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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    (((trupi))) I think you, me, and a couple of other Shippers are in need of some serious fluff next weekend to take the edge off of Season 9!!! I guess I can say that trupi, LOL4JACK, sugarshaker, and I are meeting outside of Philly next Friday to watch the Season 9 Grand Finale episode together. We will have laptops warmed up to check in with you all. We have portable DVD players to watch favorite Shippy episodes. I think I'll even bring blue and red jello in honor of Sam and Jack!!! LOL
    I thought they would have given us something with this ep and the next to keep us tuned in for next season. They really are not giving the shippers any reason to stick around.
    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



      Originally posted by Rogue
      I thought they would have given us something with this ep and the next to keep us tuned in for next season. They really are not giving the shippers any reason to stick around.

      or nothing happened , no new boyfriend , no romantic interest , but this is a realy low
      not good promo for 10. season for shipers S&J


        Originally posted by Rogue
        I thought they would have given us something with this ep and the next to keep us tuned in for next season. They really are not giving the shippers any reason to stick around.
        I admit that there is hardly anything to pin our hopes on BUT
        I'm hanging my hopes on Season 10's 200th episode because I'm hoping to find out exactly what "Not exactly" really means!!!


          Your right Rogue.There giving us nothing and that is why I stopped watching the Show.When TPTB gives me something I like I will watch.No
          RDA is not an excuse to never mention Jack or not show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side.TPTB pushed the Sam/Jack Ship all these Years and it's a little late to totally ignore the Sam/Jack Ship.I still have hope we will see a Sam/Jack resolution.It would be nice to see some form of Sam/Jack Ship to keep the Fans going until a resolution can be shown.


            Originally posted by ses110
            Your right Rogue.There giving us nothing and that is why I stopped watching the Show.When TPTB gives me something I like I will watch.No
            RDA is not an excuse to never mention Jack or not show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side.TPTB pushed the Sam/Jack Ship all these Years and it's a little late to totally ignore the Sam/Jack Ship.I still have hope we will see a Sam/Jack resolution.It would be nice to see some form of Sam/Jack Ship to keep the Fans going until a resolution can be shown.



              Originally posted by ses110
              Your right Rogue.There giving us nothing and that is why I stopped watching the Show.When TPTB gives me something I like I will watch.No
              RDA is not an excuse to never mention Jack or not show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side.TPTB pushed the Sam/Jack Ship all these Years and it's a little late to totally ignore the Sam/Jack Ship.I still have hope we will see a Sam/Jack resolution.It would be nice to see some form of Sam/Jack Ship to keep the Fans going until a resolution can be shown.
              Well, I think they have
              hinted a couple o' times, like in Ripple Effect. It just takes some reading between the lines.
              Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

              Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                Well, I think they have
                hinted a couple o' times, like in Ripple Effect. It just takes some reading between the lines.

                Yes, reading between the lines is all we have now. Like
                Sam's continued use of O'Neill-isms.

                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                  Originally posted by Daniel's_twin
                  Well, I think they have
                  hinted a couple o' times, like in Ripple Effect. It just takes some reading between the lines.
                  O.K. this is a problem, after 8. season for everyone is only options for resolution between S&J ,TOGETHER
                  Magazines, fans, but not for TPTB
                  But i no see any problem for S&J TOGETHER, with/without O'Neill, and don't know why TPTB saying NOT TOGETHER for me this thing is stupid/crappy/foolish idea for everyone (TPTB, fans, magazines)


                    Originally posted by dexterav

                    Little positive, in history/past between shipy epi and normal epi , nothing between S&J (chemistry, and something like a this is nothig), this is little hope but hope

                    This is great Dex. The opening credits we all want to see!


                      Hmmphhff. Sam, is that you?

                      Hi, Flyboy!! I'm sorry to wake you. I'm pulling a night shift. It's so quiet here and I started missing you!!

                      Me, too. But, you're flying up this weekend, right??



                        Another Sam and Jack wallpaper for you shippers




                          After 9 Years we should not have to read between the lines.We should be further ahead than
                          "Not Exactly".RDA is no longer on the Show so how can the Sam/Jack Ship take over the Show?If TPTB did not want Sam and Jack together they could have had Sam treat Jack like she treats Daniel and Teal'c.Like a Friend.TPTB did not have to Ship Sam and Jack and they could have had Sam be with someone else.


                            Originally posted by ses110
                            After 9 Years we should not have to read between the lines.We should be further ahead than
                            "Not Exactly".RDA is no longer on the Show so how can the Sam/Jack Ship take over the Show?If TPTB did not want Sam and Jack together they could have had Sam treat Jack like she treats Daniel and Teal'c.Like a Friend.TPTB did not have to Ship Sam and Jack and they could have had Sam be with someone else.

                            hm, you realy pessimstic/realistic
                            but hope is nice, nothing more


                            TOP 3 of PESSIMISTIC shippers (WITHOUT SHAME )

                            1. SES110
                            2. PacificJack
                            3. Dexterav



                              Y'know what's quite sad? I don't really care about this anymore. I'm just here to remember the good times, which are infinitely better than anything that's going to happen in s10.
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by ses110
                                After 9 Years we should not have to read between the lines.We should be further ahead than
                                "Not Exactly".RDA is no longer on the Show so how can the Sam/Jack Ship take over the Show?If TPTB did not want Sam and Jack together they could have had Sam treat Jack like she treats Daniel and Teal'c.Like a Friend.TPTB did not have to Ship Sam and Jack and they could have had Sam be with someone else.
                                You're so right. At this stage we should get something concrete. It's not much to ask to have a resolution for this storyline. They've done plenty of things in the past that haven't been liked by everyone, so not wanting to upset the non-shippers is no excuse. At the risk of sounding childish, they started it!!

