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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
    Goooood morning shippers...

    OT - I'll probably be here for a lot of the day LOL...
    My little boy has a cold and he gave it to me. So despite the mountains of cleaning I have to do, I don't want to make myself ultra-sick, which I used to do when I worked full time.
    Oh! I hate that!

    Because they are always worse than what the babe had. UGH!

    On Pete, Jack, and confirmation (and peguins)...

    Pete was definitely what Sam "wanted" - did anyone ever watch Gilmore Girls? There's a line that Lorelei gives Chris (during the last and worst season ever) - she tells him "You're the one I want to want." Sam wants to want Pete. He's sweet (if slightly stalkerish), funny (if slightly goofy), and good-looking (if sort of spud-ish). He makes her a priority, he's available for her. Jack on the other hand is her CO, stand-offish, and comes with a whole slew of problems. I think this is why Fifth latched onto Pete - he read what she 'wanted to want'.

    The bolded... I think that is exactly her feeling for Pete at the time.
    Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
    You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


      Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
      But I think in LC, even with her saying all the things... She didn't come right out and say it... it was the same ole song and dance they had been doing since D&C. I think becuase (like always) Jack didn't encourage her to actually say something along the lines of, "Jack O'Neill, I am completely head over heels in love with you." So there fore it sat there... still said but unsaid. Spoken but unspoken. (Besides... I think the whole, you are going to die unless we get ahold of the Asgard might have had something to do with it. )

      IMO, The look on Sam's face when Pete proposed in Affinity, was that of complete shock. Not someone who had been expecting it at all... but someone who was taken completely off guard. I think that Sam did love Pete in her own way... not like she loved Jack of course, but she thought that he could be a good runner up. KWIM? She tried to convince herself that she could have her happily ever after with Pete. I think that is why in New Order, Fifth grabbed Pete and not Jack. (Besides, wouldn't Sam have seen through "fake Jack" in an instant?)
      Interesting...but real confession but the feelings were closer to the surface at that moment...I think Sam should have noticed it, but then again it is Sam...the one that isn't that good with relationships!
      The die part can indeed have something to do with it...trying to move on...even if it is without Jack.

      Yup, I totally agre with you there....also on that moment I think you know if you want to marry someone or not, you don't have to think about that for two weeks IMHO. (or were it three weeks?!?!)

      She tried to convince herself that Pete is the one, but at that point she should already have noticed that when he isn't the one, he will never be the one...I think...Jack is it...but she did notice it just on time Threads.

      I think Sam would have seen through fake Jack in an instant. Those two know eachother so good, you can't hide that many things from eachother after so long, I think. You know each other through and through.

      Originally posted by silly sally View Post
      Fifth as a human replicator doesn't understand feelings and probably probed Sam's mind using cognitive functions (for example asking who is your boyfriend? not trying to find out who she loved). I don't know if that's clear or not...

      LE: or the simple fact that they wanted to give DDL another paycheck (nepotism eh?)
      Nice theory. I've never thought about this before, but this could be true. Because he looks at the cognitive side of Sam he thinks he is the one, he doesn't look at her feelings, he is a machine so he will still think as a machine(even with all the "humanisms" Fifth had)

      That could also be true lol...but I don't think so


        A few of my own thoughts on a couple of things being discussed.

        “Leaving it in the room”. Sam suggested it. Jack said “are we okay with that”. Sam said yes. They were interrupted at that point when Janet walked into the room, with Teal’c right behind her, and Anise still sitting at the zatarc machine, and guards in the hallway. Neither one of them were the kind of person to continue a conversation like that with anybody else around. So I’ve always thought it unfair to lay the responsibility for furthering the relationship in Sam’s lap. I like to believe that even though they left it in that room, it didn’t mean they didn’t talk about it again at some point and maybe come to an agreement of some kind about what they were willing to do. Would they have talked about it later? Nobody can say for sure; it’s all opinion. I think there is more to this “issue” than who suggested leaving it in the room. It was something that was suggested on the spur of the moment at an extremely difficult and awkward time, and wasn’t allowed to be explored beyond that moment. So I’ve never felt that it was “always in Sam’s lap” to do something about it in the following years. And while I understand everything everyone has said about Jack’s self-esteem and whether he thought he was “worthy” of her, I just can’t accept it all being in Sam’s lap to do something about.

        “Pete was willing to move to CO from Denver in order to pursue a relationship” – but he didn’t give up his job or his career in doing so. He gave up his job in Denver, but got another PD job in CO, apparently, and continued his career. It was a lovely gesture, and obviously Sam was flattered and quite taken with the notion that somebody would do that for her (and by that time, I'm sure she felt she really did deserve that kind of thing from somebody). But I don’t think it’s a fair comparison, either, since Pete barely knew Sam and was infatuated with her and willing to do a lot of things at that time in order to keep seeing her at the beginning of the relationship. It wasn’t in the same league at all with what Jack had been doing over the years, whatever his reasons were for doing them. Jack loved Sam (and I think it went way beyond even love – however one describes “love”). He was willing to do a lot for her, and probably would even have given up his own career for her (but as I recall, whenever he suggested or threatened to retire/quit/give up his career, he got shot down by higher ups saying they wouldn’t let him do that) – but I prefer to think he felt duty and service to the country and planet were more important at that time than whether he should give up his career in order to be with her. Just as Sam felt duty and service to country and planet were more important at that time. But by the time Pete came along, she also felt that he didn’t care for her “in that way” anymore and since he at times obviously (to me) was pushing her away from him in terms of anything romantic (we all know how well Jack avoided “feelings” kind of discussions or conversations, and that would be the ultimate in those kind of discussions), of course she’d be quite taken with somebody giving her what she couldn’t have with Jack (after all those years of unrequited whatever). So by that time Sam was willing to explore “other options” … thus Pete.

        I’m sure I’ve left a few important things out of these comments on what I have observed about their relationship (I tend to do that when I’m trying to wrestle thoughts out of my brain - - and then later wonder why I didn’t include some important thought - ), but thems my thoughts on the subject at the moment.

        (**off to look for coffee to see if it will banish the morning fog in my brain**)


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          A few of my own thoughts on a couple of things being discussed.

          “Leaving it in the room”. Sam suggested it. Jack said “are we okay with that”. Sam said yes. They were interrupted at that point when Janet walked into the room, with Teal’c right behind her, and Anise still sitting at the zatarc machine, and guards in the hallway. Neither one of them were the kind of person to continue a conversation like that with anybody else around. So I’ve always thought it unfair to lay the responsibility for furthering the relationship in Sam’s lap. I like to believe that even though they left it in that room, it didn’t mean they didn’t talk about it again at some point and maybe come to an agreement of some kind about what they were willing to do. Would they have talked about it later? Nobody can say for sure; it’s all opinion. I think there is more to this “issue” than who suggested leaving it in the room. It was something that was suggested on the spur of the moment at an extremely difficult and awkward time, and wasn’t allowed to be explored beyond that moment. So I’ve never felt that it was “always in Sam’s lap” to do something about it in the following years. And while I understand everything everyone has said about Jack’s self-esteem and whether he thought he was “worthy” of her, I just can’t accept it all being in Sam’s lap to do something about.

          “Pete was willing to move to CO from Denver in order to pursue a relationship” – but he didn’t give up his job or his career in doing so. He gave up his job in Denver, but got another PD job in CO, apparently, and continued his career. It was a lovely gesture, and obviously Sam was flattered and quite taken with the notion that somebody would do that for her (and by that time, I'm sure she felt she really did deserve that kind of thing from somebody). But I don’t think it’s a fair comparison, either, since Pete barely knew Sam and was infatuated with her and willing to do a lot of things at that time in order to keep seeing her at the beginning of the relationship. It wasn’t in the same league at all with what Jack had been doing over the years, whatever his reasons were for doing them. Jack loved Sam (and I think it went way beyond even love – however one describes “love”). He was willing to do a lot for her, and probably would even have given up his own career for her (but as I recall, whenever he suggested or threatened to retire/quit/give up his career, he got shot down by higher ups saying they wouldn’t let him do that) – but I prefer to think he felt duty and service to the country and planet were more important at that time than whether he should give up his career in order to be with her. Just as Sam felt duty and service to country and planet were more important at that time. But by the time Pete came along, she also felt that he didn’t care for her “in that way” anymore and since he at times obviously (to me) was pushing her away from him in terms of anything romantic (we all know how well Jack avoided “feelings” kind of discussions or conversations, and that would be the ultimate in those kind of discussions), of course she’d be quite taken with somebody giving her what she couldn’t have with Jack (after all those years of unrequited whatever). So by that time Sam was willing to explore “other options” … thus Pete.

          I’m sure I’ve left a few important things out of these comments on what I have observed about their relationship (I tend to do that when I’m trying to wrestle thoughts out of my brain - - and then later wonder why I didn’t include some important thought - ), but thems my thoughts on the subject at the moment.

          (**off to look for coffee to see if it will banish the morning fog in my brain**)
          LMAO... You've been reading too many fics; afaic on the show Jack has never offered to quit his job (even for Sam)...


            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            I think Sam would have seen through fake Jack in an instant. Those two know eachother so good, you can't hide that many things from eachother after so long, I think. You know each other through and through.
            I think she would have, too, but... wouldn't that have made a fantastic ep?


              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              Ok - so I'm slightly late on my 2500th post - but just pretend that I'm not for a second, because I bring PRESENTS

              Present #1


              "If love was red..."

              Present #2

              The third installment of the TPTB series. If you like ABBA and you like Paul Mullie, this is the song for you (lol)

              "Mullie Mullie Mullie"

              Edit: why aren't those linkies working?...

              Edit 2: ah, now they work
              Awesome vid, as ever! Out of green, also seemingly as ever

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Hehehe. That's how the third movie can open...

              Jack's office in Washington, seen first person from behind the desk. Penguins start to pour through the door, filling the room, silently standing staring at him. He pulls back the drapes - hundreds more penguins heading his way outside...

              The desk phone starts to ring, he answers it... And finds himself grabbing his bedside phone, having just woken from a nightmare.

              "Uh?" he grunts, half awake.

              Voice: "General? Is that you? There's a problem at the SGC..."

              Jack rolls over, disturbing Sam whose curled against his back. He thrusts the phone at her. "It's for you."
              Yes, I know it calls back to Threads. That's the point
              Lol, oh we can but hope! That would be fabulous

              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
              My impression is that TPTB and RDA were very respectful of the military regs and for this reason an open relationship couldn't and wouldn't be established between the two characters.

              Welcome to the newbie! LOL!

              I didn't catch that with Fifth either. Going to have to go back and watch
              I think there are a lot of very sensible (if frustrating) reasons why they've been vague since the end of S8. One is respect for the military, because let's face it Sam and Jack walked a very fine line the whole time they were both on SG1 and are almost certainly being discreet with their relationship in deference to the fact that they did serve together for so long (and presumably don't want any suspicion that there was anything inappropriate when they were) and may be having to be careful of chain of command issues. As Rachel has posted before (in an excellent summary), we don't know what their situation currently is with regard to the regs. It may be slightly grey - not that I'm suggesting their relationship is inappropriate, because Sam and Jack are nothing if not people of honour, and wouldn't blatantly flout, but they may be taking advantage of loopholes, favour or a loose command structure up to HWS, for example (all of which are possible from what we've seen onscreen). Two is for narrative reasons - makes sense to keep their options open, and maybe TPTB haven't pinned down all the hows and whys of the situation - why write themselves into a corner if they don't need to? So to me it makes perfect sense that they've gone for the option they have, of dropping hints and portraying Sam and Jack in a couply way when on screen together (as we've discussed not so long ago with regard to The Shroud and Continuum) - basically operating on and portraying the assumption that Sam and Jack are together and have been since Threads, without having to spend a lot of time and effort explaining all the details when the narrative we see onscreen doesn't either have time or need for it. As Aveo said, a TV episode only ever gives glimpses into their lives! This is not to say I wouldn't have liked to have seen more, but I can understand that in the context of the show post S8 it wasn't the time or the place and am happy with what we got. Movie 3 may well be the time and the place, and I have a feeling that confirmation is exactly what we're going to get but probably not much more - that the conclusions we have drawn are correct and they are and have been together. But even there more details will almost certainly get sacrificed to the wider story.

              Whew, that got a bit longer than I thought it would

              On the Fifth/Pete discussion, I have nothing to add except to say great discussion guys Loved all your comments

              WELCOME GRACEONEILL!!!
              CONGRATS ON 2500 BEKKI!!!

              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                LMAO... You've been reading too many fics; afaic on the show Jack has never offered to quit his job (even for Sam)...
                I wouldn't swear to it at this point, but I thought at least Hammond said in an episode when Jack mentioned quitting/retiring/whatever that he couldn't do that or wouldn't be allowed to do that. And I didn't say he "offered" to quit or retire; I said "suggested" or "threatened". In my mind, there's a big difference there.


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  I wouldn't swear to it at this point, but I thought at least Hammond said in an episode when Jack mentioned quitting/retiring/whatever that he couldn't do that or wouldn't be allowed to do that. And I didn't say he "offered" to quit or retire; I said "suggested" or "threatened". In my mind, there's a big difference there.
                  IDK, As far as I recall Jack retired only in "2010" and it wasn't for Sam, but because of her (Neah, just kidding; he probably retired because no one heeded his warnings about the Aschen)


                    Ep of the week wp



                      Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                      IDK, As far as I recall Jack retired only in "2010" and it wasn't for Sam, but because of her (Neah, just kidding; he probably retired because no one heeded his warnings about the Aschen)
                      I understand what you're saying, but I seem to recall a discussion in Hammond's office in some other episode where the two were talking about retiring, and Hammond said something about Jack not being allowed to retire, and the retirement issue wasn't about Sam or in an alternate timeline/reality. And, yeah, in "2010", I'm sure he retired partly because no one heeded his warnings, and partly because he just wasn't needed to help defend earth anymore, and so he retired - like he was before being pulled out of retirement to be part of the stargate program.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I wouldn't swear to it at this point, but I thought at least Hammond said in an episode when Jack mentioned quitting/retiring/whatever that he couldn't do that or wouldn't be allowed to do that. And I didn't say he "offered" to quit or retire; I said "suggested" or "threatened". In my mind, there's a big difference there.
                        Might you be thinking of Upgrades, one of the last scenes when Jack's laying on the ramp, looking up at Hammond and says something like, "Remember, I retired and you brought me back," or something to that effect?

                        Edited to add - he "retired" in Shades of Gray. He also said that Hammond could go ahead and courts martial him if he wanted to in Learning Curve, towards the end when Marrin is leaving.


                          Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                          Might you be thinking of Upgrades, one of the last scenes when Jack's laying on the ramp, looking up at Hammond and says something like, "Remember, I retired and you brought me back," or something to that effect?
                          That is one of the episodes. And maybe it's just my brain being really foggy at the moment, but I can't seem to get the idea out of my head that in another episode, Jack and Hammond were in Hammond's office when the subject of retiring came up in relation to Jack, and Hammond said Jack wouldn't be allowed to (and I had the idea that it was because of Jack's importance to the stargate program). Now I'm going to have to go look through my DVDs till I find it.


                            Hello shippers!

                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            And I was/am a HUGE M/S shipper. My mom is too, lol.

                            Hmm...Now that I think of it, my mom and I ALWAYS ship the same couples...Is that odd?

                            I am too! And my mom also... poor mom, I had to take her to the cinema to watch the movie because no one else wanted to!!

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post



                            that's a pretty good translation...since laetae sententiae excommunication is excommunication incurred automatically...for things like aboirtion, being a schismatic, being a heretic, or being apostate....and ferendae sententiae excommunication is excommunication that has to be declared by an ecclesiastical judge

                            now...pop quiz time.....

                            translate "Crucem Tuum, adoramus Domine. Resurrectionem (sp?) Tuum, laudamus Domine. Laudamus, et glorificamus resurrectionem (again sp?) Tuum. Laudamus Domine."

                            you have 30 seconds....go...*plays jeopardy music in background"...

                            OT, Latin:

                            That would be something like "Lord, we adore your cross, Lord we praise your Resurrection, we praise and glorify your Resurrection. We praise the Lord." In Italian makes sense... I don't know if it does in English ... can do better than that!!! That was easy...

                            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                            Ohh, those were great little missing scenes from those episodes. Anyone have more? Yes, I'm greedy! (and should be working) LOL!
                            There are missing scenes from LitS?????????? Or is it just fanfic? because I've seen one from Morpheus (Vala talks to Sam about the broken doohickey - or something like that) but I don't recall ever hearing of a LitS missing scene...

                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            I understand what you're saying, but I seem to recall a discussion in Hammond's office in some other episode where the two were talking about retiring, and Hammond said something about Jack not being allowed to retire, and the retirement issue wasn't about Sam or in an alternate timeline/reality. And, yeah, in "2010", I'm sure he retired partly because no one heeded his warnings, and partly because he just wasn't needed to help defend earth anymore, and so he retired - like he was before being pulled out of retirement to be part of the stargate program.
                            This conversation happened for sure in Fire&Water after Danny got missing... He wasn't allowed to retire because SG-1 had to clear Daniel's apartament...and I think also at the beginning of Politics...after the programm was shut down...but I'm not sure about that one...

                            **would really join the conversation about Jack's reason to retire and everything else, but has to study... a lot**

                            OT - again- Health:

                            I just came back from my volleyball training and had a collision with a friend of mine...I'm like 5 feet tall and she is 6... so, from what the coach said and my pain I probably have a couple of cracked ribs!! ...doh... ouch...second time in a year!! That has to be a record...**for someone who isn't beaten up regularly..see SG.1
                            sigs by Rachel-Kree, josiane and finally me too!
                            Thank you!

                            "The true nature of a man is decided in the battle between his conscious mind and the desires of his subconscious." - Shifu, Absolute Power
                            Stargate SG.1, Sam and Jack, Sanctuary...


                              Originally posted by DominaTemporis View Post

                              This conversation happened for sure in Fire&Water after Danny got missing... He wasn't allowed to retire because SG-1 had to clear Daniel's apartament...and I think also at the beginning of Politics...after the programm was shut down...but I'm not sure about that one...

                              **would really join the conversation about Jack's reason to retire and everything else, but has to study... a lot**

                              OT - again- Health:

                              I just came back from my volleyball training and had a collision with a friend of mine...I'm like 5 feet tall and she is 6... so, from what the coach said and my pain I probably have a couple of cracked ribs!! ...doh... ouch...second time in a year!! That has to be a record...**for someone who isn't beaten up regularly..see SG.1
                              Ah, ... the trail is getting warmer. Those may be the episodes I was thinking of. Not totally sure there's another one, but there may be.

                              And re the OT - my sympathies about the injury. I've been there, and it hurts! (I fractured my tailbone on one occasion and not long later managed to fracture a few ribs - was very painful for a long time.)
                              Last edited by hedwig; 08 October 2008, 10:29 AM.


                                Originally posted by DominaTemporis View Post

                                There are missing scenes from LitS?????????? Or is it just fanfic? because I've seen one from Morpheus (Vala talks to Sam about the broken doohickey - or something like that) but I don't recall ever hearing of a LitS missing scene...
                                Naw, just fanfic
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

