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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sam_Carter
    Okay, Chapter 2 of 'Broken Wings' is up...

    The chapter is called 'Pain makes you forget... friends make you remember'

    i hope you like it!

    EDIT: okay, its playing up a bit... will let u no if it's wokring again in a bit
    fingers crossed

    EDIT 2: OK, i think its working now!

    Woo hoo! *hanging on the edge of her seat for Jack and Sam to get to the good part*


      Originally posted by scifi_girl
      great chapter, i really enjoyed it. can we have more chapters soons please?????

      wow, just passed 1700 posts



        Do you know in which episode Jack says he likes Mary Steenburgen????
        'Cause I was watching "Joan of Arcadia" and is it me or Kerry looks a little like her (granted she's younger)???


          Originally posted by ccdsah
          Do you know in which episode Jack says he likes Mary Steenburgen????
          'Cause I was watching "Joan of Arcadia" and is it me or Kerry looks a little like her (granted she's younger)???

          Urgo reads it in his mind in Urgo but it comes up again in another episode.
          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


            Okay guys... chapter 3 of 'Broken Wings' is up...


            Only 1 more chpater left (and possible a prologue)

            I hope you like it. This chapter is called 'Love Is Never Having To Say You're Sorry'
            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


              Originally posted by Lizlove
              Maybe this'll make you feel better?

              In the words of a fussy protocol droid... "Here we go again."


                Originally posted by Davhar80
                Hi there, newby here. absolutely in love with jack and sam relationship but have a question...sorry if it has been asked a million times...but at the end of moebius when jack tells sam she has "packing to do", what does he mean?? In my little jack/sam love world I like to think it means she is paking her things to move into his house...but I know this might not be right but I just have to know!!


                *And as people have answered your question I won't repeat their answers!
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Originally posted by Terrah
                  For my 800th Post, I thought I should do something meaningful, an in depth post on how I feel about my little obsession.


                  I got nothing, forgot how close I was to my 800th post. Should have save my wallpaper for this.

                  OY! Are you even reading my poor excuse for not having anything original to say?
                  I had to delete a random thread in fun and games for this.

                  Serious now (Yes I can be serious at times) I adore you all, you are all warm hearted, talented, friendly bunch of people. There is a real feeling of family here and that is rare on the internet, besides the ravens of course (Just in case they see this )

                  Warning! this post may seriously damage your health. Ooops too late


                  Now I'm not usually one to go "guh" over the slow mo 'Grace' kiss, but that... that... made me go "g . u . h . ..."


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                    Wow... my 1,000th Post!

                    I'd always thought this was going to be extremely long, but now, I don't really know what to say!

                    First off, I'd like to thank all of you who convinced me to de-lurk on the 4th Annual ship day. You are all so sweet. That day was awesome! A bit of a shipper high!

                    <snipped for space>

                    So all in all, thanks to everyone! You've all been so awesome these two and half months that I've been here!

                    See you around,
                    Congrats on your 1000th post!
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      AT, wow, the dress! and RDA's hair looks fairly short (see that sticky-up hair on top of his head?) which makes me wonder. He usually lets it grow some between filming it short because he just finished filming that ep with MS or.........another reason?
                      Is is allowable to have someone put the vid on Youtube so I can watch?
                      I think they filmed his 2nd episode for SG1 a while back as its purported to be

                      The Shroud

                      And that was filmed before they took their mid-season filming break...apparently.

                      I'm hoping his presence in Vancouver means he's doing some additional filming for the finale as well as appearing at the FMA.
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by CamandVala
                        YAY!!! Eve made my new sig!! Isn't it pretty? Doesn't that sound like something Grace would say? .

                        It reminds me of a quote from Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing: "Speak [coz]. Or if you cannot, stop his mouth with a kiss and let not him speak neither."

                        And yes, it's a lovely sig.

                        Edit. Now I have ideas for sigs...


                          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                          Okay guys... chapter 3 of 'Broken Wings' is up...


                          Only 1 more chpater left (and possible a prologue)

                          I hope you like it. This chapter is called 'Love Is Never Having To Say You're Sorry'


                          Loved it. Waiting for more
                          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                            Originally posted by sugarshaker
                            I feel your pain! In that scene in Sam's lab, (spoilers, Affinity)
                            from the way he stoped abruptly in the doorway it looked as if he was practically running to see her. And when he said "And yet you haven't said no" and snapped the ring box shut, my heart really went out to him. To both of them actually, but mostly to him as I was still kind of upset with Sam at that point. I think it was definitely one of the sadder moments in the series. And at the end when she was kissing in that warehouse - all I could do was stare slack-jawed at my TV. I couldn't fathom how we got from kick-a$$, save the world, TEAM SG-1 to that. I felt like a parent shaking my head wondering where did we go wrong!!!

                            Fortunately they made up for a lot with Threads, but I'd like to see waaaaay more in the series finale.

                            I know, I know. The look on his face when the ring box snaps shut made me cry!

                            It also made me write a tag:


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Originally posted by Lady eliza
                              So I'll take it that I have joined the fan fiction writers ranks.
                              Why certainly! If you write a fic, you're a ff writer! Hope to read your works soon!
                              I just had to repeat what LAD said; if you write a fan-fiction, you are a fanfiction writer! And if you write a Sam/Jack fanfic, you're a Sam/Jack fanfic writer. Nobody can say otherwise!
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF
                                Couldn't have put it better myself. And yes, I've tried

                                Its quite possible, IMHO, that the situation at the beginning of Avalon was only designed to be temporary. Sam is likely only a few years away from retirement, and Jack may have been talked into helping the president for a few years until the galaxy stabalized after the Go'uld. As to regs being an excuse, I don't think they are, anymore. We haven't heard anything about them for nearly 2 years, the last word being, "When you're a general, you get to do pretty much anything you want," said by one very contented Jack O'Neill. And, I say again, lots of people in the military are married to other people in the military. Working together at the SGC, even as civilians, would have a lot of the same real, non-reg problems as being in the military. And, honestly, what would Jack do as a civilian at the SGC?

                                EDIT: BTW, This is 200! Will there be cake? And OT, anyone know what's up with My shower story was there and now its not showing up in the public listing? PM if ya know, thanks!

                                EDIT2: I think I solved the problem by reuploading. So, never mind. Thanks


