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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I think I better call it a night! Continue thinking shipper thoughts . . . (consciously and sub-consciously!)


      Originally posted by Sasusc
      Me + RDA = 36 year age gap

      Hmm well since I'm nearly 17, then its a 40 year age gap! But I don't care I still love him! LOL


        Originally posted by Sasusc
        I love them! All of them. Better late then never, right?
        Oh thank you!!!

        Welcome to the newbies!!!!!


          Originally posted by trupi
          What creeped me out about the Pete thing was that love scene against the wall. I thought it was Sam who didn't have sex for 7 years (just kidding) The way Pete was acting, it was like a dog in heat, instead of a guy wanting to please a beautiful lady. Maybe I'm the only one but it bother me big time and I changed the channel the other day when the scene came on TV. YEK!!!!!
          I don't like that scene either, it was awfull. So I guess l the intimate/wild scenes are considered sex by me. YAK!!!
          And how Sam was acting.... wow.... that was first time I saw her needy in the whole serie. That one and the one when she reaches out for Pete after he's being a 5-year old because he can't get what he wants!


            Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
            Hmm well since I'm nearly 17, then its a 40 year age gap! But I don't care I still love him! LOL
            I wonder if RDA knows he's got girls 20, 30, even 40 years younger than him drooling at the sight of him!

            The age difference doesn't matter with Sam and Jack. It's not like he likes her only because she's young and beautiful, or her liking him because he's hot and an AF General! There's SO much more than that!


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              I wonder if RDA knows he's got girls 20, 30, even 40 years younger than him drooling at the sight of him!

              The age difference doesn't matter with Sam and Jack. It's not like he likes her only because she's young and beautiful, or her liking him because he's hot and an AF General! There's SO much more than that!

              I think poor RDA would be very embarrassed! He seems like the type of guy who is self-effacing and modest and I think he would be freaked a little to know he has such a huge female fan base LOL.

              To be honest I never noticed the age gap with Sam and Jack.

              She acts older than him anyway! Sam's very serious and Jack tries to encourage her to relax and have fun! That's why they just fit together.


                Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                I think poor RDA would be very embarrassed! He seems like the type of guy who is self-effacing and modest and I think he would be freaked a little to know he has such a huge female fan base LOL.

                To be honest I never noticed the age gap with Sam and Jack.

                She acts older than him anyway! Sam's very serious and Jack tries to encourage her to relax and have fun! That's why they just fit together.
                RDA is very cautious of his woman fans. He did have some problems with a fan at a con and since that I don't think he particularly like cons. But it's true about him being modest and self-effacing. Jack is like that too but he still knows he attracts woman. I think he could act like some predator sometimes what's concerning women.


                  Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                  It seems like in the recesses of my mind I recall that a medal was given out to shippers who watched "Chimera."

                  Now I would like a ribbon to be added for those, who like me, rewatched it.

                  But a few observations from rewatching it last night.

                  (1) It didn't need to be so cutesy-poo. What was that word JM used--"cloying?" I was cringing at some of the dialogue. And I love romances, but something about this-euw--and it wasn't just because it was Pete.

                  (2) Why did Sam tell Pete she was going to tell him about SGC, even before he went to the hospital? How did she know she would get permission?

                  (3) Some of the anti Sam and Jack fans said "Pete made Sam happy" based on this ep, as opposed to the Sam/Jack relationship. Well, if the regs were no longer, Sam and Jack could act like this too. Even the "euw"part.

                  (4) disliked the "all my boyfriends are dead" stuff. Always have.

                  (5) Did anyone else think Sam seemed a little desperate? Hallucinations in Grace making up advice from Dad and imaginary pronouncements from the one you really love will do that to you.

                  (6) the scene by the bedroom wall: triple "euw."
                  I have to admit I dislike Chimera with a passion because for me its one of the worst written episodes in Stargate ever.

                  Firstly, it seemed like they were going for two A plots; Daniel/Osiris/Sarah and Sam/Pete with the two colliding at the end. For me, this is a waste of the Daniel/Osiris/Sarah storyline - that dynamic had been there for years. It would have been nice to have had more attention paid to it. This is where Daniel finally manages to save someone he knows who has been Goa'ulded whereas he couldn't save Sha'uri.

                  The Sam/Pete plot though is a man's POV of what constitutes a 'perfect' romance for a woman so we get Mills and Boon romance in triplicate; totally cliche and out of character for Stargate - never mind Sam.

                  I actually liked the coffee shop scene; don't really mind the movie date. I thought those were done fairly well; Pete came across as a nice guy with a quirky sense of humour who really liked her and wanted to spend time with her. Loved the elevator discussion with Jack especially as she is quick to point out it was a blind date, nothing serious and they both acknowledge that its awkward.

                  And that's about it...Pete's character starts to warp with the whole dancing, roses, seduction set-up which is there to have the quite gratuitous passionate up-against-the wall moment, (which does make it appear as though Sam is 'desperate' and that Pete manipulated it) followed by the bed and the morning-after row. The whole thing becomes just icky. And then when he runs the background check and the whole stalking...poor plot device to engineer him turning up at the stake-out. Not good. Especially when she doesn't even call him on it at the end.

                  I don't think Sam when she was comforting him when he got shot meant to tell him anything other than what they would concoct as a cover's only the ending and her telling him about the SGC that makes it seem like she was going to tell him the truth right off the bat.

                  If they really had wanted to give Sam a believable alternative to Jack, the story so failed to deliver this.
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    If they really had wanted to give Sam a believable alternative to Jack, the story so failed to deliver this.
                    Great post, especially this last part. I SO agree.


                      Originally posted by Lizlove
                      RDA is very cautious of his woman fans. He did have some problems with a fan at a con and since that I don't think he particularly like cons. But it's true about him being modest and self-effacing. Jack is like that too but he still knows he attracts woman. I think he could act like some predator sometimes what's concerning women.

                      I feel sorry for RDA in that respect, it's never good to have some crazy fan fawning over you. It would sure freak me out and it just ruins it for the rest of the sane fans, sure I think he's cool but I doubt I would even work up the nerve to speak to him if I saw him (fat chance that's ever gonna happen )!


                        I can't believe how long its taken me to catch up on the thread!

                        Welcome newbies!

                        Hope you have fun posting here!

                        Oma/LAD - Congrats on your reply from JM. Obviously he thinks there is something for the shippers to enjoy in 200 so something to hold onto!
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                          I feel sorry for RDA in that respect, it's never good to have some crazy fan fawning over you. It would sure freak me out and it just ruins it for the rest of the sane fans, sure I think he's cool but I doubt I would even work up the nerve to speak to him if I saw him (fat chance that's ever gonna happen )!

                          It must be incredibly scary actually for celebs to have anybody 'throw' themselves at you and interacting with you as though they know you like an intimate friend when they really don't.

                          I'm going to meet RDA at Avalon.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by Rachel500
                            It must be incredibly scary actually for celebs to have anybody 'throw' themselves at you and interacting with you as though they know you like an intimate friend when they really don't.

                            I'm going to meet RDA at Avalon.
                            Will there be any throwing of yourself at the gorgeous RDA?


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              *starts to sing All you need is love...*
                              ooh thank you now I will sing that song the whole evening. But hey it is a great song and it fits Sam and Jack so perfectly!!!
                              You do that to me everytime RC...whenever I hear that song now I think of the ship and then you pop in there too...Thanks mate!!! LOL!!!!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by ccdsah
                                I think TPTB blew it at the end of S8. Moebius and the pond with the fish was their chance to improve S9

                                1. Janet could still be alive so not need for Lam or Vala for Daniel.
                                2. Jacob could still be alive (I soo not wanted him to die).
                                3. Pete might not have existed (TPTB shouldn't have mentioned him in Collateral Damaged).
                                The Best Idea
                                4. Jack and Sam married (In this timeline The frat regs are abolished for SGC)

                                So what do you think Shippers?
                       thinks that sounds pretty darn good!!
                                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                                ~Amanda Tapping

