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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hopalong
    I know, I know. The look on his face when the ring box snaps shut made me cry!

    It also made me write a tag:

    I've read your stuff Hopalong and don't know if I've fb before, but ya know I love all your SG stuff. At least the stuff I read on your site.
    Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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      Originally posted by ccdsah
      Do you know in which episode Jack says he likes Mary Steenburgen????
      'Cause I was watching "Joan of Arcadia" and is it me or Kerry looks a little like her (granted she's younger)???

      The other episode is Heroes, and Sam makes a comment about him and Mary in Heroes, too.

      It's good to be back on line. My internet hasn't been available for the past few days. I hate dial up. There was a buzzing on my phone line that kept my internet from working properly. I could get on line, but GW was taking forever. I missed the family.

      Congrats on all milestones and welcome to any newbies! I'm going to try to catch up, but you guys always talk a lot.


        Ok, I'm off to pick up my season 9

        No ship, just in my own mind and fanfic. But heh, can't break up the set now, especially as season 10 still gives me hope.
        Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
        Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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          Originally posted by Davhar80
          Hi there, newby here. absolutely in love with jack and sam relationship but have a question...sorry if it has been asked a million times...but at the end of moebius when jack tells sam she has "packing to do", what does he mean?? In my little jack/sam love world I like to think it means she is paking her things to move into his house...but I know this might not be right but I just have to know!!

          Welcome Davhar!


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
            Wow... my 1,000th Post!

            I'd always thought this was going to be extremely long, but now, I don't really know what to say!

            First off, I'd like to thank all of you who convinced me to de-lurk on the 4th Annual ship day. You are all so sweet. That day was awesome! A bit of a shipper high!

            You all welcomed me with open arms and sweet comments. When I started posting my horrible fanfiction, you all were nice enough to review and keep me writing!

            I've enjoyed discussing SJ aspects. Sure, Stargate may not revolve around them, but let's face it, they are simply awesome together.... Whether it's an episode or if Jack REALLY sniffed Sam's hair, it's all fun discussing it with a big group of friends as loyal to Sam/Jack as you are...

            Since I don't have any friends that are Stargate fans, it's been nice to come on here, post on messages and read about the fun times we have on this thread!

            The manips, posters, fics and videos have kept my shipper spirit alive. After the second '200' promo aired, and we were all in ship-heaven, it was such a blast discussing every aspect with all of you! Those weeks leading up to '200' were such fun!

            And the 'royal marriage' comment.... With all of us holding our eyes wide open for ship in episodes, we sure can find a lot! 'Uninvited' is a great example of that!

            And who can forget the whole 'stalking' thing with LAD? Fun times. And I don't regret it! I got Sam-whump and THE ANGST in that...

            Ok, I'm off the topic of angst now. That would probably be another few hundred words.

            So all in all, thanks to everyone! You've all been so awesome these two and half months that I've been here!

            See you around,

            Congratulations Hannah!


              Originally posted by Nolamom
              Tonight's poster ... may have a bit more meaning for our friends across the pond, but let's keep it PG!
              Definitely FIT!
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                My first week back at work isn't turning out great. So now I need SHIP!!! And I'm supposed to be watching all eps from S1 in the right order, but I'm only at S2 and I feel weak, so now I'm sitting here with my S4 DVD's he he Any recs on which shippy eps to watch? I think I'll watch BtS for sure!


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  Woot! Glad you signed up! Anyone else? *remembers she still has to fill out her own form *

                  I'm umming and aahing about it. I know I can write fics (whether they're good or not is another matter), and I can probably finish to a deadline if I put my mind to it. I'm just not sure whether I can write a fic to someone else's parameters. (and I don't know if I spelt that word right... )


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    Gate Gal and Docker PM

                    OK and just a little reminder:
                    don't forget to vote...
                    I voted the first day. I just didn't post a message. I'm really game for anything. It is going to be lots of fun regardless! (FYI, I voted for the one week per episode in order or something like that.)


                      Originally posted by natalia
                      well considering i can't write fic to save my life my thoughts are that are: if it means i get to read/review lots and lots of amazing s/j fic (and if you all are writing it, it will be amazing), then I'M IN!

                      lol - same here!


                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                        I'm off to bed shippers! I studied for my test tomorrow, (or well, today) and wish me luck.... (I'm going to need it!)

                        Maybe I'll get a decent night's sleep for once...

                        LAD, you must finish up and go to bed! I know what time it is there! Let's try this going to be before uh... 12:30 thing, eh?

                        Oh, and thank you VERY MUCH to all of your who made me feel special for my 1,000 Post! Now only 1,000 more to go!
                        Good luck with your test! Hope it goes/went well!
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                          I noticed that, but I'm glad I wasn't the first to mention it. Sort of doubt it, if it were that obvious, I doubt she'd wear that dress. And ahem about your other comment,, she is sort of "falling out of it" but after seeing pictures for an article in a recent magazine, I'm happy to see an actress who isn't anorexic.

                          As far as RDA, he gained weight on his year off, as everyone knows but usually doesn't mention. To me it's hard to tell if he has lost any of it yet or not. IMO, and don't anyone kill me, he looks better(and great) in civies than Jack's uniform now. I guess his daughter told an interviewer or someone during the Pasadena doings that "Daddy's fat" or somethng similar. (have to look that up again, but I think that's what I read).
                          I wondered the same thing! She could be in the early stages of pregnancy which would account for the thicker waist. I think that would be great!! But I am just a little curious why she's going for the low-cut look now. She wore something similar at the 200th celebration party in Vancour. Could it be she's tired of being upstaged by a certain gal with dark hair?


                            Originally posted by ccdsah
                            Do you know in which episode Jack says he likes Mary Steenburgen????
                            Urgo, I think for the first time and then its repeated in Citizen Joe.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                              My first week back at work isn't turning out great. So now I need SHIP!!! And I'm supposed to be watching all eps from S1 in the right order, but I'm only at S2 and I feel weak, so now I'm sitting here with my S4 DVD's he he Any recs on which shippy eps to watch? I think I'll watch BtS for sure!

                              As a general mood lifter, I always watch Windows of Opportunity. Its one of the funniest and it has the kiss.
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by ccdsah
                                Do you know in which episode Jack says he likes Mary Steenburgen????
                                'Cause I was watching "Joan of Arcadia" and is it me or Kerry looks a little like her (granted she's younger)???

                                Yeah.... there is somethig there!

                                Like Gate Gal said it's from Heroes Part 1. I love that part of the episode.


                                Bregman: Colonel O'Neill, hi ...

                                Jack: I like vanilla over chocolate, My favorite color is paradoh, I think Tibet should be free and if I could have dinner with anyone in the world it would be Mary Steenburgen. *enters elevator pushes button*

                                Bregman: No I'm just trying to ... Mary Steenburgen?

                                Jack: Yeah, don't you think she's nice?

                                Bregman: (doors about to shut) *stands between the doors* no no ... look, look ... *Jack pushes button again* I'm just trying to get a minute of with you.

                                Jack: Look I really don't have time ... I've got ... errr ... briefing.
                                And then there's the part from the lost city

                                Bregman: I understand. *Puts hand out* I'm Emmett Bre--

                                Jack coughs into his hand and sticks it out; Emmett thinks twice and pulls his away.

                                Bregman: No look I'm not going to be able to get a perspective on this whole Stargate program *doors start to close, he pushes them* program without you colonel, so when is a good time for you?

                                Jack: Anytime's good ... just send me a memo. *Pushes him out*

                                Bregman: Memo.

                                => can you imagine Jack reading a memo?!?

                                Control room, Sam comes down the stairs, Jack's drinking coffee.

                                Sam: Sir? Did you do your interview yet?

                                Jack: Yeah ...

                                Sam: Mary Steenburgen

                                Jack: She's so hot. *Sam smiles* Carter, can you tell me the reason for this documentary again?

                                Sam: Didn't you read the memo? *Jack gives her a look, as they head downstairs.* ah ... officially it's to chronicle the 1,000th trip through the Stargate but I think there's more to it than that.

                                Jack: 1,000 you say.

                                Sam: I know hard to believe we've been at it this long.

                                Jack: There should be a cake.

                                => Ya know what I mean?


                                And then there's The Lost City....


                                Daniel: Well, why else would you do that? (Sam takes the puzzle from Daniel and looks at it.)

                                Sam: The clue for seven down is 'celestial body' and he wrote 'Uma Thurman'.

                                Jack (smiling): Yes!

                                Daniel: It has to mean something.

                                Jack: It does. (He snatches the puzzle back, straightens it out, sighs, then looks at it intently for a few moments while Sam and Daniel watch anxiously.) I’m hungry.

                                => Love it!!! Just typical!


                                Thanks to!
                                Last edited by Lizlove; 04 October 2006, 08:51 AM.

