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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by BeccaBeez View Post
    Oh you are all so friendly! Thanks for the welcome.

    NZNeep: Yes, I'm in Wellington. Lovely weather lately aye?
    Yep, gorgeous weather I have been catching the cable car lately instead of running up the hill in the rain.

    Hmmm... all the seasons of Stargate? I have been very tempted, especially last week when Whitcouls had 25% off all dvds. It wasn't until the sale was over that I remembered I have had $220 of whitcouls vouchers stashed in my room for years. Gah!
    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


      Hi Folks

      Just a note here
      First You all know that I love Sam & Jack together so please keep that in mind as you read this okay

      RDA was wonderful and shared his Con experience with is daughter and also has not asked that she not be photographed. However, please keep in mind GW rules about pics and such AND reality when you are posting pictures of RDA, Amanda Tapping along with pictures of RDA's daughter.

      Lets not cross any lines that might make anyone uncomfortable okay This thread is about Sam and Jack, fictional characters on a TV show. not RDA and Amanda Tapping the real people.

      GateWorld Moderator
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Bekki Thats absolutely fantastic And you put Nad and me in there too WoooooHoooooo!

        Love the line about VSS and APA too
        What she said! You have perfectly pinpointed my greatest secret desire

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        (((((((((((((Shippers)))))))))))) Thanks so much guys!

        ...I've got some more "goodies" lined up for tomorrow...Nad might be excited...Joe might not be the only one with his own song...


        Ah crap, she's at it again
        To what do you refer, O'Neill
        She's tinkering the classics, Tealc! The CLASSICS!!!
        (me): Teehee
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Originally posted by BeccaBeez View Post
          Oh you are all so friendly! Thanks for the welcome.

          NZNeep: Yes, I'm in Wellington. Lovely weather lately aye?

          Jumble: I joined gateworld about a month ago and was lurking around here since about then. (bad lurker!!). But I've been a fan of Stargate since it was first aired in NZ (about 10 years ago?). I decided to get all nostalgic earlier this year and buy season 1 on DVD, but couldn't stop with one season... now I have all of Sg-1 and Sg-A seasons 1-3. Ouch! I've always liked the idea of Jack and Sam, but really wanted it as canon later on (season 5 onwards i think).

          Also, I don't know about MOP, and I can't get the link to work. Help?
          D'oh! By the time I'd fixed it Jann had beaten me to it

          I had the same thing happen when I started buying the DVDs, it was never enough until I had them all And I have S1-S4 of SGA as well

          If you've been lurking you probably know we've had a lot of positive hints and vibes from TPTB about Jack and Sam confirmation lately, so we've all got our fingers crossed for the 3rd movie


            Welcome to the thread,

            Please stick around and have fun posting!

            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
              Hi Folks

              Just a note here
              First You all know that I love Sam & Jack together so please keep that in mind as you read this okay

              RDA was wonderful and shared his Con experience with is daughter and also has not asked that she not be photographed. However, please keep in mind GW rules about pics and such AND reality when you are posting pictures of RDA, Amanda Tapping along with pictures of RDA's daughter.

              Lets not cross any lines that might make anyone uncomfortable okay This thread is about Sam and Jack, fictional characters on a TV show. not RDA and Amanda Tapping the real people.

              GateWorld Moderator
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                Hello shippers!

                Seeing as today marks my One Year Anniversary at GateWorld, (woohoo) I thought I'd do something a little special ( a little....emphasis on little)

                So first off, here's my little heart felt anniversary spiel

                When I first found Gateworld, (I think it was after reading one of Mara's fics), I had lost my job, locked myself in my house and was in some pretty bad depression. Thanks to you guys, I had fun, friendly people to talk to and people and things to be happy about. I look back at that time and all I can remember (it seems like a gross big blur) is how wonderful you all made me feel every day. I can't thank you enough for helping me out of that shadow, even if you didn't know I was there to begin with So THANK YOU, SHIPPERS!!!

                In thanks, and to mark my anniversary, I present you with a song. It was inspired by Luvnjack's "Just you wait, antishippers" post a while back.

                I assure everyone *cough Mods cough* that it is all meant in good fun and in no level of seriousness whatsoever.

                So, I present to you,

                Just You Wait

                Happy Anniversary


                  Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                  Yep *raises hand* fellow word-nerd here (love that word btw!)
                  It is latin, strictly speaking it can mean "Good bye friend", however both Aveo and Amacus can offer a more romantic conotation. (Bear in mind it is also a latin butcher because it's actually "ancient" )

                  *cough* fic *cough*
                  as you can see from the reviews there are some people out there who get insulted by my, um, "translation" but hey I'm a shipper comes with the territory, I don't care.
                  Love that fic...and erm...if they don't like the translation...why are those people reading S/J fic then? Just wondering


                    Aveo Amacus: great fic. Beautiful! The words just sound more profound than 'goodbye'... your fic rings true to me...
                    ~~~~~ Meant to Be ~~~~~


                      Hello, penguins!

                      Welcome BeccaBeez!!!
                      Congrats On your One Year
                      Anniversary, Bekki!!!

                      Love the song!

                      Aveo, thanks for the fluffy picspam! That a good way to start the day... afternoon!

                      Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                      hey shippers!!!

                      I've made it back from Vancouver! I can't put into words what an awesome time I had! The city is beautiful, RDA was so hilarious, and I got to meet fellow shippers! I'd like to give a big shout out to the shippers I met: babancat, sg1fanintn, nell, trupi, sugarshaker, and poz. You all are the best! Thanks for making the Con an even better experience just for being so awesome!

                      and to keep this OT - someone DID ask RDA about the Sam/Jack relationship. Someone asked about closure and he gave a flat out no. Then he asked, what would closure mean. For those of you freaking out by this news, I will also add that after he said this, he said you can't believe everything he says anyway I tend to believe this cuz he actually asked the question didn't she get married or something? So this tells me that whatever RDA says should be taken with a grain of salt and thank God that Brad Wright will hopefully be writing the next movie and not him
                      Welcome back! Hope to hear all about it

                      Originally posted by welshgater View Post
                      Hey heres a link to some fan written Jack & Sam stories:

                      Awww, more fics! Thanks!

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      *whistles happily* It has been a very long time since I spammed the thread...

                      Ear look!
                      Ya!!!! Why only one?????


                        Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                        hey shippers!!!

                        I've made it back from Vancouver! I can't put into words what an awesome time I had! The city is beautiful, RDA was so hilarious, and I got to meet fellow shippers! I'd like to give a big shout out to the shippers I met: babancat, sg1fanintn, nell, trupi, sugarshaker, and poz. You all are the best! Thanks for making the Con an even better experience just for being so awesome!

                        and to keep this OT - someone DID ask RDA about the Sam/Jack relationship. Someone asked about closure and he gave a flat out no. Then he asked, what would closure mean. For those of you freaking out by this news, I will also add that after he said this, he said you can't believe everything he says anyway I tend to believe this cuz he actually asked the question didn't she get married or something? So this tells me that whatever RDA says should be taken with a grain of salt and thank God that Brad Wright will hopefully be writing the next movie and not him
                        From the few instances where I've read/seen him asked, I think RDA is always quite circumspect when asked about Sam/Jack and I think in the past has commented that it should be 'behind closed doors' or something like that because he's very respectful regarding the regs and the real US Air Force.

                        Personally, his initial answer on closure (if that was the term used) may have been because he assumed it meant - 'do you want to see an end to the Sam/Jack storyline?' as opposed to do you want to see the relationship confirmed explicitly. Like he said - what does closure mean really?

                        I also think that sometimes he does give rather cryptic answers that mean more than they appear. I remember around the time of Avalon, someone asked about whether he would be in Continuum and his reply was that his relationship with the producers was fairly Arctic (or words to that effect). At the time, it was very disappointing because it gave the impression he wasn't going to be in the film. Cue a few weeks later when the announcement came out that he was and guess what? He was going to the Arctic...Now maybe his word choice was a complete coincidence...maybe not. Who knows? (except maybe RDA )

                        So its probably just me (and clearly I wasn't in the room so have no view on intonation/body language/context) but I'm looking at the 'didn't she [Sam] get married?' and thinking he means to Jack...

                        And as I'm happy with that interpretation I think I'll stay with it.
                        Last edited by Rachel500; 27 August 2008, 03:13 AM.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                          Happy Birthday Madaline_7

                          And coz I can't sing myself...I let SG1 sing for me

                          Hope you have a wonderful Bday filled with joy, presents...and all that stuff


                            Happy Birthday, Mada!!!!!

                            A present for you... earlooks



                              Happy Birthday,
                              Madaline 7

                              Hope it's an awesome one!

                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Hi Shippers!

                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Hello shippers!

                                Seeing as today marks my One Year Anniversary at GateWorld, (woohoo) I thought I'd do something a little special ( a little....emphasis on little)

                                So first off, here's my little heart felt anniversary spiel

                                When I first found Gateworld, (I think it was after reading one of Mara's fics), I had lost my job, locked myself in my house and was in some pretty bad depression. Thanks to you guys, I had fun, friendly people to talk to and people and things to be happy about. I look back at that time and all I can remember (it seems like a gross big blur) is how wonderful you all made me feel every day. I can't thank you enough for helping me out of that shadow, even if you didn't know I was there to begin with So THANK YOU, SHIPPERS!!!

                                In thanks, and to mark my anniversary, I present you with a song. It was inspired by Luvnjack's "Just you wait, antishippers" post a while back.

                                I assure everyone *cough Mods cough* that it is all meant in good fun and in no level of seriousness whatsoever.

                                So, I present to you,

                                Just You Wait
                                ((((((((((((Bekki)))))))))))) Congrats on your anniversary *hugs*

                                Okay....that was the best vid ever!!!! Hehehe
                                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                                Thanks Bekki

