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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    Well, m'dear, for what it's worth, my advice - unasked for as it is. Go to college. There are LOTS of exploratory classes out there until something really catches your imagination. If you choose to move out, move out and get a few roommates. And finally, you don't have to be hugely important to a lot of people, but be hugely important to at least some. And have those same people be hugely important to you.

    Take it for what it's worth.
    College, right now, isn't much of an option. It's something that requires money, something of which we have very little of, and not anything the measly bits I could make from the like 3 job options I have here would pay for. Mostly because any bits I made would be going into helping catch up on things here.

    That, and I need proper motivation to actually GO, which would mean actually knowing what I want to do. I'm not the type that just does the "do this till something comes along"... I need to actually have a goal in mind, before I do ANYTHING... A goal other than waiting for something to catch my fancy.

    You'll find that I'm a rather difficult person. Everything must be planned out, taking into account all the "what ifs", and possible obstacles, and should a What If occur, plans must be made to continue to work around it. It drives my mom crazy, when she's sending me to the grocery store... Our conversations are usually something like this

    Mom: and get some of those rolls we got a few weeks ago.
    Me: They were out last time.
    Mom: Well, that was last time.
    Me: But what if they're out this time?
    Mom: They probably won't. Just get them.
    Me: You said that last time.
    Mom:.... If they don't have any, fine! Just get something else.
    Me: Okay. Like what?
    Mom: I don't know; rolls.
    Me: But what kind do you want? It's not like I can call you and tell you what they have when I get there.
    Mom: Just get some damn bread.

    .... I realize that I am highly annoying. I can't help it. My brain doesn't work on a "see how things go" basis.

    Roommates: It'd have to be someone I knew. Which actually limits my options to family... Though my cousin Erica DID express an interest in me moving in with her, to help out with her kids, while she works.... Of course, that would still leave me jobless.

    Haha, well, obviously, I'd like to be hugely important to a few people... I like to think I already am.


      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Well my first semester of my foray back into college life has begun too but I am NOT overloaded with anything ..yet by rights you would be expecting that I'd be dotting the last 'i' and crossing the last 't' of the next chapter of 'best....but alas I'm not...
      In the meantime here's a bit more from my 'lost tribe' tag.
      I'm going to assume that people read the last one I posted despite the fact that I didn't get any indication from anyone that they I believe this is the next segment...
      Picks up 2-ish weeks after Daniel has arrived in the SGC infirmary from Atlantis. He is being released from the infirmary

      2 weeks later.

      “I’m not sure I can do this Samantha.”
      Sam smiled reassuringly at her friend’s image on her computer monitor.
      “It’ll be fine, Vala. And besides” she tilted an eyebrow and shrugged, “you kinda don’t have a choice in the matter, you’re the only one of us that can be spared from regular duty for awhile.”
      Vala sighed, fiddling with a something she’d picked up off the desktop. “Yes I know, and it’s not that I object to being taken off active duty to stay with him, but you know how we can get when we’re been in close quarters for an extended period of time. I don’t want our tendency to get into disagreements hindering his recovery.”
      Sam raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I doubt that your disagreements are going to actually hinder his recovery. If anything they’re more likely to make him feel like he’s getting back to normal if you’re not treating him with the kid gloves that everyone else has been doing for the past few weeks. That being said though it might be a good idea if you go into this knowing what not to do. So what I’ve learned over the years is that he hates someone hovering over him while he's recovering from something. HATES it. BUT…you are gonna have to be almost telepathic to know when he does need help, because you know how good he is at admitting it.
      And you need to be tough. Don’t let him get away with stuff. I can guarantee there’ll come a day when he’ll be feeling so much like himself again that he’ll push his limits. And the next day you’ll be the one having to deal with him being cranky and pissy because he’s sore and tired. Don’t put up with that. If you think he’s pushing himself you get in his face and tell him so. OH and DO NOT let him charm you into letting him have his way.”
      Vala interrupted with a burst of laughter. “Charm Sam? I’m sorry Samantha but charming is not a word I normally associate with Daniel.”
      Sam’s mouth twisted into a smirk. “Oh don’t kid yourself Vala. You’ve only ever seen his pre-occupied, focused on saving the galaxy mode. When he wants to he can be quite charming. And if he’s trying to get his way, he won’t hesitate to flash his dimples and bat those big blue eyes. So be wary…if anyone is going to be affected by that smile that makes his eyes light up, it’ll be you.”
      “Hey!” Vala huffed with a frown, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
      Sam shrugged, “Just that you’re more likely to be susceptible to his charm than any of the rest of us.”
      Vala scowled. “Oh and why is that?”
      “Vala,” Sam voice became gently scolding, “you’re in love with him.”
      Vala’s scowl vanished, her gaze dropped to whatever she was still fiddling with and she shrugged.
      “Vala,” Sam said softly, “you need to tell him. Maybe this is the time, while you’ve got his undivided attention to have that long, HONEST talk you should’ve had ages ago.”
      Vala’s head came up again and she looked at Sam in puzzlement.
      “Why would I do that Sam?. He doesn’t want that from me.”
      Sam sighed. “You sure about that?”
      “Yes of course I am. He’s always made that abundantly clear. Telling him would make things so awkward between us, Sam. It might even ruin the friendship that we’ve actually been able to establish,” she shook her head, “I’m not willing to chance that. His friendship means more to me than anything else.”
      Sam let out another long sigh, then suddenly tilted her head to one side.
      “Look, I’ve gotta go” she said over the background sound of an announcement over the Hammond’s PA, “I’ve been called to the bridge. When I’m back in two weeks I’ll round up the others and we’ll descend on you guys for an evening…and I’ll also see if I can’t spell you off for a coupla of days to give the two of you a break from each other.”
      Vala smiled with a nod. “Okay, that’d be great…look forward to seeing you then. Good luck Samantha.”
      Sam returned the smile. “Thanks and good luck to you too…and think about what I said wouldja?”
      The brilliant but fake smile Vala gave her didn’t fool her for a second. She didn’t figure she’d arrive home to find that Vala’s relationship with Daniel had changed one iota.

      Hope you liked that...and I think the next chapter will be posted in the next day or two.

      Lovely LC, just love the publishing on ALLDaniel or

      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
      Just a FEW huh?

      Personally, I wish time was moving just a little bit slower...

      Okay, okay... a few rounds of Zuma, some music, and then it's on to the fic... I WILL write this thing.

      Oh I'm a Zuma addict at times too.
      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Second that completely Kelly...and really don't worry about the "deciding what you're gonna do for the rest of your life" me, unless you're lucky enough to find your life's calling right out of the block, whatever you do at 18 is not likely to be what you'll do for the rest of your life. Since I graduated from high school in 1977 I've gone in two directions...and now coming back to college I'm headed in a third direction. It's taken me this long to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up...the topic of this college course fits me really well, but my writing may still take me other places too.
      So try something and see where it may take you places you never considered....just get out and see what the real world has to offer.
      I agree with the other gals....give college a try (there are plenty of grant/scholarship/loan programs out there to help you into college)- even if it's just a local community college. it will help you decide what you want to be when you grow up...(I'm still working on that myself! ) I had majored in Nursing, journalism, nursing again, and finally in I'm in law school


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        I do love this and continue to wait with baited breath!
        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post

        Lovely LC, just love the publishing on ALLDaniel or

        Glad you're both enjoying this...not posting this anywhere else...just sharing it here because I'm feeling guilty about how long it's taking me to finish the next chapter of 'best'...which I hope will be posted in the next day or two.

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Glad you're both enjoying this...not posting this anywhere else...just sharing it here because I'm feeling guilty about how long it's taking me to finish the next chapter of 'best'...which I hope will be posted in the next day or two.
          You need to hurry and get done with "best" and then share this goodness with the rest of the world.

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            You need to hurry and get done with "best" and then share this goodness with the rest of the world.
            Yes I agree...I do need to hurry and get done with 'best',lol....I can't believe I've been working on almost two years ACK! I knew this was gonna be a big project but I thought I'd get thru it faster...the chapters have become deeper and longer than I ever intended...and it's a little more than half donef...once I get thru the current miscarriage angst I hope my pace picks up.
            'Suppose there's nothing stopping me from posting my other stuff at the same time though is there.


            My Fiction:


              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
              Yes I agree...I do need to hurry and get done with 'best',lol....I can't believe I've been working on almost two years ACK! I knew this was gonna be a big project but I thought I'd get thru it faster...the chapters have become deeper and longer than I ever intended...and it's a little more than half donef...once I get thru the current miscarriage angst I hope my pace picks up.
              'Suppose there's nothing stopping me from posting my other stuff at the same time though is there.
              Has it been two years? Doesn't seem that long.

              Post post post!!!

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Two years, LC? Wow. Lots of work

                I had a brilliant idea this morning, that I'm now kinda wishing I hadn't had...

                My mom's always looking for things to do for christmas gifts, that she can make herself. Y'know, like homemade coffee/hot chocolate kits- with candy and chocolate covered spoons- or the candied pecans coupled with cute little stuffed animals... Always wants to do something different.

                So, this morning, I find a picture of the most adorable teddy bear. So, I suggest to her why not do handmade one-of-a-kind teddies this year. With the TONS of fabric lying around, it wouldn't be that hard... She says no, 'cuz she prefers that they be made with the mohair/synthetic fur...

                This is where my brilliant idea comes to mind. We have many, many, many many stuffed animals in this house. We all collect them. Our collections grow by the dozens every year. But, every now and then you'll have that relative that will give you one that you look at and go "KILL IT!", only you don't say that, 'cause that would be rude... No, you accept it, and it gets shoved into some dark corner where you never have to look at it.

                So, I said to mama "hey, we have all kinds of old stuffed animals that we don't like, or don't have a place for anymore... Why not scavenge all the fur from them?"
                I really expected her to say that it wouldn't work... But she didn't. She said it was a great idea, and she wondered why she hadn't thought of it in the first place.

                Now she's gone and dug out all her teddy patterns, and in planning on scavenging any ugly stuffies from the local second-hand store, to butcher them as well...

                Reason why I'm wishing I hadn't though of it? I'm the one doing the seam ripping, and I've already cut my fingers several times XD
                (yes, we're already getting started. It will take a while to make one for everyone, because we have one large ass family)


                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  Two years, LC? Wow. Lots of work
                  Yes...LOTS of work...more than I originally intended actually. Originally when I started posting in Nov of 2007 I wanted to have it all done and posted before AoT was released so real canon didn't mess up my plotline too much, but then my first beta read the first scene and she said oh but we need more something more in-depth, more of the little moments between them. After that it took on a life of it's own. And now I can't let myself rush a scene just to get it posted and move onto the next one. The other reason it's taking longer is because of waiting on 'beta' I've mostly dropped using a regular beta for stuff like spelling/grammar...other than not being unsure about commas sometimes my spelling and grammar are not usually an now the only 'beta' I use is actually more what I believe is called an 'alpha''s Merrykk and she just helps make sure that I'm staying IC.
                  The really cool thing I've discovered though is that despite taking so long nothing I've written so far can be disproved by canon. There were even times when my plot and canon merged...I had Daniel making a trip to Atlantis in that time frame long before TPTB wrote the script of Atlantis...and if I'd had been able to find just a few more spoilers I could've tweaked the wedding chapter to fit a the circumstances better.
                  Still overall I'm happy with the way this 'opus' is turning out...altho with the fact that the next chapter has taken me two months instead of the usual one it means that getting to the end is taking even longer.


                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                    Two years, LC? Wow. Lots of work

                    I had a brilliant idea this morning, that I'm now kinda wishing I hadn't had...

                    My mom's always looking for things to do for christmas gifts, that she can make herself. Y'know, like homemade coffee/hot chocolate kits- with candy and chocolate covered spoons- or the candied pecans coupled with cute little stuffed animals... Always wants to do something different.

                    So, this morning, I find a picture of the most adorable teddy bear. So, I suggest to her why not do handmade one-of-a-kind teddies this year. With the TONS of fabric lying around, it wouldn't be that hard... She says no, 'cuz she prefers that they be made with the mohair/synthetic fur...

                    This is where my brilliant idea comes to mind. We have many, many, many many stuffed animals in this house. We all collect them. Our collections grow by the dozens every year. But, every now and then you'll have that relative that will give you one that you look at and go "KILL IT!", only you don't say that, 'cause that would be rude... No, you accept it, and it gets shoved into some dark corner where you never have to look at it.

                    So, I said to mama "hey, we have all kinds of old stuffed animals that we don't like, or don't have a place for anymore... Why not scavenge all the fur from them?"
                    I really expected her to say that it wouldn't work... But she didn't. She said it was a great idea, and she wondered why she hadn't thought of it in the first place.

                    Now she's gone and dug out all her teddy patterns, and in planning on scavenging any ugly stuffies from the local second-hand store, to butcher them as well...

                    Reason why I'm wishing I hadn't though of it? I'm the one doing the seam ripping, and I've already cut my fingers several times XD
                    (yes, we're already getting started. It will take a while to make one for everyone, because we have one large ass family)
                    You got yourself in the middle of something there!

                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    Yes...LOTS of work...more than I originally intended actually. Originally when I started posting in Nov of 2007 I wanted to have it all done and posted before AoT was released so real canon didn't mess up my plotline too much, but then my first beta read the first scene and she said oh but we need more something more in-depth, more of the little moments between them. After that it took on a life of it's own. And now I can't let myself rush a scene just to get it posted and move onto the next one. The other reason it's taking longer is because of waiting on 'beta' I've mostly dropped using a regular beta for stuff like spelling/grammar...other than not being unsure about commas sometimes my spelling and grammar are not usually an now the only 'beta' I use is actually more what I believe is called an 'alpha''s Merrykk and she just helps make sure that I'm staying IC.
                    The really cool thing I've discovered though is that despite taking so long nothing I've written so far can be disproved by canon. There were even times when my plot and canon merged...I had Daniel making a trip to Atlantis in that time frame long before TPTB wrote the script of Atlantis...and if I'd had been able to find just a few more spoilers I could've tweaked the wedding chapter to fit a the circumstances better.
                    Still overall I'm happy with the way this 'opus' is turning out...altho with the fact that the next chapter has taken me two months instead of the usual one it means that getting to the end is taking even longer.
                    Just remember! We love your version of post AoT canon!

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Mag has another fic up! Awayday It's in the M section, boys and girls.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Mag has another fic up! Awayday It's in the M section, boys and girls.
                        Thanks Misi. For some reason I can't fathom, Awayday won't turn up on the All selection and therefore I have got it toddling between M and K-T just for fun. Second chapter is up .... Vala and Daniel with the monks for anyone that is interested.



                          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                          Thanks Misi. For some reason I can't fathom, Awayday won't turn up on the All selection and therefore I have got it toddling between M and K-T just for fun. Second chapter is up .... Vala and Daniel with the monks for anyone that is interested.

                          off to read....


                            Hi Oven

                            Well I am back to normality now. Two weeks in a hot and beautiful country relaxing by the pool has now got to stop. (shame) I had a wicked time, held an 8ft python (which was awsome) and went snorkaling for the first time EVER! I loved it and am now looking into doing my PADI. Unfortunately, I can't do it yet as I can't quite get into the wetsuits! I've lost 2 stone since February but still too big at the moment. At least it gives me time to save up for it too.

                            Hope everyone is well and baking away nicely in the oven.

                            Originally posted by TishTash View Post
                            Heres the link for Mags ficWhat not to do on a date Enjoy
                            Its been far to long since I was last here, I've missed this place. Damn computers breaking on me Glad to see people are still coming here and keeping the oven warm

                            Originally posted by LKS358 View Post
                            I know what you mean! It's been hot and sunny all week, and then this morning, it was like BAM! all cool and cloudy. It's supposed to be like this all this week, too... I'm starting to miss the sun.
                            I am really miserable now. Just got home from Turkey where it was 48c and sunny to England where I am freezing my behind off. Wanna go back

                            Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                            Haha, well, not here it ain't, which is fine by me

                            Lol, I will, I will! I tried to work on one of the vids yesterday, since that usually helps my muse, but I couldn't concentrate on ANYTHING...

                            Well... Monday's my birthday... 18.... Yay....
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE MISS

                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Mag has another fic up! Awayday It's in the M section, boys and girls.

                            Going to read this now.
                            I Believe
                            My FanFiction


                              Thanks Mis!

                              So far, only my mom, one of my grandmothers has remembered. My dad forgets every year, so there's no surprise as far as he goes....


                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                Thanks Misi. For some reason I can't fathom, Awayday won't turn up on the All selection and therefore I have got it toddling between M and K-T just for fun. Second chapter is up .... Vala and Daniel with the monks for anyone that is interested.

                                Oh, cool! I'm off to read!


                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

