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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nickatell
    What the heck are TPTB doing to this show? Ses, once again I totally agree with you Sam can mention Barrett but make sure she doesn't know....Jack, what is with that? Do you know what bothers me, okay since you asked, Sam is sitting in Jacks cabin and there was still nothing, no holding a picture of him and no sense of missing him (and I don't blame Sam, I blame TPTB). What, Jack will make his appearance in 200 and then nothing until the next appearance and then back to nothing? If TPTB really cared about the shippers they would have at least set something up this week, afterall they were in the mans cabin, where Sam was at least thinking of Jack showing signs that she missed him, but no, nadda, nothing! And still no confirmation as to what Jack is doing in Washington, I guess TPTB are looking for a title that will keep the regs in place.
    I wanted to add my two cents so I'm using your post as a jumping point.

    S10 "Uninvited"
    I can't believe I actually LIKED this episode. Maybe it's because all the other episodes have been so atrocious that this one seemed like a breath of fresh air. Of course, the fresh air wasn't the best it could be, but I even watched the second showing. [WARNING: Mitchell rant] I have come to appreciate the humor Vala brings, but Mitchell is a drain on my patience. Even though I loved the fact he knows now his only job is to keep SG-1 together, his smart-a$$ remarks and failure to be a believable hero irk me. Get rid of Mitchell, keep Vala, and put Sam in charge! That works for me. [/rant] Sam in charge was FANTABULOUS!! What a dramatic difference between "Sam in charge" and "Mitchell in charge". I hope AT keeps pushing for Sam to take more leadership. Did I mention that Sam should be in charge??

    To the lack of the J-word... I have come to acceptance that SG-1 is not real and, therefore, I can't expect the characters to act like real people. In real life, Jack would be mentioned all the time. The writers see that stuff as fluff. They are writing for TV with a limited amount of time. Could they throw a word here and there for our beloved character and ship? Yep. But not without a purpose. S9 "Ex Deu Machina"
    The "not exactly" came because PTB wanted to end the Sam/Barrett "thingy" and were able to give the shippers a bone in the process. A miniscule, meat-less, marrow-dry bone at that! It was just enough to keep shippers from dying.
    If Jack or Ship doesn't serve the PTB's purpose, it ain't happening. Can we say ratings, baby??

    I'm kinda glad Sam wasn't all wistful over Jack. One, Being in charge is better character development. Two, it means she sees him all the time. Especially with the beaming technology.

    I didn't catch the poker reference. I heard the "royal marriage", but I thought it was poker talk, rather odd poker talk. I like the shippy references better!

    Token ~


      Thanks everyone for the welcomes!! As for the music and ripping it off DVDs...I really have no idea how to do that - I'm rather illiterate when it comes to video technology. Anyone have any ideas as to what programs I would need to do this?

      And to add my two cents onto Uninvited:

      I have to say I agree with Nell and say I really didnt see any potential ship in this episode. I liked the feeling of the new team becoming friends, however it did seem to me kind of, the Old SG-1 could hang out off-base together and just play poker or whatever because they'd been together for eight years and had bonded and were truly friends...this seemed like they were trying to force some big giant bonding on the New SG-1, and make them as good companions as the old team was. Somehow I just dont think it works that way. Anyone agree, or am I totally off in my own world lol?


        Originally posted by Token
        To the lack of the J-word... I have come to acceptance that SG-1 is not real and, therefore, I can't expect the characters to act like real people. In real life, Jack would be mentioned all the time. The writers see that stuff as fluff. They are writing for TV with a limited amount of time. Could they throw a word here and there for our beloved character and ship? Yep. But not without a purpose. S9 "Ex Deu Machina"
        The "not exactly" came because PTB wanted to end the Sam/Barrett "thingy" and were able to give the shippers a bone in the process. A miniscule, meat-less, marrow-dry bone at that! It was just enough to keep shippers from dying.
        If Jack or Ship doesn't serve the PTB's purpose, it ain't happening. Can we say ratings, baby??
        I second this idea here. I don't think that with a little ship the ratings would go through the roof. Not having seen the later seasons, but listening into what everyone says, what needs to happen is better writing. It's not the PTB's fault RDA wanted to leave - but it is their fault if they can't create characters that work together. Now, to their credit, it is a difficult task to replace a character as central and as beloved as Jack O'Neill (he's definitely my fave). The actor wants to leave and you're stuck with "well do we make a 'Jack' clone which no one will accept or do we try something opposite?". It sounds like they might be trying to tweak with things (a little each episode) to try to find the frequency that will work best with the viewers - and that means you're going to get bad episodes until they find it.

        Now I think my qualm with the shipper thing and PTB is that they built it up. They created this dynamic between two characters - and it's more than just a little background.
        We've seen AUs with them married, we've had kisses, we've had admissions of feelings, struggles with feelings... character consistency demands that Sam be more than just "Oh, my commanding officer is gone and I've just forgotten eight years of attraction."
        On the other hand... (I must be an alien with all my hands)... in trying to create new character interactions, you don't necessarily want to constantly reminding everyone of what they've lost (RDA).

        I'm kind of hoping that RDA wants to come back more often. Maybe not as a regular (that would be hoping too much), but come back as a very regular guest star. I think then we would have our ship. And maybe some resolution.

        Although maybe they'll surprise us in 200.

        Fingers crossed.


          ah! i always forget the spoilers thingy! yikes! ok, so heres my opinion on Uninvited-
          i have to agree with the other postings, i cant believe they barely even mentioned jack! there was SO much potential to give us SOMETHING!! in grasping for some kind of ship from the ep, and i know this is reaching, but maybe showing sam's poker win and being able to fool even Tealc, MAYBE that is foreshadowing at her being able to hide her relationship w/ jack so well??? just a thought and my desperation at some kind of ship for the ep. i was really disappointed in the severe lack of jack mentionings! i also agree that the "bonding" felt forced in this ep. the original sg-1 always felt so natural, NEVER forced. they just got along so easily and all had such amazing chemistry. however i feel the new sg-1 just doesnt have that, at least not yet. however keeping a positive attitude and cant wait for Friday!!


            I thought I would make a separate post for my "200" thoughts since my "Univited" two cents turned into a few dollars. LOL.

            S10 "200"
            I refuse to have any expectations other than I get to see some version of Jack and Sam at their wedding. Do I think it will be satisfying from the show's perspective? No. I just going to enjoy the pictures, videos, and fanfic that will come from it. I'll also have my money ready to buy the prop picture.

            My vignette spoilers
            I personally think the suggested vignette will come from Martin in the form of, "We need to have romance. What about a wedding?" I think the wedding will be woven in for the need of the "movie" to have romance. See, even in a fictional TV show about a fictional movie, there's a need for romance.

            It's amazing (not really) how much the attitude has changed from PTB. In Vancouver, AT said there is "something" for Shippers to look forward to in S10, and let's not forget the SciFi promo from AT saying that Jack is no longer in her change of command and she could now have some fun. At Shore Leave, AT said that both groups will be happy. (When are the PTB going to understand shippers and non-shippers being happy are mutally exclusive?) Sounds like "someone" is backtracking! Why do they do this to us?? Oh, right, ratings! Maybe SciFi/PTB are shooting for another record... The longest running ANGST relationship EVER!

            Token ~


              As much as I'm looking foreward to '200', at the same time, I'm dreading it.

              Spoiler tags just incase!

              With all the clips, pictures and news they've given us, it makes me excited for '200'. But at the same time, does anyone remember the spoiler that Brad? (I think) gave us a week or two ago? In one of his posts?
              In the 200th episode.


              Sorry about the double spoiler tag. But it's things like this that make me nervous for Friday's episode. What if Sam and Jack tried to be in a relationship, and it didn't work? Personally, I'd rather have it that they weren't involved at all...
              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                As much as I'm looking foreward to '200', at the same time, I'm dreading it.

                Spoiler tags just incase!

                With all the clips, pictures and news they've given us, it makes me excited for '200'. But at the same time, does anyone remember the spoiler that Brad? (I think) gave us a week or two ago? In one of his posts?
                In the 200th episode.


                Sorry about the double spoiler tag. But it's things like this that make me nervous for Friday's episode. What if Sam and Jack tried to be in a relationship, and it didn't work? Personally, I'd rather have it that they weren't involved at all...
                Can you say......the death of Stargate-SG-1?
                If they pull a Picard/Crusher, THAT will be the end for me!! That is going tooo far! It would break my Shipper heart and spirit.

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by Token
                  Can you say......the death of Stargate-SG-1?
                  If they pull a Picard/Crusher, THAT will be the end for me!! That is going tooo far! It would break my Shipper heart and spirit.
                  Exactly! We're all so worried that we won't get ship in "200", and now I'm starting to worry that we'll get anit-S/J ship...
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Just a question in between, does anyone have a picture where Sam and Jack are smiling at each other, Sam with her huge smile? Because there have to be scenes like that, but for some reason I can't seem to find a picture of it (need it for a sig, finally have somewhat more inspiration then a doorknob, so might as well make use of it). Or maybe a episode where you clearly remember a scene like that (with both of them in the scene on screen, so not like in small victories, where you first see Sam, then Jack).

                    Also on 200:
                    I'm not to worried about there actually being anti-ship. Amanda did say both would be happy, and anyone *even* TPTB would realise that that just isn't the case with pure anti-ship. Besides we've already seen the (AU?) wedding scene, at least (however little) it's something right?


                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                      Exactly! We're all so worried that we won't get ship in "200", and now I'm starting to worry that we'll get anit-S/J ship...
                      It would be an outright revolt! The only reason the antis might be happy is they could mock the shippers with, "See, Sam and Jack don't belong together!" If they did that, I know I would send a polite but strongly worded letter to SciFi, RCC, and Brad expressing my complete disapproval and heartbreak. *sniff* After the disaster that was Pete, my Shipper heart is fragile. Where's those tissues that have been passed around? Maybe I should make my reservation for the Shipper Comune now.

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by Diantha

                        Also on 200:
                        I'm not to worried about there actually being anti-ship. Amanda did say both would be happy, and anyone *even* TPTB would realise that that just isn't the case with pure anti-ship. Besides we've already seen the (AU?) wedding scene, at least (however little) it's something right?
                        S10 "200"
                        It depends on your perspective. From the PTB's perspective, giving the Shippers a wedding and the antis a divorce ( reset) would seem to give both sides a victory. I don't think Shippers and antis would agree with that assessment. Since they are doing so many ripoffs, a Picard/Crusher ripoff would not be beyond reality. I don't want to bring down Shippers, but if I have my expectations low, I won't be disappointed.

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Token
                          S10 "200"
                          It depends on your perspective. From the PTB's perspective, giving the Shippers a wedding and the antis a divorce ( reset) would seem to give both sides a victory. I don't think Shippers and antis would agree with that assessment. Since they are doing so many ripoffs, a Picard/Crusher ripoff would not be beyond reality. I don't want to bring down Shippers, but if I have my expectations low, I won't be disappointed.
                          That's exactly what I am trying to do. I mean, TPTB have screwed us before.
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                            It says
                            'Richard Dean Anderson's Wedding Surprise'


                            and oh my god, has anyone thought about the
                            vows!? I hope we hear thier vows (even if its an AU or movie idea!) I'd probably cry! Their vows would be one of a kind, all about how they'd die for each other and everything they've been through. oh i may start crying now!
                            I'd love to hear their vows! And see them exchange rings! And kiss- a big honkin' one! And do that thing where they feed each other cake. I think I'm gonna cry too. Happy tears of course.


                              Originally posted by sugarshaker
                              Agreed. Last season I started watching Close to Home and Numbers on Friday nights instead and just taped the later showings of SG to watch another day. Often when I went back to watch my tapes, I just kind of half-watched them. I used to be GLUED to the TV when SG was on! Sigh. Those were the days indeed.
                              I couldn't miss an episode even if I tried. I have to be in front of my TV screen. I'm hopeless.


                                Originally posted by Token
                                S10 "200"
                                It depends on your perspective. From the PTB's perspective, giving the Shippers a wedding and the antis a divorce ( reset) would seem to give both sides a victory. I don't think Shippers and antis would agree with that assessment. Since they are doing so many ripoffs, a Picard/Crusher ripoff would not be beyond reality. I don't want to bring down Shippers, but if I have my expectations low, I won't be disappointed.
                                I feel so stupid for having to ask but:
                                What is a Picard/Crusher ripoff?

