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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    Ok so this is my 2400 post...I hope it gets through lol Cause GW has been acting very strangly today...and I made som icons for the occasion...they are all from the ep. Message in a bottle...I hope you like them...and snurch away
    CONGRATS EVE!!! And only 5 eh? They look great

    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    So my thoughts on Message In A Bottle...


    I love this episode. It's a well-written Stargate story fully of lots of lovely teaminess although it principally follows Sam's POV. I love how the story opens with the team together and closes with the team together. Perfect.

    For me, in the context of the Sam/Jack relationship, this is all about trust. They're very relaxed with each other at the beginning when exploring the planet and making the original assessment with the orb. There's a really sweet moment when she comments that the orb has been active since Neanderthal times and he quips 'that takes me back' which is a nice reference to the Broca Divide - and the two of them smile at each other through their space suits.

    I love how Jack interrupts the science twins in the morning and orders them to get some rest - he's just looking after his team - and how Sam immediately if reluctantly complies while Daniel is still arguing.

    As the situation with the orb escalates; from the moment it starts to spike, Jack looks to Sam for the answer and he immediately acts on her advice to take it back through the Stargate. Her absolute horror; the way she is almost paralysed with shock when the spike hits him and drives him into the wall is evident. It's Sam who asks for the med team, and she runs to him very quickly when the gate room is accessible.

    Yet, she disagrees with his automatic reaction which is to shoot the orb because quite rightly at this point they have no way of knowing what the effect will be especially in terms of what it will do to Jack. Overruled, her continued horror as Jack is clearly in pain with each seemingly ineffective staff blast is written on her face and she is quick to step in and tell Teal'c to stop; finally insisting that they get a clue about what they are doing before taking the next step.

    While Sam and Daniel relentlessly search for the solution, Teal'c stays with Jack and I admit I adore the moment between Jack and Teal'c as they address each other as 'my friend' which shows the two of them consider each other equals.

    Anyway, back to Sam/Jack...

    When Daniel finally makes the connection that the 'virus' is trying to communicate and Sam makes the additional leap that it's trying to communicate through Jack and she goes to talk to him. His simple brushing of his thumb against her hand shows how much he trusts her to try her idea. When she thinks he's dead, she's devastated. Truly devastated because she thinks she's killed him and had Jack actually died, I think it would have broken her completely. It's interesting that the Tok'ra memory device in the season finale picks up on Sam's memory of the moment she thought he was dead in MIAB when she tells him she thought he was dead. And I think the fact that he sees that in the season finale (whose name is escapes my memory for the time being) actually shows to him how much this particular moment between them meant to her.

    Her relief when the virus alien confirms Jack is with him is written in large letters on her face. As a solution is reached, she has to be with Hammond in the control room to stop the autodestruct but as soon as it is over, she can't wait to run down and join her teammates in checking on him.

    His 'nice work' is aimed at all of them but she is very attentive. She can't stop touching him as though reassuring herself he is actually alive and she continues to support him as he sways down the ramp.

    For me, it is here how much Jack means to Sam comes out in her actions. However, I don't think she's truly consciously aware of it as this point and whatever thoughts she might have had immediately afterwards about her wayward feelings for her CO are probably written off to the drama of the moment or her maybe believing she does have a small crush on Jack that she'll get over. However, subconsciously I think just how much Jack means to her is starting to seep in...

    On that note...I'll stop.

    I do have an idea for a fic although its not a TAG but something based on the episode title and the theme of trust; if I get a chance to write it I will post before Friday, I promise.
    OK, i like this ep much better now

    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    Thanks for my Gutter Girl medal Eve! I've attached it to my desktop wallpaper

    In honour of this week's discussion ep, I've changed my sig
    It's great!

    Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
    Thank you so much...It's great...LOL

    Now, how can I copy it to my sig???
    I PMed you!

    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    Oh my God! Do not even talk about that woman! Who ACTS like that??? She's like a physcotic person. Ahh! "I want you to give me a baby" What IS that??? :think shippy thoughts, think shippy thoughts:
    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    Will this help?

    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    :feels calm returning: Thanks you're my hero!
    And just had to quote the Grace kiss


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      And just had to quote the Grace kiss
      I think we all "just had to" quote the Grace kiss at least once (if not more).


        What's the gutter gilr medal look like? I want one! *s*******

        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


          Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
          What's the gutter gilr medal look like? I want one! *s*******
          The medal is the second image in my sig. Eve made them for everyone (it has our names on them) on the Gutter Girls/Boys list.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
            Gutter Girls / Guy list of the Sam / Jack shipper family thread
            Follow this quote back to find your badge!


              Thanks again, Eve. These are so cool!
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Holy Hannah! It was only three days ago I reached the milestone of 1000 posts. This is now my 1100 post. Wow! Three days. New record for me.

                Sam: Why aren't you surprise, sir?
                Jack: Nothing to be surprise about, Major. She was talking about us.

                Hmm, something shippy . . . something shippy . . . something shippy . . .


                I should have gone to bed hours ago!


                  Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                  ...and I was about to go and do something productive.

                  *tries to tear eyes away*

                  Congrats on the 1100!
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                    ...and I was about to go and do something productive.

                    *tries to tear eyes away*

                    Congrats on the 1100!
                    Nah! Not while you're here! Productive goes out the window while you're here.


                      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                      Nah! Not while you're here! Productive goes out the window while you're here.
                      Which is why I shouldn't be here 2 weeks before exams! Hmmm... I wonder if I could put that animation on my phone!

                      *edit* I now have a new video on my phone
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                        Which is why I shouldn't be here 2 weeks before exams! Hmmm... I wonder if I could put that animation on my phone!

                        *edit* I now have a new video on my phone
                        Lucky you! **pouts because she doesn't have it on her phone**

                        I'm truely going to bed now (hopefully!). I said so almost an hour ago, but I'll say it again and force myself off the computer. Shippy dreams and thoughts everyone! **wonders why people come on to talk right before she goes to bed**


                          So, I haven't quite got the hang of multi-quote so I'm just going to jump right in on the whole Chimera/Pete/Sam man friends discussion...

                          Spoilers for length


                          I do feel sorry for Pete too (partially because of how badly he is written and partially because ultimately his only crime is to love a woman who doesn't love him back). Having said that, the only Sam 'other' I watch willingly is Orlin and only in Ascension (it might have something to do with SPF who plays him being incredibly cute) and the only Jack 'other' I watch willingly is Kerry and only because she lasts so short a time and admirably moves aside.

                          I don't think Sam is entirely desperate in Chimera. I think certainly at the beginning, I think she has made a determined decision to move on from Jack post-Grace hallucinations and accepted the blind date as a 'I'm really going to do this and give it a try.' I think she was surprised to find she liked Pete; that he was quite a sweet, funny guy (in a quirky kind of way) and I think she loved his attentiveness to her and being treated like an attractive woman because she hadn't had that in her life for a long time. I think during their early dates (whatever went before the coffee shop, the coffee shop and the movie date) she was just enjoying the attention, and revelling in someone openly declaring how much they liked her. I think she figured it wasn't serious (and is very quick to say this to Jack in the elevator); that she was just having some romantic (but not sexual) fun while this guy was in town and when he left it would be over - she is a little disconcerted when he tells her he's staying around a while longer.

                          For me, it changes with the dancing date. I do think she approaches it as fun, enjoying dressing up and getting the gobsmacked reaction she wanted (always good for a girl's ego) but I think when Pete takes her to the dance and she sees what she really wants (to grow old with the man she loves, to be with someone in a real relationship that stands the test of time) she gets sad and more is suddenly reminded of the lonely life stretching out before her because she feels she can't be with Jack that way. And I do think the rush to the bedroom that happens at the end of the date stems from her sudden desperation to block out the sadness her real feelings prompt although I think she consciously believes she's just taking the next expected step in what was a very romantic date (actually her mind is still thinking in the hallway scene because she gives him an instruction), and she does use a very willing Pete (who I'm sure was hoping for that result at the end of the night when all said and done).

                          But I also think the physical intimacy changes things for Sam. I think the pillow talk, Sam is making an effort to move into real intimacy with Pete because she thinks she has to because they have moved their relationship onto a sexual level. I think she's stunned at his hissy fit and I think because she's not used to being with someone, her first thought is to wonder what the hell she did (rather than determining he's a petulant idiot) and she broods on it. I do think she thinks she's failed in some way at having a relationship at that point (not good for her ego when she was looking for validation that she could build something outside of the SGC) and comes to the naive conclusion that had she been able to confide in him about her work everything would be fine. When he gets injured, I think her concern about his not dying overrides everything else for a while but I do think there was a huge fight when she found out about the back ground check.

                          She obviously gives him a second chance (he mentions in Affinity that she forgave him stalking her) and they progress. But up until the moment he proposes in Affinity I don't think she's actually still taking their relationship all that seriously (which is why she is so quick to understand the New Order Fifth created fantasy with Pete is just that). I think she is enjoying being part of a couple but is happy that its relatively long distance and quite honestly, how often can she be seeing him really (I also think in New Order her comment to Teal'c about saying goodbye is her trying to convince herself about the relationship because deep down she knows she isn't in love with him) She is stunned by his proposal. On Pete's side I think he proposes because he's afraid he's losing her and its a desperate attempt to keep her. I think he's just as stunned as the audience when she accepts (and I do think she accepts because she thinks she should if they're in a relationship and she wants to make a success of it rather than because she wants to.)

                          I do think RepliCarter in Gemini basically rips away all of Sam's delusions about who she really does love and the feelings she's trying to suppress and I think from that moment, Sam is already reconsidering her decision. I think when he buys her the house in Threads and her father's lukewarm reaction to him, it finally hits her what a mistake she is making and what she actually should have done in the first place after Grace - talk to Jack about their feelings and whether there was a chance for them. After her father's death and assured of Jack's feelings for her, she finally breaks it off with Pete because he has never really been what she wanted. I do feel sorry for Pete but I think at this point he reveals he always knew and decided to take the risk anyway because he loved her. Still, all said and done, I would have preferred him to have taken Kerry's approach and just got out of the way instead of proposing...

                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                            Before I catch up on the thread (which is a lot, considering GW was slow ysterday) I just have to recommend this fic. It's a fanfiction award winner 2006, so maybe everyone has read it, but if not: it's a great read. It has the cutest SJ ship, really my heart did a couple of flip flops reading this. It's PG 13. And it's pretty long, kinda angsty, has Sam wumping and the team <big sigh>.

                            Character by shiny silver grl
                            okay shippers you know i rarely delurk but....


                            must second the recommendation for this fic. considering that it is 4:52 am and i could not stop reading it and make myself go to bed. SamJackShipLover is right--its' a great read!!
                            sig by leelakin


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              Ok so this is my 2400 post...I hope it gets through lol Cause GW has been acting very strangly today...and I made som icons for the occasion...they are all from the ep. Message in a bottle...I hope you like them...and snurch away

                              Love them, and



                                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                                I love MIAB for many reasons - most of which Rachel just stated in her excellent post. So there's not much for me to add

                                Only to say that I like how Sam's compassion is shown in this ep. We've already been shown that she is competent, intelligent, capable, gutsy etc. She's also gone through the whole Jolinar thing, and this eps shows us the compassion and empathy she has. We see her reactions to Jack being so extreme and traumatic - giving us a clear insight into the depth of her feelings for him. Yet we also see her showing empathy, compassion and kindness to Simmons.

                                I love the hand squeeze, and all that that symbolises. Trust, fear, comfort, acceptance.

                                Finally, I don't know if this is deliberate or not, but I love the way these scenes mirror each other - check out the hands


                                New Order Pt2

                                Jack's hand is a lot higher up on Sam's leg.......

                                And Jennifer, I've just caught up with the bridge (I'd love to know how I missed 6 chapters), and the Lincoln Bedroom was a very cheeky reference!

