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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    Here's a cute video with behind the scenes pic:

    Thanks Mala's World
    lol that is a friend of mine who made it...
    and she is also here on the forum she is Dr,Jackson!

    And yes I also think that vid is great...check out some of her other vids are also awsome! especially the ones they are running in the forest in the Veluwe... has nothing to do with Sam and Jack but it just fun to see it is a music vid with SG1 clips and also some acting from her and another friend:

    Btw Lizlove that are Hilde and Juul!!


      ok guys, i'm just sying that, to some, they feel this need to compete with other groups, and there really isn't one. just have fun and enjoy yourself and let the others do the same

      as to the discussion, i see no reason we can't have a poll to pick the eps

      a good place to have it might be in the off topic area.

      now a place for the discussion, how about in the specific season folders?

      if you're gonna discuss ship in Solitudes, head on into the solitudes thread. The older eps threads are barely used, they already exist and you can have fun iwt them
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by RepliCartertje
        lol that is a friend of mine who made it...
        and she is also here on the forum she is Dr,Jackson!

        And yes I also think that vid is great...check out some of her other vids are also awsome! especially the ones they are running in the forest in the Veluwe... has nothing to do with Sam and Jack but it just fun to see it is a music vid with SG1 clips and also some acting from her and another friend:

        Btw Lizlove that are Hilde and Juul!!
        Really cute video! Great idea doing live action to fill in the storyline!


          ok looks like Sky beat me to it... cause she just sended me a pm with the information she just posted here...
          I will put up a poll tomorrow at 8 pm for me (I am in GMT+1) so we can decide what we really want to do... It will be in the off-topic center I will put up a poll...
          I will also include if we want to do it here or in another thread like Sky sugested in the special season folders....

          I think the poll should be up for a week...So everyone has the change to vote... After that we will selecting the eps...

          So see you all tomorrow!!

          If there are people who wants to volunteer helping in any way...or having any ideas just pm me or mail me at: [email protected]

          oh and I made a little thing to say you all goodnight and shippy dreams!!


            one thing, if the poll is in ot, i have to put it up, however users can put it upthemselves in fun and games
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Alrighty, shippers, I'm off to watch any episodes that come to mind (my mind). After that, I'll probably go to bed, so Good night, shippers, everybody have shippy dreams, or a shippy day!!!

              Sig by RepliCartertje


                Hey you the greatest links for ya!
                Yeah, it's true I've worked hard on this too sweeheart, ya know!
                True "honey"
                It's Lesleyp's sequel to "When a hero falls", "Where are you now":
                ...and there's Hope Leslie's companion vid:

                Don't forget to review and comment on both, they've worked really hard on those...and it's sooooo romantic...

                (shameless plug here) I've got 3 of my most viewed vids up on FileFront...If anybody wants to download them...plse comment if you do...
                There's Lies (Flawed Design by Stabilo) which is my most popular ever,
                We are (We Are by Vertical Horizon) the 1st runner up
                and Forever (a tribute) (Forever by Vertical Horizon)...the saddest one I've ever made...


                Last edited by hope leslie hermnharry; 27 September 2006, 07:32 PM.


                  Originally posted by CamandVala
                  The version I have is by Selah, it's a lot more of a soulful song (aka slower) plus it's a duet type. Have you ever heard of either All I Know of Love (the version I have is with Josh Groban and Barabara Streisand) or For Always (with Josh Groban and Lara Fabian, do you see a patern here)? They would both make a great Sam/Jack vid...actually All I Know of Love would made a great Daniel/Janet vid, too!
                  Oh, Selah! I've heard them sing that live-wonderful group!

                  Solitudes was on tonight...I love the cuddling. Though, I wish they weren't freezing to death!!


                    Originally posted by Lizlove
                    Then Jack is much better then we first thought... I mean.... he would have to be... quick
                    Quick when it counts. Slow when it matters! He's Jack, after all!

                    Oops....PG thread! That was PG, wasn't it?

                    Fly-by post! Too much RL today! Later, Ship Family!


                      Originally posted by Rachel500
                      I know how you feel. I was reading a Sam and Jack fic the other day when I got to the end and realised it wasn't finished and hadn't been updated for months so was unlikely to ever be finished

                      I have to admit I have several WIP but I won't post something unless it's finished because I know how annoying it is for a reader and because, as a writer, I know if I do get writer's block or RL gets in the way, I don't want to disappoint people by not updating.

                      The rules haven't changed for The highest rating doesn't allow for really adult material (the PWP category of the Stargate Fan Awards for example) but it does allow for adult content so you can have more explicit 'love' scenes if you wish in the way of a 'romance novel'. I guess there's been one or two more authors willing to go down this route lately. If its out and out porn, it breaks the rules.

                      Good to know we can all keep reading your great stories without being left hanging in the air, Rachel…

                      For me the all-time letdown is that Vanessa Nichols never finished her epic fic Surrender – what there is of it is awesome. And Lunar had some great WIPs that trailed off. Sally Reeve did finish a fic another writer had started… Thine Own Self as far as I can remember.

                      DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                      WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                        Originally posted by chelle db
                        That would be Sally Reeve and she has some pretty awesome fics out there!!
                        Congrats on the 100 post you're about to make ngm...wtg!!!
                        Lest we forget, Sally also wrote the two very best Fandemonium Stargate SG-1 novels, A Matter of Honor and The Cost of Honor… beg, borrow or steal them because they are wonderfully written and brilliantly plotted…

                        DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                        WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                          Originally posted by Katkin
                          Lest we forget, Sally also wrote the two very best Fandemonium Stargate SG-1 novels, A Matter of Honor and The Cost of Honor… beg, borrow or steal them because they are wonderfully written and brilliantly plotted…
                          Yes, they are. As soon as someone mentioned them, I had to go and buy both of them. Absolutely fabulous!


                            Shippers, back for one quick post before bedtime.

                            After reviewing several of the posts made today about what to do during the long hiatus, I would simply like to say that although you think there will be nothing to talk about...there WILL be plenty to discuss.

                            I do not by any stretch of the imagination consider myself an "oldie" here at GW. I only joined a year and a half ago. However, we had a similar discussion last year about what we were going to do and talk about to get us through S9.....and it wasn't that hard! We found plenty of topics.

                            Of course, we grumbled. But we also discussed S/J Ship in eps as they aired on Skiffy and in syndication. We talked about any news coming out of Vancouver (and there will be some this time too), and we talked about what the actors were saying at the cons. We found plenty to discuss without structuring topics. Don't worry about it! It will come!

                            We also celebrated the major holidays with S & J.....Shipsgiving, Christmas, Valenship...and those were lots of fun. The creative people who frequent this thread made lots of S/J things for those events. We set dates for each event.....usually the Saturday or Sunday before the holiday.....and we squeed ourselves silly each time!

                            So I don't think you really have to worry about where the conversation will go. This thread is a living thing. It will "go" of its own accord.

                            Just MHO.....and if all else fails, there's ficrecs. What really got us all through S9 was

                            PLENTY OF FANFICTION!!!!!

                            Ok....that's my two cents worth!

                            Shippy Dreams!


                              I almost forgot to mention my shippy dream I had last night. I dreamed that I dreamed of a book (yeah, that's the writer in me!) called "Pretending". Yeah, weird, I knew it's titled and the cover art of the book. Sam was sort of leaning back crandling her barely rounded tummy. She was pregnant in the book, and Jack was standing behind her. Well, the plot of this book was that Sam and Jack have to pretend to be a marry couple for an undercover opp. The undercover opp. was faked by SGC to get them together. What they didn't know was that Sam and Jack were already together. They didn't know Sam was pregnant. I only read up until they were decided to mention or not to Daniel that they were a couple before my dream-self woke up to go to work. I spent the rest of the dream trying to write my dream down before I forget it. That was the first time I had a dream inside of a dream. I love shippy dreams. I wished I could show everyone the cover of my dream book. It was so cute and shippy!


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                Shippers, back for one quick post before bedtime.

                                After reviewing several of the posts made today about what to do during the long hiatus, I would simply like to say that although you think there will be nothing to talk about...there WILL be plenty to discuss.

                                I do not by any stretch of the imagination consider myself an "oldie" here at GW. I only joined a year and a half ago. However, we had a similar discussion last year about what we were going to do and talk about to get us through S9.....and it wasn't that hard! We found plenty of topics.

                                Of course, we grumbled. But we also discussed S/J Ship in eps as they aired on Skiffy and in syndication. We talked about any news coming out of Vancouver (and there will be some this time too), and we talked about what the actors were saying at the cons. We found plenty to discuss without structuring topics. Don't worry about it! It will come!

                                We also celebrated the major holidays with S & J.....Shipsgiving, Christmas, Valenship...and those were lots of fun. The creative people who frequent this thread made lots of S/J things for those events. We set dates for each event.....usually the Saturday or Sunday before the holiday.....and we squeed ourselves silly each time!

                                So I don't think you really have to worry about where the conversation will go. This thread is a living thing. It will "go" of its own accord.

                                Just MHO.....and if all else fails, there's ficrecs. What really got us all through S9 was

                                PLENTY OF FANFICTION!!!!!

                                Ok....that's my two cents worth!

                                Shippy Dreams!
                                This newbie agrees with you 100%

