad situation. And I agree with you agreeing with JM:

                    Then again, I may just be instinctively jumping to protect anyone being picked on atm.. this is a distinct possibility as I feel there is a lot of cruelty around at the moment towards people who’s actual track record, with a few notable exceptions we can’t prove our really their fault, has been pretty good. Sure, there was stuff we didn’t like.. but generally speaking it’s always come out far better than we’d feared.

                    Exactly. Precisely. You got green. And
                    after the statements about AT and RDA they’ve made and watching what I’ve seen of the bottom-half of the current seasons, I have more reason to be hopeful this is true than otherwise, as Rachel has so eloquently said elsewhere ?

                    OTOH, I had a wild and crazy thought last night driving home from work. If the second movie
                    involves an alternate timeline what-if earth, anything is possible. Including Jacob Carter and/or Janet Fraiser not being dead.

                    Now, if they manage to get RDA signed, and we get shippy bits as they come back to AU Earth together and work together to get the timeline changed…

                    Gee, who took a hope pill this morning?!?
                    But, heck, this is as likely as all the negative ideas out there… and isn’t it more fun to imagine good possibilities?!? The Evil Monkeys have no direct control over the movies.
                    Great posts guys, you make some really good points

                    Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                    TekTek, & Gaia Online


                      Hello shippers

                      A little something for you .Happy new year to all .



                        It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                          Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                          Just dropping in to say...

                          They are Sooooo Married!!

                          And just look how happy they are!
                          LOL Bren, thanks for that!

                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          Hi all, hope you don't mind a S/D shipper sticking her head in here. I have nothing against you guys at all - just wanted to make an announcement to the Sam fans out there.

                          A group of my friends and I are heading up a project in support of Amanda and her character. Skydiver's recent interview with her inspired me and I just wanted some way to show my appreciation for her, especially with the way things have been going this season.

                          I've started a new thread with more details about this project, so if any of you are interested in participating, it's here.

                          ~ Jess
                          Jess, that's great, thank you for popping in!

                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          Hey guys, I'm watching 'Line in the sand' right now...and it's great.

                          It's an add break right now and my computer is in the same room as my tv that's why I'm here, lol. We had Sam say "D'oh" when Cam said the coffee was Jackism!
                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          More spoilers:

                          Sam said that if she dies she has some letters in her personal directory on her laptop that she would like Cam to give to people...the password to the directory is...FISHING! Squee!

                          I was seriously squeeing at last night's episode, besides the...


                          d'oh comment when Cam gives Sam decaff, there was also another line which I thought might be a Jackism. Cam goes "I've been thinking" and Sam goes "Uh oh" LOL

                          Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                          And I forgot! I went crazy and updated my fic, If I'd Only Known. If any of you still actually remember it here's the link to the new chapter:
                          I'll love you forever if you review cause I'm really curious what people are thinking! Thanks guys!
                          Thanks for the updated

                          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                          I think sooner or later
                          Sam and Jack are going to be on a Shipper collision course.TPTB are not going to be able to put it off for much longer.It's getting to be crunch time.Even the most positive Shipper is going to say no more and TPTB may not like the fallout.
                          I agree Ses.

                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                          I changed my avatar again.

                          But I really do like this one.


                          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                          TekTek, & Gaia Online


                            After the spoilers we received, I am optimistic that
                            Sam and Jack are together. The password comment might not seem much, but people usually pick words that have special meaning to them for passwords. If Jack and Sam had ended their relationship, I would think that she would have changed her password. Thats my take.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                              Line in the Sand spoiler...

                              I haven't seen anyone else point this out but...
                              When Mitchell told her the coffee he was giving her was decaf, she replied, "DOH!"

                              It wasn't loud...but it was there.
                              Wow, she has never said that before! This episode was a shipper's haven! I think it is telling that the Sam/Cam scenes were the shippy ones. It wouldn't have been as shippy if the scenes had been between Sam and Teal'c, because he knows how they feel about each other. Vala was obviously busy at the moment, so Cam was a good choice. The fact that Sam didn't say Jack's name implies that Cam doesn't know about their relationsip. Even on her deathbed, Sam is protecting this secret. She is protecting Jack. I don't think the regulations are in place, but since they served together for so many years they are probably very careful about making it public knowledge. If people thought they had an illicit affair while serving together, it would hurt his reputation in D.C. and potentially hurt the SGC.

                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              BTW, I found the conversation we had (in September!) about this subject. We were discussing subtle ways TPTB could give us confirmation, and I said:And Lies said:It ain’t exactly the same, ‘cause she didn’t say the last sentence, but its pretty darn close and I consider it confirmation. This is why I agree with Shipperhoy: ’Cause, especially taken with the other spoilers from Return, Quest, and general casting, especiallyy
                              the Return of Kick-butt Sam, Cassie mention, Jack acknowledging Sam exists and that she’s often on his mind, fishing, and RDA being wanted in the movies, I get the general impression SOMEONE’S been taking notes and making lists and may be actually starting to remember what brought many, many fans to this show in the first place.

                              I’m just saying… I could be totally wrong and the Winged Monkeys may just be practicing their normal hygienic patterns, but I am starting to feel an odd fluttering in my gut (no, not gas the other one, hope) which I haven’t felt about the onscreen show for awhile…
                              Power to the shippers people! They are listening. Of course, I think this episode was in the can in September, but we've been telling them what we want for awhile now.

                              Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
                              wouldnt it just be great if they were married. although its only a small bit of ship info with the password it was still good and its gives me some hope. hope they are married

                              just realised i've passed 2,000 posts. yay.
                              Congrats on the big 2000!


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                                ANGST ALERT!

                                Based off spoilers of Unending:
                                Yay, cheers for the fic rec!

                                Originally posted by RoryJ View Post
                                I'll be returning home from uni for the weekend in about a month, so it may be a little too late, lol. But that was the gist of the quote, I swear.

                                Ah, it's so nice to be back on the S/J thread. I've been in such distress because of Atlantis lately that it's nice to return to the warm, basking glow that is Sam and Jack. Plus, I just finished watching Evolution parts 1 and 2. I love the scene when he tells her he's going after Daniel. It's so beautiful how she seemed to know all along that he would and how she trusts him to be okay and to bring Daniel home safe. I love them when their taking care of their team. *snuggles* I also love her little spin of sorts at the very end when he says they should get lunch. Giddy!Sam is too cute!


                                And, because it's nice to be back: (all caps from Sam and Jack Everyday)
                                Thank you for the wonderful caps Rory!

                                Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                                For all you music-video makers out there . . .

                                I found a song that I think would make a perfect JackVid with heavy shippy shades, called Hero by David Crosby and Phil Collins. (I even have an MP3.) If you think you'd consider making a video of it, send me a PM.

                                Here's a bit of the lyrics:

                                It was one of those great stories
                                that you can't put down at night.
                                The hero knew what he had to do
                                and he wasn't afraid to fight.

                                The villain goes to jail
                                while the hero goes free.
                                I wish it were that simple for me.

                                And the reason that she loved him
                                was the reason I loved him too
                                And he never wondered what was right or wrong,
                                He just knew.
                                He just knew.

                                Anyway, I thought it would make a great Jack video. And, of course, we all know who the "she" was who loved him.
                                Good lyrics, let's hope someone makes a vid to them

                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                Ironically, if spoilers are to be believed, this may not be true...:
                                It looks like:
                                1)Sam may get her own command (a ship)
                                2)Sam says d'oh, specifically mentioned *here* as never gonna happen 'cause it would be too strong an indication they were together
                                2)Sam mentions Cassie (heck, anyone acknowledges she still exists)
                                3) Sam mentions fishing
                                4) Kick-ass Sam punches Ba'al
                                5) Sam whumping

                                Now, all these things were specifically mentioned here or on Samanda as things we'd like to see...

                                So, let me be perfect clear. When we say Big Honkin' Kiss, we mean between S.A.M. and J.A.C.K.

                                Thank you
                                ROFL Jenn, if those things were asked for then... SQUEEEEEEE!

                                Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
                                Just beware of overindulging in birthday cake.

                                LOL SqueeG-1

                                Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                                TekTek, & Gaia Online

