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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    The shippiest ep. for me is divide and conquer, cause that is the first time they said to eachother that they are in love. But there are so many other ep. that I find that are shippy.
    *Solitudes: the interaction between is just as friends but you see that they are growing towards eachother. They really are starting to know eachother, and that is the really good beginning of there love towards eachother
    *In the line of duty: here you see how much Jack cares for Carter. he just don't want to loose her. He just want her back like she always was. and when they are talking in the holding cell, you can see in his face what she means to him. And when she is laying on the ground after the ashrak, the way he touches her is so beautiful.
    *Message in a bottle: here you see how much Carter loves O'neill. it is in little details but they are really great.
    *out of mind/into the fire: the way he looks at her back. the way they hug eachother. The way the interacts with eachother is soooo much more than just friends.
    *point of view: Sam who is jalous on AU sam. what is greater and then the love from AU sam towards Jack.
    *a 100 days: the pain of Sam when she knows that the gate is burried. Ok jack isn't here to great but I love Sam in this ep (ok I know we already discussed that need to go in that again)
    *window of oppurtunity: the looks they gave eachother and the first kiss between jack and sam (ok there has been another kiss but that wasn't our sam)
    *Beneath the surface: here you see that even if they lost their memory they still go towards eachother and that they have feelings for eachother and that they always will be there for eachother. I love the scene where she put her head on his shoulder
    *Entity: the dispair of Jack if he knows what he has to do. he really has to shoot her. the looks in his eyes says enough. And the way he stays with her at her bed when they think she is dead.
    *Frozen: the end gives you the shivers. there you see that even Jack don't want a symbiote he does it for Sam
    *Paradise lost: the despair of Sam for losing Jack. she reacts to everyone that she wants him bad really fast
    *Methamorphis: Jack who take care of Carter in the holding cell, and the interaction between them is really great in that ep
    *grace: no need to go into that one I think. she really thinking about him and he feeling the lost of her not being around.
    *Lost city: the interaction between them of saying goodbye. not only at the end but almost in every scene they know that he will probably die.
    *gemini: just that one line finds it for me a shippy ep. Jack who says 'if only' about the fact that there are 2 sams. that says so much
    *threads: finally she says to pete what she already had to say in Chimera. That is really one of my favourites ep. I mean that whole ep. is so shippy. from Kerry who ask to Jack if the regs are the only thing that keep them apart. to the break up from sam with pete. the holding hands (and hug) if sam's father dies. the fishing together finally
    *Moebidus: well there is some great interaction between them. And also here you see that in every time line they like eachother

    I would have to agree with you. Those are probably the best ship episodes.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      Originally posted by AmberLM
      I know what you mean, they do seem to like to blame the USAF too much. I think any of the solutions you suggested pre-S8 wouldn't have been beneficial to the show but now I see no reason why they couldn't do one of your suggestions or something else entirely. You can correct me if I'm mistaken here but didn't they have the perfect opportunity to get around the frat regs when Sam was transferred to R&D and before Jack was transferred to Washington D.C.? They could have got married whilst Sam wasn't in Jack's chain of command... hmmm I think it's just wishful thinking on my part, we'll have to see what TPTB come up with in S10 I guess.

      Oh, and, for the record, that's 9.8 GB pence or £0.098!
      Your right, and I seem to recall when Weir was explaining the Homeworld Security Job, that R&D wasn't mentioned either.
      And to be fair to the TPTB, they could have just said that Sam was helping out in a galaxy far, far away to explain her absence. So they either were thowing shippers a bone or dangling a carrot with her out his chain of command.

      Was it made clear that Jack was the one retiring? I know they said a ceremony and Walter was teary eyed. Not to throw anymore confusion into the mix, but do we know how long Walter has been in service?

      Thank you LesleyP!


        As I said awhile back, I’ve always found Desperate Measures to be shippy. Jack and Harry’s conversation (“This is Carter we’re talking about.”). Then later when he finds her and asks if she’s okay and passes her his gun. I love that part.
        Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


          Honestly, if AT and RDA are in the same scene then it is shippy. I think that is one of the problems we had with season 9. Even little things that we could interpret one way or another weren't good enough since we couldn't see them together. I hope they take advantage of RDA's appearances this year. If he is in an episode then I want him to be in almost every scene. I need my RDA fix. Of course, the rest of the team can be there too.


            Isn't Ship Day on Friday, July 28th???

            Earlier, someone (Wynter??) said she'd have to miss it this weekend because of a wedding she had to attend.

            Please, someone, tell me it's July 28th!

            Speaking of which, I have a fic I'd like to post for Ship Day (It's written, edited, proofed, on disc, all set to go). NOW what do I do?

            Thank you!

            RDA Rocks!!!


              Originally posted by JMD
              Isn't Ship Day on Friday, July 28th???

              Earlier, someone (Wynter??) said she'd have to miss it this weekend because of a wedding she had to attend.

              Please, someone, tell me it's July 28th!

              Speaking of which, I have a fic I'd like to post for Ship Day (It's written, edited, proofed, on disc, all set to go). NOW what do I do?

              Thank you!

              RDA Rocks!!!
              Yes, it's July 28th.


                Originally posted by chelle db
                I thought that was the one when she returned she claimed to have a child but they all thought she was nuts and in the end they found the tot after finding letters that Sam had wriiten when she was away. I will try to find the title of that story and post it later.
                The title is "To Have and to Hold" and its written by Ruth M. King.


                  Not that I'm excited about tomorrow or that time now seems like it is dragging, but I am sooo bored.
                  Here's a pic...
                  Would ya, could ya somebody please add a caption to it.
                  Everything I came up with is lame!


                    just thought i'd put in my 5 cents about this fan fic stuff. My favourite at the moment is aftershocks written a member here i believe. whoever you are you rock and keep em coming.
                    Insert Witty Remark Here


                      Originally posted by Rocketgal
                      Not that I'm excited about tomorrow or that time now seems like it is dragging, but I am sooo bored.
                      Here's a pic...
                      Would ya, could ya somebody please add a caption to it.
                      Everything I came up with is lame!
                      Caption time (ok not that original I know but still)
                      Jack: and what do you think of it?
                      Carter: of what?
                      Jack: look up Carter, look at the sky
                      Carter: sorry sir I have something in my eye I can see nothing
                      Jack: FCOL... Carter I love you

                      and a BHK follows after it


                        Originally posted by Tor
                        just thought i'd put in my 5 cents about this fan fic stuff. My favourite at the moment is aftershocks written a member here i believe. whoever you are you rock and keep em coming.
                        You know I was having a lousy night and you cheered me right up! Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying Aftershocks.

                        Btw, love your Teal'c quote. I just love the moment he says that to Maybourne.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Originally posted by Rocketgal
                          Not that I'm excited about tomorrow or that time now seems like it is dragging, but I am sooo bored.
                          Here's a pic...
                          Would ya, could ya somebody please add a caption to it.
                          Everything I came up with is lame!
                          Great picture.

                          How about?

                          Little suspecting the magnetic North of the planet they were on didn't correspond to Earth and that he was actually looking West instead of East, O'Neill wondered where the F302 was that he had hired for his marriage proposal to Carter...


                          Teal'c was pleased that his test of the new F302 was going well.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by AmberLM
                            Re: why other TV shows don't have a problem with Frat regs

                            I think the simple reason that other shows get away with it is that they're not partly funded and endorsed by the United States Air Force (or whatever branch of the armed forces and/or police department they represent.) What goes for other shows won't wash for Stargate as they'd get their funding cut and I remember one of TPTB saying that if that happened they wouldn't be able to afford to buy all of the replica uniforms and weapons and stuff.

                            BTW have you ever noticed how rubbish other TV shows' military uniforms compared with Stargate's? I can't count the number of TV shows I've seen where the military members wear something that looks like it was bought from GAP! (I know Sam's black T-shirts come from 'Banana Republic' but the rest of her kit is surely official BDUs.)

                            Edited: I can't seem to type today!

                            JAG uniforms look pretty authentic, although I did read something C. Bell said that Mac's(and maybe those of other women) were altered a bit to be more, well I can't remember the word, glamorous, sexy, feminine? At any rate, they were shortened a bit and so on. But no tank tops that I remember.

                            I find it hard to believe the USAF is funding SG, advising, yes. Whew! My taxes at work.


                              Well, well, well........I finally have two days off in a row. That means I actually have time to do a little posting tonight. Let me tell you, sleep has become a luxury for me. Between my job, working on my sister's wedding(in three weeks) and throwing my meals and sleep in the cracks........I missed you all!!

                              Two pieces of good news: I recieved a raise!!!!! Also, I have now lost 61 lbs!!

                              Ok, done with the off-topic!

                              So, premiere night is tomorrow.....I haven't read the spoilers but, I'm sure this season is definately going to be interesting. I'm also really looking forward to my very first Ship Day!

                              Happy Posting
                              It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                                i'm not so sure its a case that the USAF was/is funding stargate, more that they are just supplying uniforms and weapons and such. remember when they sent troops over to iraq, some of them started to use different guns, and carter got this really bad ass looking gun that was made up of a combination of different weapons? thats because when they sent their troops off, they had to supply them with enough P90s too.

                                and i'll say again about the season 10 jack thing;

                                we have no proof or evidence to my knowledge to say that jack is retired or retiring. read my post from a page or two back. i'm too lazy to type it out again.

