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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trupi
    Guys as much as I would like resolution in "200" TPTB it isn't going there when all the main character have all given verbal agreements for Season 11. Why are they renewing with the rating so low????????????. But maybe that's why they are taking extra time with the second part of Season 10 to rethink what's going on in the show-whatever??????? Hopefully we will get a TV movie where it is resolved. But remember "200" is what it is, an episode where they joke around with the fans, the actors and the writers themselves. It's all a dream and hopefully the wedding scene is done tasteful as not to offend the shippers and the Samanders alike. Mine main reason for posting is no matter what happens, please don't jump ship. Once you have done that all you have invested in the Ship for "8" years will be lost and I'm not going to let them off that easily. If you want to get upset at the episode after it airs fine, but please redirect your angry in the right places-emails, penguins etc.. Just remember if we all walk away, they win and we sunk the ship! Do you see where I am going????? We will always have each other to sound off on and gather courage and hope and in the long run isn't that what matters the most-the friends we made! Lov you all, keep the faith, we will get our ship!
    I won't jump ship. Whatever...

    disappointment 200 brings for me, I'll get over it. Just like I got over Season 5...Season 6...Chimera/Pete...New Order/Pete...Affinity/ real resolution before RDA left.

    I think the problem for me certainly is that having had...
    a ship-deprived S9

    ...despite all my warnings and admonishments to myself, I'm looking forward to seeing 200 just
    for the ship. And knowing its supposed to be a 'fun' episode and that's not being taken seriously is just making me cross as I know it's not going to be our S/J ship really apart from their off-movie moments.

    I don't want the whole episode and I'd be happy with just a moment between the real S/J on where their relationship is at now (hopefully one that substantiates they are in a relationship) but I know I'm personally going to be disappointed if all I see is the fake ship and possibly not tastefully done either but OTT and played for laughs.

    It will be interesting to see what the aftermath is a week on Saturday. I do fear...
    angry emails and penguins may be required
    Last edited by Rachel500; 08 August 2006, 08:01 AM.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      Originally posted by chelle db
      Just for you Rachel.... ((((((Rachel)))))) !!
      Anyone else need a hug???
      Thank you!
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Whatever 200 brings...I'm still excited for it!!


          Anybody's got that
          wedding picture
          I want a large copy of it please pretty plse...Am I imagining this or does she have long hair in that pic?...Tell me it's not AU again...somebody?


            GaterGeek your sig made me laugh for the first time in days, it's hilarious. What episode is that picture of him from?


              Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
              Anybody's got that
              wedding picture
              I want a large copy of it please pretty plse...Am I imagining this or does she have long hair in that pic?...Tell me it's not AU again...somebody?

              I think she does have long hair in the pic. It more than likley is AU or, going with the episode plot, a movie pitch.

              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                Originally posted by sueKay

                First 'wedding' piccy


                Click on the first link...look at the top right!

                Wanted to do it yesterday but Internet didn't work anymore!!!

                ... and Where The Hell are Sam and Jack for the Oz pic?????


                  Originally posted by Lizlove

                  ... and Where The Hell are Sam and Jack for the Oz pic?????
                  I assume...

                  Sam is the Good Witch a la the picture that was released a few weeks ago where we were all debating whether it would be LOTR or Oz, and that Jack is either not in it as it apparently is Vala's fantasy or is the Wizard (although that spot might be taken by Landry)
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    I assume...

                    Sam is the Good Witch a la the picture that was released a few weeks ago where we were all debating whether it would be LOTR or Oz, and that Jack is either not in it as it apparently is Vala's fantasy or is the Wizard (although that spot might be taken by Landry)
                    But it's not logical!!! Vala and Mitchell have nothing, NOTHING to do with it!!!! I don't see why either of them would think about it. Daniel? But why aren't Sam and Jack there then? I would have thought he was the first one to think of the team as Jack, Sam, him and Teal'c. In my mind it isn't Teal'c. Isn't there something about Star Wars or Star trek? That would be Teal'c!


                      hey all! i just got back from vacation and havent been able to completely catch up on the thread... but im reading all about this pic on the cover of tv guide... and i havent seen it... does anyone have a link to see the pic or anything??? i really want to see it but cant find it at my local store i need my shippy fix!


                        Originally posted by cronan1013
                        hey all! i just got back from vacation and havent been able to completely catch up on the thread... but im reading all about this pic on the cover of tv guide... and i havent seen it... does anyone have a link to see the pic or anything??? i really want to see it but cant find it at my local store i need my shippy fix!
                        Go to this post and there you'll see 3 links. All of them are the scanned contents of the new TV guide


                          Originally posted by Lizlove
                          But it's not logical!!! Vala and Mitchell have nothing, NOTHING to do with it!!!! I don't see why either of them would think about it. Daniel? But why aren't Sam and Jack there then? I would have thought he was the first one to think of the team as Jack, Sam, him and Teal'c. In my mind it isn't Teal'c. Isn't there something about Star Wars or Star trek? That would be Teal'c!
                          I know its just bizarre but...

                          the TV guide suggests its Vala's fantasy which is just plain odd to me because Oz has always been Jack's thing...other than Sam of course
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by Diantha
                            GaterGeek your sig made me laugh for the first time in days, it's hilarious. What episode is that picture of him from?
                            lol! Glad I made somebodys day...its from...Lockdown? I don't remember the episode name...but its where Ba'al claims to have Sg-1 but he really doesn't. But in the scene Doctor Lee is explaining that the ZPM is boobytrapped...Its Ba'als fault! again!


                              okay so i know the wedding is more than likely to be an au idea and i guess for now i can put up with that. but surely tptb can see that they have to resolve the ship properly at some point. especially as they keep showing over and over that there is something there with sam and jack. imho they are going to look stupid if they dont deal with it and just let it drift.

                              *thinks positive*

                              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                                S/J fanfic rec.....but only read this one if you are in the mood for a good cry...very bittersweet.


                                ~I'm Just Sayin'~

