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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Okay, completely off-topic but way fun - The Game episode in Atlantis
    John Sheppard and Rodney McKay go head-to-head in an Atlantis computer game, where they each develop SIMS-style villages on opposite sides of a river in competition with one another. For two years now McKay has been pushing his town ("Geldar") to develop technologically, and as a personal touch fashions their leader character, a beautiful woman named Nola, to look a bit like Samantha Carter.

    They love me. And it's such an accurate description! hehehe


      Guys here's a fanfic by Telkena called "Left Out". It rated "M" but it has some very moving scenes between Jack and Sam.


        Is there maybe a site where you can get and/or leave Jack-Sam related fanfic challenges specifically? Not just general challanges, but really Jack-Sam specific. Because a while ago I did find one but that was general, and ended up having more challanges for Jack-Daniel (friendship).


          Originally posted by Sasusc
          I've read some Cassie and Jonas fics, never with Major Davis. Yes, there's a difference in the age, but then again, I don't care. I'm of the opinion that Cam is 35-40 years old. Cassie would be in her early 20s. Doesn't bother me. I'm weird. I ship other couples with a slighter bigger age gap. Okay, need to get back on topic!
          Originally posted by Oma-1
          Me too! Check it out.

          Me + RDA = 20 year age gap.

          Ok I'm pathetic

          Me+ RDA = 14 but I think I'm the same age as AT so I can live with that.

          But I'm 4+ my hubby!!!!!
          This is great.
          I told ya.
          I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
          Well, let's not dwell.


            Okay, how old is RDA? I have a feeling he's younger than my husband...


              Originally posted by Nolamom
              Okay, how old is RDA? I have a feeling he's younger than my husband...

              I think RDA is 55/56.


                He's perfect then. My hubster is 59 an is 11 years older than that would make him just about 6 yrs... yummmm


                  Originally posted by Nolamom
                  Okay, how old is RDA? I have a feeling he's younger than my husband...

                  I just checked his web page. It says...
                  "Richard was born on January 23, 1950 in Minneapolis, Minnesota." So he'd be 56.

                  And in S5 "Entity" I interpret his badge to show Jack was born on 20/10/52 – so October 20, 1952.

                  Amanda’s website says she was born “Born in Rochford, Essex in England on August 28,”. They didn’t list the year. But I think I remember reading once somewhere that she was born in 1965. I can certainly be wrong about this. Has anyone else come across this? If she was born in '65 then she's going to be 41 this month.

                  And in S5 "Entity" I interpret her badge to show Sam was born on 29/12/68 – so December 29, 1968.

                  It's hard to tell exactly since the badges in that camera scene are cut in half...I suppose that was purposeful?

                  So, that’s what a…15 year difference in reality and 16 year difference on the show?

                  But hey, RDA dated Terri Hatcher and Katarina Witt and I think they’re around my age – 40….so what the hey?

                  Just FYI Daniel's badge looked like 04/01/65 - so January 4, 1965. And, didn't Daniel say he was only like 2 or 3 in the epi "1969." So many fics have Daniel being referred to as Sam's younger brother type...well, maybe only in actions...but it bugs me. I like to think that Sam and I are the same age.
                  Last edited by GateSeeker2; 06 August 2006, 10:10 AM.
                  This is great.
                  I told ya.
                  I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                  Well, let's not dwell.


                    *runs into thread*


                    Not seen you in far too long! How's things?

                    *runs away to lurk again*
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                      Amanda’s website says she was born “Born in Rochford, Essex in England on August 28,”. They didn’t list the year. But I think I remember reading once somewhere that she was born in 1965. I can certainly be wrong about this. Has anyone else come across this? If she was born in '65 then she's going to be 41 this month.
                      I'm pretty sure she was born in '65.


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        I don't agree with you that they would be charged with TREASON if they broke the non-frat regs. And, if this were real life, in most cases, unless it affected the work they did, they wouldn't get anything at all. "Don't ask, don't tell." The worst they could get is a court martial and a dishonorable discharge. But then, Hammond would never let that happen.

                        Even the US military wouldn't be so insane as to sentence two people to death for being in love!

                        I never said they would be committing treason. I said that the other officers in Shades of Gray committed treason. Check out the post I responded to and it'll makes sense. Um and to be honest, I'm not really sure where you got that I thought they were committing treason :: looks extremely confused :: They definitely wouldn't get the "don't ask, don't tell" - like I said before (and I have a previous post that links to military regs), they would be counseled to break off the relationship. Court martial wouldn't likely happen because there are ten million things that would happen before them and I doubt, character consistency-wise, that they would ruin their careers over it.
                        Last edited by Nynaeve506; 06 August 2006, 10:37 AM.


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          *runs away to lurk again*

                          No...stay...don't run away...stay with me and play!!!

                          I'm doing well. Life is hectic...well real life alternate universe Stargate life has slowed down significantly - missions through the gate have been restricted - can't find the time to write.... trying to though.

                          How have you been? Did you lurk back to the Thread because of your overwhelming love and need for S/J ship?
                          This is great.
                          I told ya.
                          I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                          Well, let's not dwell.


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            In WOO he tells Hammond he's retiring and boom he's kissing Sam. My point is in RL it wouldn't be okay that quick would it? (Of course, it's a funny ep for the most part so maybe that's why it was allowed by the AF advisors).

                            Nope, here's the transcript:
                            Colonel, what are you doing out of uniform?

                            [O'Neill looks at his watch.]

                            Handing you my resignation.

                            [Hammond looks at him, shocked. Carter stands up.]

                            Resigning, what for?

                            Resigning and retiring are extremely different. Hope that clears it up.
                            Last edited by Nynaeve506; 06 August 2006, 10:30 AM.


                              I can't believe I'm going to miss "200". I'll be back home visiting the parents and family and there's NO CABLE in their universe!!!!!! What will I do???? There's also no more Internet - Daddy's system died and he's not had time to fix it. *double pout*
                              This is great.
                              I told ya.
                              I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                              Well, let's not dwell.


                                Originally posted by Rocketgal
                                OK, once again, it's not the AF rules keeping them apart. Yes there are rules, but it applies to the chain of command. Not what rank they are.
                                If the writers wanted them to be together, there were ways to do it.
                                If they can put Jack in charge of "Homeworld Security" they could have put him anywhere out of her chain of command.

                                I'm a AF vet and my husband is currently on his 23rd year in the AF as an SF. It's his job to know the regs backwards and forwards.
                                Either TPTB aren't using their AF tech advisor anymore, or the fellow needs a refresher course.

                                Yes, the writers could pull him out of the chain of command, but then how would he still be on the show? In this case, AF rules ARE keeping them apart because Jack is in the chain of command. Now logically they could retire him - after all they only "unretired" him so he could be part of the stargate program. Why would he go into another field? Why not just retire once and for all? I think that's the most "character consistent" thing to do.

