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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    So should I watched the tape of tonight's episode? I probably will, gritting my teeth. But, how in the aitch
    can they be in Jack's cabin and not even mention his name? Not even say whose cabin it is? Have TPTB gone bonkers? Oops, just read Trupi's comment. Landry's cabin? Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!

    BTW, I bought the TV Guide today as usual, but the cover was a bit different
    than the one on the magazine's site. The wedding picture is on the other side of the magazine and it's smaller(read tiny). I didn't see it at first because I was looking for it on the other side. I was almost ready to try another store to see if they had different covers as they do sometimes.
    There is a "lowdown" type show the hour before 200, so we will have three hours of at least some Jack. (Tho I'm sure not enough)
    Last edited by Gatetrixer; 11 August 2006, 07:25 PM.



      That's what I want to know. What did she mean? Please tell me she's with Jack. He's no longer her CO. They both saved the world lots of times. Give them a break.

      Surely TPTB know this is a big part of SG1 for lots of fans.

      The DVD set of Season 9 is being advertised. I think I'll have to buy it even though the episodes are showing on TV in Aust.


        I watching the rerun
        Did Mitchell actually say what I heard that- "I don't need SG1 anymore, I can do things on my own now". He doesn't need SG-1 anymore, well who thinks he's better then everyone else!!!!


          All I want to know is where has all the good writing, stories and characters gone to. They are MIA!!!!!

          When you watch "Heroes I and II" and then you see this ep, you really are left scratching your head and wondering.

          In MHO, Landry is totally flat and is NO Hammond, Vala babbles and acts like a 2 year old and Mitchell is NO Jack.

          And this they have the nerve to call SG1.

          I WANT MY TEAM BACK!!!

          I WANT SAM/JACK SHIP!!


          Ship Nana


            Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
            Soo... I guess the general thought about tonight's episode is
            It is not good. Should I even bother to watch it? I'm not a Mitchell fan.

            I ave a question that has been bothering me. I have had a fanfic plot in mind but I'm not sure anyone would read it. It is SJ, of course.

            Here is the plot outline.
            It is one of those 'A follower of Loki's continues his research and impregnates Sam with Jack's baby fics'. I know it is overdone but in my fic Sam would not be happy about it.

            It starts when Sam is about three months along. SG-1 is about to go on a mission when Thor stops them. He reveals what Loki's follower has done. General O'Neill is shocked but happy about having a baby. Sam is not and is very angry, to the point of saying she does not want the baby. Jack freaks out and yells at her. Sam goes home and tells Pete what happened. He's very angry, thinking that she cheated on him, and saying all along that there was something between them.

            Hrut, angry and confused, Sam leaves and goes to the one place nobody would think to look. Jack's cabin. Jack finds her but unfortunaely they become snowed in.

            I'd really appreciate anyones input of the idea, as drama is not my real area of fic writing and I'm not even sure it is a good plot idea. I don't want to write something nobody would read, lol.

            Wondering why it would it be unfortunate?
            I suppose it would be extremely tense, but they could be forced to talk it over. Just so neither does anything stupid, like running out into the storm. I'd read it!!


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Did I mention I *LOVE* this family?!? Thanks Lizlove! *SQUEE*

              Woo, hey, when did I hit 1000 posts?!? I COMPLETELY MISSED THAT MILESTONE!
              LOL! Don't worry about it Amber! I missed my 1500 recently. I'm not exactly sure how it happened .... I was on 149(something) when I went to bed, and when I logged on next morning I was 152(something)!

              I'm limbering up ready to do the shipper dance for 2000 instead


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                So should I watched the tape of tonight's episode? I probably will, gritting my teeth. But, how in the aitch
                can they be in Jack's cabin and not even mention his name? Not even say whose cabin it is? Have TPTB gone bonkers? Oops, just read Trupi's comment. Landry's cabin? Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!

                When Mitchell got out of the car, he said,
                "So this is General O'Neill's cabin...."

                Landry replied, "Yes, but Jack hasn't had much opportunity to use it lately, since he's been spending so much time in Washington."


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  Yep, the drought continues. But I wonder who was
                  sleeping in Jacks bed. If it was Landry or Mitchell thats just creepy and wrong on so many levels.
                  *puts on shipper glasses*

                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    Gee....I didn't think it was so bad. Am I running a fever?
                    No, you are not running a fever. I enjoyed it as well. I had a great time watching.

                    Sure there was no Jack/Sam ship. I never expected there to be. At the end though, there was this one part that maybe....I'll have to watch it again and let you know. What was actually disappointing was the preview for next week. I didn't see the wedding!


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      All I want to know is where has all the good writing, stories and characters gone to. They are MIA!!!!!

                      When you watch "Heroes I and II" and then you see this ep, you really are left scratching your head and wondering.

                      In MHO, Landry is totally flat and is NO Hammond, Vala babbles and acts like a 2 year old and Mitchell is NO Jack.

                      And this they have the nerve to call SG1.

                      I WANT MY TEAM BACK!!!

                      I WANT SAM/JACK SHIP!!


                      I totally agree....Mitchell/Landry make me want to yawn, Vala is annoying - the only good thing about this ep was
                      Sam in charge at the base and the poker scene at the end - especially the interaction between Sam and Teal'c.

                      Sam at Jack's cabin without Jack is just wrong.

                      ~I'm Just Sayin'~


                        Originally posted by trupi
                        I watching the rerun
                        Did Mitchell actually say what I heard that- "I don't need SG1 anymore, I can do things on my own now". He doesn't need SG-1 anymore, well who thinks he's better then everyone else!!!!
                        No, that's not what he said, sweetie. Kat over on the SAGC thread has already transcribed that scene and posted it. I'm reposting from her post:


                        Sort of...

                        Mitchell and Landry were sitting around a table drinking beer and Landry was trying to get Mitchell to loosen up. During which time the following conversation ensued...

                        Landry: Good, I want you to feel you can be honest with me.
                        Mitchell: Yes sir.
                        Landry: But I suppose that's easier for me than it is for you. I am the General.
                        Mitchell: No sir, I believe it's probably hard for you in some ways.
                        Landry: Oh? Lonely at the top and all?
                        Mitchell: No more not knowing what people think of your decisions.
                        Landry: Relax son. I was thinking about what you said to me last week bout not being in charge of anything.
                        Mitchell: I'm just used to a clearer chain of command.
                        Landry: You could have picked any team you wanted. You chose to make it your personal mission to get Colonel Carter, Doctor Jackson and Teal'c back together.
                        Mitchell: That's true and I wouldn't change that for the world.
                        Landry: You said you wanted to learn from the very best.
                        Mitchell: Yes I did, it's just... after all was done, there was a part of me that figured I could do anything. Well since coming to the SGC I have learned that I can't handle any of this without the rest of SG-1.
                        Landry: I believe in you Colonel.
                        Mitchell: Thank you sir.
                        Landry: ...but we're getting our asses kicked.
                        Mitchell: ...yes we are.
                        Landry: We're not going to get medals for participation
                        Mitchell: No sir.
                        Landry: We win or we die.
                        Mitchell: I prefer winning.
                        Landry: and you started... by bringing SG-1 back together and I need you to continue working together if we're going to have any hope. You're job is to make sure that happens.
                        Mitchell: Very good sir.

                        So at least you can feel better about that.


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          I watching the rerun
                          Did Mitchell actually say what I heard that- "I don't need SG1 anymore, I can do things on my own now". He doesn't need SG-1 anymore, well who thinks he's better then everyone else!!!!

                          I don't think that's what he said. I think he said he'd thought he could, but now he knows he can't do it without them. Let me check.
                          Edit: Yeah, he said he couldn't handle any of it without SG-1.
                          And I liked Landry tonight.


                            Nickatell even if
                            Sam/Jack are not dating or do not have feelings for each other Jack was Sam's CO and Friend for Years and yet no mention of Jack by Sam and it's especially bad when Sam is at Jack's cabin.A phone call would have fit perfectly at the end since they were all at the cabin.It really bothered me that Barrett got a mention from Sam and no Jack mention from Sam.It nakes the Sam character look very bad.The way things stand right now 200 will be my last episode unless the Ship is real in 200.I'm not sure if I will even watch Jack's 2nd SG-1 episode.It also bothers me that AT could not be in the Atlantis episodes that RDA will be in.Instead we will have a bunch of Sam and McKay episodes.It sounds like McKay and Mrs. Miller and another episode that has an alternate McKay.


                              I have a half an hour until the show starts out here in CA, it does not sound too promising.
                              Ship Nana I agree 210% about wanting the old team back.
                              The writing has taken a turn for the mediocre, which is worse than worse if you ask me.
                              What in the world happened? If I hated it I could deal because at least I would have some passion about the show but I honestly just think of Fridays as Fridays now and not 'Stargate Night'.

                              The thrill is gone baby.

                              Okay, sorry to bum people out, seems when I look back at the few posts I have put up they have been somewhat negative towards the show. I just miss the old gang but mostly RDA.

                              I am hanging in there for 200. If not for anything more than to see the silver fox once again.


                                Originally posted by Rogue
                                Yep, the drought continues. But I wonder who was
                                sleeping in Jacks bed. If it was Landry or Mitchell thats just creepy and wrong on so many levels.
                                Sam, of course! Until she got there the bed remained empty.

