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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
    Hey there peeps.

    I'm home today since I'm quite a bit under the weather
    Sorry to hear that trinity. Hope you feel better soon.

    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
    I can see that happening. And when she wins he tells her she had an unfair advantage.
    Queen takes King. Checkmate.

    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
    Great catch on the chess Alan.
    Thanks trinity.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

      Again I've posted a fan review so won't bore you with the long rambling details of that but...

      Jack in SGU...


      Can I just basically fangurl Jack for a moment?

      Loved, loved, loved the scene with Young where basically Jack admits that he wasn't qualified to lead people through the gate the first time, that nobody is really qualified - and really his message is to Young at that moment is to just suck it up and get it fixed.

      Also loved his small nod of acknowledgement that maybe they would have to deal with the Destiny crew saying goodbye to loved ones; you can see he's really not comfortable with the idea - not ready to give up in contrast to Young who seems more fatalistic.

      I so wanted more Jack!!

      And yes, I too believe he was playing chess with Sam.

      Jack on SGU:
      I absolutely SQUEED at seeing Jack and him talking about not being qualified - my brain was flooded with wonderful images of those early years of SG-1. I got warm and tingly at remembering the Jack that makes me drool (sorry, while I find current Jack attractive, he has now left my own personal range of hotness).

      Yes, chess with Sam. I agree


        Slightly OT about Jack/RDA:

        sorry, while I find current Jack attractive, he has now left my own personal range of hotness
        Yeah, sometime after season 8, he started resembling my Dad, which pretty much killed his thunkability for me. But I can still sigh over the RDA of the earlier seasons (1-8).


          And now for a whole new level of dorkiness. It's my first art in ages and it's inspired from fanfiction S/J of course It's incredibly sketchy and maybe a WIP if I manage to get my hands on a working tablet pen >_> I know the objects on the table have no apparent shade o_O I guess I should have to finish this at some point
          Fic in question (it's the 2nd in the DC series)

          Hope you like it
          Videos Artwork

          In loving memory of Col. L. Pendergast1960-2006
          Yes I actually enjoy SGU.


            I was just reading a fanfic and it made me think of the scenes that I just can't write. Perhaps they're shortcomings as a writer or maybe I just haven't found my mojo in those areas or maybe it's just that we can't be good at everything.

            I confess - I can't write a wedding scene. It's the fluffiness of it. Hell, I wasn't even fluffy at my own wedding (I have a picture of me getting all my bridesmaids to hike up their dresses with me and show off their legs... I called my husband before the wedding on my cell and reminded him that this was permanent and this was his last chance to back out - he just laughed at me... he knew he wanted to marry me before we'd even met... sap...).

            The other scene I struggle with is the proposal scene - I can do it, but again, it's devoid of fluffiness. I think the only one I've written Jack's like "so... wanna make it official?" - no rings, no candelight dinner... LOL

            And my third issue is action. I LOVE action in tv. For some odd reason it just doesn't hold the same excitement in writing.

            (and on an OT S/J fanfic note - I suck at writing Teal'c scenes. I always struggle with him...)

            What do you guys hate/struggle with writing??


              Very nice Jitter

              GUYS....You have gotta read this fic, major Sam whumpage and lots of chapters but it's a great fic. I was so hooked on it


                Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                I was just reading a fanfic and it made me think of the scenes that I just can't write. Perhaps they're shortcomings as a writer or maybe I just haven't found my mojo in those areas or maybe it's just that we can't be good at everything.

                I confess - I can't write a wedding scene. It's the fluffiness of it. Hell, I wasn't even fluffy at my own wedding (I have a picture of me getting all my bridesmaids to hike up their dresses with me and show off their legs... I called my husband before the wedding on my cell and reminded him that this was permanent and this was his last chance to back out - he just laughed at me... he knew he wanted to marry me before we'd even met... sap...).

                The other scene I struggle with is the proposal scene - I can do it, but again, it's devoid of fluffiness. I think the only one I've written Jack's like "so... wanna make it official?" - no rings, no candelight dinner... LOL

                And my third issue is action. I LOVE action in tv. For some odd reason it just doesn't hold the same excitement in writing.

                (and on an OT S/J fanfic note - I suck at writing Teal'c scenes. I always struggle with him...)

                What do you guys hate/struggle with writing??
                ...I can't write those either And I can't write gutter But I'm all about the fluff! I don't really do "romantic" and for me each and every story has to have some *meaning* to it or I refuse to write it Don't ask

                And AWWW! At your hubby That's really cute!

                And the other thing I hate is writing scenes with a whole bunch of people (like SG-1 in S10, because there's Jack, Sam, Cam, Vala, Daniel, Tealc...) I can't focus on all those at once!

                *is uberly hyper because she's had 3 cups of coffee while studying for a psychology exam*

                Edit- I like it Jitter, Sam looks the most real I think

                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                  SGU query


                  Apologies if this has been posted before (I haven't gone back and checked) but is the last photo on this vertical wall of Sam and Jack???

                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    !!!SECRET SANTA!!!

                    What is Secret Santa?
                    Everyone who signs up for it makes something for another person. You can make anything you like. music vids, fanmix, icons, wallpapers, headers, poems, fics, stories, picture stories, ... Be creative
                    So you'll be making something for someone but you'll also be getting something.
                    You can make anything you want, but it is the most fun if you make something related to Stargate or even Sam/Jack.

                    How does it work?
                    Fill in this form, and mail it to: [email protected]

                    Your E-mail: So I can contact you (it will not go to the person who has to make something for you)
                    Nickname: and name if you want
                    Age: for rating if you get a fic...
                    Things you want to make:
                    Things you don't want to make:
                    Things you prefer not receiving: some people might not like reading fics or watching vids. And it helps to know that.
                    Things you want to receive:
                    Favourite kind of music, colour, episode,...: write here what you like so the person who makes something for you can make something you really like.
                    Other shows you watch, people you ship, ...: If someone wants to do a cross-over so they can
                    Message for your secret santa: be original, because it is nice or funny.

                    Singing up can be until the 7th of november then I'll send the assignments out around the 9th of november.

                    And assignments have to be in my mailbox before the 11th of December! Then I'll be mailing them off to everyone. And then maybe you can show them off at Shipday!

                    If I got your mail of signing up, and also later when you send me the assignment, I'll mail you back as soon as possible, so you know I got your mail.
                    I could also do with some people who wants to be a back-up when someone can't make something or forgot, because I have experience from other years. If you wanna be a back-up please add that to your mail. Thanks!!!

                    !!!SECRET SANTA!!!


                      Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                      SGU query


                      Apologies if this has been posted before (I haven't gone back and checked) but is the last photo on this vertical wall of Sam and Jack???


                      Oh! I don't know. I don't know, but I do want to say "yes". Maybe Joe Mallozzi's the guy to ask? See if he can get some set photos taken of Jack's office?
                      Last edited by Alan; 14 October 2009, 03:21 PM.

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        *breezes in*

                        Hmm, someone really ought to give those GW hamsters more food. They're just not running round their little wheels fast enough.

                        *watches paint drying whilst waiting for the page to load*

                        Oh there it is.

                        Rachel, (SGU)
                        I don't think so. Hard to say but doesn't look like it (or like you can even tell) from where I'm sitting. I am sure there's a pic of Sam there somewhere though.

                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        I was just reading a fanfic and it made me think of the scenes that I just can't write. Perhaps they're shortcomings as a writer or maybe I just haven't found my mojo in those areas or maybe it's just that we can't be good at everything.

                        I confess - I can't write a wedding scene. It's the fluffiness of it. Hell, I wasn't even fluffy at my own wedding (I have a picture of me getting all my bridesmaids to hike up their dresses with me and show off their legs... I called my husband before the wedding on my cell and reminded him that this was permanent and this was his last chance to back out - he just laughed at me... he knew he wanted to marry me before we'd even met... sap...).

                        The other scene I struggle with is the proposal scene - I can do it, but again, it's devoid of fluffiness. I think the only one I've written Jack's like "so... wanna make it official?" - no rings, no candelight dinner... LOL

                        And my third issue is action. I LOVE action in tv. For some odd reason it just doesn't hold the same excitement in writing.

                        (and on an OT S/J fanfic note - I suck at writing Teal'c scenes. I always struggle with him...)

                        What do you guys hate/struggle with writing??

                        Hmm, well apparently I'm not bad at fluff, if my ficlets are anything to go by.

                        As for weddings... you sound not unlike me. I wanted to wear jeans and Doc Martens to my wedding, under the dress but, uh, it was only three quarter length in the end so I couldn't really get away with it. I'm not really into the fluffy wedding scenario for Sam and Jack either, which is why I find the whole 200 wedding scene such a giggle. It's the antithesis of what Sam and Jack's wedding would really be like IMO, and the writers knew that too.

                        I did, however, manage to sort of write a "proposal scene as I'd see it (sort of) for Valenship this year:

                        How Sam & Jack Got Engaged

                        Action scenes... hmm I think they're really hard to do well. Sally Malcolm does an excellent job of them in her Matter of Honour and Cost Of Honor books. I've rarely ever read a fanfic that does them that well though.

                        I don't think not being able to write a certain style/scene is a weakness in writing as such; I think it's just a case of writing to your strengths. If you don't do fluff or action but do fantastic angst or gutter then, heck, yes, stick with that. You can always try it out and see how you get on but don't beat yourself up writing stuff you're not comfortable with because it will come across in the writing.
                        Last edited by Cagranosalis; 14 October 2009, 02:37 PM. Reason: Yay! Only 2 hours to get back on the be able to edit out the typos. Go GW, Go!


                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          Edit- I like it Jitter, Sam looks the most real I think
                          Thank you i think so too Jack is hard to draw and I'm not used to pencils :C (Broken tablet)
                          Videos Artwork

                          In loving memory of Col. L. Pendergast1960-2006
                          Yes I actually enjoy SGU.


                            Ugh, I don't really know. All I can see is an outline of what looks suspiciously like the picture of Jack, Sara, and Charlie in front of their house.

                            Hopefully I'm wrong. Anyone else want to venture a guess?
                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              SGU query


                              Apologies if this has been posted before (I haven't gone back and checked) but is the last photo on this vertical wall of Sam and Jack???


                              My "senior" eyes are not up to the task of clearly seeing what's on any of those pictures. However, I'm considering sending a note to Joe Malozzi and asking politely if he would post pictures of the pictures Jack has in his office (on his desk, wall or credenza) ... and see if he does it. btw, just how does someone send a note to JM? I see on his blog there's a space for comments and such, but is that the place to leave a question of this kind?


                                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                                Ugh, I don't really know. All I can see is an outline of what looks suspiciously like the picture of Jack, Sara, and Charlie in front of their house.

                                Hopefully I'm wrong. Anyone else want to venture a guess?
                                I think you are wrong. Here's the pic of the three of them outside the house:


                                I've been looking at that cap from Air Part 3 and I don't think it is the same picture. That pic looks to me like Jack in his BDU's wearing a cap and someone (hopefully Sam) leaning in to him.
                                Last edited by Alan; 14 October 2009, 04:53 PM.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

