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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    Oh, most definitely!

    I wanted to say something more about the WoO kiss and the wedding scene, but I got confused. I wanted to say that compared to the kiss, the wedding didn't happen. But did the kiss really happen? It took place, but actually didn't happen? Or what? I've always avoided alternative timeline discussions, bc I don't understand it very well, but... must know.
    Yes it does !!! actually it was only a 'time loop' , that really happened but only O'Neill and Teal'c can remember of everything... they were living the last 10 hours of the day when they found that ancient device ... so actually they were doing everything without consequences after Daniel's ideia *loves Daniel* because of him O'Neill lost his mind , and in the end of the ep. Daniel ask O'Neill if he did something wacky and then he looks at Carter ... i love WoO!!! i like 200 too actually i love that ep. but the wedding scene wasnt real after all ...


      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      I don't really have anything to add here except to say that I completely believe TPTB are going to reference 200 some time in the future. Because I don't think Landry and Walter set up a big, secret party with 16 SG teams in attendance for Cam's 200th time through the gate.

      Nope. Not buying it. On the other hand, I really don't know what they were celebrating but that's a big production for something as trivial as 200 trips through the stargate.
      Only I'm fairly certain 200 never happened, not in canon. The 'party' was just an excuse, I believe, to reference a party as a nod to the celebration of SG-1's 200th episode. The 'party' they had after filming.

      The reason I'm fairly certain nothing happened was there were bits, like talking about 1969 and Cam's parentage or Walter being in one uniform in the Control Room yet another by the time he reached the 'Gate room which indicate - to me - that none of it was real. It was all a big joke, meant to be taken completely out-of-context joke on themselves and on us. None of it was meant to be taken literally or seriously.

      At least, that's how I see it, and if so, we won't be seeing reference to it again because it never happened.
      Last edited by JenniferJF; 25 November 2008, 11:42 AM.


        Well, I like the WoO kiss because it's at least real in the sense that they both were there and they both went for it and one of them remembers it. Do I squee over it? Nah. Mostly for the reasons a couple of you have said, in that it just is too darn angsty. As much humor as there is in that entire episode, there is still, imho, an underlying bitterness to it that I can never quite get past, and Jack having to live with the memory of that kiss while Sam has none is one of the key components to that. Plus a lot of other stuff which we've talked about before and I won't repeat atm.

        As for 200? Nope. Cute. Funny. But like Jenn said...definitely a poke-the-shipper moment. Trust me...*someone* on the writing staff reads fanfics, cuz it was truly a product of that genre if it was anything at all. And I'm in the camp that says the whole ep never happened. In fact, JM said so himself. So for me it was a non-event in the lives of SG1. Non-canon all the way.

        But as always, just mho.


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Want another hypothetical? Which is more squeeworthy? The Window Of Oportunity sweep-off-your-feet-kiss or the wedding from 200?
          Definitely the kiss! The wedding was a fun piece of fantasy that was expected because it appeared in promos and trailers before 200 aired but the kiss in Window of Opportunity was *real* and unexpected! That was the *real* Sam and Jack *really* kissing each other! It was what Jack wanted and revealed that Sam wanted him to because she pulls him into the kiss!

          Obviously they've kissed off-screen now they're involved but one day there will be an on-screen kiss that both of them remember!

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            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Though, to give them some credit, at least it didn't happen on the ramp of the Stargate
            You're right about that. Amongst other things.

            Wow, I so got a Continuum vibe.

            EDIT: And, because actually with the cutting and the lighting and the sharpening it took far more hours to make than you'd expect, the gif says it's a bev gif, but it's not
            You made it? Didn't know that.

            Originally posted by VSS View Post
            I don't really have anything to add here except to say that I completely believe TPTB are going to reference 200 some time in the future. Because I don't think Landry and Walter set up a big, secret party with 16 SG teams in attendance for Cam's 200th time through the gate.

            Nope. Not buying it. On the other hand, I really don't know what they were celebrating but that's a big production for something as trivial as 200 trips through the stargate.
            Um, well, it has been mentioned here before, but... SGA has now short opening title, SGU has younger and edgier version of the cast, a wedding? If not Sam and Jack, then
            Anyone wanna take bets what's gonna take place next? Zombies?


              Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
              Um, well, it has been mentioned here before, but... SGA has now short opening title, SGU has younger and edgier version of the cast, a wedding? If not Sam and Jack, then
              Anyone wanna take bets what's gonna take place next? Zombies?
              hehehe. I think that's because those two elements specifically even in 200 were touted as being executive ideas which the network/marketing folks wanted, thinking it would be good for ratings. So it's not surprising TPTB eventually gave in and did those things (cause the network/marketing folks pay the bills).

              I did get a giggle out of the SGU description, because it does show that TPTB were probably poking fun at specific directives they'd been handed on Memos.

              You can almost SEE the big Sciffy computer (the same one that writes Eureka, I think) spitting out the concept for SGU... And, yeah, I could see it doing Zombies, too.

              (My Death Knight has a Zombie on WoW. Oh, wait, that's MEANT to be a Scifi cliche...)


                Congrats on 300 posts, Rachel-Kree!


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Now there's a discussion... angstiest ep ever... anyone have any different opinions??
                  Excellent question and there's bound to be lots of differing opinions but, for me, in terms of shippy angst then the Lost City two parter for sure. It's the whole Sam struggling with her feelings and struggling to tell Jack before he dies *sob* and Jack not really wanting to hear it and then, Jack all but dying and the whole encased in ice thing at the end...oh just *sob* *sob* *sob* Seriously, after watching that the first time I was completely speechless.
                  Of course, Heroes has to be the angstiest episode ever. Janet dies. 'nuff said.

                  Originally posted by VSS View Post
                  I don't really have anything to add here except to say that I completely believe TPTB are going to reference 200 some time in the future. Because I don't think Landry and Walter set up a big, secret party with 16 SG teams in attendance for Cam's 200th time through the gate.

                  Nope. Not buying it. On the other hand, I really don't know what they were celebrating but that's a big production for something as trivial as 200 trips through the stargate.
                  Well, I always got the impression the 200th trip through the gate was just Cam making a big deal of it and maybe Landry saw it as an excuse for a bit of a wind down. After all, given the year they'd all had with the Ori and the times they got their butts kicked I'd imagine anything to smile and forget for a few precious hours.

                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  Only I'm fairly certain 200 never happened, not in canon. The 'party' was just an excuse, I believe, to reference a party as a nod to the celebration of SG-1's 200th episode. The 'party' they had after filming.

                  The reason I'm fairly certain nothing happened was there were bits, like talking about 1969 and Cam's parentage or Walter being in one uniform in the Control Room yet another by the time he reached the 'Gate room which indicate - to me - that none of it was real. It was all a big joke, meant to be taken completely out-of-context joke on themselves and on us. None of it was meant to be taken literally or seriously.

                  At least, that's how I see it, and if so, we won't be seeing reference to it again because it never happened.
                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  As for 200? Nope. Cute. Funny. But like Jenn said...definitely a poke-the-shipper moment. Trust me...*someone* on the writing staff reads fanfics, cuz it was truly a product of that genre if it was anything at all. And I'm in the camp that says the whole ep never happened. In fact, JM said so himself. So for me it was a non-event in the lives of SG1. Non-canon all the way.
                  Interesting because it never occured to me that the whole thing was a fantasy. I always assumed elements of it were - obviously all the idea pitches and the bit with Walter getting ready so quickly - but I always assumed at least the basic Martin seeking help with a script and 200th trip through the gate thing was real. In any event, if you take away the obvious fantasy moments, nothing that happened in any of the rest of it has any bearing or impact on anything that has followed so it really makes no odds to me. It made me laugh and, after all, it is entertainment so it lived up to it's remit there.

                  Jenn, I had no idea you made that gif. It's fab and has given me many moments of pure pleasure just smiling stupidly at it.

                  Um, well, it has been mentioned here before, but... SGA has now short opening title, SGU has younger and edgier version of the cast, a wedding? If not Sam and Jack, then
                  Anyone wanna take bets what's gonna take place next? Zombies?
                  Well they kind of already did zombies (Evolution) so... puppets? Furlings *groooaaan*



                    Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                    It's like Trinity3 said; it did happen because Jack and Teal'c remember it even though no one else does. That and the fact that Sam said at the end that the Tok'ra had been trying to get in contact with them for over three months - and there was no telling how long it was before they began contacting them to begin with. So... time passed everywhere in the universe, but Earth and those other... 11, was it? worlds were reliving the same few hours. Because time still passed in a linear sense, I personally believe that it's possible for the members of the SGC to vaguely remember (dreams or impressions) things from the altered loops - because that's the only place in which the day change, and those changes did happen in their larger Timeline even though smaller Timeline was reset repeatedly.
                    Heh, funny you should say that I've read a great fic about Sam having strange dreams just like that......*desperately tries to remember who wrote it * D'oh, I really can't remember, or find it Sam is having trouble sleeping because she keeps having dreams about Jack....I think its an oldie, 3 or 4 years (maybe more) old....Ring any bells for anyone?

                    Originally posted by josiane View Post

                    Well of course, Entity beats them all hands down Possibly the angstiest ep of all really *sob* Because of what happens in the episode, and also because of where it comes and what it signifies in the larger context - the moment when the chickens come home to roost, if you will. It marks the real end of the slight giddiness that both Sam and Jack were experiencing at realising both their own feelings and that they were reciprocated, which must have been quite a high, and the moment when Jack realises this is too dangerous and starts to pull away. So I would argue that Entity is quite possibly the pinnacle of the angst of the entire story, hands down. Although then again, Affinity comes close But I'm still gonna go with Entity, although, in a throw back to that whole selfish versus empathetic pain thing, Affinity is more painful to me as a shipper, because I get shippery from Entity in a good way

                    Now there's a discussion... angstiest ep ever... anyone have any different opinions??
                    I can never decide between Entity or LC for angstiest ep ever Some days I'll swing one way, the next the other It's that final scene in Antartica that does me in every time and makes me question whether Entity really is the angstiest.

                    Anyone got a gif of that scene? Or do I have to put it on my To Do list?

                    I think the main thing that makes me so split is that at the time I watched it, I thought it was the LAST EVER ep (stupid announcers on SkyOne can't get anything right ) so you can imagine how nuts I was going at the TV (NOOOOOO! You can't leave Jack there!!!!!!! ), so My angst + S/J Angst = Enough Angst to fill the Cavern for a week

                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    Well, I like the WoO kiss because it's at least real in the sense that they both were there and they both went for it and one of them remembers it. Do I squee over it? Nah. Mostly for the reasons a couple of you have said, in that it just is too darn angsty. As much humor as there is in that entire episode, there is still, imho, an underlying bitterness to it that I can never quite get past, and Jack having to live with the memory of that kiss while Sam has none is one of the key components to that. Plus a lot of other stuff which we've talked about before and I won't repeat atm.

                    As for 200? Nope. Cute. Funny. But like Jenn said...definitely a poke-the-shipper moment. Trust me...*someone* on the writing staff reads fanfics, cuz it was truly a product of that genre if it was anything at all. And I'm in the camp that says the whole ep never happened. In fact, JM said so himself. So for me it was a non-event in the lives of SG1. Non-canon all the way.

                    But as always, just mho.
                    That's my take on it too, 200 was one huge enjoyment of tptb poking fun at themselves and at fans of all varieties Plus the inside jokes come so fast at times it's impossible to count them all Speaking of fanfic cliches, now this fanfic I can remember!The Stormies by Jojo It takes just about every fanfic cliche you can think of and hangs a sign on every single one of them Jack'd HATE it


                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      I can never decide between Entity or LC for angstiest ep ever Some days I'll swing one way, the next the other It's that final scene in Antartica that does me in every time and makes me question whether Entity really is the angstiest.


                      Anyone got a gif of that scene? Or do I have to put it on my To Do list?

                      I think the main thing that makes me so split is that at the time I watched it, I thought it was the LAST EVER ep (stupid announcers on SkyOne can't get anything right ) so you can imagine how nuts I was going at the TV (NOOOOOO! You can't leave Jack there!!!!!!! ), so My angst + S/J Angst = Enough Angst to fill the Cavern for a week
                      You make a good case, but I still vote Entity over LC. Yes that last scene is incredibly angsty, and there's the scene in Jack's house and on the ship, but as a whole I find Entity more because of where it comes in the larger storyline. It really marks that turning point from the ship basically being something that makes them feel good (the flirting, the looks), odd angsty moments like 100 days and the forceshield scene aside, to the ship being something that causes them pain, trying to deny the feelings and move on and behave professionally because of their larger sense of duty. And all of that happens when they are really shown how their feelings could potentially be disastrous, with the Entity choosing Sam because it observed their feelings. By the time we get to Lost City Sam has tried to move on, and Jack has tried to let her go, and OK when it comes down to it they can't, but the status quo doesn't change. However I entirely take your point about how it must have felt to watch that thinking it was the very end, and yes then I doubt anything could beat that angst

                      That's my take on it too, 200 was one huge enjoyment of tptb poking fun at themselves and at fans of all varieties Plus the inside jokes come so fast at times it's impossible to count them all Speaking of fanfic cliches, now this fanfic I can remember!The Stormies by Jojo It takes just about every fanfic cliche you can think of and hangs a sign on every single one of them Jack'd HATE it
                      Yeah me too And that is a fun fic, and is entirely responsible for me noticing Jonas and his banana in Descent, which I'd completely overlooked until that point
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        Congrats on 3600 posts, josiane!

                        Well, I'm off. G'night!


                          Thanks Egle

                          ((((Ship Family))) Good Night ! with a lot of S/J dreams


                            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post

                            Um, well, it has been mentioned here before, but... SGA has now short opening title, SGU has younger and edgier version of the cast, a wedding? If not Sam and Jack, then
                            Anyone wanna take bets what's gonna take place next? Zombies?
                            I'd just like to point out that SG1 and SGA for the first halves of seasons 9 and 2 respectively had shortened main titles and that was what 200 was poking fun at. After fans complained, they went back to the longer ones, until this year, SGA has gone back to a shortened main title. So, anyway, that one happened before they made fun of it.



                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Seconded - I must have missed this the first time! Priceless!

                                (ssh - dont tell the mods! )

                                And it's official! I am writing a fic titled OopsieSex

                                I don't know exactly when it will be set...undoubtedly one of those "Jack and Sam end up spooning when made to share a bed together by the natives" moments but still...OopsieSex is too good a term to let die
                                OopsieSex...I love it already!

