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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    In honour of the songs I've been listening to

    Since You've Been Gone.
    by the Woohoos

    Whhooaa, PTeeeBeee, whhhoooaaa

    I get the same old dreams, same time every night
    Fall to the ground and I wake up
    So I get out of bed, smoke some broccoli, and in my head
    Thoughts fly back to our break-up

    These forum rules are closing in
    Look at the fix you’ve put us in

    Since Martin’s gone, since Martin’s gone
    We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
    Could Nad be wrong? But since he’s been gone
    He cast a spell, so break it
    Oooohhh – PTeeeBee – Ooooaaah
    Since Martin’s gone

    So in the night we stand beneath the hazy light
    We read the words Joe sent to us
    We can take the afternoon but the night-time comes around to soon
    You know we’re gonna hop on the bus

    Your crazy letters, your Q&A’s
    Just increase our broccoli haze

    Since Dan’s been gone, since Dan’s been gone
    We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
    Could Jann be wrong? But since Dan’s been gone
    He cast a spell, so break it
    Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
    Since Dan’s been gone

    If Martin wood come back
    Baby you know
    We’ll never do wroooong


    Since Brad’s been gone, since Brad’s been gone
    We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
    Could Jumble be wrong, but since he’s been gone
    He cast a spell, so break it
    Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
    Ever since, Coop’s been gone

    [GUITAR SOLO OUTRO played by each Woohoo in turn]

    Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone
    We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
    Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone


      I'd like to introduce you all to two little birds that have just started visiting my deck. I've named them:

      Sam -

      ... because this is the female, and she's very calm and tends to sit and survey the territory around her for quite awhile between sips.

      And this is:

      Jack -

      ... because he's the male and is so fidgety I couldn't get quite as good a picture of him, and he's often flittering around so much he doesn't sit still for very long.

      I'll keep trying, though.


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        I'd like to introduce you all to two little birds that have just started visiting my deck. I've named them:

        Sam -

        ... because this is the female, and she's very calm and tends to sit and survey the territory around her for quite awhile between sips.

        And this is:

        Jack -

        ... because he's the male and is so fidgety I couldn't get quite as good a picture of him, and he's often flittering around so much he doesn't sit still for very long.

        I'll keep trying, though.
        Awww! *huggles birdies*

        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
        In honour of the songs I've been listening to

        Since You've Been Gone.
        by the Woohoos

        Whhooaa, PTeeeBeee, whhhoooaaa

        I get the same old dreams, same time every night
        Fall to the ground and I wake up
        So I get out of bed, smoke some broccoli, and in my head
        Thoughts fly back to our break-up

        These forum rules are closing in
        Look at the fix you’ve put us in

        Since Martin’s gone, since Martin’s gone
        We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
        Could Nad be wrong? But since he’s been gone
        He cast a spell, so break it
        Oooohhh – PTeeeBee – Ooooaaah
        Since Martin’s gone

        So in the night we stand beneath the hazy light
        We read the words Joe sent to us
        We can take the afternoon but the night-time comes around to soon
        You know we’re gonna hop on the bus

        Your crazy letters, your Q&A’s
        Just increase our broccoli haze

        Since Dan’s been gone, since Dan’s been gone
        We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
        Could Jann be wrong? But since Dan’s been gone
        He cast a spell, so break it
        Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
        Since Dan’s been gone

        If Martin wood come back
        Baby you know
        We’ll never do wroooong


        Since Brad’s been gone, since Brad’s been gone
        We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
        Could Jumble be wrong, but since he’s been gone
        He cast a spell, so break it
        Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
        Ever since, Coop’s been gone

        [GUITAR SOLO OUTRO played by each Woohoo in turn]

        Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone
        We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
        Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone

        Keep'em coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
          To preserve for posterity...


          Wow, that's a lot of pink...I have a lot less...lookie!


          (clickie for full size view)


            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            Keep'em coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Thanks although that one was hard enough!! I don't know how Nad does so many .

            Although I am listening to Centrefold right now, which presents some interesting opportunities


              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              In honour of the songs I've been listening to

              Since You've Been Gone.
              by the Woohoos

              Whhooaa, PTeeeBeee, whhhoooaaa

              I get the same old dreams, same time every night
              Fall to the ground and I wake up
              So I get out of bed, smoke some broccoli, and in my head
              Thoughts fly back to our break-up

              These forum rules are closing in
              Look at the fix you’ve put us in

              Since Martin’s gone, since Martin’s gone
              We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
              Could Nad be wrong? But since he’s been gone
              He cast a spell, so break it
              Oooohhh – PTeeeBee – Ooooaaah
              Since Martin’s gone

              So in the night we stand beneath the hazy light
              We read the words Joe sent to us
              We can take the afternoon but the night-time comes around to soon
              You know we’re gonna hop on the bus

              Your crazy letters, your Q&A’s
              Just increase our broccoli haze

              Since Dan’s been gone, since Dan’s been gone
              We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
              Could Jann be wrong? But since Dan’s been gone
              He cast a spell, so break it
              Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
              Since Dan’s been gone

              If Martin wood come back
              Baby you know
              We’ll never do wroooong


              Since Brad’s been gone, since Brad’s been gone
              We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
              Could Jumble be wrong, but since he’s been gone
              He cast a spell, so break it
              Oooohhhh – PTeeeBeee – Oooohh
              Ever since, Coop’s been gone

              [GUITAR SOLO OUTRO played by each Woohoo in turn]

              Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone
              We’re out of our heads, can’t take it
              Since they’ve been gone, since they’ve been gone

              AWESOME! Love it!

              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I'd like to introduce you all to two little birds that have just started visiting my deck. I've named them:

              Sam -

              ... because this is the female, and she's very calm and tends to sit and survey the territory around her for quite awhile between sips.

              And this is:

              Jack -

              ... because he's the male and is so fidgety I couldn't get quite as good a picture of him, and he's often flittering around so much he doesn't sit still for very long.

              I'll keep trying, though.
              Awww cute We've got some birdies visiting us as well well...they live in the new/small bird house my dad got


                I'm assuming these penguins are from the MOP brigade and they can fly because of Sam and Jack???



                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Wow, that's a lot of pink...I have a lot less...lookie!

                  I was just trying to capture as many posts as I could... I have about as same as you.

                  Hedwig awesome vid! Thanks for the rec!!!!!
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    *skips around the thread sharing her chocolates*

                    Here is the second and last part of the Shippy Moments in the novel:

                    Alliances Part 2:

                    As always 'he' is Jack and 'she' is Sam unless stated otherwise by me. I have extremely shippy glasses...they're pink-ier than the forum at the moment

                    Sam is Serena and Jack is Joseph in their undercover story. Just making that clear.

                    Have fun reading:

                    Part 1:

                    --- "You'll be here," Boaz said to Joseph and Serena, opening the door to the romm that until that morning had been his.
                    "It looks occupied," said Serena. "Is it yours?"
                    "It is the room with the mating bed," Boaz said, "I have no mate. The room is yours."
                    "Ah..."Joseph cleared his throat. "You know, Boaz. About this whole 'mating' thing. I was thinking maybe Serena and I could kin of wait on that for a while. You know. Since we only just met..."
                    Boaz stepped back and looked this Joseph up and down. "You are a stupid man," he said, not hiding his contempt. "And if you are not plowed into the barely field before the moon grows fat I shall be most surprised."

                    "Look, s - Joseph," said Serena, and laid her hand on her mate's arm. "I know this is difficult but we are sworn to obey Lord Rebec, servant of Mighty and Everlasting Yu."

                    --- "I should call Jacob. Someone better keep an eye out, just in case Boaz and Mikah come back," He ducked into the bedroom Boaz had assigned him and Carter, tried not to look at the double bed, and retrieved his communicator. "Hey, Jacob, you there?" he said, wandering out again. Carter had positioned herself by the window, and was keeping an eye on the street.

                    "Jack? Thank God, Martouf and I were starting to worry. You all right? Sam? Daniel?"
                    "Oh, we're all peachy," he said. "You know, this is some serious deep stinking crap you've landed us in here, Jacob!"
                    "We're living in the head man's house, for now," he said. "The three of us. And oh - yes - your daughter and I have been ordered to mate, thank you so very much!"
                    "I had to make sure at least two of you were together at consistent times," said Jacob. "Don't worry, Jack. You know I trust you."
                    As Carter made an incoherent sound of outrage, O'Neill glared at the communicator. "Jacob, I swear to God, when this is over I am going to punch you on the nose!"
                    Jacob laughed. "Let me talk to Sam."
                    "And when he's punched you on the nose, Dad, then it'll be my turn!"

                    --- "You don't have to tiptoe," said Carter's voice in the bedroom's dense darkness. "I'm still awake."
                    He pushed the door till the latch clicked shut. "There's no lamp in here?"
                    "Couldn't find the matches."

                    Inching his way forward till he bumped the bed, he sat down on its very edge. "It's all right, Carter. I'll take the floor. Just chuck me a pillow and a blanket."

                    "And if Boaz decides to look in on us at some point?" she said. "I wouldn't put it past him, he's obsessed with making babies. And I don't think he was kidding about Hol'c, sir. Do you?"
                    He heaved a heavy sigh. "No."

                    There came the sound of blankets being pulled back. "Come on. There's no point delaying the inevitable. You're just going to get cold, sitting there."

                    "Yeah," he said. "I suppose I am." He kicked off his shoes, slid beneath the covers and let his head drop onto the pillow. It felt strange, lying next to a woman after so long. Huh. How long had it been, anyway? Not since Kinthea...or Antarctica. That had been Carter, too. God. Don't think about Antarctica, or Kinthea. Don't think, full stop.

                    "What's that?" she whispered. He listened. "The front door," he whispered back. "Boaz. And Mikah."
                    She made a small sound in her throat. "Pity we don't have a headboard," she muttered. "We could bang it, suggestively. That'd keep him happy."

                    "We could bounce, instead," he muttered back.

                    "And moan," she replied, then rolled over to muffle a giggle in her own pillow.

                    He swatted the nearest bit of her he could reach. "Shhh! Shhh!" Paralyzed with silent hysterics, they listened to Boaz and Mikah retire to their own rooms. "Oh, God," she said, when it was safe to speak. "I knew I should've stayed at the Pentagon."

                    He snorted. "I should've stayed retired."
                    "Huh," she said, and shifted a little away from him. "Coulda, woulda, shoulda."

                    He tried not to care that her hip no longer touched his. The darkness was absolute, pressing him flat to the mattress like an enormous velvet hand.

                    "You know," she said, after a little while. "This could be worse."
                    He rolled his head on the pillow, even though he couldn't see her. "You're joking, right?"
                    "No. I'm not joking."
                    "Carter, how could this possibly be worse?"
                    He felt her shrug. "There could be ice."
                    Again, the danger of hysterics. "There could be Daniel."
                    "And Teal'c."
                    "There were four in the bed," he warbled softly, "and the colonel said-"

                    She dug her elbow in his side, shaking with repressed laughter. "Stop it! Stop it!"
                    "I've stopped! I've stopped!" He dropped a forearm over his face. "Okay. That's it. Serious now. We need to sleep." He took a deep breath. Let it out. "Good night...Serena."

                    "Good night, Joseph."
                    On cue, together: "Good night, John Boy."
                    More muffled laughter. A slow sinking into quiet. Then:
                    "God, Jack," she said, her voice small and lost in the darkness. "All the poor babies..."
                    He wanted to hold her hand. He didn't dare. "I know, Sam," he whispered. "But we'll save them. Somehow, we'll save them."
                    Silence. And finally, sleep.

                    Onto part 2 :

                    --- Mikah's hand crept inside his shirt and pulled out a stunted, withered cob of corn. "It has weevils, Master Hol'c," he said, his eyes wide with trepidation. "It would've been thrown away. I want to make a doll. For Serena's baby, the one that will come after Joseph has quickened her."
                    Daniel looked at Sam. Saw that Jack was looking at her too, as though he'd always known where she was.

                    --- Beside them Jack sprawled insensible. Sam pressed a hand to his face then looked at the charred mark on his chest.

                    --- But he (Daniel) didn't think he'd mention it to Jack. The mood Jack was in, he wouldn't take kindly to contradiction. And he wouldn't tell Sam, either. For all he knew she talked in her sleep. Ha! Wait till he told Teal'c about that one. Jack and Sam, bunked in the same bed and ordered to procreate for the glory of Yu. Teal'c would laugh for a week...

                    --- Sam surprised him (Daniel), then, by folding him to her in a swift, fierce hug. By whispering in his ear, "Go see Jack. Make sure he's all right."
                    She hardly ever hugged him. She never called Jack 'Jack'. Not any more. It told Daniel just how upset she was.

                    --- "And what of you, Serena?" Boaz asked after a moment. "Are you worried for Joseph?" Even with the burning lamp it was hard to see her expression. "Yes," she said simply. "I'm very worried."
                    "Do you love him?"
                    "What?" Now she sounded shocked. Flustered. "Boaz, I hardly know him."

                    --- "You do that, Marty. O'Neill out." He clicked off the communicator, shaking his head. "The Tok'ra should hold a raffle and raise some money so they can buy that guy a clue.

                    "Be fair," said Sam. "You do it on purpose, just to confuse him." A small spark of amusement glinted in jack's eyes. "You say that like it's a bad thing, Carter."

                    Sam pulled a face at him, and he pulled one back. Daniel made sure his own expression stayed studiously blank.

                    --- Jacob stifled an impatient sigh. Martouf would never admit it but he was worried for Sam too. "I know."
                    "In addition, she has Colonel O'Neill watching her back. He will not let any harm come to her. Indeed, I have observed he is quick to put himself in danger to protect her."
                    "I know that too." And he did. In fact, it was something he kept meaning to talk to Sam about. Because he had some nasty suspicions in that department...a strong hunch there were things brewing beneath the surface of her professional relationship with Jack that could get messy if everyone involved wasn't extremely careful.

                    I have to split this up in two posts as I've got too many characters

                    * crankie by Zuz


                      Here is the second part

                      And last but certainly not least Part 3:

                      --- The sound of Hol'c's palace exploding into smithereens almost burst his eardrums. The sight of the uncloaked al'kesh sent him sprinting for the babyhouse, and Carter. He never reached her.

                      --- "Shh, shh, I know," said Janet, soothing. "But you're okay? You're not injured?"
                      "No, no, I'm fine, I'm just tired, the colonel's a really bad sleeper and he hogs the bed, I-"

                      "Sam," said Janet, delicately. "Is there something you need to tell me?"
                      She felt her face heating. "Damn. I wasn't going to say anything about that. Um. Look. Janet. It's not what you think. Nothing...happened. We just got stuck sharing a bed. In our clothes. I even kept my socks on. All perfectly innocent. And out little secret, okay?"

                      "Hmm," said Janet, and looked at the enclosing curtain. "Hey, Teal'c. You still out there?"
                      "I am."
                      "Did you hear any of that?"
                      "I did not."
                      "Good. Let's keep it that way."

                      --- Leith said, sounding uninterested, (to Jack) "If it concerns you, Jacob managed to rescue his daughter."
                      Thank God, thank God. Carter was safe. "It concerns me."

                      --- "I don't know. You understand Jacob, don't you?"
                      Jack grunted, and with some difficulty eased himself onto the floor. "Jacob's different. Now can we please be quiet?"
                      "Sure. But you know..."
                      Daniel nodded at the bloodstain. "I was just thinking. Probably the details of how Leith died aren't something Sam needs to read in your report."
                      Jack's expression softened. "Yeah. Probably you're right."

                      --- "You have devised an excellent plan, Major," he (Teal'c) said quietly. "O'Neill will be impressed and proud."
                      Okay. If she wasn't careful this could get embarrassing. Breathing carefully, subduing treacherous emotion, she brought all her focus to bear on her interlaced fingers. "Thank, Teal'c. That means something, coming from you."

                      --- (Daniel and Jack are rescued by Sam out of some torture prison)
                      Sam flashed Daniel a taut smile, looking like an Amazon, and dropped to a crouch beside Jack. Her narrowed eyes swept over him, noting every singe, every blood smear.

                      "But the room's paid up till the end of the week!"
                      "Sir-" Sam let out a harsh breath, and touched Jack lightly on the arm. "Teal'c can you manage him on your own?"
                      "I can," said Teal'c. "If he does not cease talking I will club him unconscious and carry him to the Stargate."
                      Daniel took Sam by the arm and shuffled her a couple of paces sideways. Lowered his voice. "He's running a fever. I think he's delirious."
                      She rolled her eyes. "How can you tell?"
                      "Save it, Daniel." She gave him her sidearm and a spare ammo clip. "Let's get out of here."

                      --- (Jack's in the infirmary)
                      "Sam wanted a minute in private first. Is that okay?"
                      A longer hesitation. "Yeah," he said at last. "Yeah, send her in."

                      Carter must've been hovering in a nearby corridor; she turned up in less than three minutes. Spick and span, as usual. The faintest air of unease beneath her pleasure at seeing him. He was pretty damned pleased to see her, too.

                      --- (they're talking about the Eurondan mission; the one where Jack ordered the iris closed; killing the man that was following them)
                      "When you ordered the iris closed..." She took a breath then let it out, incrementally. "Were you hoping I'd countermand you?"

                      "Countermand me?" He lifted his eyebrows. "You're a major, Major. I'm a colonel, you can't countermand me."

                      She frowned. "You know what I mean." Yes. He knew what she meant. "Were you hoping I hoped that?"
                      "I'm serious. Did you want me to want you to-"
                      "No," she said flatly. "I thought - think - you made the right call."
                      Until she said it, he'd had no idea how much that mattered. "Okay."

                      She leaned forward, just a little. "Do you think you made the right call? Sir, do you wish I'd stopped you? Now that some time's gone by, and we've had a chance to...think about it. Should I have argued to let Alar through?"
                      He shook his head. "Not in a million years."

                      She relaxed, as though relieved of some terrible burden.

                      --- "I've got some goodbyes to say too," said Carter. "Berez, and Qualah. Sir, it's good to see you looking so much better. I'll stop by again this evening, if you'd like."
                      "Yeah," he said. "You do that."

                      AND I'm done! *shippy sigh* I just love finding these tid-bits in the novels. I know it's not really canon but it's not like they're allowed to write bits that aren't following the Stargate storyline or the story'll be banned and not published. So in my mind; it's a little bit canon

                      I have to go now, have fun partying!!!


                      Last edited by Lara_SGC; 01 April 2009, 09:08 AM. Reason: * crankies by Zuz :)


                        And yet another really cute video that could relate to S/J:


                        It's adorable, ... and I love the song, too.


                          *bounces in on a broccoli high*

                          Lovin' the pink, lovin' the ranks, lovin' the shippy vids and pics and artwork, lovin' everyone today in true hippy style *huggles everyone*

                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          TbH, what I understand from AT's answers it means that they are doing the deed...I can't imagine another way to relieve that UST. They are together in every way, except for marriage IMHO. I do think that S/J only let it out to the world when Jack is retired. Before that only a handful of people knows about them...
                          I love the way you think

                          CONGRATS ON 7000 LUVNJACK!!!
                          WELCOME SERENASERENITY!!!

                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            *hugs Lara REAL tight* Thank you!
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Hey everyone. Haven't posted in a while but I've noticed the changes made.

                              One thing remains the same:

                              S/J Shippers ROCK!!!

                              Trinity out.
                              sig by Mada
                              As a matter of FIC


                                Magic 8 ball?

                                What the heck?!
                                sig by Mada
                                As a matter of FIC

