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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    On RDA and his appearances in SGA:


    I think when RDA said he'd come back a lot of the planning for the early shows had already taken place and presumably they wanted to make best use of his time by allowing him to film them all in one presumably where he ended up was where they were best able to include him in the storylines. Weir's hallucination of Earth and the whole human Replicator storyline lend themselves to using him in those.

    If there was a deliberate decision to use him in SGA rather than SG1, I can understand it. SG1 is having enough trouble juggling the old and new as it is without adding 3 more shows with RDA back into the mix (as much as fans would love for them to do it). SGA, on the other hand, gets the benefit of one of the major attractions of SG universe RDA pulling in viewers from SG1 who may not be regular viewers (I admit I only watch SGA sporadically but will tune in definitely for RDA's appearances). I would certainly have preferred him to have done 2 SGA, 3 SG1 personally.

    In terms of the crossovers, I agree that there should be limitation and S10 SG1/S3 SGA seems to be indulging in too much. It will be interesting to see at the end of the Seasons how well it worked or didn't. I have less of a problem with recurring characters being used where it makes sense to (Woolsey for instance and even Landry despite him being an SG1 reg).

    I think I did read a rumour that there was a Sam/Jack scene in Atlantis but as I can't remember where I read it maybe I dreamed it...we know Sam's crossing over a couple of times in Atlantis in their S3.

    In terms of RDA's 2nd SG1 appearance this season, I think they're holding off until they know more about whether they'll get S11; my theory is that if they don't, they'll use him in the final epi when they tie up all loose ends (including the ship) hopefully. If not who knows what they'll come up! I'm not getting my hopes up it will be ship-related.
    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


      After her near-kiss with Martouf, I don't believe Sam deserves Jack. If they did get together, I predict it won't be for long.


        Thank Trupi.My answer is
        give the Fans a reason to watch Live or watch period.That article just about confirms the ratings were bad for SG-1 and Atlantis.Why have we not seen an article on GateWorld regarding the ratings.What are TPTB hiding? Give us some real Sam/Jack Ship and some real drama and exciting episode.TPTB answer to everything is more Fans have to watch.IMO it's time for TPTB to stop crying about the ratings and do something to make things better.
        Last edited by ses110; 23 July 2006, 08:13 AM.


          You make very good points Rachel.I would just love to see
          some guest characters like Hailey Jonas or Charlie from the Retuu episode instead of Woolsey and Baal all the time.While I'm not crazy about the Ori IMO it defeats the purpose of trying to bring in Baal all the time.If the Ori are the main bad guys stick with the Ori and try to make it work with the Ori.It's like there is a power struggle going on with SciFi and Bridge as to the direction of the Show.


            Originally posted by trupi
            Guys----An interesting article from the Stargate News Thread:
            Interesting but how do they know who's taping/Tivo-ing in the general audience? NOT POSSIBLE. It's the Nielsen viewers that have to watch Live and stop the taping. The Nielsen viewers are the sample from which projections of numbers are made.

            How about this question to TPTB? Can you write the scripts that will bring viewers to the screen on Friday nights? PLUS in this day and age do you really expect folks to watch LIVE when we have electronic devices to record the shows for us to watch at our leisure?

            Gee, TPTB are seeming to place the responsibility on the audience to save the show BUT it is their responsibility to create shows that an audience will want to watch and support!!!

            OK, that issue aside.......I have NOT given up hope for some Ship this season!! C'mon, you know me I don't give up the Ship!!! However, now I wonder if the series will be renewed for 11?


              Excellent post Nell.IMO It's time for TPTB to look in the mirror and admit to the real problems.Time to pull up the bootstraps and get to work.Time for SciFi and Bridge to take a page from JJ Abrahams book and admit when something does not work and then go to work and fix it.You do not hear JJ say the Fans have to start watching.I love it now the downfall of SG-1 and Atlantis is because of TiVo.


                Let me temper my response to this Comic Con report with this....eventually all TV shows come to an END. The successful conclusion or the utter failure to know when to STOP a series rests on TPTB. Stargate's TPTB will have to make that decision based on alot of factors one of which is the ratings. Sometimes a series jumps the shark and there is no saving the show. Sometimes there may be a successful overhaul which is what TPTB attempted to do in Season 9. **cough cough** And I'm not even talking about the LACK of ship in last season but about the new characters out of sync with the storyline and the existing cast. Although, the last 2 episodes demonstrated that the TPTB have been noticeably and postively improving the new characters. Is that enough? It remains to be seen. But I predict the ratings skyrocket on both SG-1 and Atlantis on August 18. What's his name will be back!!! LOL!!!


                  I agree about August 18 nell but will that be enough? I think the Ori should team up with Tivo.Together the Ori and Tivo will rule the galaxy.Hallowed are the Tivo.

                  Last edited by ses110; 23 July 2006, 08:44 AM.


                    *happy sigh* i've been working hard to convert people to the stargate way, and i've got my friend converted (of course the first ep. i showed her was window of opportunity). now she's obsessed with michael shanks. but it was so discouraging last week, when i was surrounded with anti-stargate people. my other friend, who introduced me to the shipper way was there also, but it wasn't quite enough. now i can see all the shippiness that exists in the world and be happy once more.


                      @ Sarc Of course Sam deserves Jack.
                      She didn't try to kiss Martouf
                      It was Jolinar and IMHO she stopped just before Kvasir intervened on her own looking guilty and relieved.


                        Originally posted by samedi
                        Hey everybody,

                        I'm a old timer who had their computer die, I did msg last wk to say I was coming out of lurkdom but now I have my laptop I can rejoin the family, if you'll let me.
                        Like you were all saying can't I also can't believe its nearly been 10yrs wow! My mum was there right from the beginning but I couldnt get into it, then I watched I think it was TBFTGOG and I was hooked lol so in my summer hols I watched all the reruns on ch4 and become a huge shipper, even made us get sky so we could watch the premiere of season4 ohh the shippiness! hehe

                        well Im keeping optimistic about it all, well trying hehe thank heavens for reruns on sky one hehe.

                        hope everyone in the family is well! can't wait to see what they throw us in ep 200.


                        Welcome back!


                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          PLease tell me
                          she said "General O'Neill" and not Jack.
                          She said General O'Neill.



                            Originally posted by nell
                            Interesting but how do they know who's taping/Tivo-ing in the general audience? NOT POSSIBLE. It's the Nielsen viewers that have to watch Live and stop the taping. The Nielsen viewers are the sample from which projections of numbers are made.
                            I think ratings are a bunch of baloney. Not everyone is a Nielsen family, right? So how can they really know who watches and who doesn't? How do they know I have three TVs on in my house with SG on? Or maybe I have 5 people crammed into my tiny little room, or perhaps I'm alone. They can't possibly know. So it bugs me that ratings are such a big deal when they are never truly accurate.


                              Originally posted by ses110
                              I agree 1000% about the
                              crossovers.IMO SG-1 and Atlantis should have nothing to do with each other.They should be kept seperated.IMO it gives the impression that Atlantis cannot make it on it's own without SG-1.
                              Well sure they should have something to do with each other. Atlantis is a spin off of SG-1. Some of the same characters transferred over. So I don't have a problem when they crossover. To me it makes sense. What I have a problem with is using RDA to boost ratings. I mean why else use him on so many Atlantis episodes...unless they are afraid he'll make the newbies look bad on SG-1. He definitely should have been on more SG-1 episodes. They aren't using RDA's time well at all.


                                Hi A report from the Comic Con. Words from Joe Mallozzi durung panels. I have a list of things that I am not supposed to talk about,and he went to mention many thinga we had seen in spoilers. Then with a "Grin" he startes to mention another, stop, and implies that trouble will insue if he mentions it.
                                About the crossovers Joe Flanagan says that they have to be kept to a minimum.


