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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    I understand your feelings.

    This is the transcript of that moment at the beginning of the episode...

    LAIRA: It begins this night each year.

    CARTER: Whoa. The same night every year? That doesn’t make sense. I mean, unless the planet’s orbit travels through a debris field like an asteroid belt, in which case…

    O’NEILL: Please. Don’t suck the fun out of this.

    CARTER: Sorry, Sir.

    He's definitely rude to her.

    I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach with all three episodes.
    Yes , it's quite rude .It's like he was nearly talking to a little kid for him /Her to shout up so that he could enjoy Laira talking some more
    But may be Jack is that kind of man with his women !!!..May be he is not the romantic type at all!!!!. I don't think that Jack knows how to handle a woman he really loves or at least Sam .

    What is strange is : He seemed to handle his ex-wife really well at the end of Cold Lazarus ..May be he can only be himself with someone he lived with and shared intimate moments with for a long time !!!

    So come on Jack , get Sam into bed , get to know her and show us what you are made of..we would like to see your soft side too .

    Last edited by Catysg1; 04 July 2006, 01:56 AM.


      happy 4th july

      and about the episode 100th days...i know there was liara in it..and i didn't like the actions of jack, i feel sorry for sam, i watched the episode three years ago and never ever saw it again, i don't like it. then i even prefer chimera for that episode.
      jack has to be with sam, not with Liara. and Sam has to be with Jack...please let them have a relation in S10


        Hey guys, thought I'd join in on the Laira topic Another reason why I think I dislike her so much is that she seemed to put her needs above Jack's. I think she basically had him backed in to a corner and Jack being a decent guy couldn't refuse, especially when he thought he might never see home again. Remember how she got rid of his uniform, even though he hadn't been stranded that long? I don't think she did it out of concern for him but that she wanted him to lose hope and think he'd never be rescued. She didn't want him to have any reminders of his old life and the people he really cared about. Also, when she heard voices on his radio, she delayed telling Jack which almost cost the life of Teal'c. Even non-shippers must have seen how manipulative she was.

        On a more positive topic - I was wondering what you guys thought about Jack covering Sam's hand in the briefing room for a split second in 'Moebius Part I'. I watched it again today and it seemed pretty deliberate to me. Where do you think their relationship was at at this point? I think they had already gone fishing in 'Threads' and even though they couldn't have been in a relationship maybe that had already come to some sort of understanding (Or maybe he just accidentally bumped her hand and my shippy mind is running away with me).

        Sorry if this question has already been asked


          i watched 100 days once and i cringed, got annoyed, and shouted at the tv. watching it once was enough, i have seasons 1-5 on dvd and that is the one episode on all of the dvd's that i havent and dont watch. i think that jack was awfully quick to move on and should have had more faith in sam and everyone else, that they would find a way to get him back. i just erase that episode from my memory. it doesnt exist

          sig by starlover1990


            Originally posted by scifi_girl
            i watched 100 days once and i cringed, got annoyed, and shouted at the tv. watching it once was enough, i have seasons 1-5 on dvd and that is the one episode on all of the dvd's that i havent and dont watch. i think that jack was awfully quick to move on and should have had more faith in sam and everyone else, that they would find a way to get him back. i just erase that episode from my memory. it doesnt exist
            I totally agree with you SFG! Jack should not have given in to Laira, and anyway why would he even want to go there when he knew there was someone like Sam back home working day and night to get him back. And yeah with Sam's track record for saving the day he should definitely have had faith that she'd find a way.

            I like to imagine he sometimes looks at Sam and thinks back to that time and shakes his head sayin 'What the hell was I thinking?!'

            You know, I think it was the water he drank from that lagoon near Laira's village, it looked like it had some weird mind altering algae floating on top of the water.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
              *Readies zat gun*

              Jack and....her...both did some things I didn't like. There was lots of yelling involved. I feel sorry for Sam...poor thing. (((Sam))) Jack should have known that Sam, the dedicated, loyal friend(and certified genius she is), would have found a way to get him back. And...her...asking Jack to have a baby with her...she already had a kid, that's what I say. And it was her kid's fault Jack got stuck on the planet anyway... Of course her son wouldn't have been hiding in the cave if Daniel and Teal'c hadn't said anything about the ancestors staying there. It's all their fault!

              *turns zat on Danny Boy and T-Man*
              Yeah...I think Sam got the raw end of the stick in that one. Jack gave up and moved on far too quickly and the only thing I didn't like about Laira was when she delayed telling Jack about hearing Sam on the radio. I think that ep finished far to quickly too...they should have shown how Sam dealt with the situation back on Earth...there should have been closure but we were left hanging..even the following ep Shades of Grey was rushed and poor Sam was kicked in the face by Jack again...he owes her big time!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Good night shipper family!!! I'm off to bed. Sweet shippy dreams all!!!

                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  So I was going to post this for Ship Day, but I hate how it turned out, so I decided to post it now and make a different one for Ship Day!

                  Its a Sam/Jack ( is there any other kind?! ) vid to Making Memories of us by Keith Urban.




                    Originally posted by GaterGeek
                    So I was going to post this for Ship Day, but I hate how it turned out, so I decided to post it now and make a different one for Ship Day!

                    Its a Sam/Jack ( is there any other kind?! ) vid to Making Memories of us by Keith Urban.




                      again I have some catching up to do... 4 pages in a few hours... that is great... I love it.

                      Originally posted by Oma-1
                      lol... That is just to great to see... and true that would be so more better, if that had happened we all would love chimera.
                      But really I am an optimist. If I hear all you guys...


                        Originally posted by GaterGeek
                        So I was going to post this for Ship Day, but I hate how it turned out, so I decided to post it now and make a different one for Ship Day!

                        Its a Sam/Jack ( is there any other kind?! ) vid to Making Memories of us by Keith Urban.



                        Why don't you like your video ?!! It's nice and full of tension lovely clips

                        Self promotion .I made tons of videos (Sam and Jack) and others ..See link in my signature below



                          Originally posted by Oma-1
                          I seem to be on a roll here

                          Hopes and Dreams Wallpaper

                          Edit: Gah, it's shrunk! Gotta go fix it ....

                          That's better Oh, and while I'm here ....

                          OOH that are some really great wallpapers... that makes me want to season 10. Come on it isn't that long anymore but still... I am starting to get very impatiant... and I hope I will not be dissapointed.


                            Originally posted by chelle db
                            I absolutley agree with you. It's gotta be our Sam and Jack. I don't think we'll get we want cos that would just be too good to be true and you know what they say about that cliche...if it's too good to be true then it probably is! Did that make sense? DoH!
                            Why are we assuming it's a AR/AU thing...I thought that the quantum mirror was gone for good and
                            that what happened in Ripple Effect with AR/AU was a fluke

                            If so..I can't see how it can be a AR/AU's gotta be for real!!! That's if there actually is ship in season 10. Dang!! I hate waiting..I'm soooo impatient..I need to know now!!!!!

                            Oh yeah...Hi everyone!!!
                            Happy 4th July!!!
                            You did not just say that did you? There is going to be a ship thingie in season 10. It has to be... I mean there has to be some ship in season 10. RDA is back so... it can't be that ther will not be a ship thing in it. Even if it is a look a touch,... it will be worth it. But a BHK that would be great. That would make up for season 9 and for Pete and all the other woman/men the both have had.


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              We are the shippers
                              Hear us roar
                              All for Sam and Jack
                              Down to our core

                              Don't ignore us
                              Or pull our strings
                              Give us BHKs
                              And wedding rings

                              No more Lairas
                              Narims or Petes
                              No more AUs
                              But something concrete

                              If you fail
                              In Season 10
                              Be prepared to
                              Hear the din

                              You won't get
                              A moment's rest
                              Don't ever put shippers
                              To the test

                              A hug, a kiss
                              Something real
                              If you want
                              Our continued zeal

                              We are the shippers
                              Hear us roar
                              Sam and Jack
                              Forever more.

                              Couldn't green you for that but love your post...And now the hope is that someone will isten to it... and give us a season that we really disurve and would like


                                Originally posted by hopalong
                                You know, I seem to be in a minority here. I can actually handle episodes like '100 days', 'Chimera' and 'Affinity'. I'm not entirely sure why. Sure, there are some moments that I find cringeworthy, but on the whole, those eps dont bother me that much. I actually made a post here a while back sort of defending Jack's actions in '100 Days' (which I won't post again; same with my analysis of why the whole situation was necessary).

                                Perhaps it's because I see these stories for what they are: necessary steps for Jack and Sam to take to realise just what they mean to each other, and I have the utmost confiddence that our ship will make it some day (although the waiting may kill us!).

                                Love the poem L.A. Doyle, and the wallpapers Oma! Unfortunately, photo bucket wouldn't open so I could't see Starflight's. I'll have to look them up when I get back to TAFE.

                                Speaking of wallpapers, here's the latest in the 'Always' series

                                Thanks for all the green and compliments on the last one.

                                Speaking of green, I must figure out the meaning of all that someday.

                                Oh and...

                                Happy 4th July!
                                No I agree with you... there has to be some of those eps just for them so they can see how much they really love eachother. I mean if Sam wasn't planning he wedding with Pete, she had never been to her mind about what she really felt for Jack. She would just have going like they did before she met Pete. They would just being attracted to eachother but never told eachother how much they mean for eachother. Because of Pete, Sam knew that the one and only guy for her was Jack. She knew at that moment that she could never be with anyone else that Jack. And it had to be serious with Pete to realise that, If it wasn't serious she would never had seen what Jack ment for her because she would never have thinked about her feelings for Pete or for Jack.

                                Nice Wallpaper

                                and to all the American: happy 4th of July

                                and to everyone who reached a milestone: congrats

