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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    night all its almost 1 in the morn here and i have to take Cyrus to puppy school in the morning
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    sig by RepliCartertje


      Originally posted by Kri
      I hate to say this, but I tend to agree with you two. They have acknowledged the ship, but don't really intend to do anything about it. At least not in the series. That's why I am hoping for a mini series or tv movie. I think they might do a bit more with that, because it can be detached from the show.

      We deserve a shippy ending.

      And i want to get rid of this dang blasted headache! 4 days straight now! You know it's bad when you put the stupid headache in your dream. So, I got up this morning, went to the drug store, got some sudafed and migrane meds, and am now waiting for it to kick in. PLEASE give me relief!!

      Thank you, end of personal rant.
      I hope your headache will soon be over...

      As for resolving the ship...I really hope they resolve the ship in season 10!!! But I am not that optimistic about it. I mean I don't think they have the time for it cause they would rather have the ori-thing solved or the Vala/ Mitchell show going on. Or maybe they rather do something with Vala/Daniel

      But Sam/Jack...nope I don't think they want to do that. It has been 10 years...and what has changed since than?!? Ok a lot but have they ever thought about really really giving us what we want???
      Nope cause the ship is still not resolved!!! And I think we all would be happy just with that...And off course a REAL BHK

      But I think we must hope on some resolution...isn't it on season 10 than certainly on the mini-serie or the movie.


        Originally posted by Nolamom
        Sam's under the disco ball hogging all the blue jello shots! she's getting into party mode just fine...
        but where is jack...he has to be with sam or is everybody ruffeling trough his hair! sam woudn't let them!


          Queen Bee I'm listening to a few tracks from Live right now and some of them are my cup of tea I'm looking to do something a little different for my next video

          Katkin I will listen to olive and Massive attack today too . and see if I like the tracks .

          My group at the monet is Muse ..I love what they do and I bought their last album Black holes and revelations .



            Originally posted by Kri
            I hate to say this, but I tend to agree with you two. They have acknowledged the ship, but don't really intend to do anything about it. At least not in the series. That's why I am hoping for a mini series or tv movie. I think they might do a bit more with that, because it can be detached from the show.

            We deserve a shippy ending.

            And i want to get rid of this dang blasted headache! 4 days straight now! You know it's bad when you put the stupid headache in your dream. So, I got up this morning, went to the drug store, got some sudafed and migrane meds, and am now waiting for it to kick in. PLEASE give me relief!!

            Thank you, end of personal rant.
            hope you're headache is over soon.

            but about the ending of the series. tptb know that there is ship, but they are still in the denial fase, we have to get them out of it and they have to make a good ending of the series, with sam and jack together, no more denial! the ship exist and they have to make a resolution(after 10 years)

            We really deserve a shippy ending you're right kri


              Originally posted by starlover1990
              hope you're headache is over soon.

              but about the ending of the series. tptb know that there is ship, but they are still in the denial fase, we have to get them out of it and they have to make a good ending of the series, with sam and jack together, no more denial! the ship exist and they have to make a resolution(after 10 years)

              We really deserve a shippy ending you're right kri
              But it seems to me that the more we plead the more obstinate they become. Its like telling my son to cut the grass or do his homework. Its the original intention but they really just don't want to do it. I disconnect the plug on my sons computer. If only I could pull the plug on somthing of theirs. Oh, right. Something did get pulled.
              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                Originally posted by sugarshaker
                While we're at it, how about some warrior penguins to march on Sci-Fi? They'll fight for our shippy ending.

                Oh Look! It's a Baltimore Penquin!!!! LOL!!!!
                *sorry but I couldn't help myself*
                Last edited by SG1Poz; 25 August 2006, 08:01 AM.


                  Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                  SQUEEE!!! GOOD for ya!...I plan on ordering some too...anyone to suggest which ones are the shippiests?
                  They both have ship. I expected more so be forwarned, they have canon shippyness. I enjoyed them as I do most if not all of Sally's work.


                    Originally posted by SG1Poz
                    They both have ship. I expected more so be forwarned, they have canon shippyness. I enjoyed them as I do most if not all of Sally's work.
                    Could you give me a list of your favorites? I want to order a few, but don't know which ones - shippy please! duh LOL!


                      Originally posted by Kri
                      Could you give me a list of your favorites? I want to order a few, but don't know which ones - shippy please! duh LOL!
                      Code of Honor and Matter of Honor are the only two I've read so far. I'd love to read the others though.
                      Last edited by SG1Poz; 26 August 2006, 05:29 PM.


                        Could someone please give me a list of the producers/writers ( TPTB) of SG1 specifying if you think they are shippers or non shippers ?
                        Thank you



                          Originally posted by Lesleyp
                          Actually, I love the way he drawls out "Samantha" in Broca Divide when he tells Daniel that she's not Daniel's to care about.......oooo, raw, powerful, alpha male... That was his animal self talking....the bare basics....telling another guy to back off cause she was HIS. LOVED IT!
                          Oh, I love that scene! It is almost as good as the locker room scene itself! Just raw alpha male emotion. I also love the exchange between Jack and Sam at the end of the episode when he pretends he doesn't remember then teases her about the tank top. Her reaction to the teasing is priceless too.


                            Originally posted by SG1Poz
                            Code of Honor and City of the Gods are the only two I've read so far. I'd love to read the others though.
                            It looks like both of those are on Amazon, but not quite available yet. ) Thanks!


                              Originally posted by blueiris
                              But it seems to me that the more we plead the more obstinate they become. Its like telling my son to cut the grass or do his homework. Its the original intention but they really just don't want to do it. I disconnect the plug on my sons computer. If only I could pull the plug on somthing of theirs. Oh, right. Something did get pulled.
                              It's funny blueiris Good joke



                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                It's funny blueiris Good joke

                                Yes, but why do I feel like I just shot myself in the foot?
                                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*

