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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post

    Daniel laughing like that, is really great. It suggests happiness and appreciation of Vala's humour. Nice.

    I'm not so sure it's that he's learned to appreciate Vala's humor (one, because I don't know Vala made the joke in that scene) but that he's learned to feel comfortable when he's happy. I actually addressed this in an Unending tag I wrote, but I think Daniel got so used to bad things happening to and around him that he forgot it was okay to be happy. Content, sure, but not really happy. And while Vala was over the top to him, her influence would essentially force him to go back to how he was before. Except force isn't the right word...more that it would be inevitable that he'd pick up on her usual good humor from constant exposure.

    ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
    ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


      Originally posted by gioia View Post
      missed my weekly SG-1 dose. Wish there was at least a mini series, perhaps just focus on Daniel and Vala. a girl can dream...
      You're not the only one. A mini-series focused just on Vala and Daniel would be really great idea... perhaps we should start a petition to Rob Cooper about it?


        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        I'm not so sure it's that he's learned to appreciate Vala's humor (one, because I don't know Vala made the joke in that scene) but that he's learned to feel comfortable when he's happy. I actually addressed this in an Unending tag I wrote, but I think Daniel got so used to bad things happening to and around him that he forgot it was okay to be happy. Content, sure, but not really happy. And while Vala was over the top to him, her influence would essentially force him to go back to how he was before. Except force isn't the right word...more that it would be inevitable that he'd pick up on her usual good humor from constant exposure.
        I always thought they were laughing at something she said because Sam cracked up and Daniel and Teal'c were both looking at her. Maybe wrong.



          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          I'm not so sure it's that he's learned to appreciate Vala's humor (one, because I don't know Vala made the joke in that scene) but that he's learned to feel comfortable when he's happy. I actually addressed this in an Unending tag I wrote, but I think Daniel got so used to bad things happening to and around him that he forgot it was okay to be happy. Content, sure, but not really happy. And while Vala was over the top to him, her influence would essentially force him to go back to how he was before. Except force isn't the right word...more that it would be inevitable that he'd pick up on her usual good humor from constant exposure.
          I think the whole gang did a lot of learning and re-learning during their years on that ship. I can't even imagine spending fifty years with the same small group of people. I live with my best friend and if he and I are stuck in the house together for more than three or four days I want to kill him. LOL

          It's obvious that they all had a great deal of influence on one another over those years of... intense exposure to one another. I thought that Mitchell was the one who kept himself most.... the same throughout the episode. He was the most stubborn, perhaps? The one who seemed to outwardly not accept the situation the most? I want to say that Vala loosened up or relaxed a little, because although she seemed pretty loose and relaxed before I thought it was more of a facade than the real thing. And Daniel learned to *share* again, to open up again and to let himself really LAUGH again. Good stuff. Really good stuff. I wish it hadn't been the last bloody episode, and that they hadn't hit the reset button on us, but... good stuff.


            Originally posted by tayradio View Post
            I think the whole gang did a lot of learning and re-learning during their years on that ship. I can't even imagine spending fifty years with the same small group of people. I live with my best friend and if he and I are stuck in the house together for more than three or four days I want to kill him. LOL

            It's obvious that they all had a great deal of influence on one another over those years of... intense exposure to one another. I thought that Mitchell was the one who kept himself most.... the same throughout the episode. He was the most stubborn, perhaps? The one who seemed to outwardly not accept the situation the most? I want to say that Vala loosened up or relaxed a little, because although she seemed pretty loose and relaxed before I thought it was more of a facade than the real thing. And Daniel learned to *share* again, to open up again and to let himself really LAUGH again. Good stuff. Really good stuff. I wish it hadn't been the last bloody episode, and that they hadn't hit the reset button on us, but... good stuff.
            Yeah... I hate the reset buttons myself, 'cause these usually are a huge steps backwards. No characters development. And in "Continuum" it was just squared ignorance of everything what happened during previous 2 years. Isn't it a kind of sabotage?


              Originally posted by tayradio View Post
              Happy Labor Day to my fellow American Fruitcakes! Happy Monday to the rest of ya's!

              Ahhhhh one of my favorites.... yeah, I know, it's a different holiday, but....
              LOVE that smile. What a phenomenal actor MS is to relay such love for this woman in a 2 sec long scene. You can just lookat his face and see years of adoration. (In my mind that scene is 2-5 years down the road)

              Originally posted by tayradio View Post
              I think the whole gang did a lot of learning and re-learning during their years on that ship. I can't even imagine spending fifty years with the same small group of people. I live with my best friend and if he and I are stuck in the house together for more than three or four days I want to kill him. LOL

              It's obvious that they all had a great deal of influence on one another over those years of... intense exposure to one another. I thought that Mitchell was the one who kept himself most.... the same throughout the episode. He was the most stubborn, perhaps? The one who seemed to outwardly not accept the situation the most? I want to say that Vala loosened up or relaxed a little, because although she seemed pretty loose and relaxed before I thought it was more of a facade than the real thing. And Daniel learned to *share* again, to open up again and to let himself really LAUGH again. Good stuff. Really good stuff. I wish it hadn't been the last bloody episode, and that they hadn't hit the reset button on us, but... good stuff.
              I love this ep for that. As I said I love his smile and Daniel did not smile enough...ever. I love seeing him joyously happy. I see Vala getting a little more mellow during the years. And I agree on Mitchell. I don't see him ever accepting the situation. I think he was very angry a lot and it made him a solitary figure. I see Teal'c the same except for the in love with Sam thing. And I see Sam as growing up. I don't know how to explain that other than the cello shows us she took that time and worked on things she always wanted to do. I see her becoming the person she always wanted to be to make up for the disappointment in herself over not being able to get them home.

              Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
              Yeah... I hate the reset buttons myself, 'cause these usually are a huge steps backwards. No characters development. And in "Continuum" it was just squared ignorance of everything what happened during previous 2 years. Isn't it a kind of sabotage?
              I know! Every Daniel and Vala interaction is so hard to watch. They were practically married for almost fifty years. He adored her and she was his lover and his best friend and then BAM...he is back to being snippy with her. I hate it...hate it. I want to shake him give him the big cosmic slap in the face...the one that gives you an epiphany.
              by: SerenaSerenity


                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                I always thought they were laughing at something she said because Sam cracked up and Daniel and Teal'c were both looking at her. Maybe wrong.
                I could be mistaken, but I believe in the commentary or something they say how BB made a raunchy joke or something that had them all cracking up...not sure if that was the take or what but I recall that bit But if you think about it, someone else having made the joke makes Daniel looking at her all the shippier

                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                I know! Every Daniel and Vala interaction is so hard to watch. They were practically married for almost fifty years. He adored her and she was his lover and his best friend and then BAM...he is back to being snippy with her. I hate it...hate it. I want to shake him give him the big cosmic slap in the face...the one that gives you an epiphany.
                Really, you had a problem with the end (aside from the reset deal)? I mean, yeah, they were kind of going back and forth but I saw it as a lot more light-hearted and good natured - more akin to the end of AOT then BH. He did smile at her And she did say our line, so I suppose that's something


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  I could be mistaken, but I believe in the commentary or something they say how BB made a raunchy joke or something that had them all cracking up...not sure if that was the take or what but I recall that bit But if you think about it, someone else having made the joke makes Daniel looking at her all the shippier
                  My impression of that scene was that Mitchell had made the joke, and Daniel and Vala were just sharing the amusement with each other— that's the kind of shippy relationship I'd expect of them.

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Really, you had a problem with the end (aside from the reset deal)? I mean, yeah, they were kind of going back and forth but I saw it as a lot more light-hearted and good natured - more akin to the end of AOT then BH. He did smile at her And she did say our line, so I suppose that's something

                  We're talking about the end of Unending, right? (pardon the paradox) I loved it! It was that snippy banter that yet has all the good will that they've accumulated behind it, unlike some other snippy banter they've had. That look they share after Daniel's comment about silence is just priceless, in that "love ya but that doesn't mean I can't push your buttons" way.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Really, you had a problem with the end (aside from the reset deal)? I mean, yeah, they were kind of going back and forth but I saw it as a lot more light-hearted and good natured - more akin to the end of AOT then BH. He did smile at her And she did say our line, so I suppose that's something

                    You mean the end of Unending? Oh no, I loved it. Sorry, I should be more specific. AOT bothered me. You're right it is much more light hearted than BH, but I guess the reset button is what I am angry at. They are always cute together, but to see what they could have compared to what they do have in sucks. They were so good together and they have no idea. Someone at work said to me when we were talking about feeling too young to get married that "if you know who you are going to spend your life with...don't you want to start that life right away?" And it just got me long would it take those 2 crazy kids to get it together and let's face it...would they? Daniel is about to make an appearance in Atlantis...I know the chances of Vala's name being mentioned is slim...but I'm guessing he's still a single guy. And what it's 1-2 years after Unending? They obvioulsy need a big moment to wake them both up...Daniel more than Vala (as we have discussed a million times on this very thread), but can they get that moment? I don't see SG-1 staying together forever. I want to believe they will. I want to believe Daniel and Val will get together and have adorable book geek babies. But sometimes I think the odds against them have the upper hand.

                    That is the one question I will never ask MS...for fear his answer would be no...Unending was special circumstances.
                    by: SerenaSerenity


                      Hey guys, just popped in to say hi. Stressed about my future-deciding meeting tomorrow morning so I need to get to bed asap

                      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                      Why is everyone so damn convinced that [I'm[/i] responsible for the colds? My mom's sick now, and that's my fault, too, according to her.... But it's never HER fault on the rare occasions that I catch something from her XD
                      Well of course not, obviously you're point-zero If you caught a cold, you probably caught it from yourself

                      Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                      Lol, it is kinda pretty. Oh, and it may not be nonsense after all... it's in swedish....
                      LoL! And here I was trying to hone in my good hearing to figure out what they were saying

                      Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                      my status

                      about ncis
                      DUDE! that was one hell of a season 5 finale i wonder how theyre gonna fix that.
                      It was a hell of a season 5, imo But the team is too perfect together, there's no way the PTB will keep it apart for very long I think...I hope...I pray, I beg, I implore, I plead, you get the picture

                      Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                      i want to do that pretty please
                      Have at it, darling!

                      Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                      milenaaaa, i wrote an introduction for the marks thread, what do you think? can i post it like that??

                      Welcome Marks-lovers!

                      Ahem, this thread is dedicated to the wonderful actor Christopher Martin who plays the lovely Major Marks on SG1. Hopefully there are more fans of him, i invite you all to join us as we hallow the awesomeness that is Christopher Martin aka Major Marks!

                      Thank you and now go and have some fun
                      Love it! Might want to encourage the sharing of fave moments/pics and such

                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Don't encourage her

                      Hush, you. You know, I think you're protesting way too much for this to be a sincere objection.

                      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                      I think its too late for that, besides aren't you the one who capped the pics for her?
                      HA! Well said, Cat, well said!

                      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                      I love how, by this point, Sam is wearing one of Vala's hair clips. And how happy Daniel is—you don't see him like that in the rest of the series. Sam gets her giddy moments, but not Daniel.
                      Ooooh, good point, Merry! I'd always noticed the clip but I'd never made the link

                      Originally posted by Ladyinred View Post
                      You're not the only one. A mini-series focused just on Vala and Daniel would be really great idea... perhaps we should start a petition to Rob Cooper about it?
                      We could put it in with the scrapbook

                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Really, you had a problem with the end (aside from the reset deal)? I mean, yeah, they were kind of going back and forth but I saw it as a lot more light-hearted and good natured - more akin to the end of AOT then BH. He did smile at her And she did say our line, so I suppose that's something

                      And he (...and oddly, Cam) REACTED to it! Signs and symptoms of a partial reset imo
                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                      Banner made by Stef!


                        Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                        You mean the end of Unending? Oh no, I loved it. Sorry, I should be more specific. AOT bothered me. You're right it is much more light hearted than BH, but I guess the reset button is what I am angry at. They are always cute together, but to see what they could have compared to what they do have in sucks. They were so good together and they have no idea. Someone at work said to me when we were talking about feeling too young to get married that "if you know who you are going to spend your life with...don't you want to start that life right away?" And it just got me long would it take those 2 crazy kids to get it together and let's face it...would they? Daniel is about to make an appearance in Atlantis...I know the chances of Vala's name being mentioned is slim...but I'm guessing he's still a single guy. And what it's 1-2 years after Unending? They obvioulsy need a big moment to wake them both up...Daniel more than Vala (as we have discussed a million times on this very thread), but can they get that moment? I don't see SG-1 staying together forever. I want to believe they will. I want to believe Daniel and Val will get together and have adorable book geek babies. But sometimes I think the odds against them have the upper hand.

                        That is the one question I will never ask MS...for fear his answer would be no...Unending was special circumstances.
                        At first I was surprised that you didn't like their interaction in AOT, but reading further I can see where you're coming from. I think their banter is nicely friendly, close even, but not IMO about-to-get-married style. Yeah, time could be running out for them, but that actually doesn't bother me about AOT or even Continuum much. Until we see them all old and they haven't hooked up, their future is in the imaginations of the fans. And I, for one, have an actively happy one.

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Can you tell I'm bored? Three posts in one day...that is a record for me.

                          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                          At first I was surprised that you didn't like their interaction in AOT, but reading further I can see where you're coming from. I think their banter is nicely friendly, close even, but not IMO about-to-get-married style. Yeah, time could be running out for them, but that actually doesn't bother me about AOT or even Continuum much. Until we see them all old and they haven't hooked up, their future is in the imaginations of the fans. And I, for one, have an actively happy one.
                          I agree with you that their future does rely on us and in my head they make it. Cause I'm a romantic and we've seen how good they are for each other. I didn't mean to be so depressing. Like I said I like the interaction in AOT okay...pretty much anything Daniel and Vala I will take. I just want more and I don't know if the writers are ever going to give us back what we got in Unending. Unless they know the last movie is going to be the last which they were going to tie everything up. I should also note that I didn't like AOT in general, so some of what I think of the D/V interaction may come from my lack of interest in the movie.

                          Anyway...all the fics in my head that will never ever be written always have a happy ending for them. I care not what the real SG writers think. Those two are destined for each other.
                          by: SerenaSerenity


                            good afternoon cakes!!
                            anyone care to cheer me up?? my mood is very bad today, feeling alone and frustrated *sniff*

                            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                            Thanks Mags for the help on MSN. It's quite an experience for me. Hugs.
                            was a pleasure
                            and thats just the beginning of the journey! more fun to come

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                            It was a hell of a season 5, imo But the team is too perfect together, there's no way the PTB will keep it apart for very long I think...I hope...I pray, I beg, I implore, I plead, you get the picture

                            thats exactly what i think too, PTB just like to screw things up to make us go "omg! how they're going to fix that!", but i also pray etc. for a happy ending

                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Love it! Might want to encourage the sharing of fave moments/pics and such
                            great! *squees* then i'm on my way to post the pretty think i'll add a picture or two to the welcome post

                            ETA: marks thread is open *mwhahaha* lol
                            Last edited by sg-daniel; 02 September 2008, 07:34 AM.


                              Is there a D/V video with Daughtry's "What About Now"? I was so sure there was, but I can't find it anywhere.

                              ETA: New sig!!!
                              Last edited by MerryK; 02 September 2008, 10:27 AM.

                              ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                              ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                                *crawls out of bed*

                                being sick sucks.


                                ...*wipes off screen*

                                If only I had a Daniel to cuddle me and make me feel all better

                                *falls back into bed*
                                My Fic: LJ &

