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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      I thought I'd be feeling lots better today, but I've got this lovely cough and on top of that, I'm losing my voice. Makes it hard to teach.

      And hey, night owls keep this place moving-no matter where you're at!

      Sam and Jack forever.

      You better not have the same as me here...cause I am voiceless (is that even a word...well it is an Eve word lol) since I became ill...but now I have finally some of my voice I can talk again...

      well we all do love the nightowls eh...they are the best ok it is 2.54am here so I can say I am one of them lol...
      But well I just went out with some friends so...

      ok this was so totally off topic that I have to say something on topic:

      And how about another of my questions??

      What would Jack or Sam do if the other gets a cold
      ...and think shippy gals


        Originally posted by trupi
        Welcome back
        Thank you. Still trying to catch up. I also had a quick look at the petition. When did it get hijacked so badly??
        always and forever
        My LJ
        My History Website


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje

          What would Jack or Sam do if the other gets a cold
          ...and think shippy gals
          Sally Reeve wrote a great fic with this theme! It's called A Little TLC

          I've read another fic where Jack is sick and Sam takes care of him but I can't remember what it is called.

          ~I'm Just Sayin'~


            Originally posted by SG1Poz
            de-lurking for a moment to say:

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY
            NOLAMOM !

            ok, back to resting & pain meds
            Originally posted by scjon
            Get well soon Poz!
            Happy birthday to anyone I missed while I was away!
            Congratulations to anyone celebrating a posting milestone!
            I've only been away for two weeks but have loads of pages of posts to catch up on!
            back SG1Poz and scjon It's good to see you around, enjoy catching up


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje

              You better not have the same as me here...cause I am voiceless (is that even a word...well it is an Eve word lol) since I became ill...but now I have finally some of my voice I can talk again...

              well we all do love the nightowls eh...they are the best ok it is 2.54am here so I can say I am one of them lol...
              But well I just went out with some friends so...

              ok this was so totally off topic that I have to say something on topic:

              And how about another of my questions??

              What would Jack or Sam do if the other gets a cold
              ...and think shippy gals
              (((RCtje))) I think we must have the same thing. Other shippers's going around.

              What would they do... Well, speaking for myself, a cold would be the last thing on my mind if Jack O'Neill were in my home!


                Originally posted by I'm Just Sayin'
                Sally Reeve wrote a great fic with this theme! It's called A Little TLC
                I've read another fic where Jack is sick and Sam takes care of him but I can't remember what it is called.
                Here's the other one...


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF
                  I was just thinking about this watching Solitudes today (got remote batteries at work, yea!). I don't think there is a *moment* when they fall in love. I also don't think you can separate their friendship and their romance. One of the things I love about them is how smooth and natural their entire relationship is. I think there are moments which advance their ship more than others, and that is definitely one of them (though I think the boy doth protest too much). I think for Jack, however, he KNEW what had hit him in In the Line of Duty based on his own response to what Sam went through. I'm not really sure when/if Sam suddenly realizes she loves Jack or if for her its so gradual it's not until right before she confronts Jack in his backyard during Threads that she realizes she will never be happy without him.

                  But I'm pretty sure she knew they had potential by Nemesis/Victories, knew they loved each other by D&C, and by Grace, Jack had done such a good job of hiding his emotions for her sake that she was no longer so certain of his love and decided hers didn't matter. Then what I said before about Jack's backyard

                  All this purely IMHO, of course. And if this is confusing to anyone, I've tried to work some of this out in my fanfiction set during Threads, if anyone has time, is interested, and thoroughly confused


                  I really do hate plugging myself, but I think and least the last little bit is so much clearer there. But maybe not.
                  I loved it...


                    *walks timidly forward* I uh...well the thing is...see...oh boy, I'm just going to say this in one breath... i'vebecomeajohnandelizabethshipper. I only watched a music video, i haven't even seen Atlantis but from the videos and cuts it looks pretty good so i might start watching it.

                    Oh, ok back on topic....Sam and Jack rule!

                    ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                    I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                    Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      I'm confused about the

                      200th.Is part of the episode canon or none of the episode canon? I just hope I never see another episode like that on any TV Show.
                      Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                      None of it was canon, unfortunately...Just a spoof of spoofs (if you know what I mean)...
                      I think one part of 200 was canon...the last scene in the gateroom...where they were
                      getting ready to "go through the old orifice," as Jack put it. I think that was real, and that whatever they were going to on the other side of the gate--with the streamers, balloons and cake--was also real. I think it's Jack's retirement party.

                      Does anyone else think that bit was real? If so, what was it all about? Just curious.


                        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
                        *walks timidly forward* I uh...well the thing is...see...oh boy, I'm just going to say this in one breath... i'vebecomeajohnandelizabethshipper. I only watched a music video, i haven't even seen Atlantis but from the videos and cuts it looks pretty good so i might start watching it.

                        Oh, ok back on topic....Sam and Jack rule!
                        Woman, that is the smartest move you'll make from one avid John and Elizabeth shipper to a newbie! Come over on the ship thread and enjoy! They really are fantastic together! I cannot believe you haven't watched them yet! RENT season 1. Ignore the early Shep/teyla anvils and let it come naturally. By 'Storm/Eye' mid season you'll be riveted to them. Then, RENT season 2-full of Sparky. J/E hints abound. They flirt like nobody's business. And the chemistry imo, is fantastic! I adore them!

                        Now, what I came in here for! I've never been a huge SG-1 watcher just because I simply got into it too late. BUT, I've supported Jack and Sam more casually than most of you probably but still, I rooted for them. Can I just say -I think somewhat objectively-that from their reactions in the 'big' scene together that I think they very well may be *already* married and keeping it a secret for some reason. Or at the least engaged. I'm sure this has been brought up but like I said, I don't post in here much and I'm pretty objective I think. There was a 'knowing glance' that passed between them.


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          I think one part of 200 was canon...the last scene in the gateroom...where they were
                          getting ready to "go through the old orifice," as Jack put it. I think that was real, and that whatever they were going to on the other side of the gate--with the streamers, balloons and cake--was also real. I think it's Jack's retirement party.

                          Does anyone else think that bit was real? If so, what was it all about? Just curious.
                          I'm pretty sure
                          the invisible Jack was real. Just because we didn't see it in an episode doesn't mean it didn't happen. We rely on "off screen" stories to enhance our characters, this one just happens to be a little more involved. And keeps them from rehashing previous episodes. After all, I imagine there's many an adventure we haven't heard


                            Well I am off to bed...goodnight everyone!!

                            ((((shipperfamily)))) this hug is there for anyone who needs it...
                            (((((poz))))) I am still praying for ya!!!



                              Happy Birthday, Nolamom!


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                I think one part of 200 was canon...the last scene in the gateroom...where they were
                                getting ready to "go through the old orifice," as Jack put it. I think that was real, and that whatever they were going to on the other side of the gate--with the streamers, balloons and cake--was also real. I think it's Jack's retirement party.

                                Does anyone else think that bit was real? If so, what was it all about? Just curious.
                                Are you guessing or is this a real spoiler
                                Jack retiring? I wondered why he said it would be his last?
                                Yep, spoil me rotten. I'm desperate for spoilers! No giggling!!!

