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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Lizlove
    Do you have another link for them because her site is under construction. It's been awhile now

    And speaking of deleted scenes, did any of you saw the deleted scene with Sam and Jack in Convenant? It was a good part!
    i've seen some of them on youtube, posted by other people i think *tut tut*, but i don't know anywhere else apart from the site


      Originally posted by docker22
      i just went into the anti shipper page by mistake, ewww, not good.
      ahhhhhhhhh thats better.
      Poor you! I don't have the courage (or restraint!) to go in there so I avoid it at all costs!
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        13 guests are lurking... there are a lot of them... can't blame them this topic is so great


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          13 guests are lurking... there are a lot of them... can't blame them this topic is so great
          maybe we should offer a free sam or jack clone to every new member
          that would be enough to get me to join up anywhere.

          sig made by Samjackshiplover


            Originally posted by docker22
            maybe we should offer a free sam or jack clone to every new member
            that would be enough to get me to join up anywhere.
            good idea... just a question can I get one to?? I mean I am rather new so... And I was one of them so...


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              good idea... just a question can I get one to?? I mean I am rather new so... And I was one of them so...
              ummm..... well........ hows about an i know its not a clone, but you can put it in your pocket,lol, and who doesn't love an action jack.

              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                Oh this is so funny, its some outtakes of Rick doing a behind the scenes special for stargate. i love outtakes

                Go to


                click on

                S.O.A.P. Video Index

                then click on

                Stargate SG-1 : Timeline to the Future - DVD version

                (the outtakes are about half way through)

                i love a good giggle
                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                  Ok I just watched Chimera... don't ask... I love the scene in the elevator... how uncomfortable.
                  But I was wondering If Jack and sam went on a date togheter where would they go out? and what would they do?


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    just thinking about a scene I saw 1000 times (ok maybe not that much but still...) probably every shipper likes it but still...
                    avenger 2.0: when they are testing the weapon the little jump sam does at the end towards jack... how addorable... I mean she looks for safety with him...
                    and also from avenger 2.0: the dream of Felger at the end where Sam and Chloe are fighting... and the face of jack saying that he likes it (ok it was just a dream of Felger but still...)
                    I have a couple of pics of that scene in Avenger 2.0. they're not very clear because there's a lot of smoke in the lab, but you can see Sam grab Jack and hold on.



                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      I have a couple of pics of that scene in Avenger 2.0. they're not very clear because there's a lot of smoke in the lab, but you can see Sam grab Jack and hold on.

                      heehee I would have done that too if I were her especiallly for fear of thesparks but certainly just to grab him heehee

                      I definitely enjoy the subtle shippy moments and always will like random hand touches which are most likely Rick added just for acting purposes but aren't usually meant for shippiness, but I love them yayay


                      sig by chlex


                        Wow pages and pages of posts to catch up I'm loving all these shippy moments that I had never noticed. I'm definately going to be watching more carefully from now on. No ogling at Jack concentration tuned for shippy moments.

                        The abyss trailer was brilliant they should hire this guy.




                          sig by chlex


                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                            Ok I just watched Chimera... don't ask... I love the scene in the elevator... how uncomfortable.
                            But I was wondering If Jack and sam went on a date togheter where would they go out? and what would they do?

                            They would go Bowling
                            Have a dinner
                            and then Dessert. and I don't mean jelly either or Jello, what ever you call it.


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              Ok I just watched Chimera... don't ask... I love the scene in the elevator... how uncomfortable.
                              But I was wondering If Jack and sam went on a date togheter where would they go out? and what would they do?
                              you mean...not fishing? there's something else?! oh, ok. hang gliding (to hang glide). or a night under the stars somewhere in the Rockies (to...observe). or O'Malley's (to eat). what?! they're diverse! sounds like fun, actually.
                              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                                Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                                Oh this is so funny, its some outtakes of Rick doing a behind the scenes special for stargate. i love outtakes

                                Go to


                                click on

                                S.O.A.P. Video Index

                                then click on

                                Stargate SG-1 : Timeline to the Future - DVD version

                                (the outtakes are about half way through)

                                i love a good giggle
                                I downloaded the Timeline one but I didn't see any outtakes in it! I have to say tho, man, RDA is hot! I could so listen to that guy read the phone book! *thunk* OK, I'm tired of waiting now, I want Jack back pronto! (Is it wrong that I fancy the pants off a guy that's 38 years older than me?)

                                OT: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers had the right idea in an interview but he had the wrong person: "Who's the guy that every girl in the world fancies regardless of their age? George Clooney!" - sorry, Johnny, I think you meant RDA!
                                Last edited by AmberLM; 13 June 2006, 02:12 PM.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

