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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    really cute episode, but...


    so not enough Jack!

    and cute tease about ship. I wasn't expecting much, so it was fine.

    ship sistah

    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


      One word for the 200th ep:

      CRAP!!!We didn't have any real ship...I liked a lot of the ep, but was very disappointed by the wedding, but I guess I was expecting too much from TPTB...too must jesting at the fans, shippers especially, I am not very happy at all with what they gave us, ship wise, though, I know that the whole focus couldn't have been on that, but at least longer than what they gave would have been nice!!!!!!!!!! So DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Originally posted by Lea Marie
        how do I do the spoiler thing again?
        type brackets[ spoiler] blah blah blah [/spoiler] without the spaces
        alternately, use the exclamation point button above and put your text inbetween the tags


          Originally posted by Lea Marie
          how do I do the spoiler thing again?
          The exclamation thing when you go advanced.
          Or like this [ spoiler ] blah blah blah [ /spoiler ] => without the spaces of course


            Originally posted by Lizlove
            I think in general almost everyone liked it. Positive
            Not what we expected for Sam and Jack but wth? They're together again and there are still a few things not explained: party, last trip,...
            still no resolution???and what party, the one from 200??did i miss something???


              Well, it sounds like...


              On the positive side;

              1. Shower scene with Sam and invisible Jack
              2. Jack is actually on the screen
              3. He notes fishing is the perfect end and anything after is pointless
              4. Wedding scene short and brief though it was
              5. Some nice looks between them at various points
              6. Jack is actually retiring (the party might be a retirement/engagement party)
              7. They didn't do anything to say they weren't together

              On the negative side;

              1. Not one moment of real ship or any kind of resolution on whether they are together or not which while I didn't expect there to be is still disappointing. Even though I know 200 wasn't going to be the place, you'd think TPTB would grow some ****s and just bite the damn bullet.
              2. The ending sounds quite bizarre...

              All in all. Pretty much what we expected I guess.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                So Melissa and all the others who have seen the ep what do you think of it??? good ship in it and funny or not that funny at all and a bit mocking with the fans??
                If I wasn't hoping to advance The Ship, I would probably have really enjoyed this ep. I didn't really feel it was mean-spirited.....although I thought the part at the end with PDL where he was
                spouting off expletives was self-indulgent, lacked class and just didn't belong.

                There's still a chance of advancing The Ship this season...but we'll have to wait for it, I'm afraid.....

                I'm not angry.....just very, very disappointed.

                After Atlantis, I'll go back and watch the
                wedding and surrounding scenes to the end again,
                and I'll see if I can get anything more out of it.

                But no, definitely no great SQUEES rising out of Nashville tonight....

                However, the white zin is good.....and there's a big piece of chocolate cake in the fridge I can use to further drown my woes....

                And, hmmmmm.....we haven't crashed Gateworld.....


                  Originally posted by starlover1990
                  still no resolution???and what party, the one from 200??did i miss something???
                  At the end they go through the gate for a party with balloons, cake and all that sort of things
                  But we don't know what the party is about


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    Well, it sounds like...


                    On the positive side;

                    1. Shower scene with Sam and invisible Jack
                    2. Jack is actually on the screen
                    3. He notes fishing is the perfect end and anything after is pointless
                    4. Wedding scene short and brief though it was
                    5. Some nice looks between them at various points
                    6. Jack is actually retiring (the party might be a retirement/engagement party)
                    7. They didn't do anything to say they weren't together

                    On the negative side;

                    1. Not one moment of real ship which while I didn't expect there to be is still disappointing. Even though I know 200 wasn't going to be the place, you'd think TPTB would grow some ****s and just bite the damn bullet.
                    2. The ending sounds quite bizarre...

                    All in all. Pretty much what we expected I guess.
                    Well this is a good summary I think and I think I will be glad if I can see the ep tomorrow... I am actually looking forward to it.
                    It sounds like a funny ep!!! And even if there is not much ship in it, it still will be worth it because Jack has returned and we do have some shippy moment


                      Originally posted by Lizlove
                      At the end they go through the gate for a party with balloons, cake and all that sort of things
                      But we don't know what the party is about
                      okay thanx...i really want to know..nut will probably never will...


                        Originally posted by Rachel500
                        Well, it sounds like...


                        On the positive side;

                        1. Shower scene with Sam and invisible Jack
                        2. Jack is actually on the screen
                        3. He notes fishing is the perfect end and anything after is pointless
                        4. Wedding scene short and brief though it was
                        5. Some nice looks between them at various points
                        6. Jack is actually retiring (the party might be a retirement/engagement party)
                        7. They didn't do anything to say they weren't together

                        On the negative side;

                        1. Not one moment of real ship or any kind of resolution on whether they are together or not which while I didn't expect there to be is still disappointing. Even though I know 200 wasn't going to be the place, you'd think TPTB would grow some ****s and just bite the damn bullet.2. The ending sounds quite bizarre...

                        All in all. Pretty much what we expected I guess.
                        I agree with you, Rachel. And I've highlighted what I feel are your the strongest points.

                        I repeat: we're no worse let's fill in the gaps with some fan fiction!


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                          Well this is a good summary I think and I think I will be glad if I can see the ep tomorrow... I am actually looking forward to it.
                          It sounds like a funny ep!!! And even if there is not much ship in it, it still will be worth it because Jack has returned and we do have some shippy moment
                          I agree with you on that one. An now Atlantis

                          Yes you will starlover!!! Why not?


                            Originally posted by Lizlove
                            I agree with you on that one. An now Atlantis

                            Yes you will starlover!!! Why not?
                            beacause the episode has ended..


                              Originally posted by starlover1990
                              okay thanx...i really want to know..nut will probably never will...
                              I want to watch it!!!!!!
                              sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                              My GW fanfiction-
                     c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                              Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                                A huge
                                THANK YOU
                                to LA Doyle, sg-1fanintn, Nolamom, Paradox Realities and anyone I've missed who gave us spoilers tonight!!

