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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    i havent been around for ages... mainly because i have been working on my video! (some of you may remember... i was the one that couldnt get movie maker to work on their computer...) this is my first vid so feedback would be good... (its not really that good so i dont mind non positive feedback... non positive feedback? i mean negative feedback...)

    here it is:

    THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


      Originally posted by chelle db
      What she said. Everyone I have missed the couple off days WELCOME and congratulations to all the people who reached a milestone



        (are any of you guys french or german cos thats all i know... )


        (O.o this is my 70th post...o.O)
        THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


          Originally posted by littlebluestring
          i havent been around for ages... mainly because i have been working on my video! (some of you may remember... i was the one that couldnt get movie maker to work on their computer...) this is my first vid so feedback would be good... (its not really that good so i dont mind non positive feedback... non positive feedback? i mean negative feedback...)

          here it is:

          hi i cant seem to get the link to work

          sig made by Samjackshiplover


            Originally posted by docker22
            hi i cant seem to get the link to work
            me neither... It says something about the vid not being available...
            Maybe you made it only for friends to see and not only for public?? or maybe it is still processing....


              My my my
              You guys are just coming up with all kinds of great scenarios and explainations for "the scene" aren't you? Lovin it.

              Just remember.....some of us Canuks love spoilers as we patiently wait for November. I'm squeeing, and jumping and quivering all over in anticipation of it airing on Aug 18 in the US. Please don't forget to give us spoiler nuts something as soon as it's over. I'll be glued to my computer waiting for any crumbs you wanna throw me. Thanks.
              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                Originally posted by Lesleyp
                My my my
                You guys are just coming up with all kinds of great scenarios and explainations for "the scene" aren't you? Lovin it.

                Just remember.....some of us Canuks love spoilers as we patiently wait for November. I'm squeeing, and jumping and quivering all over in anticipation of it airing on Aug 18 in the US. Please don't forget to give us spoiler nuts something as soon as it's over. I'll be glued to my computer waiting for any crumbs you wanna throw me. Thanks.
                yep we spoiler junkies want every gory detail

                sig made by Samjackshiplover


                  Fly-by post....
                  HAVE Y'ALL SEEN THIS!!???!!! (spoilers for "200")



                  it shows part of the wedding scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  GAWD!!!! I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS EP!!!!!!

                  I already told my kid either get that day off or find another ride home from work and told the b/f not to bother me that day...
                  yeah, I'm a little exited....



                    Preview for tonight's eppy courtesy of AOL:




                      Originally posted by Gate gal
                      Just a quick slightly OT post on spoiler tabs for our newbies. Everyone else, please forgive me and skip this one. Spoiler tabs are a bit of a pain to figure out, but if you hit the Go Advanced tab at the bottom of your message box then click the white box with the ! in the center you get automatic spoiler tabs. You can also type [ spoiler] [ /spoiler] minus the spaces to make your own spoiler tabs, but I wouldn't recomend it until you are really comfortable. I messed up some tabs just last week and felt horrible afterwards. We really don't want to ruin anything for those brave family members who are spoiler free.
                      This is the button you press....

                      When you press this button, the [spoilers ][/spoilers] will show, and you just have to type your message inbetween them.


                        You know what I'm worried about in the 200th episode is

                        If they use a lot of references to shows like farscape and such, I'm afraid I just won't get them and the whole idea goes completely past me. Where I live I can't get farscape (not entirely sure if I would watch it, but you know, it's nice to have options *grumbles at dutch tv*). And with that maybe a ton of other things they will refer too, so I just hope that whatever they do use it's not something that I have no clue what it's about. I usually love the funny -make-fun-of-the-show-itself- type of episodes, so I would 'hate' it if I would miss most of the fun just because I have never seen any of the things they use.

                        At least I'm lucky enough to have sweet friends who make sure I can watch new stargate episodes the day after they air, I think I would go nuts waiting a couple of years if I had to wait for dutch tv to catch up.


                          Just a Sam/Jack "Threads" fic rec:
                          Years Ago by Spiletta42


                          Loved this one!!



                            Good morning/afternoon everybody! *waves*

                            Thanks for all the welcomes.

                            I can't wait for the 200th episode! Looks pretty cool, like one big a good way.

                            Thanks to Lauriel for the sig.


                              Originally posted by CountryJoy
                              Do you remember details from your dream? I'd luv to hear about it!
                              I had a Stargate dream last week, the night after that first promo for episode 200 that aired during Eureka:

                              Ya know, the promo in which Jack peeks into the briefing room and “SG-1” and others present see him and rise from their chairs. That is how my dream began. And thus it continued:

                              (Jack pokes his head through the doorway into the briefing room, steps all the way in with a growing smile. Sam, Teal’c, Daniel, Vala, Landry, and Mitchell slowly rise from their chairs, looking surprised but not displeased.)
                              CARTER: Sir.
                              O’NEILL: Carter. Teal’c, Daniel.
                              (Jack gives Daniel a smile and nod.)
                              JACKSON: Jack.
                              (Jack gives a general smile and nod to the rest of the room.)
                              O’NEILL: General? Hope I’m not interrupting.
                              (Jack takes another step into the room.)
                              LANDRY: Not at all, Jack. Come in. Have a seat—or – well…
                              (Landry trails off as he notices Sam and Jack’s eyes locked on each other, smiles creeping onto their faces. Landry grins.)
                              LANDRY: Go on, Jack. Kiss your wife. I know you haven’t seen her in a while.
                              (Jack, startled, glances at Landry, grins, and steps all the way up to Sam.)
                              O’NEILL: Yes, Sir.
                              (Vala’s jaw drops. She turns to Daniel, who is barely containing a grin. Daniel glances at Vala and she can’t help but grin back at him, and then at Sam and Jack, quirking an expectant eyebrow.)
                              O’NEILL: Hey…
                              CARTER: Hey…
                              (Sam takes the last step closer to Jack, so their faces are inches apart. They’re smiling deliriously by now. Jack tilts his head, takes her head in his hands and dives in. Sam’s smile grows to the hugest grin right before their lips meet.)
                              MITCHELL: Whuh…?
                              (Mitchell stares dumbfounded around the room, incredulous that even Teal’c has a very knowing sort of smile. Vala turns to Mitchell with a “beats me” expression, then returns to her former grin. Everyone is completely engrossed watching Sam and Jack in the most beautiful BHK ever.)
                              MITCHELL: I SO didn’t get that memo.
                              (Room erupts in laughter. Even Sam and Jack pull apart, giggling about Mitchell’s comment, arms still wrapped around each other comfortably, heads close.)

                              I woke up SO happy, it was unbelievable!
                              Your dream was soooooo much better than mine! I've been watching too many cartoons with the kids, because my Jack and Sam were antimated and taking care of the kids on Ben10. Obviously, they were married, but it was just really weird. Even the kids thought Mom had lost it over that dream.

                              Welcome Dreamgirl! Part of the time I think they are together and the rest of the time I think they are still dancing around the issue.


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                They are doing this scene because how long have we been posting on this thread that we would love to see this on the show. They come and view the thread and we don't even know they are on viewing our posts. Skydiver at Shore Leave even said that, sometimes they know who they are but sometimes they join GW (or lurk)and they don't even know they are actors, writers etc from the show. So guys watch what you wish for because "Big TPTB is Watching"!
                                Oh, that's cool! So tell the truth folks! Which one of you is really JM? BW? AT, are you out there?

                                Well, we want a happily ever after for Jack and Sam before the end of the series! That is at the top of our list, but we'll take a BHK any time (every episode would be fine).

