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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sasusc
    I most of some kind of morbid curiousity. I just visited the Anti-Sam/Jack thread. Man are those people bitter. Very bitter.
    They think we shippers always get our way. That's a laugh, isn't it? Okay, just need to go over a page or two of shippiness to wrip the horror from my mind.
    Every time someone goes to the anti ship thread they always come back here feeling horrible...DON'T GO THERE says ANTI for a reason...never been there...and never will!!!

    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Sam_Carter
      okay, sorry if this has been mentioned, but surely, ('200' spoilers)
      the simple fact that there is a wedding AT ALL, regardless of whether it is fake, AU etc, means that SOMEONE has to mention it... and thus (did i realy just say 'thus'? ) if it is just, say, an idea for the movie Martin is creating this means that Sam & Jack will surely respond to this! Someone mentions a wedding between them... how can they not respond!?
      Good point point!!
      I thought of that too.. surely they would have to respond to the idea of a wedding between Jack and Sam...they would have to have a reaction of some sort wouldn't they??
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
        I love Gnarls Barkley's songs....!!!! I am from Sydney...havent been down to melbourne yet...everywhere else along the east coast though...i only have been as far south as of my favourite places!
        Anyway...i realised that i should have made comments on this thread ages ago...cause i have ALWAYS loved jack and sam....the interaction btw those two was what really caught my attention and kept me interested..although now i have to say that i really just love the show as well!!!
        anyway...gotta get back to writing my essay
        I am amazed at how many Aussies have joined's good to know there are a few of us out here who appreciate Stargate!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
          I am soo confused....

          They are having a farscape thing!!!! That would be awesome and hilarious; is it going to be Vala/aeryn and Mitch/john!!!! (HUGE farscape fan too) Sam as Chianna...haha...too funny!!!...oh a wedding...i dont care if it is real or fake...i loved the AU kiss!!!
          Yep...ep 200 is gonna be big..HUGE!!! There are some links around here somewhere that spill the beans on what's happening in 200 but I don't know how to post the links...I'm still quite computer illiterate...just ask AD!!! BTW...thank you again AD for all your help is very much appreciated!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              hey all just saying hi, cos i love SAM and Jack! (who doesnt?)

              Someones getting married! dum, dum da dum lol!

              even though its not real
              three's a crowd...
              ahh thats better

              aww cute.

              I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
              And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                okay, sorry if this has been mentioned, but surely, ('200' spoilers)
                the simple fact that there is a wedding AT ALL, regardless of whether it is fake, AU etc, means that SOMEONE has to mention it... and thus (did i realy just say 'thus'? ) if it is just, say, an idea for the movie Martin is creating this means that Sam & Jack will surely respond to this! Someone mentions a wedding between them... how can they not respond!?

                If it is a movie suggestion, I agree they will have to react but at the moment I guess my greatest fear is that Sam and Jack react with immediate denials of any relationship or any possibility of ever getting married ever...coy looks and no comments except smug smiles I could live with and obviously confirmation of a relationship would be the ultimate dream (and therefore very unlikely to happen).

                In some ways I think I would almost prefer it to be a comment by someone there should be a romance element to the movie and either Sam or Jack 'dreaming' of a movie scene with the two of them getting hitched. At least then we would know one of them was 'dreaming' it and therefore still switched onto the possibility.
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                  yeah, they're doing a parody from the Wizard of Oz
                  but it's with vala as dorothy and mitchell as scarecrow
                  sorry for the nested tags, but i didn't want to spoil you if you didn't want to know more about it.
                  I think Vala would make a perfect evil witch and Mitchell - he kind of reminds me of those flying monkeys.
                  Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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                    Originally posted by chelle db
                    Same here...and wasn't thats scene just awful...won't let my kids watch it...I didn't like it.
                    You know we told Chris Judge how badly kids reacted to that scene and they didn't even realize they should have put out a warning because they didn't realize so many kids watched Stargate! Chris said he didn't realize the number of children views until he started coming to conventions and he would mention it when he got back to the set.


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      You know we told Chris Judge how badly kids reacted to that scene and they didn't even realize they should have put out a warning because they didn't realize so many kids watched Stargate! Chris said he didn't realize the number of children views until he started coming to conventions and he would mention it when he got back to the set.
                      Wow that's cool...but I thought the producers were fully aware of the audience it attracts...including the seems pretty family friendly most of the time!
                      I tend to watch the eps first coz here in Aus the show has an M rating which means it's for viewing by people over the age of kids are aged 13...nearly 14...OMG...she's nearly 14...that went quick...and my son is I like to make sure the show is ok for them to watch first...coz most of the time it's just fantastic and family friendly...well...relatively speaking...but occassionally there are a few scenes where I way kids...not this time!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                        okay, sorry if this has been mentioned, but surely, ('200' spoilers)
                        the simple fact that there is a wedding AT ALL, regardless of whether it is fake, AU etc, means that SOMEONE has to mention it... and thus (did i realy just say 'thus'? ) if it is just, say, an idea for the movie Martin is creating this means that Sam & Jack will surely respond to this! Someone mentions a wedding between them... how can they not respond!?
                        They are doing this scene because how long have we been posting on this thread that we would love to see this on the show. They come and view the thread and we don't even know they are on viewing our posts. Skydiver at Shore Leave even said that, sometimes they know who they are but sometimes they join GW (or lurk)and they don't even know they are actors, writers etc from the show. So guys watch what you wish for because "Big TPTB is Watching"!


                          Originally posted by LadyJeep
                          I thought it looked like
                          Vala is saying something from the look on her face and Daniel is reacting to it. And it also looks a little like Sam is laughing, too.

                          Course, thats how I feel about it. What do you think?
                          I think Vala is saying:
                          Daniel, it should be our wedding or
                          Daniel, I'll catch the bouquet!


                            Originally posted by chelle db
                            Wow that's cool...but I thought the producers were fully aware of the audience it attracts...including the seems pretty family friendly most of the time!
                            I tend to watch the eps first coz here in Aus the show has an M rating which means it's for viewing by people over the age of kids are aged 13...nearly 14...OMG...she's nearly 14...that went quick...and my son is I like to make sure the show is ok for them to watch first...coz most of the time it's just fantastic and family friendly...well...relatively speaking...but occassionally there are a few scenes where I way kids...not this time!!
                            Lynn's (who was a old poster on the thread) daughter saw the scene and had nightmare for weeks. We were at the convention together and she told Chris and that was he said. In fact on one of the commentaries, I think it's on Season 8, Chris judge made a promise not to say any bad words when asking question on stage at a convention (think it was Burbank?) He told the kids if he did say a bad word he would give all the kids in the audience a dollar bill, thinking there wasn't many. Well, Chris has hard time not cursing when he talks ,so he said sh-- and all the kids came running to the stage and he had to break a hundred dollar bill so he could pay all the kids off. He was in shock and watch what he said for the rest of time he was on stage. I hear lots of those dollar bills got autographed that day by Chris! What a collectors item!


                              From the Sam Thread a message from Skydiver:
                              spread the word guys - and gals - the awards nominees are finally up and ready to be voted on

                              It's finally time! The Stargate Fan Awards are now open for voting.

                              Yes, we're a little – okay, a lot – behind schedule, but we think the
                              was worth it and we believe you'll appreciate the final product too.
                              year, we're very excited to have a brand new voting structure to go
                              with our new nomination system.

                              As in the past, all nominated works are viewable to anyone who would
                              like to
                              look at the creations of the many talented authors and artists. The
                              change comes in the form of voting: we now require anyone who wishes to
                              to first create an account and log in.

                              This new system addresses a concern that many of you, the fans, have
                              expressed in the past. Your account will keep track of any and all
                              that you have cast for the Stargate Fan Awards so that you may log in
                              at any
                              time to see in what categories and for whom you have voted. Not only
                              but should you change your mind, you can modify your vote at any point
                              until the closing date of Sunday, September 24, 2006.

                              Authors and artists who have created an account previously in order to
                              their nominations can – and should! – use their existing accounts.

                              We *strongly* recommend that everyone read the voting rules
                     before creating their
                              accounts. The team does not consider "Oh, I didn't know about that" a
                              viable excuse and we'd hate for anyone's works or votes to be
                              due to a violation of a plainly stated rule.

                              Also new this year: for nominees, there is a special icon you can place
                              to your nominated work(s). You'll find it on the SGFA eFic page.

                              This year, we have nearly 2500 eligible nominations, embracing the SG-1
                              Atlantis fandoms and encompassing fic and multimedia. So if you're
                              ready to
                              settle in to read fanfic, click your way through fan art, and sit back
                              watch fan music videos, then head on over to
                     where you will find links to the
                              nominations and be able to create your account.

                              If you have any questions, check out our FAQ page, found here:

                              Or, you can email us. Check out our contact page here
                     in order to
                              find the
                              "department" you need, and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

                              We wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone for their ongoing
                              patience and support; it's been quite a learning curve for all of us
                              and our
                              webmistress, Kelly, was unable to rely on the rest of the
                              inept team for much help in coding. Thank you, Kelly, for all
                              your hard

                              Best of luck to the nominees, and happy voting!

                              The Stargate Fan Awards team.


                                Hey ship family,
                                I am finally back from a week friends who were over and I have to say I had a swelled time but now I really am tired and I am glad with a bit of time for myself and for reading GW
                                I just made a new sig for august 18th

