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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Awww, trin! Angsty + Fluff. Beautiful

    Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
    Ooh, this lloks like an opportunity for a round of Ship
    Unable to resist the opportunity entirely Gutter

    I was just looking at that scene in slow motion the other day and I swear to God, he slipped a brief little neck nuzzle in there. He moves forward as he's about to pick her up, starts to lift for a fraction of a second, then dives back down for that neck-nuzzle for a split second before dragging her up off the floor. I'll make a slow-mo vid clip of it for y'all's viewing pleasure a bit later... But I swear, I am now utterly, irrevocable, completely convinced that Jack started feeling the effects of the virus in that little moment!

    I'm convinced of that myself! Though I didn't think it was a virus, it's a good explanation!
    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      Awww, trin! Angsty + Fluff. Beautiful
      Thanks D.
      sig by Mada
      As a matter of FIC


        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        Vid rec Almost lover
        Thanks for the vid rec. It was wonderful!!!!


          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
          Ok for Linda's angsty appetite.

          She looked like she was sleeping.

          At peace.

          Jack hoped that Sam was at least not in any pain with the meds they were pumping into her.

          Another damn mission gone wrong: another time they'd cheated death on the other side of the gate, barely escaping with their lives, only to fight for it again on this side.

          It was 3 am, and as the General in charge of the SGC Jack didn't need a reason to still be on base, but today he had one. Standing at the edge of Sam's infirmary bed and his sanity, Jack slowly, deliberately reached out and took her still hand in his; curling warm fingers around hers that seemed much too cold.

          Watching their intertwined hands Jack squeezed slightly, willing Sam's to warm up; to come to life again; to come to him again. Allowing him to steal another touch as she passed him a report on the briefing room table; as he walked just a little too close to her in the hallway; as he tried to force her to take a break from staving off the latest impending disaster.

          Jack's gaze moved from Sam's hand to her face; silently willing her eyes to open and see a future with him. They had not yet had the touches that didn't have to be stolen. Touches that would be open and lingering and free. Jack needed to have those with Sam; needed them to be given and taken willingly, unreservedly.

          Otherwise, he concluded as he refused to let her go, all he would be, was a thief.

          *iz happy camper now*

          BREN!!! You know no one can compete against gutter I was gonna raise you some whump but......Dang....It's


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
   *iz happy camper now*
            sig by Mada
            As a matter of FIC


              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
              DOH!!! I meant to green you for that but forgot, well i'm not little goldfish for nothing ya know Fixed now


                just read after the honeymoon SJForever site here's the link http://sjalways-forever.jackandsamfo...y.php?sid=3289. and it made me wonder do they ever fight? i'm sure they do as all normal couples do but it would be weird seeing them argue about little things like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. those types of things.


                  Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                  He is a cool guy, and Sam's a cool gal and they love each other and and

                  Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo married!!!!!!!
                  *sobs* so fluffed my gutter!

                  Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                  Vid rec Almost lover
                  Awesome thank you...

                  *waits impatiently for new DM vid*

                  Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                  Ok for Linda's angsty appetite.


                  She looked like she was sleeping.

                  At peace.

                  Jack hoped that Sam was at least not in any pain with the meds they were pumping into her.

                  Another damn mission gone wrong: another time they'd cheated death on the other side of the gate, barely escaping with their lives, only to fight for it again on this side.

                  It was 3 am, and as the General in charge of the SGC Jack didn't need a reason to still be on base, but today he had one. Standing at the edge of Sam's infirmary bed and his sanity, Jack slowly, deliberately reached out and took her still hand in his; curling warm fingers around hers that seemed much too cold.

                  Watching their intertwined hands Jack squeezed slightly, willing Sam's to warm up; to come to life again; to come to him again. Allowing him to steal another touch as she passed him a report on the briefing room table; as he walked just a little too close to her in the hallway; as he tried to force her to take a break from staving off the latest impending disaster.

                  Jack's gaze moved from Sam's hand to her face; silently willing her eyes to open and see a future with him. They had not yet had the touches that didn't have to be stolen. Touches that would be open and lingering and free. Jack needed to have those with Sam; needed them to be given and taken willingly, unreservedly.

                  Otherwise, he concluded as he refused to let her go, all he would be, was a thief.

                  *grabs tissue*
                  That was angsty good...Jack shouldn't be a thief! Sam make an honest man outta Jack...and marry him!

                  Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                  Awww, trin! Angsty + Fluff. Beautiful
                  but gutter is missing.... What's angst and fluff without the last pilar of the ship?

                  Bren loved your gutter spam
                  Linda you made me sob with angsty picspam...

                  *looks up*
                  Now me needs a fluffy picspam*hint hint*


                    Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                    just read after the honeymoon SJForever site here's the link http://sjalways-forever.jackandsamfo...y.php?sid=3289. and it made me wonder do they ever fight? i'm sure they do as all normal couples do but it would be weird seeing them argue about little things like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. those types of things.
                    Thanks for the rec!!!!

                    I had this lovely fic rec once upon a time (when my bookmarks weren't lost ) where Sam is supposed to decide where she wants to be posted after the Atlantis gig... and it really dealt well with their relationship issues, very real. I think Jasmina rec'ed at some point and it was on LJ - saddly I'm so bad at searching that site that I don't even want to try, lol. But if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about...

                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
                    *sobs* so fluffed my gutter!

                    Awesome thank you...

                    *waits impatiently for new DM vid*

                    I liked that. YOU'VE BEEN FLUFFED! *giggles*

                    And soon
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      I just wanted to ask what is Sanctuary like, it's only on cable here so i'm waiting for season 1 dvd's, is it worth getting?


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                        I had this lovely fic rec once upon a time (when my bookmarks weren't lost ) where Sam is supposed to decide where she wants to be posted after the Atlantis gig... and it really dealt well with their relationship issues, very real. I think Jasmina rec'ed at some point and it was on LJ - saddly I'm so bad at searching that site that I don't even want to try, lol. But if anyone has any idea what I'm talking about...
                        hmm...don't know that I think...but something what a.loquita wrote resembles it a bit...except for the Sam not knowing what to do...and I know she posts on LJ and ...FF link Linger this time ...probably not what you were looking for ...but nice fic anyway

                        I liked that. YOU'VE BEEN FLUFFED! *giggles*

                        And soon
                        *sobs*...but I don't wanna be fluffed...I wanna be guttered!


                          I absolutely love this show! Amanda is so talented and everyone else in the cast is too. The story lines are great and the graphics are top-notch! I love the mythology of the story.

                          It does have a much darker feeling than Stargate, but it really suits it. It's fun to pick out all of the inside jokes they slip in for SG watchers (they had a picture of an Unas in one of the episodes). There are a lot of cast members/guest actors/crew members that have worked on SG.
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            just read after the honeymoon SJForever site here's the link http://sjalways-forever.jackandsamfo...y.php?sid=3289. and it made me wonder do they ever fight? i'm sure they do as all normal couples do but it would be weird seeing them argue about little things like mowing the lawn or taking out the trash. those types of things.

                            Umm, funily enough just about to read that but it should come with a warning that it is a very mature fic listed as including graphic sex. Forum rules say we should link directly to MA fics. not that I, personally, am minding

                            Originally posted by MelanieOZ View Post
                            I just wanted to ask what is Sanctuary like, it's only on cable here so i'm waiting for season 1 dvd's, is it worth getting?
                            I would say yes but don't take my word for it, pop along to the Sanctuary forums here on GW and see what others are saying about it.


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              hmm...don't know that I think...but something what a.loquita wrote resembles it a bit...except for the Sam not knowing what to do...and I know she posts on LJ and ...FF link Linger this time ...probably not what you were looking for ...but nice fic anyway

                              *sobs*...but I don't wanna be fluffed...I wanna be guttered!
                              No that's not it... I'm gonna have to find it now! But thanks for the rec!

                              About the bolded part: MWUAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! *even though I didn't do the fluffing but stilil*

                              EDIT: In my search I stumbled upon Intervention by Jo R - totally worth the re-read
                              Last edited by Devilish Me; 03 November 2009, 01:57 PM.
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                Hey everyone!

                                I.AM.SO.EXCITED. (SQUEEE!!!!!!)

                                Ok, so you might want to know why i'm so (Incredibly) happy.

                                Ok, so my mom ordered SGA s5 a coulpe weeks ago, and it's finally here!!!!
                                I watched S&R, The Seed, Broken Ties...
                                And i (surprisingly) found something quite shippy in S&R.


                                So, John and his team are about to go rescue Teyla, John is supposed to be in the Infermery. But somehow, Jennifer let him go. Sam and John are talking about whther John should go on the mission in his condition, he really wants to go, and Sam isn't sure he can. Anyway, he tells her to let him go and rescue Teyla, and he can be put under Court Martal when he gats back. and she agrees. The shippy this is, when he is walking away, Sam has this look on her face, I think she is remembering a certin General who also would do anything to save a team mate (like her). So to me, this says she is always thinking of Jack. Which makes me happy, and feel like SQUEEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Should this be in spoiler tags? Or not? I think so because it is a very new season, and some people (Like me) haven't seen it.

                                + = (Duh)

