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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF
    I was just thinking about this watching Solitudes today (got remote batteries at work, yea!). I don't think there is a *moment* when they fall in love. I also don't think you can separate their friendship and their romance. One of the things I love about them is how smooth and natural their entire relationship is. I think there are moments which advance their ship more than others, and that is definitely one of them (though I think the boy doth protest too much).
    Me too. I think there is a natural progression to them in D&C and the revelation that they both love each other. And I agree that Jack doth protest too much! The way he immediately says 'It's's against regulations' makes me think he's actually thought about it!

    Originally posted by JenniferJF
    I think for Jack, however, he KNEW what had hit him in In the Line of Duty based on his own response to what Sam went through.
    I think Jack realised just how much he does care about her In the Line of Duty but for me its Point of View where he suddenly starts to get a clue that she might be able to fall in love with him and for it not to be onesided. Up till then I think he's always thought nothing would happen (a) because of the regs and (b) because he doesn't think a woman like Sam would fall for a guy like him.

    Originally posted by JenniferJF
    I'm not really sure when/if Sam suddenly realizes she loves Jack or if for her its so gradual it's not until right before she confronts Jack in his backyard during Threads that she realizes she will never be happy without him.
    I think Sam starts to think seriously about it after Point of View and seeing Jack kiss her double. I also think that it would be human nature at this point to start wondering given that they know in 2 AUs at this point that they are together. But I absolutely 100% think Sam's true revelation moment comes the minute she sees Jack with Laira at the end of 100 Days; I think that moment is when Sam realises that she's not just caring about Jack as a team member, her CO, or as a friend but as something much more. I think it could have happened earlier but I do think her feelings got a little screwed up in S2 because of what happened with Jolinar and it took her awhile to sort through everything.

    Originally posted by JenniferJF
    But I'm pretty sure she knew they had potential by Nemesis/Victories, knew they loved each other by D&C, and by Grace, Jack had done such a good job of hiding his emotions for her sake that she was no longer so certain of his love and decided hers didn't matter. Then what I said before about Jack's backyard <snipped for space>
    I think when he invites her fishing (almost typed shipping there!) in Nemesis, its the first time she realises that he might also be really interested. And then I think their interlude while they wait for the second gate to be made active at the beginning of Victories helps to give them the alone time they wouldn't have otherwise have had...even if Teal'c is along for the ride So things are building towards the moment in Upgrade and D&C.

    I do think Entity reminds them why they can't have a relationship. Jack having to shoot her I think would hit too close to the bone and I think they both back off a bit. But they start to get closer again after Abyss and eventually fall for each other all over again but this time there is no D&C moment where they're compelled to tell each other.

    And with Grace I think Sam does decide eventually to move on (although not necessarily because of that conversation she has with herself). I think in Affinity she's desperately searching for some indication of his feelings for her which he doesn't give because he's trying to be a good friend to her. I think when RepliCarter tells Sam some hometruths in Gemini she starts to question her decisions and by Threads is having some serious second thoughts about her decision to marry Pete when she's never really tried to have a relationship with the man she's always loved and wanted; Jack.

    Personally I'm of the opinion Sam and Jack are married now so everything worked out OK in the end

    EDIT: Heading to bed! Have fun, Shippers! It's quite quiet here tonight...
    Last edited by Rachel500; 26 September 2006, 12:52 AM.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
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      Welcome CarolineONeill!

      200 manip

      Get well soon Poz, we're all thinking of you.


        Get well soon Poz!
        Happy birthday to anyone I missed while I was away!
        Congratulations to anyone celebrating a posting milestone!
        I've only been away for two weeks but have loads of pages of posts to catch up on!
        always and forever
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          Originally posted by Sasusc
          Someone wrote a really good follow up for Tin Man and Double Jeopardy about the copy SG-1's life. I can't remember who wrote it or the title. I'm sure someone else on here has read it, or even wrote it.

          EDIT: I remember now! Sally Reeve wrote it. Here's the link to the story: Double Discovery
          Just finished this story and loved it so much. Never saw the ending coming but liked it a lot. And funny how this story seems to be dealing with what we were discussing earlier.

          Thanks for posting it Sasusc!


            Originally posted by Rachel500
            I think Jack realised just how much he does care about her In the Line of Duty but for me its Point of View where he suddenly starts to get a clue that she might be able to fall in love with him and for it not to be onesided. Up till then I think he's always thought nothing would happen (a) because of the regs and (b) because he doesn't think a woman like Sam would fall for a guy like him.
            Oh, I can't believe you just said that! Er... typed that. Because I've always thought it too. I especially like his line to AU Sam at the end about "What were you thinking marrying such a loser?" I think this is classic Jack hiding his *true* emotions behind a joke. He consistently makes these comments throughout his time at the SGC, and I think that's why he waited until Sam showed up in his backyard in Threads and he saw so strongly he felt it himself, how much pain she was *really* in that he knew he had to act. And fortunately Kerry let him "out". Until then, IMHO, I think he believed Pete was making her happy and being letting her go was better for her.

            I think Sam starts to think seriously about it after Point of View and seeing Jack kiss her double. I also think that's it would be human nature at this point to start wondering given that they know in 2 AUs at this point that they are together. But I absolutely 100% think Sam's true revelation moment comes the minute she sees Jack with Laira at the end of 100 Days; I think that moment is when Sam realises that she's not just caring about Jack as a team member, or as a friend but as something much more. I think it could have happened earlier but I do think her feelings got a little screwed up in S2 because of what happened with Jolinar and it took her awhile to sort through her feelings.
            Oooh.. yeah. I'd never considered that moment in 100 Days as being her turning point, but I think you nailed it! But I definitely agree about Jolinar and her second-hand feelings for Martouf making her doubt all her emotions. Didn't she practically say as much to Narim at one point? For anyone worried about the Martouf almost kiss, this explains it as well...

            I think when he invites her fishing (almost typed shipping there!) in Nemesis, its the first time she realises that he might be really interested. And then I think their interlude while they wait for the second gate to be made active at the beginning of Victories helps to give them the alone time they wouldn't have otherwise have had...even if Teal'c is along for the ride So things are building towards the moment in Upgrade and D&C.
            Definitely agree about the interlude in Victories. Geez, I can't wait until my day off Friday when the baby takes a nap and I've promised myself to read Aftershocks...

            I do think Entity reminds them why they can't have a relationship. Jack having to shoot her I think would hit too close to the bone and I think they both back off a bit. But they start to get closer again after Abyss and eventually fall for each other all over again but this time there is no D&C moment where they're compelled to tell each other.
            I disagree a bit here. I agree with your interpretation of Entity, but I don't think the emotions fade. I think Jack makes the decision to hide his better, leading Sam to conclude they're gone. Whenever the you-know-what hits the fan, he still *acts* like he loves her, and I think his Thread's 'Always' works for the past as well as for the present and future. I believe Jack was also answering the unspoken question Sam was about to ask him when they were interupted by Kerry: I still love you, do you still love me? And he was directly answering that later with 'Always'.

            I think her continuing feelings for him were also shown in 'The Forsaken' when she is asked whether she has a relationship at home and she sort of hems and haws. Reminded me of Jack in D&C.

            And with Grace I think Sam does decide eventually to move on (although not necessarily because of that conversation she has with herself). I think in Affinity she's desperately searching for some indication of his feelings for her which he doesn't give because he's trying to be a good friend to her. I think when RepliCarter tells Sam some hometruths in Gemini she starts to question her decisions and by Threads is having some serious second thoughts about her decision to marry Pete when she's never really tried to have a relationship with the man she's always loved and wanted; Jack.
            Gemini (which I am, too, BTW along with yourself and if emerald is Sam's birthstone she probably is too) ironically, is one of my favorite episodes of that season. Such great insight into Sam's mind! I find it interesting that Replicarter says almost the same thing as Jacob Carter later. I also find it interesting that, IMHO, 9th and 10th Season Sam, who is married to Jack, is more like Replicarter in many ways than she is to any other version of Sam.

            Personally I'm now of the opinion they're married so everything worked out OK in the end
            Well, that goes without saying, right? Anything else would be completely inconsistent with everything that's happened before and totally throw out 8 years of character development.


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              <big snip>
              I also find it interesting that, IMHO, 9th and 10th Season Sam, who is married to Jack, is more like Replicarter in many ways than she is to any other version of Sam.

              Well, that goes without saying, right? Anything else would be completely inconsistent with everything that's happened before and totally throw out 8 years of character development.
              LOL - That's the spirit girls!


                You Guys Are Absolutely Fantastic - Thank You SO MUCH!!!
                I can't believe all the wonderful warm-fuzzies of happy birthday-ness. And Poz too!!!!!! The Shipper family is just the best ever.


                  Nolamom, I hope your out with the hubby tripping the light fantastic to the wee hours of the morning.

                  Happy Birthday!!!!!


                    Originally posted by scjon
                    Get well soon Poz!
                    Happy birthday to anyone I missed while I was away!
                    Congratulations to anyone celebrating a posting milestone!
                    I've only been away for two weeks but have loads of pages of posts to catch up on!
                    Welcome back


                      Morjana posted this in Gate news:

                      SG1 returns to the 6pm rotation at the SciFi Channel this Monday (excluding Friday's) - for a brief time. The episodes go hiatus again on Oct. 19 for the SciFi Channel's "13 Days of Halloween" special programming.

                      09/25/2006 6:00P Cor-Ai
                      09/26/2006 6:00P Enigma
                      09/27/2006 6:00P Solitudes

                      10/02/2006 6:00P Tin Man

                      No SG1 on Oct. 3rd for "Eureka" Marathon

                      10/04/2006 6:00P There But For The Grace Of God
                      10/05/2006 6:00P In The Line Of Duty

                      10/09/2006 6:00P Prisoners
                      10/10/2006 6:00P Gamekeeper

                      No SG1 on Oct. 11th for "Ghost Hunters" Marathon

                      10/12/2006 6:00P Need

                      10/16/2006 6:00P Politics - Pt- 1
                      10/17/2006 6:00P Within The Serpent's Grasp - Pt 2
                      10/18/2006 6:00P The Serpent's Lair


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        Morjana posted this in Gate news:

                        SG1 returns to the 6pm rotation at the SciFi Channel this Monday (excluding Friday's) - for a brief time. The episodes go hiatus again on Oct. 19 for the SciFi Channel's "13 Days of Halloween" special programming.
                        Do they realize someone has shuffled their tape collection?


                          Originally posted by SG1Poz
                          de-lurking for a moment to say:

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY
                          NOLAMOM !

                          ok, back to resting & pain meds
                          (((Poz))) Hope you are well!


                            Originally posted by carolineoneill
                            Well I would like to start off by saying hello to everyone. I am new to Gateworld. It was reconmmended by LesleyP who I met through I ask her if she would like to take a challenge, but as she is very busy writing squeals to her stories she suggested that I post it here.
                            I really enjoy her stories and can not praise her enough. There are 2 people Lesley reconmended to approch and that they may be interested in doing something with my little snippet. (LA Doyle and Rachel500) So as I am learning this site please bear with me. I do put this challenge out, I love reading other peoples stories and would love to see what you all can do. I have 3 stories currently posted on under (Caroline ONeill) please do read and review. Warning not very good at wording, gramma, spelling. Hehehe Maybe I should give up hehehehe I crack me up!!! lol No I know I am not the best but at I try. And reviews can only make me better. Sorry getting long winded now aren't I???? So below is the challenge Please play!!!!!

                            A Challenge for all Sam/Jack Shippers.

                            Sam: Tell me. Have we grown so far apart that you couldn’t tell my you were seeing someone? Daniel and Teal’c know about her, yet you couldn’t tell me! Were you planning on bringing her to the wedding?

                            Jack: I’m not coming to the wedding!
                            And the only reason Daniel and Teal’c know anything about Kerri is she had to interview them about the Trust.

                            Sam: That doesn’t answer my question about us!

                            Jack: There is no us, and by the looks of things never has been!

                            Please have fun and email me directly your story so I can read all responses.
                            Again thankyou to Lesley please keep updating love your work.

                            Ta Caroline
                            WELCOME CAROLINEONEILL!!!!!!!!!


                            Welcome! I see others have taken the challenge. I am waiting to see what they come up with! Have fun here and post lots!!


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Well at least I always try to go to bed before daylight...and you know why I stay up late...cause I like it for the same reasons as one it is all quiet and you can do what you want...and well maybe because I am a nightowl...And well you guys keep posting late...well for me it is late for you it is only about 10 pm when I go to bed so...

                              So are you feeling better now LAD..and your lead week eh...well I hope you have a nice day...and enjoy it!!!! make the best of it!!!!
                              I thought I'd be feeling lots better today, but I've got this lovely cough and on top of that, I'm losing my voice. Makes it hard to teach.

                              And hey, night owls keep this place moving-no matter where you're at!

                              Sam and Jack forever.


                                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict
                                Ohh...yes, SQUEE!!! I think I would absolutly fact I know I's what I do...really, anything can make me cry, I am a very sensitive all I'm sayin' us that TPTB should sail our freakin' ship!!! I would make me happy...and make me cry...HAPPY TEARS!!!!!!

                                Starts to chant(once again):
                                BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! BHK!!! ....wait....starts to chant even louder: BHW!!! (Big Honkin' Wedding)
                                BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!! BHW!!!

                                But they are so already together (at least in this shipper's little mind!!)
                                Girl, you crack me up! BHW!!! Yeah, somehow, whether they're waiting for each other or already married or whatever(the regs still confuse me ) they have moved forward POSITIVELY in their relationship!!!!!!!!!!!!

