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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by shelsfc
    I would't buy the secret marraige at all... way too much of a cop out. Also, I wouldn't like to think they'd kept it a secret from Teal'c & Daniel - Daniel would have to be best man you see. And Teal'c would have to sing at the wedding...
    As for
    the near kiss in RE, what were they thinking???? That was such a stupid thing to do. Even if she wasn't with Jack, she did at least imply she was with someone. Even if she had, as you said, seemed to regret it, that would have been something...

    you know how i want the season to end?

    this is purely playing and NO spoilers hinting at anything...

    there's some scene were sam is afraid she's going to die. she grabs her dogtags to make sure they're on. we, the viewers, see the tags. the name reads 'samantha carter-o'neill'. no words are spoken, she just tucks the tags back into her shirt and smiles for a moment.

    sqeeing goes 'round the world. satellites exlode.

    can you imagine ending the season with a scene like that? can you imagine how happy the shippers would be?

    i won't even begin to hope for something that sweet and lovely, , but it was nice to pretend for a moment.




      Originally posted by SqueeG-1
      That really sucks. Why are we here if it's not for fun and interesting discussions?
      Magnets! (translation: Exactly!)

      This thread is usually a really fun place to be. Sometimes we get a bit down (hardly surprising considering the state of ship in S9 and lack of RDA) but mostly we revell in the S/J relationship and have fun discussing it (or thinking of more ways to kill off ). Sometimes it just helps me to have a break for a while and come back with batteries re-charged, having read lots of shippy fics and watched the old classic eps


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        Magnets! (translation: Exactly!)

        This thread is usually a really fun place to be. Sometimes we get a bit down (hardly surprising considering the state of ship in S9 and lack of RDA) but mostly we revell in the S/J relationship and have fun discussing it (or thinking of more ways to kill off ). Sometimes it just helps me to have a break for a while and come back with batteries re-charged, having read lots of shippy fics and watched the old classic eps
        Thank goodness for DVDs and all the wonderful writers out there. Otherwise I might be off sobbing in a corner.

        But from what I hear, the negativity isn't just limited to this thread. Some people were complaining just yesterday about how different the posting has been for the last half a year or so. I haven't been here that long, so I don't have anything to compare it to - but if figured they knew what they were talking about.
        Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


          Originally posted by majorsal
          you know how i want the season to end?

          this is purely playing and NO spoilers hinting at anything...

          there's some scene were sam is afraid she's going to die. she grabs her dogtags to make sure they're on. we, the viewers, see the tags. the name reads 'samantha carter-o'neill'. no words are spoken, she just tucks the tags back into her shirt and smiles for a moment.

          sqeeing goes 'round the world. satellites exlode.

          can you imagine ending the season with a scene like that? can you imagine how happy the shippers would be?

          i won't even begin to hope for something that sweet and lovely, , but it was nice to pretend for a moment.

          Uh-huh. *nodding vigourously* Happy shippers we would be I think at this point I'd settle for anything that showed Really, ANYTHING! Anything at all. Even just a hint! PleasepleasepleasePLEASEplease! (PTB - Don't make me beg anymore, it's not pretty.)

          I really like the idea of Sam being "Colonel O'Neill". There would be such good mileage out of the name alone, never mind the obvious reminder of Jack at his best every time someone addressed her as such.


            Originally posted by SqueeG-1
            Thank goodness for DVDs and all the wonderful writers out there. Otherwise I might be off sobbing in a corner.

            But from what I hear, the negativity isn't just limited to this thread. Some people were complaining just yesterday about how different the posting has been for the last half a year or so. I haven't been here that long, so I don't have anything to compare it to - but if figured they knew what they were talking about.
            I'd have to agree with that - I think it goes to show that a lot of fans are struggling with the number of changes this season. I understand tptb reasoning for bringing in all the extra characters, I just think they should have done it over the last 2 seasons and brought in Mitchell (as Sam's 2IC) and Lam in S8 then we'd have had time to adjust.

            Back on the topic of Sam & Jack ... Today's S6 ep for me was Metamorphosis .... "C'Mere" moment SQUEEEEEE *yet another happy sigh*

            Well it's back to bed for me. Shippy dreams ((((((((hugs)))))))))

            *Oma tootles off to bed thinking of the S&J classic moments with an extremely goofy grin on her face *


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              Back on the topic of Sam & Jack ... Today's S6 ep for me was Metamorphosis .... "C'Mere" moment SQUEEEEEE *yet another happy sigh*

              Well it's back to bed for me. Shippy dreams ((((((((hugs)))))))))

              *Oma tootles off to bed thinking of the S&J classic moments with an extremely goofy grin on her face *
              Oh yeah, that's a good one! Sweet dreams.
              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                Originally posted by MirthMistress
                Speaking of auniverse, what are they doing with the epi schedule? Last week we got scrambled end of s1/start of s2 and this week we have end of s2 and straddling s4. Huh? It's like they played a game of 52 pickup and we get the results in scheduling. Weird.

                All very good episodes tonight, but I wish they would go back to normal succession. Maybe they are trying to hook new viewers with the variety. I always did think they aired some eps more than others. Seemed like COTG was on often.


                  Originally posted by MirthMistress
                  A ring on her part doesn't bother me one way or another. A good argument could be made that it could be hazardous (my father never wore one as an Air Force pilot for safety reasons). He I would expect to see with one at all times.

                  They just 'splained the screwy epi schedule. They are doing it on a theme based rotation. OK whatever. At least it makes sense now.

                  Who or where was it explained? I can sorta see the theme. Time out of whack.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    you know how i want the season to end?
                    this is purely playing and NO spoilers hinting at anything...
                    there's some scene were sam is afraid she's going to die. she grabs her dogtags to make sure they're on. we, the viewers, see the tags. the name reads 'samantha carter-o'neill'. no words are spoken, she just tucks the tags back into her shirt and smiles for a moment.
                    That would be wonderful. Subtle but perfect.

                    sqeeing goes 'round the world. satellites exlode.
                    Shippers lie passed out it shippy comas. Family sues TPTB for the money spent on reviving items...

                    , but it was nice to pretend for a moment.
                    Yeah. It is nice. I'll just have to setle with the fact that the main characters of my latest romance novel purchase are named Jack and Samantha. (It's one of the mild romance novels. That's the only kind of romance novel I read. And I'm not joking. That is their names. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. If only TPTB were...)

                    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                      Just a quick post to thank all the people who left a message here for me, or sent me a PM, rep comment or mail. I didn't know I was so... appreciated, and it has been a very nice, and emotional, surprise

                      I also want you to know that my decision to leave GW has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with this thread. The Shipper Family thread is a wonderful thread, even when shippers are not happy campers. This is the thread that made me want to delurk and write my very first post. I had so much fun in this thread, I'll always keep fantastic memories of the time I spent here, and I will miss you all.
                      At this moment, I'm still a little hurt/upset/sad about some other things (the reasons why I decided to leave this forum), even after all the wonderful messages I've received. And I still don't know what I'm going to do later (note to the SSHSOT : please, let me know when the next Ship event will be, I'll try to come and play with you that day... )

                      Now, about the reasons why I decided to leave GW... I said it was hard to be a Shep fan these days on this forum. I should have said it's hard to be a positive Shep fan. But this thread is not the one where to talk about Sheppard and/or Atlantis, and even less about my opinion about this show and/or some other threads. Oma said it very nicely for me, I thank her for that
                      I certainly don't want my opinion to lessen what you can think about GW. It's only my personal opinion. If you think GW is a wonderful place, go for it ! I know I would have said the same thing only a few months ago (in fact, I said it. Many times. )

                      I also want to say that I've met in this thread great people. People I never would have imagined to meet some day. People coming from different horizons, from all over the planet. With very different life from me, with very different way of thinking. If there's one thing that I've learnt thanks to GW, is to keep an open mind and to be tolerant towards the others. Never make generalisations about other people because people are so different from each other, you can't say that, because one person belongs to one group, this person will automatically be and think like the other ones of this group.

                      Now, I'm going to stop my so-serious post *looks right and left to see if someone is still here... not asleep*
                      If some people want to stay in touch with me, here's my mail address : [email protected]
                      Every mail from a member of the Shipper Family will be welcome

                      PS : another thing... Try to keep the Shipper Family united. I know that when we decided to create the other Ship thread (only positive), I said it was a nice idea because that way, shippers would always have a place to go, whether they wanted to talk about Sam and Jack in a positive way, or to talk about what they didn't like in the show. At that time, I thought it was a great idea, because this thread was a little too down for my taste.
                      But, it seems that now these 2 threads have the same goal, and it could be a bit confusing for the new shippers who would join GW now. (Plus, it's not necessary IMO to 'bump' the thread. If it goes down on the 2nd page, it won't be the end of the world )
                      Just my opinion of course (and the opinion of someone who's leaving is not very important...), but I know this topic will probably be discussed some time later with the mods, like they did about the Weir threads.

                      Now, go, have fun and enjoy the Sam/Jack ship !

                      PPS (it's very hard to leave you know ) : majorsal, I LOVE your idea for the end of the season. It's shippy, but not too overwhelming. It would make the shippers squeeeee all around the world, it wouldn't be too hard for the other fans, and it wouldn't take anything from the story. Very nice idea !
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        you know how i want the season to end?

                        this is purely playing and NO spoilers hinting at anything...

                        there's some scene were sam is afraid she's going to die. she grabs her dogtags to make sure they're on. we, the viewers, see the tags. the name reads 'samantha carter-o'neill'. no words are spoken, she just tucks the tags back into her shirt and smiles for a moment.

                        sqeeing goes 'round the world. satellites exlode.

                        can you imagine ending the season with a scene like that? can you imagine how happy the shippers would be?

                        i won't even begin to hope for something that sweet and lovely, , but it was nice to pretend for a moment.


                        woah!! thats a great idea. i mean, my real wish is that they bring Jack back for an episode so we can have some damn good shippyness, but as it looks unlikely that RDA will be appearing i would be happy with that. That way they wouldn't even have to bring back RDA. Although i will cry if we don't SEE Sam & Jack together!
                        Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                        Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                        Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                          I was just watching a music video and saw the scene when Sam & Jack met for the first time. it's just so amazing to watch them meeting for the first time and knowing what happens between them over the next nine years. It's just so sweet. When i get home tonight i'm gonna watch 'Children of the Gods' and then watch 'Threads' (or maybe tomorrow cos the new ep of Stargate and a new ep of CSI are on tonight).

                          I know i tend to be VERY random with my posting's here, simply posting random thoughts about shippyness but i just love the Sam & Jack relationship so much!

                          Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                          Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                          Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                            Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                            How about we have a vote for our favourite Sam & Jack kisses. I'll post all of them and you just have to say which one is your favourite. (I'm gonna post every kiss that happened).

                            Broca Divide
                            There But For The Grace Of God

                            Point Of View

                            Window Of Opportunity



                            So whish one do you choose?! You could also give a reason for your choice if you feel so inclined!

                            (BTW - i edited this post cos the images were so big, i'll either reduce their size and post them again later or leave them as links.)

                            OKAY, so i decided to leave recording the results for a while to give people time to vote, but now the votes are in...

                            (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)

                            "The winner of the favourite Sam & Jack kiss as voted for by you guys is..."

                            (CUE SHIPPY MUSIC (okay so its just me humming it))

                            'GRACE'!!!! (hardly surprising was it!)

                            with 'Window of Opportunity' a close second.

                            Squeee! shippy kiss, shippy kiss!
                            Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                            Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                            Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


                              Hello shippers

                              First a little something I made for Florence and her passion for Stargate Atlantis


                              and about Sam and Jack and the french title for "Threads" meaning "For life"

                              I don't think they secretly
                              married but I think they got married soon after Threads and Teal'c and Daniel were there too .we just didn't see it because Stargate is a sci-fi show and not desesperate housewives ..We do not see too much of their private life because there is not enough time in a 45 minutes episode plus a lot of fans do not like soapy stuff. They left the wedding off screen but I believe thatSam and Jack are an item .

                              When someone in France says for life = pour la vie .. a romantic way . it means Marriage ..therefore I think they went for it but Sam kept her maiden name for work .
                              I think the president may have given them the right to get married or whatever considering that they were not in the same complex anymore ..and really Sam really does not report to Jack anymore ..she even didn't phone him once even for work ..I think they really aren't bound by military rules anymore and they are Mr et mrs O'Neill outside duty ..this is why she does not mention his name anymore because he now belongs to her and it's not a big deal . When people are married , they feel really secure and do not have to mention names specially if they do not work together . May be one day we will find out what Teal'c did say at the wedding with a funny comment from him , Jack if he comes back or even Sam .
                              If jack comes back for episode 200 th ..we may get a comment from him at SGC in front of everyone like " I'm so pleased to see my wife again " and move towards Sam and says "Mrs O' Neill" .Only a few SGC people may be surprised like the chevron guy and less important characters ...I also can see Daniel mentionning to those who do not know " oh we didn't tell you !!" I don't think we will get anything else though , probalby not even a kiss but just a few smiles and we will see they are happy to see each other again .

                              The only thing I also don't get though is why Sam leaned to kiss Martouf in Ripple effect !!! could be because she was lacking affection without Jack around and the long distance relationship made her react that way towards Martouf for a brief moment as he was the closest and most genuine thing which happened to her ,after Jack that's is to say ( I'm not sure I'm buying that ..I don't think Sam would do that if she belonged to Jack ..but nobody is perfect and she may have had a brief moment of weakness )
                              I also wish TPTB would have left that scene out or make A DUPLICATE of Sam nearly kiss Martouff ..It didn't have to be the real Sam for that scene ..they were plenty of Sams around in RE ..but there must be an explanation to it otherwise it'a pretty lame .

                              Last edited by Catysg1; 07 March 2006, 06:38 AM.


                                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                                I really, really can not understand why they threw that in there. What was the purpose? They never kissed when he was alive, not even close. I really wish I could pick their brains (TPTB) sometimes to see what they're made of. They are probably Repli_writers .
                                You know all that sort of oatmeal slop they were feed in Hadante - I think that's the stuff!
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