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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    i'm planning on investing in one of those all in one scanner/printer/copiers soon because my scanner is probably nearing 10 years old by now and i hate my printer and it hates me. if eats up the ink and the ink costs a small fortune for it. if anyone can recommend a good one, then please let me know. right now i'm torn between canon, HP, or lexmark. the decision pretty much goes on quality vs ink costs. if i really want to print something in good photo quality i can keep the printer i have now and save it for printing the good stuff, if it happens to be in the mood at the time.

    we now return you to your regulary shipping.

    (i'm pretty sure i stole this from someone here some time ago, so if anyone knows who made it, or wants to own up to it let me know so i can credit you)
    I have the HP scanner/copier/printer/camera ready one
    the model number is

    hp2175 far its been pretty good
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      Every time I read a well done Fanfiction I get riled up and think WHY OH WHY can't the PTB read these...*sigh* ...yes I know why...but sometimes it seems like the fans know the characters better then the writers. And not ALL Fan Fiction is over the top in the romance dept.

      While I really don't hope that the show is winding down...since I really do want Ben and Claudia to have a chance to do some good things in the SG universe. I will still stand sqarely on my *Soap-Box* and holler for new writers.... I know we have gotten a couple in the last few years but when we as fans can name of the Episodes that this or that was already done in then its time for the present PTB to take a step back and really evaluate themselves.

      The SG1 and SGA audience is extremely intelligent and we pay atention to details. TPTB say they know this but all too often they don't put that knowledge into practice. Situations that really do not eed to be spelled out are spelled out and situations that lose alot in the translation by being vague are left vague. Then TPTB are sitting there wandering why are the fans so annoyed over THAT ...we left it alone and allowed them to make their own conclusion. Unfortunately the things they choose to do that to are normally *Flash points* within the Fandom and it just makes the PTB look wishy washy

      Both RCC and Brad Wright have written wonderful episodes in the past, that Kudo can not be taken away from them But its time for new ideas and new *out of the box* thinkers to take over IF they want SG1 or even SGA to keep moving forward.

      As much as it pains me to say it...they are stuck in a time where the show was in its *Heyday* and they keep re-writing those episodes ...why??? because they worked...but they will stop working once we have seen them 5 times 5 different ways on the two shows.

      Now having said all that.. This is the very reason I have some trepidation regarding RDA's return. These guys are stuck in a rut of sorts and they get to thinking *Oh we can't do that...we'll be idiots since we should have done it already* so instead they will look over what worked already and re-do it AGAIN....

      spoiler for Episode 200

      this is supposed to be an episode that plays off of Wormhole Extreme. WHY??? becuase alot of fans thought it was funny and it worked at the time.
      and to me the very reason they are even doing this is because they really are scared to step out of the box. New Blood on the writing might or might not make a difference ..I say this because RCC and Brad still have final say and if they are not willing to spread their wings even further or color outside the lines and PUSH the Network Execs into something new then the problem will always remain even if there is new blood.

      Look at the premise of season 10.... um watch BSG lately fellas.... I seem to recall this being a HUGE factor in that story line for Season 2.

      So when I look at ALL of that....I just can't see how Sam & Jack getting together will be the Make or Break issue that it sometimes sounds like it is

      overall Sam & Jack are just a small cog in this huge wheel

      alrighty then...I didn't realize I had so much to say
      yeah i pretty much agree with you here.

      i was never a fan of farscape, but i see potential for vala's characters if they write her right. and i see potential for mithcell if they address where they went wrong with him in season 9 and start to develop him in to a great character from there. although given their past history for addressing issues with characters i'm not sure this will happen and as i understand it (from my experience on GW) there are a lot of people out there who don't see any problems with his character.

      i want those characters incorportated well into the show that i already love though, i don't want them to take over it. if they want to do this, then they may as well have cancelled the show and done another spin off.

      i dont' see a reason why the show should start to wind down if they can keep it going as well as they did for the first 8 years, and even if they can keep it up to the standard of season 9 (assuming they improve on a few teething problems with new characters) i'll be pretty happy. i had a few issues with season 9, but i still enjoyed it for the most part. i stopped recording atlantis half way through the season, but recorded sg1 from start to end. of course i've only watched 3 episodes again since it aired.

      now back on topic, i see no reason why the show shouldn't be able to continue, and it seems to me to be a somewhat defeatist attitude to say, well the show is on its way out, but it seems that this is the kind of attitude we've been getting of late.

      i see no reason why they can't incorporate the newbies with the establishedies, and make a great show blending both old elements and new, including S/J ship.

      if it ain't broke don't fix it, but they also shouldn't let themselves get stuck in a rutt. which is why i believe they should say once and for all that S&J are actually together, instead of leaving it in the limbo that its been in for years now. while i do think that they are actually together now, i see no reason why they can't make the odd reference to it now and then. its not going to interfere with the evolution of what has been and hopefully will continue to be a great show.

      uummm, ditto on the yakking. i seem to be pretty chatty tonight.


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        I have the HP scanner/copier/printer/camera ready one
        the model number is

        hp2175 far its been pretty good
        cool, thank you. i shall check it out.


          I agree with Stargate Barbie that the closing scene in both "Threads" and "Moebius" part two was what the fans asked for and what they received. You could interpret them any way you wanted to interpret them (especially, I suppose, if you were one of those sad, forlorn anti-shipper types). But the meaning of those scenes was crystal clear.

          TPTB were faced with a problem in that RDA was leaving the show. Knowing RDA was leaving, we're lucky we got that particular ending in Season Eight. (TWICE!!!) They could have done far, far worse! But now we have RDA back and we have some reason to be guardedly optimistic.

          I think we should try to find out as much as possible about the second half of Season Ten because that's "where it's at."

          Is there any chance RDA might do more in Season Ten then we've been told?


            Originally posted by JMD
            I agree with Stargate Barbie that the closing scene in both "Threads" and "Moebius" part two was what the fans asked for and what they received. You could interpret them any way you wanted to interpret them (especially, I suppose, if you were one of those sad, forlorn anti-shipper types). But the meaning of those scenes was crystal clear.

            TPTB were faced with a problem in that RDA was leaving the show. Knowing RDA was leaving, we're lucky we got that particular ending in Season Eight. (TWICE!!!) They could have done far, far worse! But now we have RDA back and we have some reason to be guardedly optimistic.

            I think we should try to find out as much as possible about the second half of Season Ten because that's "where it's at."

            Is there any chance RDA might do more in Season Ten then we've been told?
            have they even started to film the second half of the season yet? that is usually IMO when the show does its best work in recent years, or at least in season 7 and 8.

            i guess we'll find out when it airs. spoilers can only do so much. anyone remember the grace kiss comin' out of nowhere? yowza!


              Originally posted by Oma-1

              Just to clarify a couple of my earlier posts, I don't want to see a bed scene between Sam & Jack (I'm way too old fashioned for that as well, Mary ). I want a definitve moment that can't be misinterpreted, denied, explained away or ignored completely. A BHK would be good
              we *need* a scene and piece of dialog that is not ambiguous in any way, shape, or form, so it's 100 PERCENT sure that sam and jack are together and in a relationship! we really need this.

              as for the bed scene; i don't *need* it, but i'd LOVE to see them getting it on! doesn't have to be in a bed, just a scene of them being passionate. remember how HOT it was when sam and jack kissed in 'grace'? whether it was 'real' or not, THAT'S the way i want to see our sam and jack!! is it getting hot in here?

              I really do want to see a wedding - not the cheesy type of thing from a soap opera, maybe even not the ceremony itself ..... thinking ..... I do want evidence of a wedding though cos afterall, Ry'ac got one! .....
              again, don't *need* a wedding, but i'd LOVE one. whether joe mallozzi thinks the sam/jack thang isn't a love story, i *do* (and i'd imagine most shippers do). doesn't mean the entire show is all about the sam/jack luv thang, but it still IS a lovely romantic backdrop to a scifi show. so i'd love for them to get married, since i see them as lovers of the mind and soul as much as i want them of the body too. i see them as soulmates.

              How about they're making preparations for the ceremony in the gateroom ...


              i love your idea!




                Originally posted by seldear
                You know, that would seriously rock if they did that. They could even skip the whole 'looking at the wedding' dress scene and just have everyone allude to it.

                So, early on the ep, we'd have Daniel asking Jack, "So how's the planning--?" "Don't ask?" "That well?" "Daniel, did you hear the part where I said not to ask?"

                Later, Daniel brings it up with Sam. "So, you've got...things arranged?" "No." "Oh?" "Daniel, this isn't a good time."

                And at the end of the episode, whatever issue came up is resolved and Jack turns to Sam and says, "We should elope." And Sam's expression says it all.

                End of episode.


                If that happened, I'd be calling certain people up (trans-Pacific) and yelling "SQUEE!" down the phone line.


                i'd love that too!




                  Originally posted by Anubis15
                  I believe that sam and Jak should get married hav litte sams and jaks, running around there house. It would be a change for the normal get lets go kill the ori or lets kill the Gol-ud or even we have to help the Tok'ra

                  lets be toghter for ever

                  love that too!

                  the o'neill-carter household: kids--> <--kids

                  Last edited by majorsal; 18 May 2006, 05:20 PM.



                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    i got this:

                    Foreplay... with intent!

                    seems to fit my personality to a tee.


                    ps - i tried to copy the 'code' thing that that site said, but it came out all weird. i just used the pic. i'm not even sure i hyper-linked it? how did you get your code? - (edited to add - thanks to whoever gave the instructions for copying the code, it worked! )
                    Well, of course you got that! I wouldn't have expected anything less -- tee-hee!!!


                      Thanks, Paradox Realities!!!

                      Woo Hoo!!! SQUEE!!! This is my 2500 Post!!!



                        Originally posted by nell
                        Thanks, Paradox Realities!!!

                        Woo Hoo!!! SQUEE!!! This is my 2500 Post!!!

                        Congrats on 2500 Nell!
                        Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Situations that really do not eed to be spelled out are spelled out and situations that lose alot in the translation by being vague are left vague. Then TPTB are sitting there wandering why are the fans so annoyed over THAT ...we left it alone and allowed them to make their own conclusion.
                          Frankly, most people I've spoken to off-line (largely casual viewers who describe Stargate as: "the Star Trek show with MacGyver in it" *facepalm*) see Sam/Jack as clear as day. A woman who'd only watched to season three with her kids asked me, "So what was the deal with the main guy and the blonde woman? Are they seeing each other?"

                          For most casual viewers who don't care about pairings or relationships and are watching as a casual show, Sam and Jack are together as of the finale of Season Eight.

                          Fans might be annoyed over the lack of 'resolution' to Sam/Jack, but when are fans not annoyed over something that they think should have been elaborated on when it wasn't? The nature of fans is to observe and criticise when things don't go the way we want them to; yes - and to read more into interactions than may actually be there.

                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          Both RCC and Brad Wright have written wonderful episodes in the past, that Kudo can not be taken away from them But its time for new ideas and new *out of the box* thinkers to take over IF they want SG1 or even SGA to keep moving forward.
                          I think they could definitely do with some new writers and ideas, particularly when it comes to Atlantis since they seem to have fallen back into the trap of 'military hero and scientific genius, plus two extras'. And at least two SGA episodes this season were rewrites of SG-1 episodes. But until/unless it happens? We have what we have and our best hope is to live with it and write fanfic.

                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          The SG1 and SGA audience is extremely intelligent and we pay atention to details. TPTB say they know this but all too often they don't put that knowledge into practice.
                          I think they do put that knowledge into practise at times; it's not always how one might like to see it, but some parallels made from episode to episode - and even from show to show - are inescapable.



                            Shoot! The first episode I ever saw, I thought they should be together. The chemistry is SO there. It's natural between them. That's what makes it work!


                              Originally posted by Terrah
                              I don't want them to be married yet (although it wouldn't worry me too much if they were) I do think they are together, well they better be FCOL.
                              I do think we are going to get something in ep 200, BHK the works, but (Yes there's always a but, will it be real, somehow i think they are going to mess with us

                              What do I want for s10. Oh I'm gonna say it. Sex LOL, wanna see them rip each others clothes off and why the hell not. We have seen them in bed with other people, so why not
                              Sam and Jack
                              In the Sack.

                              There! I've said it.
                              Me too! Me too!

                              I want the BHK, and I want to know that they are moving forward in an adult relationship.

                              And, because different opinions are fun here, I really do think they would be in a serious relationship almost immediately. After all, there's no "getting to know you" period, and they're adults. This is something they've both wanted for a long, L-O-N-G time.

                              I only knew my husband for about eight months before we got married.....and we've been together almost 23 years now. So.....maybe that's why I think Sam & Jack would be serious and/or married within less than a year.

                              But hey.....just so they finally get together.....I don't care how they do it!!!

                              + =


                                Originally posted by stargate barbie
                                yeah i pretty much agree with you here.

                                i was never a fan of farscape, but i see potential for vala's characters if they write her right. and i see potential for mithcell if they address where they went wrong with him in season 9 and start to develop him in to a great character from there. although given their past history for addressing issues with characters i'm not sure this will happen and as i understand it (from my experience on GW) there are a lot of people out there who don't see any problems with his character.

                                i want those characters incorportated well into the show that i already love though, i don't want them to take over it. if they want to do this, then they may as well have cancelled the show and done another spin off.

                                i dont' see a reason why the show should start to wind down if they can keep it going as well as they did for the first 8 years, and even if they can keep it up to the standard of season 9 (assuming they improve on a few teething problems with new characters) i'll be pretty happy. i had a few issues with season 9, but i still enjoyed it for the most part. i stopped recording atlantis half way through the season, but recorded sg1 from start to end. of course i've only watched 3 episodes again since it aired.

                                now back on topic, i see no reason why the show shouldn't be able to continue, and it seems to me to be a somewhat defeatist attitude to say, well the show is on its way out, but it seems that this is the kind of attitude we've been getting of late.

                                i see no reason why they can't incorporate the newbies with the establishedies, and make a great show blending both old elements and new, including S/J ship.

                                if it ain't broke don't fix it, but they also shouldn't let themselves get stuck in a rutt. which is why i believe they should say once and for all that S&J are actually together, instead of leaving it in the limbo that its been in for years now. while i do think that they are actually together now, i see no reason why they can't make the odd reference to it now and then. its not going to interfere with the evolution of what has been and hopefully will continue to be a great show.

                                uummm, ditto on the yakking. i seem to be pretty chatty tonight.
                                Well I do think some things are broke....BUT moving along in the S&J story line could go A LONG WAY ... By letting everyone KNOW DEFINITIVELY that Sam & Jack are together in whatever way....we know a couple of things will have to happen

                                1) Sam will NOT be used as the *love of the week*
                                2) Sam can concentrate on being part of the team and NOT the *girl*

                                I guess those are kind of the same thing but that has rankled my chaps for the longest time. They were so intent on not making Sam *Jack's girl* that they made her everyone else's girl

                                and I would like to see her character grow up and the only way I see that happening is for Sam & Jack to also move on in their relationship in order take her off the market so to speak.
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

