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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Lesleyp
    Um, I think we're actually sort of agreeing.

    There's no doubt in my mind that he's faithful once he and Sam are together. And I believe he was faithful to Sara.

    I just don't think he's been a Saint in between. Not a dog mind you, just not a saint.
    I agree that we'll have to agree to disagree. To me, a man who sleeps with a woman without a commitment *is* a dog. Maybe that's an outdated notion, but there you have it. I know lots of men who are single who don't have sex the way you say - you don't have to be a saint. And I consider them all men, even more than the ones who have numerous liaisons, because it takes strength, self control, and courage. And those characteristics epitomize Jack to me.
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by Buc252
      I agree that we'll have to agree to disagree. To me, a man who sleeps with a woman without a commitment *is* a dog. Maybe that's an outdated notion, but there you have it. I know lots of men who are single who don't have sex the way you say - you don't have to be a saint. And I consider them all men, even more than the ones who have numerous liaisons, because it takes strength, self control, and courage. And those characteristics epitomize Jack to me.
      I agree with you. Society is to quick these days to jump into bed with no commitment and though it may be old world thinking I believe if a person respects the person they are and the person they are with then that would be something that is done to reflect a deeper commitment to the person. I also believe this to be something I would see in Jack's character. Not saying he wouldn't be tempted just that I believe to him it would be more than just sex it would have to have some kind of meaning.


        Originally posted by Queen_Bee
        i would like to hear Jack call her Samantha..not sam not carter
        but samantha....i think she can start being more feminine now!
        I agree that she can, but I'm just not sure that she'd ever want to. From her interactions with her dad, it seems like she *likes* being "Sam." Simple, down to earth, no frills. Don't forget, she was called Sam way before ever getting involved in the Air Force - we see that in her memories of the day her mother died. (Yes, I know, technically we don't know if that was hallucination, but I'm presuming that part was real.) And even a woman named "Sam" can be flirty and feminine and girly.
        - Mary
        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


          Originally posted by dreamer
          I agree with you. Society is to quick these days to jump into bed with no commitment and though it may be old world thinking I believe if a person respects the person they are and the person they are with then that would be something that is done to reflect a deeper commitment to the person. I also believe this to be something I would see in Jack's character. Not saying he wouldn't be tempted just that I believe to him it would be more than just sex it would have to have some kind of meaning.
          Tempted? Oh, sure! He'd have been tempted. He'd have looked. He might have even dated, but date doesn't automatically mean sex. Jack was raised through his teens in the early 60's, so he probably has some older values.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by JenniferJF
            Lesley, let's agree to agree on the important stuff. The rest is totally meaningless NOW anyway. *Definitely* faithful now to Sam... Either way, I don't think of him as the playboy type. Which is similar to Teal'c. Unlike certain other men who will remain nameless but whose initials are DJ, CM and, oh yes, JS... And really, talk about relatively meaningless picky details!

            Gees, lots of kirking going 'round. Probably why I'm here and not elsewhere on this board :-)

            And speaking of Saints, though this might be stirring up a whole pot o' trouble, I'm one of those -- the few around here I think -- who could actually understand and sympathize with Sam in Chimaera... Just because you're female doesn't make Sainthood terribly easy.

            On a better note, rewatched some of Threads this morning and was reminded of how much I *love* Jacob Carter. After 7 years of keeping his mouth shut, he turns out to be the biggest Shipper of them all. Can't you just see him wanting to knock S on the side of the head and get some sense into here, "What are you thinking, girl?" Love that...

            I'm going to go duck for cover, now.

            Want to say I've really enjoyed your insightful comments. I pretty much agree with you about Jack. It's very possible he was not celebate all that time but yet he is not the predatory male some fans have characterized him to be. I think a combination of that "alpha male" comment by Janet, plus his good looks, plus the reputation of a certain actor when he was younger, have helped fuel that characterization, among other things. I mean sometimes Jack seems clueless about women's attraction to him. And I don't think Jack's just putting on an act about that, though it's possible it's a defense mechanism. He's seemed pretty much out to lunch when the "L" person came on to him by the stream, for one thing.

            Poor Jacob. "Gone" There are some fans, (antishippers?), who feel TPTB sacrificed Jacob on the altar of the Sam/Jack relationship in Threads. I didn't much like Jacob manipulating Sam in his first appearance in Secrets, but so enjoyed his character thereafter. He probably looked up and smiled inside when he saw Jack hugging Sam and thinking to himself, "yes!" (well, I hope he could see it)


              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
              He probably looked up and smiled inside when he saw Jack hugging Sam and thinking to himself, "yes!"
              Oh, I hope so. Then he would have at least known...all he ever wanted was the best for Sam, even if he was a little stubborn about things(getting her in the NASA program-he rubbed me the wrong way then). But obviously stubborness runs in the family.


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                Yes! The Shipper Thread is a great place for a cheer me up!

                Emily or Megan for a girl and Matthew or Kaleb for a boy? Just ideas JASA and I came up with over the phone.
                Mark Carter is not the best of names that the writers came up with for Sam's brother. Nothing to do with names for his children, but I just realized that's it's a bit difficult to say, as well as repeating the same sound in the first and last names.

                Just use anything you want for his kids. Those are fine. Save your favorites for the O'Neill babies!!!! (I'm getting a bit tired of Jack and Grace, tho).
                Last edited by Gatetrixer; 19 September 2006, 07:02 PM.


                  go with the names i had in my sg1 dream, Manda and Odyssey!!!
                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                  sig by RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                    Mark Carter is not the best of names that the writers came up with for Sam's brother. Nothing to do with names for his children, but I just realized that's it's a bit difficult to say, as well as repeating the same sound in the first and last names.

                    Just use anything you want for his kids. Those are fine. Save your favorites for the O'Neill babies!!!! (I'm getting a bit tired of Jack and Grace, tho).
                    Yeah, Grace is used a lot...but I love that name. I like it anyway and the episode...I know that is their future kid!



                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      Yeah, Grace is used a lot...but I love that name. I like it anyway and the episode...I know that is their future kid!

                      AAAWWWW.... I love your equation. And I like Grace, but it does get a little old after a while...

                      Sig by RepliCartertje


                        Yes look at that pic of Grace above she even has Jacks cute little chin dimple!!!!
                        Jack and Sam=Grace

                        JOHN AND AERYN 4 EVER

                        HENRY AND HELEN=MORE THAN ABNORMAL


                          Originally posted by dreamer
                          I must also agree. The way Jack says Carter it is just so laden with feeling. It doesn't seem inappropriate. When he changes to Sam it just makes you melt from the feelings the name carries with it in the inflections in his voice.
                          But when he calls her Samantha....ahhhhhh I just melt (Broca Divide and, in her imagination, just know then that she wants him to call her "Samantha")


                            Hey folks c'mon - DE-LURK! Join us!


                              Originally posted by CamandVala
                              AAAWWWW.... I love your equation. And I like Grace, but it does get a little old after a while...
                              How about Gracie then?

                              Congratulations on 400 Posts,


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                My son's group did a gig with the new ABBA about three years ago. They are great!
                                Sacrilege!!!!!! Bjorn, Benny, Agnetha and Frida forever. Is there is new Queen, new Beatles, etc?

                                Actually, I'm hoping to see "Mamma Mia" again in 2007. Hubs will think I've lost it.

