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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
    The episode that should be shown on Sky One tomorrow night is 'The Road Not Taken'.
    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
    I checked on Sky Plus tonight, and it said "The Shroud".
    So now I'm not confused Ah well either way... looking forward to them.


      Originally posted by Vicky View Post
      Hi guys!

      I have a question, well more an observation I guess. I don't know why, but the first few minutes of Singularity (you know the ep with Cassie) just popped into my head. They were talking about the black hole and the eclipse and Jack said the accurate term to Daniel's surprise. And then Sam said

      Sam: "You didn't think the Colonel has a telescope on his roof just to look at his neighbors, did you?"

      IIRC, Sam has only been once at Jack's at this point of the season, in Fire and Water, but she knew that he has a telescope on his roof... Weird...

      Ok, I'll stop here before shipper mind takes over...
      See i just saw those episodes...cus someone**don't say names** give me a thing for watching S1 again...

      And only one time but Sam is smart and maybe they have already been on his roof on in the time when they weren't i nthe series...she has been at jacks place...and now my gutter shippy mind gets into the way to


        Ok I've been thinking. Dangerous I know but it crossed my mind that if Sam or Jack had been played by any other actors we probably wouldn't have any ship. I don't think anybody else could have the same chemistry as Rick and Amanda do. I wonder if it took the writers by surprise. In COTG the spark is there immediately when they meet. Was it like that when Rick and Amanda met?

        It must have been a bonus for them that the actors got on so well.


          Originally posted by majorshrl View Post
          Ok I've been thinking. Dangerous I know but it crossed my mind that if Sam or Jack had been played by any other actors we probably wouldn't have any ship. I don't think anybody else could have the same chemistry as Rick and Amanda do. I wonder if it took the writers by surprise. In COTG the spark is there immediately when they meet. Was it like that when Rick and Amanda met?

          It must have been a bonus for them that the actors got on so well.
          I agree with you, this set of actors is great together. They have indeed caused the ship to be this big. But I do think it must have shown in the prosess (sp?) of casting. It probably wasn't meant to be shippy, but it must have been obvious that the chemistry was there.

          Unless TPTB were blind
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
            Do you think Hammond would have looked the other way if Sam and Jack crossed the line ? I think so, they were essential to the programme, in fact i think he still would have kept them together on the team.
            In Death knell
            Hammond did look the other way, when Jack tried to give him that "she's a valuable member of my team, sir" go-se. To me, it looked like Hammond was pretty much convinced they'd already crossed lines.

            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Yeah, they are:
            Hammond was looking the other way for a long time, because the emotions themselves were against regs. Which is probably why few people ever get severely punished for fraternization that's not out-right abuse of position. That's why in D&C Jack admits his feelings, "I care about her a lot more than i'm supposed to" with such a sense of shame. He was already breaking the rules.... And his guilt in Entite, 'cause look what it led to.
            Can they really regulate emotions like that? What are the actual AF regs when it comes to fraternization within the ranks?
            Originally posted by UhSir View Post
            *sits on Jack's lap* LOL! I'm so glad you delurked!
            Me too! Thanks!
            Originally posted by UhSir View Post
            My husband will look over my shoulder, see me shipping then just and walk away in silence. (he's a shipper too, just not obsessed like me... us... )
            My roommates really wouldn't understand my shipper obsession. I think they might think there's something wrong with me already...after spending a full 24 hours on the couch hooked up to the TV watching Season 9.
            All of it.
            In one sitting.
            Originally posted by Zoser View Post
            I was never in a band - absolutely no talent!!
            However I absolutely love marching bands and if there are pipers - I'm in heaven.
            I'm the crazy old lady on the parade side lines cheering.
            Aww! We love those people! It's really hard to keep a straight face and play when you have a really enthusiastic audience. I think Santa Cruz band review tops my list of crazy bystanders though...*giggles*
            Originally posted by majorshrl View Post
            Ok I've been thinking. Dangerous I know but it crossed my mind that if Sam or Jack had been played by any other actors we probably wouldn't have any ship. I don't think anybody else could have the same chemistry as Rick and Amanda do. I wonder if it took the writers by surprise. In COTG the spark is there immediately when they meet. Was it like that when Rick and Amanda met?

            It must have been a bonus for them that the actors got on so well.
            I know in an older DVD special, I think it was on season 2 or 3, AT remarks that she was sortof stunned when she saw RDA for the first time after a haitus. She was blown away because she forgot how d*** handsome he is. That made me jealous.

            How do you all like my new sig??? Jenn made it for me! Isn't it SHINY!?!
            Sig quote c/o Spiletta42, Sig pic a gift from JennniferJF. TY!
            Reality is for people who can't handle Science-Fiction


              Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
              In Death knell
              Hammond did look the other way, when Jack tried to give him that "she's a valuable member of my team, sir" go-se. To me, it looked like Hammond was pretty much convinced they'd already crossed lines.
              Gah you all just want me to go and watch all the shippy episodes again...I'm on to y'all not like you really have to twist my arm to much. I'll have to look at that again. though I have a feeling that Hammond is under the "don't ask don't tell policy" but knows they would never do anything physical while under the same line of command.
              Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
              How do you all like my new sig??? Jenn made it for me! Isn't it SHINY!?!
              Very nice new siggy.
              GO NEWMAN! 31!


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Well, given his expressed distaste for scientists and her intelligence and powers of observation, I'm sure she noticed the telescope, realized its significance and remembered it. I don't think it shows anything particularly shippy beyond her noticing and remembering little details about him... Because, I mean, she was curious, and he's her CO so the more she knows about him, the better they can get along.

                Keep telling yourself that, hun.Don't get too excited. That was WIFE BAIT. Which I'm SURE Jack uses a LOT on Sam.

                I'll explain that to you some time
                When I'm older?

                *SPLASH* into the gutter....
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                  In Death knell
                  Hammond did look the other way, when Jack tried to give him that "she's a valuable member of my team, sir" go-se. To me, it looked like Hammond was pretty much convinced they'd already crossed lines.

                  Can they really regulate emotions like that? What are the actual AF regs when it comes to fraternization within the ranks?
                  Me too! Thanks!My roommates really wouldn't understand my shipper obsession. I think they might think there's something wrong with me already...after spending a full 24 hours on the couch hooked up to the TV watching Season 9.
                  All of it.
                  In one sitting.
                  Aww! We love those people! It's really hard to keep a straight face and play when you have a really enthusiastic audience. I think Santa Cruz band review tops my list of crazy bystanders though...*giggles*

                  I know in an older DVD special, I think it was on season 2 or 3, AT remarks that she was sortof stunned when she saw RDA for the first time after a haitus. She was blown away because she forgot how d*** handsome he is. That made me jealous.

                  How do you all like my new sig??? Jenn made it for me! Isn't it SHINY!?!
                  Love it, Lizzy!

                  Hmmm... RDA is very handsome. I bet she was even happier when they got to kiss!

                  I know I'm happy when they kiss...
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                    When I'm older?

                    *SPLASH* into the gutter....
                    yeah...when you are also me older...i feel to young...granny not nice

                    and gutter...finally hannah is back here...btw look out that you don't step on Jenn...she is sooo deep in the gutter


                      Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                      In Death knell
                      Hammond did look the other way, when Jack tried to give him that "she's a valuable member of my team, sir" go-se. To me, it looked like Hammond was pretty much convinced they'd already crossed lines.
                      You don't have to spoiler stuff before S9... You'll get people's hopes up
                      Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                      Can they really regulate emotions like that? What are the actual AF regs when it comes to fraternization within the ranks?
                      No, they can't, technically. But it would be considered highly inappropriate to have those emotions, and the right thing to do would be to either hide them so completely no one would guess at them *or* change units. (Don't ask, don't tell as it were). Jack did neither, hence what happens in D&C and Entity is *his* fault, from his PoV. Of course, he's not exactly the kind of person who is hesitant to accept personal blame for stuff, either... 'Cause, of course, he can't really be blamed for the way he feels, for her knowing how he feels or for the simple fact that they are both needed in SG-1. But from the way he says "I'm supposed to" in D&C and his expressions in Entity, you know he blames himself even if no one else does.

                      Bottom-line, though, he is far more familiar with everyone on SG-1 than a proper military commander ought to be, but its sort of a special situation. Which is why, personally, I don't think Jack or Sam would have had big issues with consummating their relationship before he actually transferred once they'd decided they were going to do something and she was on leave/headed up in the Daedalus or whatever. I think being with her would have become his first priority. Part of me, to be honest, would like to think they did wait, but I just don't think I see that onscreen. As I've said, though, the important thing is that now
                      they're so married


                        Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                        Me too! Thanks!My roommates really wouldn't understand my shipper obsession. I think they might think there's something wrong with me already...after spending a full 24 hours on the couch hooked up to the TV watching Season 9.
                        All of it.
                        ah but my brother understands my in dinner today they were talking..i wasn';t really paying attention...then suddenly my mother said something like fish...and then my brother said fishing...i immediatly looked up and squeed...yep i'm weird...and that's what my mother thought she thinks her daughter is weird...but i'm a proud s/j shipper with obsession

                        I know in an older DVD special, I think it was on season 2 or 3, AT remarks that she was sortof stunned when she saw RDA for the first time after a haitus. She was blown away because she forgot how d*** handsome he is. That made me jealous.

                        How do you all like my new sig??? Jenn made it for me! Isn't it SHINY!?!

                        uhm specials...i think that was S3 the end or S4 beginning...i think...but i can remember that special

                        and jenn really made a great great sig you have now


                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          yeah...when you are also me older...i feel to young...granny not nice

                          and gutter...finally hannah is back here...btw look out that you don't step on Jenn...she is sooo deep in the gutter
                          Wife Bait.

                          Basically, Jack intentionally puts on a TV show he doesn't like that Sam loves so she'll come sit down next to him on the sofa. This lets him play with her doohickey's while she's distracted and he's not, and also if he's really lucky she'll try to explain the show to him, which means he gets to play with Doohickey's and watch her mind spin all at the same time.

                          Which, for Jack O'Neill, is pretty darn perfect.


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            Wife Bait.

                            Basically, Jack intentionally puts on a TV show he doesn't like that Sam loves so she'll come sit down next to him on the sofa. This lets him play with her doohickey's while she's distracted and he's not, and also if he's really lucky she'll try to explain the show to him, which means he gets to play with Doohickey's and watch her mind spin all at the same time.

                            Which, for Jack O'Neill, is pretty darn perfect.
                            but you already said that earlier didn't you...or wasn't that here...cus i can remember something like that**and yes i know it;s weird i can remember something**

                            and Jack is sweet who doesn't want him as husband?


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Wife Bait.

                              Basically, Jack intentionally puts on a TV show he doesn't like that Sam loves so she'll come sit down next to him on the sofa. This lets him play with her doohickey's while she's distracted and he's not, and also if he's really lucky she'll try to explain the show to him, which means he gets to play with Doohickey's and watch her mind spin all at the same time.

                              Which, for Jack O'Neill, is pretty darn perfect.
                              Ah, I see.

                              Maybe I'm just too far into the gutter.
                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                can some body please help me with something that is driving me bananas. Ya kknow last year when amanda presented fma vancouver with rda? well there was a song that was used as a theme to it and i know its a pop song that was released. I have no idea what it is called or who it was by and i really really want it. The only words in it that i know is
                                you turn me ooooooooon, (you know you keep turning me on)
                                sorry i cant be more specific but like i say this is driving me bonkers. sorry if its of topic as well

                                Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                                Help me get to film school

                                One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?

